From Newbies to Trending: The Lost Boy Scouts on Reddit

Welcome to the Lost Boy Scouts podcast. Welcome, welcome.

Episode. Episode. 20. 20, dude.

Can you believe that? No. 20 episodes. No. It's been a year. I had a goal to set out to do a year's worth of podcasting and here we are. We're not done yet either. We're not done. We're just getting close.

Yeah, we're getting warmed up. We're getting warmed up. Dude, what a 20. We were talking about it today, how big of an accomplishment this is, how amazing and how rare it is for first-timers like us to make it to 20 with still more content than we feel we've got to cover.

Yeah, absolutely. And really, we are just scratching the surface. We are discussing the issues that modern men The next generation needs to, they need to understand. And it's an ongoing conversation because our world is ever ongoing. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. For sure. So to that, I think we need a little toast. Cheers my friend. 20 episodes and many more to come. This is about to get hot. Oh, you just, you just, uh, you killed it. Yeah. I'm sipping on that.

It was warm. Really warm.


Yeah, dude. Congratulations.

Hey, same to you. I couldn't have done it without you.

It's been, it's been great. Um, the feedback, um, the community that we're building, the, the responses that we get on certain things. Right, right, man. How awesome is it to finally get some views to get some views on a video? Right. Yeah, man. We had a week, right, with this situation? Yeah, we had a total week. We had the release that came out on Friday, and we talked a little bit about just some of the things we have with Christmas, some of those bad feelings that you get with the holidays. And just recovering, kind of like covering some of the things that we've been through in the last week. I had gone to Mexico. We covered that. And you just, you get excited about certain things, right? You really do. knowing that we were going to record episode 20, I think I was like, really getting myself geared up for, um, what was it to come? What, what's, what are we going to talk about? And lo and behold, we get some good content, right?

Yeah. Yeah. We blew, we had a little blow up on last Friday as, as the, as the podcast was released. Um, I got a notification from one of our members , one of our watchers, watchers, patrons, watchers. Yeah. that we were trending on Reddit. We were trending on Reddit.

I had no idea what Reddit was. I was on my way to training when you called me and you were like, hey dude, have you seen this? And I'm like, I don't even know what Reddit is.

I have no idea. Reddit, I'm familiar with Reddit, right? It is really like the den of trolls, right? It's just a post form. Like I don't see positive or uplifting content really being in the annals of Reddit. Sure. And, you know, it's easy to get on an app and just, you know, shit on everybody else. And, you know, that's kind of what happened. The video of me that I posted to the Academy was somehow screen recorded and leaked. And somebody took that screen recording and posted it on Reddit with the comment, this is the dumbest was the dumbest ceremony since the gauntlet. And it's, it's, um, you know, one of our black belts, you know, tying on the new belt. And then as, as they complete that, they, you know, they choke, they should, they put you on a cross choke and you have the option to tap. But I think we discussed on another episode after I received my blue belt that I had already opted that I wasn't, I wasn't, I was intentionally going to sleep and waking up a new man.

Matter of fact, we had talked about different ceremonies at different academies, right? I talked about the fact that I've seen now the videos of people walking up and down the aisle while they smack them with a belt, and I'm thinking, how is that? any better, right? That you're hitting me with a rope. No, no, I'm not. Is it slappy in the eye and you're not smacking me with that thing, right? Yeah. Um, and so, so what ended up happening, right. Is like, you called me, I go into training and as I'm in training, it's the talk of what everybody's talking about in the academy. Like, Hey, did you see this? Hey, you and Tyler are famous. Right. And you had told me, 12,000 views in a couple of hours in a couple of hours.

Yes. On the, on the actual video itself. Uh, the Reddit post has something like 170,000 views currently.

Yeah. That is in my head. I'm thinking, man, um, uh, you know, audience is audience. Yeah. I don't give a shit.

