
Swell AI Transcript: S1 E13.wav
00:00 Danny Welcome to the Lost Boys Scouts podcast. How's everybody? I'm so good, Danny.

00:10 Tyler How are you? So good. It's Sunday night. It's late. We're getting an episode out. We got a huge announcement with this episode. Let's do it. Huge announcement. Should we just drop it? We should.

00:21 Danny Let's just go ahead and drop it. It's working out. It's working out. The, the, the, the, everything's aligning. We're, we're still organic. Yeah. We talked about this, that we want to be organic. We want to be organic. We just want to be fatty, not fatty, but faddy. Yeah. You know, and we believe in the things that we're talking about. We believe in, we believe in ourselves. We believe in our systems. We believe in everything that we are preaching. You know, we believe in it.

00:44 Tyler And so we're going to do it. And ultimately our goal is to create a community of men. Yeah. Right. And, and we're starting that. Last, last episode, we announced a new, a new partner, new quasi sponsor in Mountain Elite Massage. And we are super grateful to announce that they are hosting at least one. Yeah. This is, this is interesting. I got news for you because I've been talking, talking, texting, texting, that's texting and talking. That's awesome. You just invented a new word. A new word. You lost your texting. That's awesome. Yeah. We were talking and texting and talking back and forth via chat. And the announcement went out on social media. You've probably seen it. If you follow us on social media, if you are a member of Mountain Elite and you're part of their inner circle. I know Crystal was kind enough to send it out to her group of men that we are going to be hosting an event on September 27th. It's a big day. Oh man. A big day because it's Danny's birthday. Yeah. It's also a big day because we are planning our men's ascent, introduction to men's ascent.

01:50 Danny The response we've gotten so far without the podcast announcement is there needs to be more than one of these. For sure. So I have been reaching out. I did like a test reach out. I showed you what I was going to send out as a test and I sent it to four people that I thought that I said to them, this is what we've been talking about. Right. And those men all came back and like, yes, tell me where to sign up. Tell me how to tell me what I need to do. There was some confusion on what exactly it is. And let's get into that. Let's do a recap. Let's talk a little bit and then let's really hit that hard because I think it's going to be really, really cool for us to explain what our thoughts are on these situations and our goals to create this community. And it is. It's hard for men to put themselves out there like that. 100%. And if you can get around other men that want that are excited about it, they want to learn, then it makes it a lot easier on you. Right.

02:54 Tyler Yeah, you really do. You need a tribe. You need a tribe. And obviously, Danny, you and I have a tribe of absolute killers. We had a beautiful pleasure of driving down to Lehigh on Saturday and just absolutely beating the shit out of each other.

03:08 Danny It was awesome. Huh? We were like, we were we were jabbing with each other and we're like, yeah, the five of us to come down and professor goes, man. As soon as you guys got out of the car, it was like just a group of killers coming in

03:21 Tyler and you can see that the Lehigh guys are like, oh, this is about to be a different day. I had someone white belt in there. He was like, you got to you got to slow down with me. And I'm like, no, no. Yeah. You stepped on the mat. You got to protect yourself. And I'm going to bring the energy that you get.

03:41 Danny It comes. But you know, so so really interesting. I actually trained four days this week, which is which is a rarity for me. I just kind of worked out for Misty and I that I was able to train a little bit more than normal. Usually I get two to three days. I had to take a couple of weeks off because of an injury. Came back in and got four days and each day was like, man, so much, so much better than the better than the day before. But yesterday, like like you were just saying, holy crap, I left there on Cloud Nine. Yeah. We all like had starry. We were talking, we were laughing. We had such a good time with that group that went down there from Park City. And all of the Lehigh guys always say, your guys bring such a different energy to the academy. You know, and it's because like in our academy, you know that you're training with killers. Oh, yeah. You know, absolutely. It's a it's a group of monsters. Absolutely. You know, and each guy has his own thing. We did get to train with a white belt. I found out today. I've heard I'd heard about him. I heard that he had a military career and that he has 30 years behind him. And I met it. I we talked to the we talked today and I found out who he was. And I was like, man, this is awesome. I heard about him and his energy was really cool because he was there today and he talked about like his his job. He's a special forces guy. And he said that he reached out to our friend, one of professors friend and said, hey, this is what I'm looking for. I need something in my life to give me balance. I'm fit. I feel fit. I know I've been doing this for a long time, but I need something. And I don't want to go into an academy where it's just a bunch of gym rats. Yeah. Competitors that are trying to kill each other. And then professors friend said, you need to reach out to Mike Diaz. He has exactly what you're looking for. And he came in and he said his experiences have been amazing. He said, I get my butt kicked and and I and I'm being humbled every day. And I thought to myself, this is what a great way to look at it. Like, yes, man, you have. And I told him. Jiu-Jitsu is one of the only places where you will constantly you will forever be a student. You will forever be a student. Right. Right. And there's no end game. Right. You can start whenever you want. You can finish whenever you want. Right. But but there's no end game.

