An Episode in a Bus Down by the River


Welcome. Awesome.


Boy Scouts podcast, man. Here we are, Danny.


Dude. We're outside.


It's so pretty.


Oh my god.


I wish you people could see, like, behind us


What we have.


Like, what we could see, what's behind you. Next time, we'll set up, and we'll we'll film that direction. But I


put a little Instagram story out there just so that you could see, like, how we were setting up. We took the bus out. We're gonna try to do more stuff out of the bus. We, this is we're right on the Provo River. We can hear the river.


We can't you can't see it from where we're at, but, what this is called is the Provo River Restoration Project. Yeah. So when I was a kid and we come up here, the Provo River actually ran a little differently. I can't quite remember, but where the dam was at, the river Yeah. Kind of ran a little bit more straight.


And what they ended up doing was is all these Buku rich fishermen and city thought, man, let's make this thing cool. And they have all these little pullouts like we're in, but they made the river kind of wind a little bit more, and they have these tailing ponds with aqueducts. So instead of the river flowing up, it disperses so they can still fish or because this or sorry, fish because this would be considered a blue ribbon fishery. And I guess blue ribbon fishery means it's legit.


Yeah. I know.


Fishing all the time, and you are catching good fish Yep. All the time. Stocked well? Stocked well.


Yeah. The yeah. I think the story I remember hearing it. Like, this is the middle Provo. Right?


So they break it up. There's above Jordanelle, which where we were this weekend. Yeah. There's the upper Provo.




You got Blow Dew Creek. That's the lower Provo. That's where all the tubes go. Yeah. Still great fishing in that area.


Fishing. But this middle Provo is like Legit. It's paradise for fishermen.


It's paradise for us. Right? Yeah. Like, you don't realize what you have until you I mean, like, Tyler and I have lived here for, you know, going on greater part of it. We're we're on the tail end of a 10 year period of living here.


You probably lived here for more than 10 years. Yeah. And to us, this is like normal life. Right? But as we're driving here, we're like, dude, this this is so cool.


This is a cool thing. We're gonna, you know, try to do more stuff with the bus, take it out more and bid more and, but last year, during the big runoff, there was a geyser. So you're coming down the the the road, and you could see this like like a like a water feature. It was like a water feature, but this geyser shooting up, and people are like, hey. What's going on with the river?


But it's because they pumped the water through those, little areas, and it was just it was shooting up. It was it was actually bubbling up because there was so much water.


So much water.


And, what an insane life, like, that way Right.


To live. Right?


I mean, like you said Blessings. We had a we had a crazy week. And and first and foremost, let's talk a little bit about, what, Nick's celebration of life Yeah. Big cheers to Nick.


Big cheers to Nick.


Cheers. Dude, Nick, what a great, what a great thing you guys were able to do. Right?




Yeah. Give us a little bit of information. Like, what ended up so so so where was it at?


So we here's the thing. We roll into Denver Thursday Friday Friday.


Okay. We got


up a little early. Got the kids. We were there. Cozy's like, hey. Zach Bryan's in town.


And so I'm like, let's look at tickets. And so, like, on a whim, we pull Zac Brian tickets. Oh my god. Middle middle deck, like, kind of the front row in the middle deck. Great show.


The the light rail breaks down on the way down there. We meet a guy that, like, is an Uber driver that he ends up shipping my knife to me. It's a crazy story. But then come to find out, like, my whole family has been planning this celebration of life, and nobody's told me that I have all these assignments.




I thought all I had to do was emcee. Sure. And I was just totally prepared to emcee. I talked to all the other speakers, aligned everything, coordinated kind of a family get together before for all the speakers so we could kinda outline it. And I didn't know realize that they were scooping.


My mom and my aunt and my cousin made this what they called knick mix. It's like a Chex Mix.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Favorite yeah. It's like some of his favorite treats, and it was like just a sweet little, you know, trail mix that was was delicious. And they scooped it into bags and had I mean, it felt a little bit like it didn't feel like a celebration on it.


It felt like a wedding a little a little bit.


Did the beer flow?


No. Because we didn't get a liquor per we didn't get a liquor per minute. Some of us rogues some of us rogues


Good. Did did have Sneaks them in.


Sneaks them in. There was a couple sneaky sneakers.


It was at a park, or where was it at?


Yeah. It was at a park in Castle Rock, the Philip Miller Park, which is really cool. It has a pond on 1 end. It's a really open grassy area. There's an amphitheater kind of adjacent.


And Bo Hair or Bo Thomas, Nick's, like, I wanna say elementary school friend. Like, we knew so I was friends with Aaron. Aaron was my age. We graduated together. And then Beau, just by default, was just happened to be the same age as Nick Yeah.