No, no. And I'm, I'm the same way. Like I kind of knew Reddit is trolls, right? Like Reddit is, It's, it's people that want to, they see, they, they see something and they want to, they want to tear it down. You know, whether it's jealousy, whether they're really that morally right, that what, what I had chose to do was wrong. And that, you know, maybe I would suffer an aneurysm, whatever. And like, you know, I was aware of the risks. Like I grew up like, you know, making yourself pass out by putting your, Have I put your hands on your throat? Like, I remember parents at that time, like they were like, you're going to go crazy. You're going to pass out and hit your head. Yeah. Um, but I think I, I did it. I did it one as a symbol, as a symbolic for my own journey. Right. Like I worked hard for my blue belt. Um, what the, the Reddit trolls chose to focus on was one particular, uh, one particular portion of the actual ceremony. Sure. Because the video wasn't very long. The video was maybe 30 seconds long. Yeah. Shows me, you know, going to sleep, getting the belt tied around me and going to sleep and waking up, right? Like, You know, I did, I had the option to tap. He did. I fully had the option. I knew that. Yeah. I, I chose and I told Nick when he went to cross show me, he's like, I told him I'm going to sleep. And for me, it was about one, putting my trust in, in our black belts in our academy. I trust any single one, every single one of them without, without, uh, you know, I just trust him. Nick coached me in my first tournament. You know, he's been an advocate of me in the program. He's coached me in the gym. And I trust that man. I trust him. And I put my trust in him to treat me with respect and to do it with dignity and honor.

And from what I gather, Nick got raked across the cold. Yeah. Like they were talking about how the fact that like, that's probably the, this is only what I've heard. That's the only way he could choke you? No. That's the only way he could finish you? Right. That he doesn't understand jujitsu? Yeah. He got raked across the coals, which in turn, everybody in the academy was like, I want to jump on there. I got so many phone calls from people that were like, hey, have you seen this?

No. That was my biggest concern, right? Like, you know, going back to that point, like I can handle the haters, right? The ones and zero haters. Um, they're easy. I know what they're, they're feeding off of. They're feeding off the fact that they're faceless. Right. And it's just them behind a keyboard, keyboard, black belt. Sure. What I did not want to see was, I did not want to see the name of our academy. I did not want to see our black belts. And I certainly didn't want to see Master Sour's name spoken of derogatively because it was my decision. It was my decision to not tap. 100% my decision.

And there was more, then somebody said there was comments about a barbecue and I was like, what is this? And then that's when you told me, listen, man, this is, This is just, like you said, the trolls of the internet that don't have a name attached to it, they just can do it anonymously. And then it just starts going down these different avenues, right? Right. I had a couple of people that told me that somebody jumped on and was like, hey, I've been up here. I've been to that academy. Those dudes are animals. Those dudes are tough. Go up there and try. Go up there and see if you think that they're not that good. And people would be like, well, what I'm saying, they're defending their point. And they were like, you can defend what you want, but go up there and tell them, go tell that black belt that he's not a black belt. Go see what he has to do. the people jumped on there to defend us and then other people's jumped on yeah to rake us a little bit more right yeah yeah um the dog laying on the mat i somebody's like yeah they're talking about a dog on the mat and i'm like well the dog is on the the on the logo right and they're like no no no there's a dog laying on the mat and i'm thinking Yes. Yes. We are a family. It's a family. We are a family. A family academy. And there are things that happen on the mat that you do as a family. Right. Right. The dog was laying on the mat and I guess they started making fun of the dog and how the dog was the purple belt or something.

They already put down the purple belt. You know, it's just, it's fun. People have so many quippy, funny things. Everybody, everybody's a standup comedian, right? And, and when you are protecting your ego, right? Like you were going to, you know, do it with humor. You're going to do it with sarcasm. You're going to do it. with whatever makes you, you know, you feel important at that time. It's like that line in, um, the wedding singer, you remember that movie with, uh, Adam Sandler, he's up there drunk and he's like, I got the microphone. So you're going to listen to every goddamn word I have to say. Right. That's what people on the keyboard want. They want, they want their moment in the sun. They want their opinion. They're just seeking validation. They want the likes. Yeah.


The funny upvotes or whatever, however Reddit thrives. Right.