06:04 Tyler There's no finish. Right. I mean, that piggyback so well. And I know we're getting distracted from traps. I mean, we've had great, great response from traps. My my sweet little cousin in San Diego has been listening to our podcast as she is raising her son by herself. Like, again, another big reason I I wanted to start this podcast, growing up with a single mother. Mothers sometimes just struggle to connect with their their sons. And so she reached out and just thanked me and said how grateful she was to just kind of have and hear this perspective. Yes. I think, you know, as I reflect on my own relationship, with my mother, there were things that I definitely reserved talking to her about because I didn't I didn't feel comfortable. You know, she was really grateful of the traps episode.

06:50 Danny Traps was cool. Professor and I talked a little bit about traps. And he was he said, I really like how you and Tyler frame the episode, the episode, the topic and how it can always revert back to Jiu-Jitsu. But the way you frame it is how a lot of people look at it. But they're not able to, like, voice it or say it. You know, when you're talking about traps and how you can get stuck in those situations, then it does become like I'm in this fight alone. I'm in this position alone. I'm nobody else is going through what I'm going through. And we get stuck in our own head like you were talking about. And so you start not trusting yourself. You start not trusting your your abilities or the things that you're you're thinking. And if you just can reset, you know, make a different reframe or do something different, look at it differently, get some different input, get some different insight. It might change how you were dealing with things. Yeah, you know. And so I really appreciated the the traps episode. I thought that we I thought that was another great one. We felt cool because we were one one and done. Yeah, we did it and we talked and and I felt like it was like, man, I can relate to what we were talking about.

08:03 Tyler 100 percent. 100 percent. And I fell into some traps that week as well. That was so it was like completely, completely applicable. You know, even though you're talking about it, we don't we don't we we preach our own. We are, you know, we consume our our own preaching. We're not just here to be.

08:18 Danny Sure. You know. Yeah. How do you always say that? Your message, your message or something?

08:24 Tyler Yeah, my message is my message. Right. Like, you know, and sometimes you have to realize that like you may set a trap and you get yourself tangled in it. Right. For sure. Yeah, for sure. The end of the Fox and Hound Disney movie. Yeah. The hunter gets stuck in the bear trap.

08:40 Danny Yeah. Kind of embarrassing. But yeah, and we want like even with the idea of I told Tyler this, that that I was looking at our I was looking at our our episodes and it was kind of like we're writing chapters in books, right? We're writing our writing our own story of things that we think about. And we Tyler sent me a the podcast with Hennor over the weekend and and he has that new book coming out, the 32, 32 principles, 32 principles. Yeah, that's kind of what I was like, man. We're we're we have this we have life life chapters that we're falling back on, right? Like that we're working on. And this is how come we're we're really reaching out to our community and reaching out to our men. But we're we're also like, like I said from the beginning, we want to do it organically, we want you to trust that what we're talking about is what you're going through. Yeah. You know, and his 32 principles, I thought were really cool

09:39 Tyler the way he framed them. So absolutely fascinating because I felt very similar thread. I actually I sent you the podcast and said, you know, look, look, we're starting a trend, right? Like applying these principles. And I think obviously, you know, he's got, you know, 40 some years of experience. You know, kind of distilling this down and even looking at it from a business perspective, which I thought was really interesting in the Jocko podcast. And then whether you like kind of his philosophy on how he teaches jujitsu or not or jujitsu. Jujitsu. Yeah, yeah. It's funny to hear him say that because you're like, you're from Temecula or whatever. Yeah, you're you're you're American. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to I'm going to, you know, throw a little shade. But honestly, like I'm super I was kind of super stoked on like, he's distilled it down to, you know, a very finite set and group of principles where, you know, we are, you know, we're discovering those on our own. And I'm interested to read the book and kind of see how well they they really apply to me and if I can if I can gain resonance there. Because he has such a storied background. What third generation?