And was Aaron's little brother, and we just hung out. We, like, grew up together Yeah. Hanging out, and he played a set of music. He he he he plays in a band. It a few shows a a year Okay.


Up in Breckenridge. Just an incredible musician. I kinda got into a spout with mom. I was like, no. You gotta move him up.


Nobody wants to be down here. Like, people wanna be where the food is. They wanna be where the activities are. I think it was kind of her way of putting the people that might that might drink Oh. Kind of away from everything.


You know, that's that's gotta be hard, right, to navigate those waters like you guys do. And and, I I you know, your mom is great. Right. She's great. She's great.


But she she definitely has the LDS culture still in her back pocket, and and she still lives by those rules. Yeah. And drinking is not something that she is is is comfortable with.


Well and it's less her than it is like some of the other sisters.




Unfortunately, there was 1 aunt that I was told refused to show up because there might be alcohol there. Oh, really?


And I


and and to me, that's like so pious. Yeah. Right? Like, so pious. Sure.


And it's gotta be a bummer. Yeah. It's a celebration of life for for her nephew, and it's like, get over Yeah. Over some of that stuff. Right?


Yeah. But but, man, I know a lot of some of those things in the culture and the and the faith. Like, that's just their rules, man. Yep. And they live by those they live by those rules.


You know? And, so so what exactly what did you you you were emcee. Correct?


So I was emcee. Yeah.


Did you have to tell stories? Did you did you just make it up on the whim? Did you already did you know what you were gonna talk about?


I I'm 1 of those that, like, master procrastination. Right? I had a lot that I wanted to say. I had a clip. I mean, I I brought up a couple things.


My theme was really stories. Right? So I brought up a clip from there's a movie called Peanut Butter Falcon. And peanut butter falcon is, Shia Labeouf and, a gentleman with with some form


Down syndrome or some


some sort of thing. And and handicap. Right? And there's a a section where they're they're crossing the river, and I set it up like this. So 1 time, Nick and I were at Lair of the Bear in Lakewood, and there's a little river not too dissimilar from this 1.


And I got the idea to set up a zipline. And I set up the zipline, and and I voluntold, volunteered, maybe just tied him up and did it.


But then I said 1st?


Yeah. He's going first.


And I


said, here's a clip here's a clip of Nick actually doing it. And I played this scene from the movie where this kid goes, hey, Tyler, because Shia Labouche's character's name is Tyler. Am I gonna die? And Shia Labouche goes, of course. Of course, you are.


That's not the question. The question is, are they gonna have good stories to tell Right. When you're gone? Yeah. And so that was my theme.


Like, these good stories. Dave, his his coworker and and business owner, like, was the first person to speak, gave a great kind of work life visual of of how Nick worked. Yeah. I had a neighborhood friend to current neighborhood friend that he lives in give a great a great speech, tell some stories. My mom, gave a very beautiful




Talk. You know? Everybody had about 3 to 5 minutes, and then it closed off with his high school best friend who, you know, everybody was laughing. Everybody laughed. Everybody kinda cried.




My cousin who's my age, Greg, he opened us up. The Prelude Prelude music was a a trio of songs he rearranged. Guns and Roses, sweet child of mine. What is it? Baby Baby Boy by John Lennon or


Oh, yeah. Beautiful Boy. Beautiful Boy.


Yeah. Yeah. And then some Howie Day. Howie Day was 1 of Nick's favorite artists. So and then we just, you know, said, hey.


Have some food, share some stories, and we all just kinda sat around and and chatted. I saw people I hadn't seen in years. Good.


So so that's, like, 1 of those things where, you know, I talk about with Misty, and you you and I have talked about this before. The celebration of life is is the way that I'd like myself to go.




The you know, you never know what's gonna happen. Right? No. You never know what's gonna take you. You never know what's going to, how your end is.


It's funny because we've talked about death before, and as humans, we have this ability to, like, think of our own demise. Yeah. We can play it out, like, how we potentially could if we were just animals in the in the wilderness, we wouldn't think about how we were gonna die. We were just living. Yeah.


They're literally living. They're they're just focused on living.




And that's a good way to live. Sometimes I think I get in my own mind of, like, my own demise. Like, I've talked about before when I was younger, I would meant to have such anxiety attacks of the fact that I was going to die. Yeah. You know?


And would I would my life be fulfilled in all these things that I wanted to to Yeah. And so a celebration of life is is what you want. Right? You don't want people




To you know they're gonna be sad. You know they're gonna be hurt




That you're not here. Yeah.


You know?


And we've talked about that with Nick. Nick being a big part of your life and and Casey and the boys. I got to meet the boys over the weekend. Yeah. They're great.


The little 1, man Jamie. Jamie. That kid looks identical to his father. Yeah. The pictures that you had of Brynn when, Brynn was a baby and and Nick was holding her.