Um, there was some, there definitely was some people that did not appreciate the fact that it was out there. Um, we had, we had, uh, Anthony that said, Hey, who, who put that out there? Right. He wanted to know who did that because, truth be told, in our academy, we do not post a lot of, a lot of videos. And if you come off the street and bring your video in, you are asked kindly to turn the video off because we do not, Now, you'll see some of us posting videos of the Academy, but we don't like, we don't, we don't do techniques on the, on the, we don't, we don't film a lot of things. And we're most of the time told like, Hey, no filming in the Academy. That was not what this was for. This was solely because we were sharing it with our Academy members because they had asked for pictures and videos. And for the most part, our Academy members were grateful for what we've shown. Yeah. And we had already talked about the fact that like, this is just our ceremony. Right. We are not, we don't go out there telling people that this is the right way to do it. Right. And, and it's just our Academy. Right. It really is. And, um, yeah, we, we ended up having to talk to, I mean, I talked to multiple people who were really upset about this thing and wanted to, to take action. Yeah. We, and, and Tyler and myself, like we decided to reach out to see if we could get the video taken down. Yep. whether it was or not like I don't really care we did our best to get it taken down because we didn't want it to seem like like in our academy in a limelight plus like Professor Mike is is is old school yeah he's very old school and he and he still has lots of communication with the old school generation who want to know at this point hey why why are we doing this right one because You know, we don't want to be out there promoting things like this. We don't want you to think that you should allow yourself to get choked out to a point where you don't tap. We understand that. We understand that. We are sensitive to that. We also don't want you to get any kind of injuries. that you could, you could prevent. Right. Right. And, and, and professor Mike told me very clearly, Hey, I want to make sure that you and Tyler understand this. Right. He wasn't like mad at us. He was, he thought we were like the movie stars, right. The fact that we got all this likes and we're famous internet famous for this thing. And he was cool about it, but he wanted to make sure that we understood that, you know, we're, we, we do represent the Academy.

So I heard a story as I was in the academy. I'm going to just share it. So this type of viral has happened to Pedro before. Oh really? Apparently he wrist locked somebody who groped his daughter and broke his wrist. And he was wearing a t-shirt that just so happened to be a Park City Jiu-Jitsu t-shirt. And it went viral as well. So we have this reputation of, you know, being, being, you know, internet, internet baddies, I guess. If you, if you want to, if you want to cast us in that light, if you want to throw shade, whatever, that's your prerogative. You know, if you are promoting positive, we can be, we can be friends. If you want to come, like we've, we've put the message out at the end of every podcast. If you disagree, if you come find out for yourself, show up Sunday. you know, sign the waiver and you know, let's, let's go. I remember there was a drop in that, that put his phone up as I was near the end of my white belt and he was a blue belt or something like that. And he was filming our role and I was like, he didn't ask me if we could film. Right. Right. And again, I'm just a lowly, you know, white belt at this point. So I didn't, I didn't question it, but I said, sure as shit, I'm not going to tap on this guy's film. And, you know, I don't think I made him look good. Right. Right. I'm not, I don't necessarily want my roles filmed. No. Yeah. You know, and I, and I get like the sanctity of, of what we do in the academy is it's our practice. Sure. It's our practice. It's what we do. Right. It's maybe not necessarily what you do, but it is what, it's what we do. Agreed. And we're okay with it. We signed up for it and we pay for it. We know.

Yeah, we know. And going forward, I think that we will still do the same ceremonies and we will probably do the tapping because there's only certain times that you're like, hey man, I'm not tapping this time. And you tell people, I'm not tapping this time.

If it hadn't been a year and a half of me working towards that blue belt, if it was a stripe, I'll tap for a stripe. I'm not gonna let him choke me out with a stripe, but something that was as kind of monumental for me. And meaningful. And meaningful for me. I was just like, I want to experience this.

Yeah, you know, yeah, for sure. And, and, and so, um, man, that was a fun, it was a fun go for that thing lasted. I remember somebody saying that there was 50 to 60 comments on a little text chain. in like an hour, like hour and then 50 more than 50 more. Cause people were like, people were defending us. They were, they were taught not, not in the Reddit, not in the Reddit chat, but in our little own group, me stuff, the people in the group means we're like, Hey, just so we're clear, man, like this, we will go down there and, and, and people telling don't get on there and tune people up, stay off of that to stay, stay off of that. We don't need to get on there. We don't, they want, it's what they want.

That's exactly, they want somebody to argue with them. Yeah, for sure.