10:47 Danny Yeah, third generation is grandpa's alio. Right. You know, he's got he's got a gift, which is where I told Tyler, like, I mean, I have complete disagreement with him. On his take on jujitsu, complete disagreement. I appreciate what he's saying, but I don't believe that you can look at YouTube and learn jujitsu. I believe you have to go to class to do jujitsu. And that's what I told Tyler is like, hey, man, like, it's great to have like a guy that has 40 years of jujitsu. Of course, he looks like a magician when he comes in to a to a person that has no background. But you and I have to have each other's bodies to actually learn jujitsu. We have to learn jujitsu. We have to like I can't be as a white belt teaching you where I need your hand or your or your leg or your your energy to come from. You know, and so I appreciate what Hennor I appreciate his. I appreciate his philosophy. I really like how he breaks things down. He's a very, very, very good skill set of talking. He has a really good way of drawing you in. And I like I appreciate that. Like, I think it's a cool. Yeah, it's a cool introspective of of how he does things. But I just in my opinion, it's like, man, I don't want you to tell people that you can come to my to professors academy after learning a couple of moves on YouTube and think that you'll be able to survive with Tyler for stripe white belt.

12:10 Tyler That is going to be like sharp baked to you. Yeah. Well, and you know, to his credit, I will say if it gets more people in the door doing jujitsu, great. Just don't fall into the trap of false confidence. I agree. Don't fall into the trap. But it was constant. Get on the mat. Very well. And if it gets you, if, you know, watching some videos gets you a little bit more confident to get on the map. Good for you. Definitely. I loved I loved the way he framed up his his his section on boundaries and a couple of podcasts. I listened to two. The Jocko one. And then I listened to the School of Greatness with Louis Howe. So, you know, one with a jujitsu practitioner practitioner and some and the other with just nobody in this gentleman who just doesn't do jujitsu. Sure. But he shared the example of when people don't know how to hear their voice, they won't set that boundary. So if you're in a situation where you're high, you know, your your cortisol is raised and you're in your fight or flight. If you've never heard your say yourself say, hey, stop right there. Like you are not going to be able to deploy that when it actually counts.

13:16 Danny And I thought that was super fascinating. I liked that. I liked when you told me that because for my kids class on Thursday, I did the stop. Don't touch me. Don't grab me. Don't do that. And one of the little tiny kids started crying. And it was because he was he was like really loud, really boy. It's because there's so much so much energy, so much emotion when you're thinking about that. Right. And I loved like when you when you shared that with me, because I used to do with my kids, like I used to tell them, like, let's hear your voice as loud as you possibly can. And then I went in the sauna and we both screamed. Like, I wonder if anybody could hear us out there. But it is having boundaries with or being able to hear your voice, being able to stop anything from happening that you're not comfortable with is a really, really, really, really hard skill set to have unless you practice it.

14:10 Tyler Exactly. You know, and it's a core. This is this is this is going to be a great segue into a set because it's really it's learning to understand your your body as it functions. Right. That cortisol raising those tears that that young man was was feeling on on the mat, like just that inexperience. Right. And we as men, we as human beings, we need to understand what our body is trying to tell us. Great. I've recently been introduced to the world of horses as feeling as feeling creatures, right, as feeling creatures. And there's so many parallels. I just finished an incredible book, which I hope we can do an episode on

14:47 Danny in the future. And, you know, I've got to start it. I'm going to start it. I have it. I have it in my eye.

14:52 Tyler I got it today. He sent it to me and I got it and and I have it ready to go. Right. Good. But because we we actually feel before we actually can can internalize those things and bring them into words, we feel it. We feel it in our nervous system. Is this something is this do I need to be afraid? Sure. Can I be relaxed? Sure. Our body is sending us these messages and we have to sit with it and learn about it. And that is, I think, a core foundational principle of what we want to do with our men's ascent corps. Right.

15:19 Danny Yeah, we we definitely want to attach ourselves to feelings right away. Feelings. How does how are you feeling? What are you feeling about this? And if you haven't practiced really digesting and really bringing those feelings into words, it it becomes one of those things where you get stumbled and then you just probably most likely go. I don't know. Right. I don't know. Or you or or you you you say what you think the person wants to hear.

15:50 Tyler Right. Fine. You fine. So you right. You get into that core. You either fight. So it's about becoming more emotionally aware. Are you going to fight? Can you be calm and have a conversation? Are you going to fawn and just, you know, you have to interpret what your body is telling you? Is this really a threat? So so the first core tenant is becoming emotionally aware, because as we are more emotionally aware, we're actually going to see that it improves our ability to relate and communicate with others. Right. And so, you know, a big part of this is going to be you introducing your breathing, your breathwork. Yeah. And I love like and I'm going to tease it a little bit because you see something in in some of the course you've taught me about. We don't ever learn how to breathe. It becomes a natural. It is just a natural thing. It just happens. Right.