Dude, I seen Jamie, and I was like, gee, this guy is a a spitting image. Image of it. Right? Yeah. And they were really, really good boys, really personal, really, social.


Like, they weren't they weren't awkward in front of everybody. They were, you know, they were boys, and so they were a 100 miles an hour getting stuck in the bushes Yeah. On the battle boards and what they had and can't find them. And, oh, they're stuck in the bushes.


Getting invited to every volleyball game I could get on.


Body volleyball.


That was the other activity, man. And the 1 thing I'll say just with with Nick is that, like, with the whole thing, you don't realize how expensive it's going to be.




And and to be honest, like, I get, like, you want there to be an event for the person. But, like, when I think about, like, do I really want my family to spend $30 on a casket, $10 on a casket? Like, everybody's got kind of their own preference, but I'm like, no. Go use that money. Go on vacation.


Live. Yeah. That's what Nick would have wanted. Go out and live.


Go out and live.


And, yeah. We brought ended up bringing the boys back. We spent the rest of the week in Colorado. We ended up bringing the boys back.


And your life is still going on here. Right? Oh, yeah. Which is crazy because that's the other thing we've talked about before is, eventually, life man, things move on. Right?


And you you you hope to be a big part of Jamie and Grayson's life. And and you are. You are a big part of their life. Like like you said, though, is they live in Colorado. You live in Utah.


It's not like you're gonna uproot your family to go


and take


care of them. So life moves on. Right? And Casey, her her her life is is gonna move on, and and you hope that, like, you you you're a part of it. And and I always struggle with that with you know, I I I've had friends and and colleagues and and people whose loved ones have died.


And I've thought to myself, it's been over a year that I've called and checked on that person. Yeah. You know, I I just reached out to 1 of my friends' wife, and, I I didn't get permission from her yet to talk about his story, but I wanted to talk about a little bit about him. He was a great man, and, he he and I connected really fast over right before COVID, and then he ended up passing. And his wife reached out to me, and it was a really, like, surreal thing for me that she reached out to me because it was during COVID.


And I had realized the other day that it had been over a year that I had reached out to her, and I was thinking, man, like, my life moved on Yeah. And I didn't, you know, reach out to her. And I and I don't know how to stop that. You know? But I think that as a man, those are where struggles come from.


Right? Yeah. Like, if you're struggling and somebody hasn't reached out to you, somebody hasn't, and you you don't have the ability to reach out yourself, it becomes a dark world.


I think I think in a lot of cases, like, men are kinda trained not to be a burden. I shouldn't I should I should self rescue. And and Yeah.




think there's some there's some beauty to that. Right? Like, being self sufficient. But I think that there's points when you 2 need to reach out. You need to say, hey.


I need some help or


I'm struggling. Yeah.


I met, another cousin of mine, my on my dad's side. His his his oldest the oldest cousin in that side of who has a son, his younger son, who is now, like, 21 years old. I'm I never met him before.


Really? You know


what I mean? I'm like, dang. These are people that, like, we grew up with, we knew, and then you just like you said, your life grows apart. And as you separate the distances, you create the distance. You really have to make an effort.


You do. And and, like, not take it personally if the if the reciprocation doesn't happen.




Because that's what happens sometimes is, like, you know, you're like, well, that person hasn't reached out to me. Right. So why would I reach out to them?


Why would I reach out to them?


And, you know, you you can't I I personally, and I know you do the same thing. Like, I don't take that personal, like, you I know that you've talked about the fact that you're working that is something that you're working on is, like, reaching out to somebody and, like, you get stuck in your own brain, and now you're like, I I haven't even called or asked you how you're doing. Right. You know? Because you're like, we get stuck in our own mud.


Yeah. Right?




Absolutely. Oh, yeah. How are you doing? Yes. You know?


Yeah. 0II definitely feel like coming out of this week, I just needed to sleep. So we had, Sup Fest.


Oh, yeah. What an event. It was so fun. It was


a lot of fun. Such a nice day out on the out on the lake.


Trent and Carla, you know, they they work I told Trent, they work so well together because have you had you met Carla before? Did you meet her?


I don't think I did meet her.


Carla is she's she is awesome because, like, she's going like, Trent, 100 miles an hour, doesn't have time to talk, stopped for a second. You're like, hey. How are you? He's like, I I can't talk right now. You're like, hey.


You need anything? Oh, water. Cool. And that's all he was focused because he's running the races. Yeah.


He's doing that. Carla, same thing. 100 miles an hour, but you stop and you're like, hey, Carla. She's like, oh my gosh. And then all of a sudden, she takes 15, 20 minutes to talk to you, ask you how you're doing, how's the family, smiling the whole time.


She's a really, really beautiful person. And Trent and her work so well together. And he put that whole thing on with very little help, and Wow. I was impressed that Yeah. How how well it ran.


