Navigating the Skies and Roads with ATC Jeremy


Welcome back to the last Boy Scouts podcast. We got a guest. Super stoked. I wanna say it's our first guest, but it's really not our first guest.


Our first guest. Yeah. But our first, like, collaboration almost. Right? Like, so, introduce, ATC Jeremy.


ATC Jeremy and I, Jeremy Ayala, we work together. We've, worked together for, I mean, better part of 10 years almost. How long have you been in Salt Lake?

ATC Jeremy:

8 or 9 years. Yeah.


Yeah. Better part of 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. And, we went to the reggae concert, a couple months ago, and, Tyler and Jeremy, they met there.


Yeah. It was the first time I got to to meet you. So tell us your backstory, man. Where did you get started? Like, how did you get into what Danny does?


Yeah. So we're both air traffic controllers just so you guys know.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. So for me, I started in the air force, but actually just like you.



ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. So I started in the air force. I really didn't know what I wanna do after high school. I was trying to do a firefighter thing, but I feel like that's something that everybody wants to do at the dealership. That's kinda hard


to do. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

And I found air traffic control in the air force. So I did that for 7 years. I deployed to Iraq, Kuwait, and it was 7 years at the same place. So at that point, my wife and I had to look at each other and say, hey. What you gonna do?

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. We we're planning to go somewhere we don't wanna go if we stay in. Yeah. We can kinda try the civilian thing out. So


Yeah. And so, like, you didn't know you were gonna be an air traffic controller when you went into the into the military?

ATC Jeremy:

No. Well, not at first.



ATC Jeremy:

Right? So you go to MAPS. Right? Right. And I applied for all these jobs.

ATC Jeremy:

They tried to have me do, they tried to have me put down maintainer on there, but I had worked on boats. Like, that's what I did after high school. Every time I do that. If you want me to put that on there Yeah. I'm out.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. And, like, wait. Come back.


That's insane.

ATC Jeremy:



Yeah. It's crazy because, like, just for the frame of reference, and I I and a lot of our audience probably has some military background. But, the the way that Jeremy's career went is a little bit different than mine because I knew I was gonna be an air traffic controller. That was III had already figured like, because of the guard, you you have your job prior to going into Well,

ATC Jeremy:

mine did. Mine did. Eventually, like, whenever they kinda sorted out, and I was in the delayed entry program. Okay. So they they're kinda like, hey.

ATC Jeremy:

You can have this job Yeah. Like, eventually after maps and everything. You can have this job. We can guarantee this job, but it doesn't start for, I don't know what it was, 6 months or something like that. And during that whole time, they kept calling me, hey.

ATC Jeremy:

If you wanna leave tomorrow, there's this job or that job. You know?


Oh, I understand.

ATC Jeremy:

So I did have a job locked in.


What, time of year did you go to San Antonio?

ATC Jeremy:

I went in January, the beginning of January, January 6th. Yeah.


It's cold there.

ATC Jeremy:



Yeah. And then, Mississippi, when?

ATC Jeremy:

Mississippi and it's June or July. No. Wait. No. That's when I got out of there.

ATC Jeremy:

I think it was March.


Dude, June July in Mississippi. Right? Yeah. That's insane in Mississippi. Man.


Hot, bro.

ATC Jeremy:

But it's fun.


Yeah. Mississippi's cool. Mississippi's a good time. And then, so you and Jen are both from California?

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Both from California. I'm from Southern California, and my wife's from Northern California.



ATC Jeremy:

And, yeah, we both met up when I was at the Air Force Base. Air Force. Pretty much, like, at a bar. Right? It's kinda cliche.


Yeah. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

I was actually DDing for 1 of my buddies.



ATC Jeremy:

He was going to Iraq. So I was like, man, I'll be your DD, and I'm just sitting at the bar. She walks up, and I just see she had her hair pooped up kind of in the front. Yeah. She walked I don't know why I did it, but I was just like, poof.


Right on top

ATC Jeremy:

of her head. And her friend's like,


did that guy just hit you? Did.

ATC Jeremy:

Face the bar. You know? I was kinda bored. Yeah. And so she shook my shoulder.

ATC Jeremy:

She's like, hey. What the heck?



ATC Jeremy:

And I was like, I'm Jeremy.


That's awesome.

ATC Jeremy:

That's kinda where it all


That's started. Started.

ATC Jeremy:

That's awesome.


And so you did you have between your military service and Salt Lake TRACON, did you have any air traffic in between, or did you go military right into the FAA?