16:41 Danny But if we're mouth breathers, we're mouth breathers like crazy. And I'm taking that from Hickson. But we are mouth breathers. We are not ever taught like how to breathe. Most of the time, what you what somebody tells you is to go take a deep breath.

16:56 Tyler Breathe slowly, take a deep breath. That's what meditation is. Right. Yeah.

17:00 Danny It starts you there. And you're you get lost sometimes in like, I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing here. Right. And a lot of times what I tell people is like, let's start with like the Thomas, the train, you know, like the train. He goes to. But what it does is it brings you back to your breath. And any time you're in an emotional situation and breathwork comes into play, it's all about focusing on your breath, focusing on what it looks like, what it feels like. And and so when we're talking to our men's ascent and we're talking to men and we're talking to controlling your emotions, fight or flight, you know, for a fact that if you're in a fight, you're holding your breath. Yes. You're not breathing correctly. 100 percent. If you're having fun, you're still probably holding your breath. But it's a little bit different because you're like excited about things. You're like, man, I want to remember this situation. Yeah. Tyler had a situation the other day where he was in training. And he's he calls me and he's like, man, I got to digest this. I got to digest this because I'm not sure how to process it. And it's because you felt like your cardio wasn't there. You felt like you were not fully in in tune with training. And what I told him was like, well, it's probably just because you felt anxiety and you were like, I just don't feel comfortable right now. Right.

18:21 Tyler And your number one job was to protect yourself. Right. Exactly. I hit a point both mentally and physically where it was. It was extra hot out. It was a daytime class. I was paired up with a couple of the larger guys in our gym. And I like to play bottom. I'm kind of a power bottom. I feel comfortable there. Like I like working from there. And I generally have not had, you know, feeling like feelings of claustrophobia. Sure. But I I ever since our tournament, July 8th, like I've had I've had a couple of feelings where I just hit the end. Yeah. Hit the end and there was nothing left. Nothing. And, you know, this hot day brought that those feelings back. Right. Like I'm done. I can tap. But why I needed I needed to like there was like a mental hurdle that I knew to overcome and definitely needed to process it with you.

19:16 Danny And that's how usually things come up with with with our conversations is that we are processing emotions. We're working on emotions. And then we have to like start from the beginning, work on what's what it what it could potentially be. And then like give you a little couple of avenues to work on. Right. And that's like how I likened you to to us. A lot of things that we work on is because in Jiu Jitsu, you have fight or flight as soon as you bump fist and bump knuckles. You know, you smack bump knuckles. There is either fight or flight. And right then you have to have a plan. You have to have a goal. And you have to have a mindset of how am I going to address the threat? Right. And so when we are into our men's ascent and we we start going through emotions and we start going through situations that we're working on, the men feel that men feel like I'm stuck in this. I'm stuck and I don't know how to get out of this. We go back to the beginning. We go back to like, OK, well, let's let's talk about why you're there. Not not all the things that got you there. Right. Let's just talk about like why you're there. Right. And that's let's like just let's be gentle with ourselves for a second, you know, and just let ourselves off the hook for a minute. Right. Let's imagine just going, you know what? It's OK. I'm cool. You know, I'm good. I'm going to get tapped by Will because he's a monster. Right. He was on me today. And I was like, holy crap, I can understand what Tyler was feeling because Will is learning his body and he is willing. He's willing. He's learning what it what he needs to do in order to get me where I don't want to go. Right. And I remember thinking this is probably what Tyler was feeling because I was starting to feel like, man, all of the walls closing in on me because of his gi. Right. And his weight was on me. And I was like, I just need to breathe for a second. I need to breathe. I need to get him going. And all I did was just redirect some of his energy. He moved and I was like, OK, good. I can breathe now for a second. Don't let it back over the top. Right. Right. Right. You know, and that's how we deal with problems in our life. Right.