His races ran well. The the people ran well. The band sounded amazing. Yeah. Shout out hail Mary, professor, the all Yeah.


Gustavo, Chris Parker, and Al. Man, they sounded great.


They were so good.


They allowed us to put the bus on on the beach. And that was cool.


That was way cool.


It was a rough morning for us because I just had an issue with the bus and ran so far behind, dude. I was supposed to be there at 8:30.


Yeah. Oh.


I think I got there at 11. Yeah. Oh, wow.


Yeah. Yeah. We camped. We took your camp spot because the boys had never been.


Oh, yeah.


That's And that was awesome. Like, they had never camped before. We grilled them up some hot dogs.


That's sick. That was a cool spot.


It was such a good spot. Like, the the you know? And this is where I'm like, man, I I if I had a partner if I had a partner. Right? Like, we get there.


Like, I have games to play. Like, I have this paddle boards all filled up. I have the tents all ready to go. I've done all the food and, got the firewood, and they're like, did you get s'more stuff? And I'm like, that 1 little


that's that's when they wanted


they wanted to know if I did s'more stuff.


You, dude. And I was like so funny.


I was like, you know what? We're lucky we even got here because literally drove well, I left 4:30 on Friday. Yeah. Drove, got home at, like, noon on Friday. And immediately, like, I'm like, I need a nap, and we're gonna go to the grocery store.


And we're heading out to the You


guys left 4:30 in the morning?


Yeah. No way.


Yeah. Did Ben Ben didn't come to Subfest, so but he was he was in Colorado.


He was in Colorado. He wanted to go hang out with friends, so he took a nap and then, yeah, I think he would've. The problem is I didn't have a ride to get him there. I don't know. He's also 1 of my, like, vampire children.


Yeah. He


does not really get along with his


son. Yeah. For sure. It was a it it was a good day that you get you realize how lucky we are at Park City Jiu Jitsu because all of our friends were there. Yeah.


And they were all congregated around the bus just like we wanted it to be. Right? Everybody was just Yeah. Around the bus and everybody kept coming over and talking and we kept having all these, like, fun conversations and realizing, like, how lucky we are as a group to be to have each other in each other's lives. Right?




And those memories, like, our kids were, like, having a good time. Like, the boys had a good time, and, big shout out to, to Park City Sub for Yeah. Putting that together.


And That was cool.


I think it's a good event. I think he's gonna do, some changes next year. It it was supposed to go longer, so people kept showing up after he was done, but, the band had already finished their set, and there wasn't any more, you know, more races or anything. But, I think he's gonna try to adjust it a little bit more because it was technically supposed to go to 4, and, it was we were there till 6:30, I think, is when Oh, yeah. Yeah.


Up leaving. Yeah. He left at 6 Yeah. We wrapped up, and Misty and I went and took the camp spot for the next night, and it was fun.


So fun. Yeah.


It was a good day. That was a fun. So so now we have we have 4th July coming up. You guys do anything for 4th July?


No. I technically have the 4th July this year, to be honest. I am, like, so exhausted. Like, I was hoping maybe we'd talk about sleep today because, like, I am struggling. Yeah.


Struggling with some sleep.




yeah. And, but, yeah, I told I told the kids. I'm like, I'm not really in much of a mood to do a whole lot. I bought a brisket. I'll smoke a brisket.


I'm you know, worst case scenario, like, my my thought is, like, I just wanna watch the fireworks. I wanna go to bed. I don't wanna do the 4th July breakfast Yeah.




That they do in Midway. I if we wanna go to Midway and watch the fireworks, I'm assuming that, you know, our favorite firefighter will let us crash on his lot. Yeah. I'm not I'm not sure if what his work schedule is. He's probably working, but


I'm not a I'm not a fireworks person. I speaking of sleep, like, it throws my it throws my dogs off. It throws my wife off. It throws me off. I don't sleep well.


I hate fireworks. But I, you know, I I think that they're cool, but I but we live in this we live in this this tinderbox. Yeah. And I'm always like, why do we still do this? Right.


Why do we still have fireworks where potentially we could start a fire in this this beautiful place that we live could be gone?




Right? And and I'm probably a Scrooge about fireworks in the 4th July. But, we we go to the rodeo. We go to the Oakley Rodeo.




So we we'll go we'll we'll do the Oakley Rodeo. We don't technically have big plans for the 4th July. I think I actually worked the day after. Can't remember what 4th July date falls on, but


I think it's Wednesday or Thursday.


III will, yeah. I, yeah, I'm not


The reality is this podcast is going to be out after the 4th July.


It will be the oh, it'll be Friday.


Yeah. Friday, the 4th July. I'm pretty sure.


Yeah. So by then, we'll have known we'll we'll, we'll we'll be right into, man, like, coming up on summer camp and


Summer camp.