Right? Yeah, for sure. That's exactly what they want. What a funny thing though, right? And, you know, we hope more things like, we hope that we grow. We hope that we grow. We hope in the next 20 episodes that we continue to build a common unity, a community of people, like-minded. If there's disagreements, if there's things that Tyler and I need to come on and clear, then we're okay with that as well, because we're not, We're white belts for life. We are always going to do this white belts thing. We're always going to cheer our friends on. We're always going to fight really hard for our values, our beliefs, and our principles. And we're not going to back down when things like that are challenged by that kind of stuff. But we also can say that we prescribe to certain things. You know, we do. We prescribe to certain things. And we have like these big goals and these lofty dreams, right? And we bounce these ideas off of each other. And all we look for is just like-minded people in our lives. Like-minded people.

And, and being kind and being resourceful, being helpful, being encouraging, that takes just all it takes is, is the ability to see people and see them in a good light. Right. You know what I mean? Like it really does. And I don't, you know, I don't, I don't know very much about the internet. I, you know, I watch videos and I see certain things on the internet that I'm like, I don't understand. I don't understand this. I don't get it. I don't, I don't understand it, but I'm not going to go on there and make a comment about something that there, that somebody felt that that was, that that was cool. Right. You know what I mean? That, that this is cool. And they want to see that. Um, I have this really good friend at work and, um, his name's Jeremy. He's starting a YouTube channel for motorcycles. Oh, I want in it. I want in. I want in. He is, I tell him all the time. I'm living vicariously through him. I live vicariously through you, Tyler. A couple of the guys at my work, they ride bikes. I watch their videos. They're riding on their bikes and his, um, is a personal, um, viewpoint. And then he kind of talks over things today. He did one on, um, on a, uh, um something you plug into the bike that that helps tune it oh yeah yeah i saw that and the tuner there's a little issue with the tuner where it disconnects or it connects to your bike and now it's not tuning and he couldn't figure that out and it was just a simple fix and he was so excited about it he was stoked yeah he was uh he put it up on the uh the camera the tv at our our work and was talking about yeah And I was like, you know, it'd be really easy for people to tease him about that because he's super passionate about it. And he'd be easy for him to in return, like defend it. Right. But him and I talk about it and I'm like, man, remember, like, just have a good time. You're a white belt. I explained to him the white belt part and cause he's like overthinking a lot of things. But then when you see the video, you're like, this is amazing. Right. And, uh, just to give him a quick shout, ATC, Jeremy on YouTube, look him up. Um, his videos are really short. His bikes are sick. Yeah. He's a Harley guy.

That's a pretty bike. It's yeah. Very pretty. Um, in the biking world because you're you you ride bikes like your bike is like a reflection and an extension of you oh yeah absolutely and you put things on it to make it look cool right well you want it you want it it's just like it's no different than your your car it's no different than the bus right you're right like Um, and, and you know, you need that content when you're new into something and you want to learn and explore more about that. You need people who are knowledgeable, right? You don't have to agree with everything that's being said out there, but you, you start forming your own opinions and opinions are great. They're, they're yours. You know what I mean? Like it's the minute you start forcing them on other people where, where trouble happens, like, but you need that. Like as a new rider, like I crave new content, um, on, on how do I ride better? How do I extend my riding season? How do I make it safer for me? What things should I know about? Like, what's good gear? Like you can get on a website and look at all the gear that's out there and you're like, what's good. It's the same thing with Jiu Jitsu, right? You get to these videos and you want to see what's good. Sure. What are, what are people into? Like, how do I make my practice better?

And could you imagine if like one of his first videos, some dude shares it, some person shares it on Reddit and rips him apart. Right. And then he's like, now he's nervous to share things because he's so new in his practice. Right. Right. But if we can build people up and we can encourage him, like it's only going to make you and I better. It's only going to make us better. Right. Right. Because now our friend. who's now doing his own thing because he's inspired by you and I yeah and now he's stoked on that because it's another thing like you said right he this dude this dude spends some he spends time yeah his video of him riding up little cottonwood canyon in the snow

You're getting cold. Just thinking about it. I want to know how he rides this, this year, like this long and, and it, God bless him. It's his passion, right? Like my bike is tucked away. We're waiting for the spring weather. Cause I ain't getting out there on the snow.