21:33 Tyler Relationships, right. Emotions when it's redirected. It's slowing, slowing things, slowing things down. Right. Yeah. Is somebody choking? Is somebody like you say, is somebody bleeding? Yeah. Is something on fire? Like, let's really assess this threat. Yeah. And and and sometimes it just it requires us to go in. Right. I like to I like to use the phrase man in, you know, man in. Yeah. Right. We're often told to man up. And that just means power through it. Well, you know, powering through it on the jujitsu mat often will get your face smashed or hurt or hurt. Yeah. And so we have to man in and we have to start listening. And I don't think that this is is mutually exclusive to men. Right. We tell the story from the men's perspective because we are men. Sure. But I think this is equally important to anybody out there with a nervous system. Right. It doesn't matter if you're a horse or a female or a child or storied adult. Right. Like if you've got a lot of life experience, you need to start listening to what your body is telling you. What are we feeling? What are we really feeling and how are we assessing that?

22:47 Danny Yeah. And that's like what what our idea behind this men's ascent is, is just to start giving ideas so that we can like bounce these ideas off of each other and start looking at and looking at how to not because you're because here's the thing, like you're never going to be able to fix every single problem because another another problem is going to come up. That's like jujitsu. Right. Just because you stop the choke doesn't mean that you're not giving up your arm. Right. Right. Right. And Henner talks about like some of that stuff, like he talks about like setting up, setting up a guillotine with setting up like with doing something else. And now the person just puts themselves right in in the way I do. I say the same thing. Like I want your I want to move your arm, but maybe I need to move my body around your arm, not move your arm. Right. Right.

23:41 Tyler Well, the wrestler trap that the professor showed on Saturday. And most wrestlers will know they want to take away that base. Yeah. Setting people who have a preconceived notion. Right. Up.

23:53 Danny Up for failure. Yeah. And so that that's kind of like down the line of like how you look at things. There's going to be multiple problems. There's going to be there is. That's just how life is. But when we have baseline ways to address, start addressing problems, start addressing situations, then they're a lot easier to deal with. Then when you bring around people that you trust and people that you care about and not the toxic people that you know you have in your life, you just nothing you can do about that. There are toxic people in your life. We just need to always remember, keep them on the like outsides a little bit, you know, because they're going to come in every once in a while.

24:32 Tyler They're going to change your mentality sometimes. There are going to be people. And it really does start with I like to use the phrase doing the work. Sure. Right. Taking the look inside and manning in and taking a look inside. There are going to be people that don't want to do that. Sure. They are going to be reactive. Sure. And what we are doing is we are training our nervous system to one, understand what is it? What is it really saying to us? What is it really? What is it saying? Yeah, so true. Right. And you and I have the benefit of Jiu Jitsu really does that from a somatic level. Right. I know if you've got four fingers in my collar and you're on mount, that I'm in a bad situation and I need to start. You know, do I need to panic? Sure. No. When do I need to start panicking? Yeah. Right. Or you've you've slipped in, you know, the Darce. When do I start panicking? Right. Right. Is it before or after I start making that choke sound? Right. And and, you know, chokes are different than arm locks, right? Because there's there's a level of severity that you've got to do. But we can apply these same principles. I think this is what the 32 principles talks about. This is what we've been trying to reiterate with our own Jiu Jitsu messages. How do we extrapolate these principles and use them in everyday life? Yes. Right. Do I need to be, you know, how do I react to the email that came in? How do I react to the text from from my ex? Or how do I how do I deal with the situation in, you know, traffic? Right. Do I need to be reactive or can can I be more logical? Can I breathe through it? Can I understand what my body is telling me? Sure. And can I make better decisions and can I be more emotionally aware?

26:20 Danny Yeah. And can I address the problem with with a different method? With and and when we come in from our mindset of. When Tyler and I, Tyler and I, like we we are constantly like we're constantly bouncing off information with our friends around us. Like we'll like start talking to him about things. We'll start bouncing off some of the things that we're working on without them even knowing that they're kind of our guinea pigs, that we want to work on information. And a lot of times you start drawing people in because they because they want to share information. Right. Absolutely. And sometimes what it is is just that you have these thoughts in your head and they just need to come out of your they just need to come out. Right. Especially because like Tyler was saying with the man man up principle, you're told like man up means, OK, put it away. Yep. Put it away. Don't talk about it. Man man in means, OK, I'm going to I'm going to address it, but I'm going to like address it. We all have we all know that that person who is a fiery temper person that you're like, OK, I got to be careful around that that person, because man, as soon as I set him off, that's it.