Summer camp is gonna be insane. So so when you when you do you have a sleep schedule? Do you do you go, like, to bed the same time, wake up the same time?


Yeah. I do. I do. I try to be to bed by 10:30. That is where I'm going through I I have a meditation that I listen to kinda I've I've read that's, like, the best time to program reprogram your subconscious is you're falling asleep, so I will listen to it's about an hour long.


I'll listen to it. I just have it on in the background.


Dude, there's a skunk that just walked across the road.


Is that really?


Yeah. It literally just walked across the road. Oh my god. That was insane. Sorry.


I was No.


That's that's why we're out here.


That was insane.


That's why we're out here. Yeah. So I I do I do that. I do kind of, like, have a bathroom routine. Like, I wash my face.


Same. Kinda stretch a little bit before I go to bed and then really try to turn everything off. I don't have a TV in my room.




You know, I used to when I was connected with somebody, we had a TV in the room, and we'd go watch TV. And I'm like, no. No. I don't want that. Like, my my room's for sleeping.


Do you do you find yourself falling asleep, like, fast waking up in the middle of the night, or do you are you able to sleep through the night?


It depends, man. I have several different, I've been microdosing a lot with some psilocybin


Oh, you have.


Gummies, which I think has kept my brain a little bit more awake, and and I have not been getting as restful sleep. So I'm trying to adjust that microdose. So


Taking it a little earlier.


Little earlier. So, like, I mean, it's beautiful, the color it adds to my world, but then my brain is still kind of going at 10, 10:30.


And microdosing is a little 1 of the is 1 of those things where, like you said, like, if you're not careful, if you're in the wrong mindset, it can cause you to be a little some adrenaline adrenaline rushing.




Right? Your heart could start to to to race a little bit. So anytime you're getting ready to fall asleep, I I also have a pattern of simple things I do. You know what I've been doing lately is, putting nose, the nasal strips on my nose to open up. I didn't do it while we were camping, and I didn't sleep very well.


But it I've been doing it, and it's I sleep a little bit better now. Because of my work schedule, I don't have the best sleeping routine. I wake up, I wake up mostly, go to bed around 10:30 every night and wake up about 3, 3:30, up for about 20 minutes, and then fall back asleep till you know, depending on what day it is, I may have to wake up at 4:30, something


like that.


I wake up at 7:30. But for the most part, I lay on my acupuncture bed.


Oh, yeah.


It's heated. I lay with my I lay on my back. III close my eyes a little bit. Misty and I do have a TV, mainly for background noises for her.




And I'm usually asleep within I mean, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out.


I can do pretty good at falling asleep. I don't always stay asleep.


That's how I am.


Right? Like Yeah. I I will and I think part of it this last week has just been, like, man, just in such an emotional load. You know? Getting home, having the extra 2 boys, plus my kids, like, having my kids the extra days, I will always say yes to my kids.


Sure. But it is it is it's work. As a father, you're leading these people.


You are.


You're not passively sitting by and saying, like, what do you wanna do? What do you wanna do? Sure. No. You're saying, nope.


Let's get our butts up. We're gonna go do this. We're gonna do that. You know?


Well and and and also, like, we talked talked about before, we're not technically, you know, we'll while being a breadwinner, you know, sometimes you depend on your partner to make dinner and to Right. To make sure that things are flowing correctly. Like, Misty does make do a better job. I'm sorry about that. Keeping things functioning and flowing.




But without having a partner, that's gotta be tough as well. Right? Like, you've gotta make sure your kids go to bed on time. You gotta make sure that they're get their teeth brushed and all that. Yeah.


You gotta develop their routines to sleep. Right?


Right. Exactly. I'm trying to teach them good habits so they practice and they can, you know, bring into adulthood with them. Yeah. Alright.


So as we bring it back to it, like, your sleep routine is super important. Like, so as I was meeting with my therapist, he was well, that was 1 of the things he was always having me track was, like, how much am I sleeping? Yeah. 6 to 8 hours.




Right? Is it good restful sleep? Yeah.


What do you think about Jocko's and his thing of, like, wake up 4 o'clock in the morning every day and do his thing? Do you I mean, like, there were times when I could sleep less, but I feel like, like you said, like, a 6 to 8 hour routine keeps me functioning. Do you nap?


I can. I mean, I'll be honest. Like, this last week, like, I've been so crappy. Like, I took a nap yesterday. I took a nap today.


I I've just been exhausted. Exhausted. Exhausted.


Do you do you see, like, some of that Jocko stuff of, like,


going, you know, 4 hours and shit? I'll be honest. I feel really guilty. Like, I woke up at 10 today, and I'm like, dude, I feel I feel crappy, but I'm like, my body needs rest. My body is, like, telling me to rest Sure.