ATC, Jeremy, Jeremy sick, dude. We'll, uh, we'll keep promoting that guy. And, and, uh, uh, next year, he's going to come on the podcast with us. He's going to come sit next to us and chat it up and, and chop it up with us. Um, but, but. Encompassing the whole thing that we've done in the 20 episodes is how to continue to be a good man, how to look for the avenues and the experiences and the people to help you continue to be a good man, right? Starting with Lost. Starting with Lost, because we wanted to go in sequential order and we had so much content, we didn't want to start getting sidetracked too soon. You know, we wanted to kind of like cover some topics that we felt passionate about.

Oh, absolutely. I think we did. Yeah, no, I'm really proud at putting out most, there's not a single piece of content that I'm ashamed of or worried about what critics say. I'm excited to do more. I think we've really built our own practice in doing this. And these conversations that we have and the topics that we talk about, like we want to make, we want to make our, we want to make a dent, I want to make a dent in the universe. You know, I want to make a dent in men's lives. You know, my story is unique to me. Um, your story is unique to you, but I do think that we share this, this, this commonality, right? This common unity that, that, you know, like, I just keep saying that I just keep coming back to this, like, It's so easy. It's so easy to be a shithead. It is. It's so easy to just be negative and derogatory. Life is happening to me, right? And so I start sharing, you know, I read some quote about know-it-alls, right? Like know-it-alls are typically It's really kind of a sign of insecurity. And I've been there, right? Where I'm willing to die on my sword for some stupid argument. And I look back on those experiences and I'm like, what a bonehead. What did I really gain by being right?

Well, and it might have been the fact that you just didn't have a good support system around you. No. Right? And it might have been that you were living in a shadow, right? We've talked about that before where you're living in your shadow and you're not living to your full potential. No. Yeah. And I think like as men, you know, Jeremy and I talk about this, you and I talk about this, that men have a very hard time you know, encouraging each other. You don't want to seem like a bitch. You don't want to seem like a curtailer, you know, on your coattails, you know. But if you really tell a person like how proud you are of them and you're genuine with them, you can see in their eyes that they're stoked. Yeah. That they're stoked, that they're excited. And so when you get those people around you and you start to And get encouraged by people and find happiness. It's really hard to be negative. It really is hard to find things to be negative about. Now you're going to have negative moments. You are going to have times when you're just kind of bummed out. When your overall life is thriving and you can see the colors and you can see passion in people, you can see that it's not all bad. It's not all bullshit. And there's really good people out there that really want to see you successful.


That is not a trait that comes easily to a lot of people. But when you surround yourself around people like that, it's really hard to be negative because then now you're the outlier. And now people are wondering, what the shit is wrong with you, Tyler? Why are you not happy? Let's figure out why you're not happy and let's find, let's change that.

Oh, I know. That's one of my favorite retorts to two of the haters. It's like, I don't know who hurt you, but I'm sorry. I don't know who hurt you, but I'm sorry. It's okay.

You're going to be okay. It's a new day to mine.

Yeah, for sure. And we've had a good time with these 20 episodes and I listen to them sometimes just to kind of remember where I was at in that moment and remember what I wanted to cover in the next few things. And we have like, You know, even in the sauna today, you know, it's easy to talk to young men that come in that you can just tell like that kid probably has had, you know, he wanted to seem cool. He wanted to be cool. He wanted to share his information with us. And we gave him space and you know, you could tell he was like stoked. Yeah. And it's easy when you're, when you're practicing that every day, it's easy when you're practicing and that is part of your practice with other men to give them a good space to be good men. Cause men are going to be good when they need to be. Yeah. And then it was cool. It's cool to, it's cool to share a little bit of information with him.