27:32 Tyler Well, we are all that person. Yeah, right. Like we are that person ourselves from tempers. Right. But, you know, when we go through this practice and it is a practice, it's not it's not a 10 to one class. You know, it's not it is a practice. Beautiful. It's it's you know, it is the same principle that every drug addict, every alcoholic, every person who wants to accomplish a goal has to do. They have to do it day by day, day by day, step by step, daily, daily, consistent and be consistent. Right. Like it's and so that's where having a group of of accountability buddies or having a tribe, that's where this kind of all comes in and kind of comes full circle. Right. You're not alone. Right. So often we feel like we need to be the man in the wilderness that's alone and dealing with it. You know, our problems are for the most part, they're not that dissimilar. Maybe they manifest in a different way. Maybe we personalize them in in certain ways. Right. We could, you know, I could have get a flat tire and you could get a flat tire. And the way we both see that could be completely different. Right. And the way we react to that could be completely different. Agreed. And so we can we can help lift each other or we can help tear each other down. Great. And so that's what it's about. It's about becoming more aware as men and and, you know, having a small change in our little corner of of of the world. Right.

28:59 Danny You're in Heber City. And that's what I like. That's where I like to put like. Tyler and I's view on things is, is that we're right there with you. We are going through these these situations with you. We have our own. We can tell you from personal experience that we we have a quorum. I say quorum. Tyler hates the word quorum. But we have a battalion of men that we talk to that we discuss things with. And and sometimes my information that I give Tyler, he's like, cool, I appreciate that. But, you know, may not work for me that time. You know, I I I didn't really like you put in your chest in my mouth that day. I mean, so I'm going to I'm going to panic, you know, right. Or because like yesterday, right, the energy was just like crazy. Everybody was fighting really hard. And so I was my energy was my energy was like, man, I'm going to I'm I'm making sure that I'm getting my training in the day. Yeah. And then you go, OK, how can I how can I digest it in a different in a different point, like to a to a different avenue, a different direction and make sure that I'm still helping the people around me grow, right, because we are in the fight. We're not saying that we're we're like we're experts at this thing. We're not black level or black belt, black belt level. We are we're still in our journey. Right. And so when we bring the men together, we're going to be teaching you these these small concepts of the Tyler and I have. And all we're going to be doing is like, tell us your idea. Ask questions, right. Tell us, give us some input that what what maybe didn't help and did help. And then let's maybe Tyler and I are like, oh, man, I really like that. Yeah, let's let's change that. Let's let's go down that path. Yeah. You know, and that's when you when you're ascending, when you think about ascending and why we why Tyler even loves the word men's ascent, it's because we are ascending together. We're not like if if I'm making it to the top of the mountain, you're making it to the top of the mountain. Right. I'm not leaving you behind. Right. Right. Maybe I sometimes I have to hold you and sometimes you have to hold me. And sometimes we're together.

31:11 Tyler Well, think about all the great explorers of the world. Right. You you may have here some notable names, right. But did they do it on their own? No, no. Every single one of them had a group that was with him. We may hear, you know, the main character story, but we all have the potential for main character energy. Right. And if we can control where our energy is going, because we are in tune with our thoughts and our feelings, then we can direct our main character energy into accomplishing whatever it is that we want to accomplish.

31:43 Danny Agreed. And then you know what you'll do is you'll draw people in. Right. They'll want to be around you. They want to know like what you're doing differently. And you're going to be like, man, you got to go check out these these two dudes. Yeah. Just like have this idea of of not changing the world, but just changing their their little small community and improving your lives, your your son's lives, your your relationships around you. Because Tyler and I both have rough relationships. We have rough relationships with with people in our lives. And we work hard to. Set boundaries. To learn to set boundaries with those people and then to also incorporate what we're working on in in our life, because we're still students.

32:30 Tyler I mean, we are. We're going to be white belts for life. We are right. And and and and and and Grace said that in the 32 principles, the best black belts have a white belt mindset. Right. And right. And I was like, yep, you could have taken that right from our podcast. Agreed. Right. And we we've heard Master Sauer say it. We've heard Professor Diaz say it for Jeff Curran say it. You know, the story rings true. Yep. We we get out of we have to get out of our own way. We can't we can't let our ego win. We have to be in control of our ego. And we have to say, you know, there are there is something I could possibly learn from somebody else. And we're for an experience that they may have. So let's talk a little bit about this and we'll wrap up this episode a little bit, a little bit shorter today just because it's been a week. And, you know, I'm really excited about this event and I want to promo this event. So the date on the event is September 26th at 630. September 27th, September 26th, my birthday. No, I know I was confusing your birthday with my birthday. September 27th, which is a Tuesday. It's Wednesday. Sorry, Wednesday. Wednesday, Wednesday, September 27th. Here in Heber City, the address is 32 South Main Street. Don't just show up. Please register by calling Mountain Elite Massage. They will take care of the registration. There is a twenty five dollar fee that goes to them. That's because we are using their facility. They are gracious enough to actually have a physical location. You know, we want to help keep the lights on there. If this grows, you know, there may be additional associated costs. Maybe we'll do it in parks. You know, if you have a financial situation where you don't feel like you can get there, reach out to us on social media and we'll figure out how to how to work with you.