To rest,


to, like, take Tyler, you've you've carried a lot lately. You need to rest. Like, this last 2 years has been incredibly heavy.




And I can push myself. Like, I am like, I'm stuck in this spot where I'm like, I need to rest, but I also need to go fucking harder. Sure. And and so I don't know. I don't know that I could ever do the 4:30 wake up, you know, 20 row 20 rounds plus a a dead lift workout or what.


You know what I mean? Like, I think that works for some people. I do think that there is some discipline that you gain because his whole thing is discipline starts early.




Right? I think the the way I see it is discipline starts with building the routine




Being disciplined to the routine.


Sure. Sure.


I don't think he necessarily needs to wake up early. I think that works for him.


And I think, like, for the most part, the routine part is what you want. Yeah. You want the routine. You want the the ability to to stay consistent so that your circadian rhythm is is firing correctly because so the way so being an air traffic controller, they do sleep studies, you know, and I


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


1, and it's every 3 hours. So your circadian rhythm is every 3 hours. So in 3 hours, if you're gonna get 4 hours of sleep, it'd be better to get 3 hours of sleep because you'll be, like, 1 sleep of, like, falling asleep, 2 hours of ramp, and then then your circadian rhythm starts back over. Starts back over. Right.


So you're kinda


So if you wake up on that 1, 4, you know, and you you haven't hit the ram of the second 1, then you're gonna wake up, and your body's gonna feel tired. Yeah. Right? So I I do do think about those things with circadian rhythm. Some of that stuff, you know, I think we talked about it the first podcast of when when we talked about, Fight Club




You know, and, not sleeping and what it can do to you


Oh, yeah.


And the the the amount of craziness it can cause inside of your brain. Right? Plus, you already have let's say you already have some of these things going on, and and you're already struggling mentally. Yeah. Not sleeping is going to cause that to be tenfold.


Right? Tenfold.


So I've got a story about a guy. He called me. 1 of my 1 of my acquaintances. I'm gonna do the my best to protect his nature because I still do talk


to him,


but I don't know necessarily have permission to tell the story, and we try to get permission, but so relevant. Like, he called me and was like, hey. I'm lost. I don't know where I am. I don't know where I am, and I went and helped him find his way.


I didn't realize that, like, perhaps he possibly was on something. And turns out, I found out, like, 2 or 3 days later, he went from the foothills of Colorado all the way down to I 25 down to Pueblo, almost to Pueblo. And that I mean, that looks like a 3 hour ride.


That's a


I mean, he had


scary to


you. He had been on a bender of of Adderall. Wow. And, I mean, I didn't really pick it up. I didn't know.


I, like, I got him to his car. Like, I I didn't know I thought it was suspicious. Like, how do you not know where you are? But I didn't really think any anything of it. But, like, he had basically gone without sleep for 3 or 4 days because of Adderall.


Wow. The bugs are insane right now.


The bugs are insane. We may be you, and


I'm watching you, like, look into bugs, and I was looking at my own. What a so the whole idea of, like, that affecting because, like, let's say you have your central nervous system is on point, and it's o it's doing okay. Then not sleeping every once in a while is gonna cause it's not gonna be, like, overly crazy. No. Let's say your central nervous system is not firing correctly




And you are in a fight or flight moment and you are not sleeping




Everything is going to be hyper everything. Hyper. Oh. Hyper. I'm you know, you're fighting with your significant other or your or your ex.


Hyper. Yep. You something they say is gonna catch you off guard. Boom. You're gonna be, like, right.


You're triggered. Triggering you much faster.


Yeah. You all of a sudden, you're just snapping at your kids, and your kids are like, what the hell did I do? You're snapping at your coworkers. You're flipping somebody off driving down the road.




Any sleep is that is that thing that can cause you to to your central nervous system to fire incorrectly.




Which always you know, I'm I love, you know, our friends who are military and special services, and we we have some friends in that area. Right? And, I love knowing that they can regulate that as best as possible




And still, you know, live action.




Live action shit.


No. I mean, I think that's it's true. It's a you you discipline your your nervous system to be acclimatized to that. To me, like, I feel successful when I wake up 6, 6:30. Like, to me, that's that's a successful morning.


Right? Get up, get out of bed, make the bed, and and get some sunlight. Right? Get some natural sunlight.


That's what


I do. Get get out into the natural sunlight. Do my my breath work routine. Do my like, because the on the that's the opposite end of it. Right?


Waking yourself


up correctly.


I like I said, I've been struggling lately. I don't know if it's just the cognitive load that I've been under, but I'm like I just feel like I need so much more rest.


Well and and and, honestly, like, the letdown is gonna happen from the celebration of life.




And you're gonna be able to, like, now now move forward.