Yeah. No, he seemed excited to, to find something new, someplace to connect and, uh, you know, love, hopefully, you know, these little sauna sessions, they're recruiting for their recruiting for the gym. And, you know, the, the interesting thing about being on episode 20 is that a lot of podcasts don't make it this far. They make it to episode 20. Right? So the, the question for us is where do we go next? What are we seeing next in the podcast? Like, where do we set our goals? Um, you know, I think, I think there's so much more content that we have to say, and, and, and we realize like, we are a short, you know, we're a narrative podcast. Like a lot of our stuff is our opinion. Maybe you'll get something from it. Maybe you think, you know, you want to, you tune us up on Reddit, that's fine too, but like, it's not gonna stop us from doing it, right? Like we have so much more we need to share. I have so many more years with my son where I'm, even these sessions are almost therapeutic for me, right? As we work through issues and as we think about things and we, you know, we consider ourselves as we sit under these lights here, like what does this actually represent? Who does this represent? Is this, am I representing me? It's about pulling out the most authentic version of Tyler and allowing him to be seen. Not that I need the validation, not that I need the likes, not that I need the downloads. I don't need any of that. What I want, I would never. My true intention with really starting a podcast is when I was in my darkest moments is I didn't want people to feel like I felt. And so if I could raise my voice, if I could share something that resonated with one person, and it kept them out of that pit of despair and that in that place of sadness, then I've won. I've won. I just need one person. Even if that one person's myself.

Because sometimes it is. Well said. Well said, and I agree with you 100%. The goals are to continue to help build men up, to not man up, to man in, to find yourself, to step outside that shadow, to step outside of yourself, to find something that's going to make you become passionate again. And if you are in a dark place, if you are struggling, if you do need some help, There's avenues, there's things that can help you. We sat with two men today in a meeting and I'm gonna give them a shout out. So we know them through jujitsu and I wanna make sure I get their information correctly, but we sat with them and they're helping veterans. They're helping with trauma, they're helping with PTSD, they're helping with, with just things that have just bummed you out. You need a redirection.

We've talked about this. Veterans, first responders, those people process a lot. We talk about our buddy Jesse and the experiences he has. getting on calls in the middle of the night, being woken up. And these experiences that these veterans have is something I've never, I will never be able to experience personally, right? But these, these men have, have dedicated themselves to, to helping you know, a cause that is close to them. Sure.

So, it's Mark and JR, and they're Nine Line Integrations, and they're out of Cottonwood Heights, Utah. They are both veterans, so they're veteran-owned, veteran-operated. They are working with, it's a ketamine integration clinic, and um look them up you know that you this this ketamine therapy is is new to me yeah it's new to me and and then i explain that that it's new to me i don't i don't understand it a lot but i also know that you they're they're there to try to help help you help people help wounds heal and they use this therapy and it's a great concept.

I noticed a change, like a drastic change, like a light switch in my first experience using ketamine. And if you're on the fence about whether or not it's okay, or how to do it, or how to go about it, or how to afford it, it's worth it. There are avenues out there for you to find this type of therapy. But it's not just like a take a pill and you're better, right? It's a true integrative medicine, right? So you're not just taking the medicine to be better, you're taking the medicine and you're working with a therapist, you're working with an integration coach, you're working with those who have kind of been on the process. It's a process, it's a practice, right? But it's very similar to jujitsu in the sense that you have to take one step at a time, baby steps. I think we said this in an episode, little steps and save your grips. It's the same thing. You start by taking the first step is taking your first medication, your first opportunity with it. And the benefits were so amazing. Like the way that I was able to see the world differently. I'm not saying it's a miracle, I'm not saying it's the way to do it, but I'm just, I am really surprised. I did not anticipate it to be that powerful when I went through it.

Yeah. And you can, so we're going to link, we're going to link them into our, uh, into this, uh, episode. We'll make sure we put their links on there. Um, all the links that we've talked about today, um, we'll, we'll make sure that we, we add them in there and just continue to. So going forward, we're just going to continue to build, build and build and build this community and continue to stave off any of those things that draw us into Feeling like we're not doing we're not doing good work right because we're not enough. Yeah, we're trying we're trying We're not we're not perfect. No, right and We are not tapping ever Right. But we're going to learn. We're going to continue to learn and we're going to be white belts in this moment. We're going to constantly learn to improve. We're going to constantly try to make ourselves better. We're going to try to make ourselves grow. You know, we have so many ideas, so many things that we want to incorporate with, with this podcast, this platform that we like developed off of just a conversation. Just you and I talking about it. Man, other guys could learn from this situation. Just from having a conversation. Yeah, and learning how to converse. I called you a bunch the last couple of days because I had some serious things that I needed to vent about. I needed some direction. I needed some guidance on it. And when you have people that you can look to and you can talk to them, It doesn't sit inside your head. It doesn't sit inside your heart. It doesn't sit inside your gut. You're allowed to get out those out and you're allowed to, to help process and to come to a conclusion that you feel okay about. Right. Right.