34:21 Danny Yeah, don't make money.

34:22 Tyler The reason why you're not showing up. Exactly. We'll square it away. Exactly. We are planning for about an hour. The agenda will be something like introductions. We want to, you know, tell our story a little bit deeper, a little bit more in person. Some of it, if you've listened to all the episodes of the podcast, you know, you're going to get the opportunity here live. Danny is going to take us through some breathwork. We're going to have a light stretch. We're going to then just kind of talk about why, why we're doing the men's ascent, what we really hope to do. We're going to tie in a little bit more of what we're doing with with actual science, the science behind it, some of the nervous systems that we're actually are actually functioning when we're on our fight or flight. And of course, there is going to be the opportunity that there's going to be a food truck there. So if you want to hang out and and have a beer with Danny for his birthday, we're going to we're going to we're going to make that happen. Please call the the Mount Elite Massage to reserve your spot. If if it fills up, I think we are going to try to have to. We are going because space is limited, we are going to cap it. We are going to be taking a waitlisting people. I think if we if it fills up with waitlist people and we'll do another one as fast as possible, it may not be as extravagant. It may just be the men's actual men's ascent course. But we really want to gauge demand here. So please call Mount Elite 435-315-2673. Let me try that again. 435-315-3673. Mount Elite Massage, Mount Elite Massage dot com. Thank you to them for sponsoring this event. Yeah, appreciate them. We are super grateful and humbled to have them in our corner. And if you are trying to treat your lady, you need to work out some of your own issues. You know, Crystal Joy and her her group of therapists, they work some magic. I think you can get facials that you can sit in the salt room. She has created a house of healing, a true sanctuary. So check out their other services as well.

36:35 Danny We like it. Yeah. And make sure like bring people with you, bring some, you know, and if you're listening, you're like, man, this person could could benefit from this information. Don't be afraid to sign them up, send them on their way and be like, hey, this is going to be good for you. Yeah. And and Tyler and I, you know, like I said, we're we if you know us, you know that we're super personable. We're not going to we're not going to make this so that it's unattainable. It's going to be so attainable in your wheelhouse because I've been working. I kind of sent this to Tyler. I've been kind of working on a mantra for some of the things that we work on. And so what I'd like to do is put it on like the three the three the three pillars that we're that we're kind of like thinking about. And and it's healthy forms of central nervous system regulation, healthy forms, healthy forms, things that you can do that will regulate that part of your body that is the balance, the balance of your life. Right. You can have that Zen and finally, huh? Finally. Yeah. And we're teaching. We're hoping to teach life skills to improve your life, love and mental clarity. Beautiful. These things, like I said, those are the ones that those are the ones that those are the ones that really attack you. You attach yourself to you, attach those you attach your feelings to you, attach your fight or flight to and ultimately suicide prevention. We don't want to lose any more men. Because they're lost, because they're struggling, because they're they're in addiction, they're in struggles, they're in anything. We had another young man that I coached in wrestling and he lost his life again. Sorry, he lost his life to overdose. And it breaks my heart because I think, man, these guys are young. You know, our community is young. Our children are young and I don't want to see that anymore. And so I'm willing to work my butt off, work really hard to to help do my part to grow healthy, healthy forms of dealing with struggles, you know, healthy forms, healthy things that will help you out. You can pass on to generations that you can help. And, you know, that's kind of how we see things. And we hope to see you. We've got we might be working on a fight program. Got that. I've got some some people reaching out to me that are saying, hey, when are you doing another fight thing? And I'm thinking, well, maybe, maybe we're going to we're going to work on October. I'm going to tell you a funny story. So most of you guys know that I I bought a BW bus and it's such a conversation. It is it is impressive how much this has made my name is these journeys when we're traveling in this thing. Everybody wants to talk to us. We were in the line the other day and the Quintet lady said, I want your life. I just want your life because Misty and I are in the vent and the bus and our dogs and bows sitting in between us. And the dogs are like it's just like a little house on wheels.

39:52 Tyler You say you and Carmelone.