Right? And and you know that. Like, you know that that's gonna happen for me. My sleep was off just because I was working on the bus, which is so small compared to what you guys were going through. But, like, man, in my world, it was, like, causing Misty and I were fighting a little bit more.


Yeah. You know? I was a little bit more grumpy. Yeah. I was waking up and, like, having shit I had to do, like, right away, right away, right away.


And so the the tail end of that is to always remember that routines, routine, routine, routine. Set yourself up for success. Right? Know know when you're like, hey. You know what?


I'm not here right now. Mhmm. I'm gonna go ahead and, like, remove myself from this situation.


Yeah. That that was me in training. That was me in training yesterday. Like, I could tell. I got the class.


Anthony taught an awesome class. I could tell that my training partner was like, yo. Where you at? Where you at? And I'm like, I can't stay for live rounds.


I will get hurt. Hurt. I will get hurt.


And knowing that about yourself, knowing that you're gonna like, that you're like, hey. I'm gonna protect myself tonight because my number 1 job is to protect myself. Yeah. You know? And and knowing that you can turn to people and be like, hey, man.


I'm struggling. Yeah. I need just a little bit of, companionship today and and telling you like, I think you even said it last time, like like, telling people, hey. You know, you hurt my feelings. Yeah.


And and and being okay with somebody like, hey. Them telling you back. Yeah. Well, you're being an asshole.


Yeah. You


know? You're like Yeah. I I can understand that. You know? And so reframing, like, we always talk about reframing how things go, waking yourself up correctly, and and and doing your routines to get yourself going.


And and just some days, you're just gonna survive. Yep. Some days, it's not your turn to tap. Yeah. Some days, it's just your turn to survive.


To get through the round, the clock is gonna go off, and bedtime is gonna come around again. Yeah. And maybe then you, sleep. I do I do take days where I'm like, you know what? I'm not setting it on.


I'm asleep until 10. Yeah. I don't care what anybody says. I'm asleep, and I don't give a shit.


That's kinda where I've been this week. I'm like, I just I just need to be compassionate with myself. I need to rest my body until I'm I'm rested enough to kinda come out of this. Right? Like Yeah.


It's not that I lack the discipline. It's that, like, something is happening to my body where I'm not functioning. I definitely I snapped it Ben. I snapped it. Like, by the time the boys are ready to leave, I was so ready for my kids to leave on Sunday that I was just like, can you take can you take the oldest 1 with you?


Yeah. Yeah.


It was like, I just need you know? And, obviously, like, that today, I'm like, man, I missed them already, but, like Sure. I just needed the break. I needed the break from being on. Yeah.


And and work does it to you. It drains those batteries, and you gotta recharge those batteries, and and you cannot, like, oversleeping, I think, does not necessarily, like, recharge like you said, your circadian rhythm, it doesn't necessarily make up for the lack of sleep. Right? So it's the routine is probably far better than than, you know, trying to sleep more or, like, you know, even napping throughout the day. But I I didn't know that about the 3 hours.


That's super interesting.


Yeah. So the yeah. So I remember, like, 3, 6, 9, good. 4, you know, depending on 45 is just 1 of those things where, like, man, like, you're waking up in the middle of a rhythm. Right?


And it it's it's the same concepts that I do when I'm breathing. I do the same concepts. I still think about the same concepts when I'm breathing. And so just remembering that, the way, like, your body functions is a rhythm. Yeah.


It's a rhythm.




Sleep is a rhythm. Waking up, a rhythm. How your body flows throughout the day is a rhythm. Training jiu jitsu, a rhythm.


A rhythm.


Everything that you're doing is just getting into some sort of rhythm that when you're off and you're feeling off and your brain is off and your body's off and you're not feeling focused and you're not feeling yourself, your rhythm is gonna carry you through that. Your rhythm is going to get you. What is it? Remember that song? The rhythm is gonna get you


Oh, yeah.


Your rhythm is gonna get you. I can't remember exactly how it goes.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


But, keeping in mind that, knowing that knowing that as a man, you're going to be held to the standard of still do the shit that you need to be required, knowing that you need to find a good support system, knowing that you need to find, like, those things that we talk about, those things that we the things that we always hit on when we're when we're talking, finding a good support system, finding your tribe, finding the people that around you, knowing that knowing that eventually it's gonna get okay. It's gonna be okay.


You know?


And and not taking yourself out of the equation is is the best thing that


you can do


for yourself. Right? Right. And so, sleep sleep is good, man. Like, I I would say sleep as much as you can.


Sleep as little as you can. Right. Sleep as sleep what get what you need.


Well, yeah, you know, listen I guess, listen to your body. Right? Your body is constantly we're feeling, like, we're feeling creatures as much as we are, you know, any other type of creature, but, like, it we we gotta listen to those signs.