Right. And that person doesn't need to be a therapist, right? Like there are some cases where you are, if you are unable to regulate your system to a certain level where a therapist may be what you need, but a good coach, a good mentor, a good friend, like, start having the conversation, right? Because what we are trying to do is get out of the grooves, right? Our brains are kind of like train tracks, right? Like once we're on kind of those paths, once you build that neural pathway, it's there. It's always there. You know, those people that train their brain to smoke, that craving for smoking is always there. They just have to re-pattern their brain. And something like ketamine is really powerful in the sense that it's kind of like a good day of skiing. And I think I've said this on other podcasts. It's like a good day of skiing. You'll see at the end of the day, you know, the runs are all tracked out. But at the end of the night, they groom it all. And it's these, you know, fine white lines. And I think that's exactly the power of ketamine and these, these other psychedelics. I'm not going to go into the science of all of them, but I think that's really the power is that they really help soften the neuroplasticity inside of our own mind. We are just scratching the surface. And if you can't get to the ketamine, get to somebody you can talk to and just get out from behind those own grooves, right? You cannot see the label of the pickle jar from inside the jar. You've got to have somebody that can reflect to you what is happening. And you have to let down your guard a little bit and say, I might need to see how this has changed.

And you need people around you that are going to encourage good behavior. Because, man, you get around the wrong person and the wrong person is like, hey, we should go to Vegas and we should go blow a bunch of money and do a bunch of bullshit. Now, you're stuck in this moment of regret. And you don't want regret. Regret is really, really tough. It's tough. I regret that I didn't start Jiu-Jitsu younger. I regret that I didn't do this. I regret that I didn't do that. And regret? It's a gnarly pill.

There's a sign in the shop I get tattooed at. I wish I could remember it. Like the pain of... low quality far outweighs like it's just something to the fact of like you pay for what you get. You pay for what you get.


You gotta pay for what you get.

Yeah, for sure. Um, I'm pouring Tyler and I another little tiny taste of whiskey just because, um, we are excited about, um, the future. Yep. We're excited about what we've, what we're building. Sorry.

Um, a little ASR, ASMR for our, for our listeners.

And, uh, you know, we, we have, um, And we're going to have some big news next year.

I think so. So let's get into goals. We'll kind of wrap up here for the year. Let's talk about goals. Do you set goals at the end of the year?

I do. You know what I do at the end of the year? I look back and I reflect. I don't really set goals for the next year. until I start the new year and I kind of see how the new year is going. But I look back and I reflect on from January 1st to now, and what did I accomplish? What did I do? What did I see? Where can I improve on the next year? Misty and I, we sit down and we take a day usually and spend the day with each other. And we really, really, really talk about things that we want to do, things that we did. goals that we have, vacations that we're going to go on, and, you know, like, needs for her and I. Today, she's going to be so mad. Today, she had a moment and she, man, she got mad at me on the phone. Tyler, I'm telling you, like, she doesn't get mad at me very often, but I could hear in her voice. I touched a nerve with something and I, uh, I was like, missed, missed, hang on, hang on. What exactly did I do? And she did not want to hear me. And she was pissed. She ended up hanging up on me. And I was like, man, so I thought about writing something like snide to her. And I was like, oh, I should say something mean. And then I was like, you know what? I'm gonna say something funny. And I'd use the line off of Yellowstone. I said, hey, Mist, could you put the crazy away for a moment and just tell me what happened? And by the way, I would really like to cook you dinner tonight. She ended up texting me back and being like, I love you. And I'd look at that and I was like, you know, I've learned a little bit about my wife, but I've learned about, you know, I look at that and I'm like, I could have said something smart ass to her. I could have been a dickhead to her, you know, but something triggered her. And it was probably something I did that I just wasn't being, you know, that I maybe a tone that I used or something or a snide smirk or something that I just did to her. And she was pissed. So we take moments and we talk about that kind of stuff. We reflect, you know, and then I set goals. I do have the goal to release the website in the next couple of days. I'm just kind of finishing it up. I think I'm going to release it and then get feedback and change some things if I need to. I'm really, really excited about the helping people develop a breathing routine and explaining how you can stay on the breathing routine and how you can not get bored and how you can change it up for yourself. And I've really been practicing a lot on days that I need to get woken up and days that I just need to relax. And I'm really excited to explain those things and how to use it as health. And yeah, I'm excited about that. So I've got that goal in my mind of getting that going. How about you? What do you got? So let's see, do you set goals?