39:55 Danny So Tyler and I, we put an awning on it. We have new tires. It's not. It looks so good. It looks so good. So it's getting tires. And I get a phone call and they says, hey, is that your bus in the in the shop? And I'm like, yep, it is. And I'm thinking they're just calling to ask me about it. And they said, I said, yeah, it's getting new tires. They're doing a quick check over it because we're getting ready to drive it to Colorado. By the way, we're not able to because it needs some maintenance, but it's OK. And they're like, really, man, how's the inside look? And I said, oh, it's beautiful, man. Like it needs some work, but it's good. How many miles? And I tell them and they're like, OK, somebody here wants to make you an offer on it. And I'm like, whatever. And yeah, lo and behold, I'm Harle Malone himself himself gets on the phone. He makes me an offer on this bus and on the phone. He got on the phone. So, yes, speakerphone and he's on the phone talking to me. That's awesome. I knew this kind of stuff. Like when you see my bus, you're like, dude, this is amazing. Right. Beautiful. Yeah. It's in great condition. Right. I knew what I was getting. I'm not going to tell you what he offered me for it. But every single person that I've talked to, that I tell how much he offered me for it, they're like,

41:15 Tyler what is wrong with you? That was my that was my response.

41:18 Danny And in the background, like when he's talking to me, when Carl and the other guys talking to me, they're like, this has to be you can't say no to this. And I'm like, you have you understand that I'm that I didn't buy this thing. Right. To sell it. I bought this thing because I know what I have. I know what I was able to get. I know that when people see me out and they want that, that you are like, I wish I was Danny, you know, and I have that personality where I'm like, man, I envy. Come on, envy me. Right. And I could tell that Carl hasn't been told no very often. And I was like, it's not like it's a great it's a great conversation starter. Right. Yeah. And so whenever people come over, I'm like, hey, yeah, don't forget. I on the podcast, too. So you can listen and I'll tell you all the stories about it. But it was kind of interesting. Yeah. Carmel and himself. Yeah. So funny. You're you're headed out of town. Yeah. Yeah. We leave tomorrow or Tuesday. But we're not able to drive it because it needs some maintenance. But we're going to take our jeep. So it's like we have the jeep and we'll go out there for Misty's birthday. Misty's birthday is on Tuesday. I know I'm excited. Happy birthday, Misty. Happy birthday.

42:37 Tyler This episode will be belated birthday by the time it comes.

42:40 Danny Yeah. And so we're going to go hang out. We're going to go and do. Oh, we're going to go to we're going to hike to Doc Holliday's grave. That's what she wanted to see. She wanted to go see. She wanted to go hike a couple of times. And we're going to head out to Colorado and go to Doc Holliday's grave. So it'd be fun.

42:57 Tyler Great experience. Great experience. Thank you so much. Thank you. Appreciate you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where can we where can we follow you?

43:04 Danny Still compassionate underscore gentleman. I did a little bit. I tried to do a little bit more posting, but like I was telling people from the beginning, I'm I'm still working really hard to be organic as possible. And I'd rather reach out to you and talk to you than you see me on social media and wonder if I'm actually who I really am. Come train with me. You'll see. There we go. How about you?

43:25 Tyler There we go. Same thing. Lost Boy Scouts dot com website, social media handle as well. I'm planning on training. I'll be there tomorrow night. I'll be there Tuesday daytime. And I'm hoping to get one more day in. I'm not sure if it'll be Wednesday day or. If it'll be Friday, but I'm going to try to get three weeks in. That's Saturday and Lehigh. Saturday. Saturday and Lehigh is hard. We got Swiss days coming into town. Oh, it's the Swiss days is coming to town. So I'm going to take take the kids to the parade Saturday. Nice. I like Swiss days. It's fun. I think this is the end of an era for me. It's not probably my last one that I ditched last year. And, you know, not feeling it, not feeling it. It's like it's just handicraft and homemades and. They do like the people, lots of powdered. This don't have a scone. So the I. Yep. Yep. So the last, you know, about 10 years I've been here, I've done the dough. I've done I've worked with the gentleman is his friend of mine. Russ is his friend of mine. He does the dough. He is a down to a science. That's what I like. That's the only thing I go there for. He's got the he knows exactly the power of a funnel cake or something. That's called the scone. Oh, this is scone. Yeah. It's going to Swiss scone. Yeah. So if you're in Swiss days, you know, grab a scone for Danny, because he'll be out of town. I'll be out of town. Look for Tyler. Yeah, I'll be there.

44:51 Danny Give me that. Don't don't smack fist and bump, because that means you have an agreement. That's on.

44:58 Tyler OK. All right. Cheers, everybody. See you guys. Bye.

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