Right? Our feelings are are guides that that guide us to to to safety. Our body has other ways of telling us, you know, if we're drifting off, if our focus isn't there, you've got to take the time to rest and really rest. Don't get on social media and doomscroll. And I'm telling this to myself as much as I'm telling it to you because I Yes.


I've been I've done it.


So bad lately. Because my 2 things. 2 things. My Instagram feed has been going crazy with VW buses because I've been looking at so much VW buses Yeah. Trying to get, the bus ready.


The other 1 is I love that HOC 2 situation, dude, and I love thinking about how that that whole thing changed the Internet. Changed the Internet. It changed the it changed the entire world, the Internet.


I would like to interview her dad on the podcast. If, anybody knows her and can get her dad on the podcast buggered


right on your head. Yeah.


We are gonna I'm gonna eat eaten alive by mosquitoes. Are you Yeah. I've got, like cousin. I got, like, 4 or 5 already. Really?


Yeah. They like this. Right on your reaction. Fine.


Man, I I the same thing. Like, we I mean, at work, like, we have had so much fun with that. It it is crazy to me how much it changed the the the Internet and what it's what it shows about our society. You know? And and that poor girl, like, she is, like how does she know I was listening to Joe Rogan?


How does she know that that interview is going to go like that? How do you know that that's what's going to cause the Internet to just go berserk? And everybody now is like, you know what that is.


It's like Yeah.


You're in the Yeah. Too. And, we, we were talking today of how we could get it into our into our because, you know, at work, we use phraseology. And, somebody was like, how can we how can we finally get it into it? And so a Skyhawk, a Cessna Skyhawk is a Cessna 172.


So we have a we could say Skyhawk, and we somebody was like, I got it. Skyhawk 2, And then give the call sign, and we use 2 as a in a on the frequency with the Pisces.


And the anals of the FAA.


Dude. And you get away with it. Oh, we laughed so hard. Man, what a night.


Oh, man. So amazing.


I think, like, some days, like like, I always say, like, some days, life just delivers. I've been saying that a lot lately. Like, some days life just delivers. Like, you go you and Cozy going to Zach Bryan. My wife was so mad at you.


She was so mad because she's like, Tyler has now seen Zac Brian twice. I haven't seen him once. We had we had 2 opportunities to see him small venues. Yeah. Twice, it didn't work out.


Yeah. And


now we're gonna go to a big venue, and I don't wanna go. Yeah. But sometimes life just delivers, and it gave you what you needed.


Oh, yeah.


Going to Nick's celebration of life, Sometimes life just delivers. It does. The weekend was amazing. Yeah. It just delivers.


And and as long as you you keep a good attitude about life, you know, and and and what it does for you, and you're gonna be fine. You know? Like because because you know what? Sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off.


No. Yeah.


I agree. It's not guaranteed.


No. It's not. It's not. And I I had an experience last night where we were texting each other, and it wasn't making sense. But I was in the middle of this this experience where I was just having some, like, real thoughts.


Like, gratitude is really the fertilizer that makes good things grow in your life. It really is. You need to employ gratitude even when you don't want to. Make make that your default I


agree with you.


State because it will pull you out.


It will.


It will boost your growth to something better, to a higher plane, gratitude. And I I ebb and flow with gratitude. I I do I do you know, in November, I did 31 straight days of gratitude posts. I wanna do it again. Yeah.


Because it's like you have to train your brain to see that. Otherwise, you were trained you trained that reticular activation system to see something else. Bullshit.


Well, We've been having concerts in the park, lately in Hebersville. I love seeing you over there. I was we I I love hanging out over there, and I love, like, yeah. Yeah. Last night when you were talking, I was like, I have no idea what he's talking about.


But I remember, like, waking up this morning and going, you know what? I'm gonna text him that I love him. Oh. You know? And now, like, the first thing that you see is like, hey, man.


I care about you, dude.


No. I appreciated that.


You know? And and and and I think that about, yeah, gratitude. I'm thankful. I'm thankful for this life. I'm thankful for what we have.


I'm thankful for these opportunities. The fact that you were like, hey, dude. Let's go film outside, and I didn't know what to expect. You know? I was like, yeah.


Let's go do it. And, I'm gonna take a pictures because we're gonna post it on, social media that, this we've finished up this thing. And so, signing off. Let me get this both of us in here. Let me turn it on to video.


So you guys will see me doing this whole thing. Yeah. So here we are signing off from, doing this.


Signing off from the bus.


Signing from the bus. This is Tyler. This is our view. Anything last words to say, Tyler?


No, man. Camp, be good, enjoy the summertime.




Enjoy the summertime. Be safe and love on your children, love on your loved ones, and, nothing's guaranteed.


Yep. Same. Cheers, guys. Cheers.

An Episode in a Bus Down by the River
Broadcast by