So I like to set, like, there's things that I like to achieve, right? I often find that like goals sometimes are too, you know, I'm not, I'm not a corporation, right? Like I'm a businessman. Still a line from Jay-Z. I'm a business. Man. You know, and I do like to have, I do like to have like, where am I focusing my attention? Like, where am I going? Like, where? And what I notice is throughout the year that like, that becomes progressively elaborated. That picture becomes in more in focus. And as I get closer to it, I'm able to say, Oh, am I going this way? Or am I going this way? Or maybe this is really what I want. I want when I set a goal, I typically will say, you know, let's make it a smart goal. You know, just using the smart goal framework, like you can Google that, but that's generally a temporary goal in the next three months. I want to, you know, understand the D'Arce joke. In the next three weeks, I want to save X amount of dollars, right? And I'll make them small little achievable goals, but they will typically all build towards some future vision. And this year, definitely. So the one thing I did with my kids last year is we all wrote down a note to ourself in Christmas Eve. or excuse me, New Year's Eve last year and we were gonna open it. We'll open it this year. Oh, that's cool. On Christmas. So I actually have no idea what I wrote down. I completely forgot, but I'm interested to see what I wrote down and we'll do it again. We'll probably do it on Christmas Eve since they're not with me on New Year's, but like we just continue that tradition of just like writing a letter to yourself and seeing where you go. See where you are. See where you are.

Yeah, that's a good thing. That's a good way to look at it. I mean, you know, a lot of times I think people set goals and then they're so bummed because they, in the first month they don't reach their goals, right? Like that's not, that's not the reality of things. Set a small, simple thing that you can reach. Get more, do more, look back and reflect and see, did I improve? Did I improve and how did I help other people improve their lives? And I hope, my personal hope is I did, I do.

Yeah, for sure. I think, you know, my, my, yeah, I want to serve. I want to serve, like, I want this content to serve others as much as it's serving me because I get, I get a ton out of this, like, um, these sessions of just kind of thinking through certain topics.

Yeah. Jeremy told me that, uh, you and I do a good job of, I'm not cutting each other off. Yeah, and when we talk he said you guys flow just so easily and it's like well the first couple episodes We're practiced. Yeah practiced practiced and then we would recut and you did the editing. Yeah, right Yeah, and we've learned to To have a conversation and give each other space. Yeah. And sometimes like we get excited about things, right? There's times when I'm, when I'm talking and I can see you're, you've got something to say cause your cheeks light up.

Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, it's been a learning experience, right? Like how do we, how do we do this? Right. Like we've, we've both learned, we've got to turn off our phones. We don't know who's going to distract us. Right. And it's so funny. You'll see the episodes of me where I'm like, Oh man, I'm not even in the conversation. It's here. Right. You just got to turn it off.

Yeah. Cool, man. Well, um, yeah, so that's, uh, this isn't the wrap up of the year per se. Maybe it is. Maybe we'll see how we feel next time before we, we're not taking a break. We thought about taking a break, but we were like, no, we're good.

No, I want to hit 24 episodes next year. Good. I want to hit 24 episodes next year.

We're going to knock it out of the park and we're going to have a good time. Um, Listen, guys, we appreciate every one of you that's listened to Tyler and I. We appreciate everybody that's come into our lives. And I'm thankful to my family. I'm grateful for them. I'm thankful to Tyler and his family. And yeah, it's awesome.

Yeah. Thank you to the listeners. Thank you to, um, man, Pedro Sauer and professor Diaz, Nick Howlett, um, my training partners, those people who keep me on the mat and motivate me to go back. Um, I'm so grateful and appreciate all of you and, uh, merry, merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy new year, uh, to 2024. Here we go. Cheers guys. 24 and 24.

We'll see you on Sunday if you guys want to challenge anything that we have and yeah, thoughts. Yes, yes.


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