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. I took about 2 weeks off.



ATC Jeremy:

And then we packed up the 2 wheel drive Silverado in the wintertime and headed over the Sierras. And it was it was pretty scary because Yeah.


For sure.

ATC Jeremy:

My wife and I are not from anywhere that snows.



ATC Jeremy:

So we came over the Sierras. There's snow on the ground. My truck got sideways. She's like, did you fall asleep? Yeah.


I did. I was

ATC Jeremy:

like, no. So we pulled off for a little bit there.


That's insane. Yeah. That's crazy to me because, there's so many different ways to come to the TRACON, but the TRACON was your because of the military experience, because of how the military gives you air traffic, a lot of times you do are able to go into a higher level facility from the street, which would technically be an off the street, but because he has military career, it's a VA hire, a veteran hire. And so that's such a normal thing for me back then. Back, like, between my time frame and your time frame, which was 10 years, it was normal to have a lot of military guys.


We don't have the same thing anymore. No. We don't have the same kind of, like, background where where people had military and then coming into the to the into the air traffic. What was your first thought of the TRACON?

ATC Jeremy:

I think when I walked in, I was kinda intimidated.


For sure.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? I mean, I walked down there. I think everybody thought I was a supervisor. Right? Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, I was definitely intimidated, but I feel like everybody was pretty welcoming for the most part. You know what I mean? It depended really on where you were because there's people that don't ever make a mistake in their entire life.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. And there is, you know, there's humble people who will, you know, who will bring you in, take you under the wing, and, hey. Look. Everybody makes mistakes, but learn from those mistakes. You know?

ATC Jeremy:

You're really good at that. Yeah. You know, very patient.


I remember, like, you know, the first part of our relationship, I was still in my kind of grumpy stages towards developmentals. So, like, because, like, when you're coming into, air traffic, you're considered developmental for about 2 years, and you you work under somebody's, ticket. So


Some mentorship.


A mentorship. Yeah. So, like, if if Jeremy plugs in and I'm and we both plug in together, then if he makes a mistake, I can overkey his frequency and and fix it.


Correct it.


And I was still kinda grumpy, so I don't know if we technically had, like, the best relationship in as a developmental because I was kinda grumpy towards people. But, we had a mutual friend, Jordan Johnson, who was like a mutual friend between us, and he was my developmental. And we kind of, developed a relationship after Jeremy got, certified. And then once we developed a relationship, we were pretty close after that. Like, we always had each other's back.


And even to this day, I would consider Jeremy 1 of my better friends at work Same. And always, like, has my back. Always 100% has, my back. And in that career field, there's a lot of alpha personalities. You need to have somebody that will constantly and continually have your back and always stick up for you, which I think Jeremy, does a really good job of.


I think he has a good personality for that and which is really cool because you you need that.

ATC Jeremy:

You need that. Yeah.


For sure.

ATC Jeremy:

And you're definitely the same way.



ATC Jeremy:

Don't don't be lying. You're definitely the same way.



ATC Jeremy:

But, also, you you call a spade a spade, man. If somebody's messing up, you're definitely you're gonna hold somebody accountable.


Yeah. Which I think I carry on into my outside line too.


Oh, definitely in the jujitsu gym. Right? Like, it's kind of the same

ATC Jeremy:



Kinda same process. You gotta correct people.


For sure.


We had, 3 white belts last night, which is which is kinda unique. You know?


In Nick's class.


Nick's class.


Usually, you don't get another white belt.


And so Frost had to crack the whip a little bit, and I'm surprised Nick didn't. I think Nick was pretty jovial. But


He was happy to have people


He was happy to have people there. But


For sure.


Yeah. Had to crack the whip a little bit on the the white belts. Just chatting it. Yeah. Cheety chatty.


Yeah. That's it. That's funny. And so talk to us a little bit about them. How like, how did you come into motorcycles?


Like, from just so we've talked before and I've talked about this about Jeremy, I have no frame of reference for a motorcycle. I've never been on a motorcycle, never rode a motorcycle, never even really, like, had the idea to jump on 1, but and I've lived vicariously through you guys. Right? Because I don't like that. I have no idea.

ATC Jeremy:

For me, I always wanted to have a motorcycle. I grew up a really poor kid.



ATC Jeremy:

And I remember watching I think it was a Disney movie. I don't remember if you can recall. It's called the bike rack or wait. The dirt bike kid.



ATC Jeremy:

Alright. And this kid, like, some snotty kid doesn't want his motorcycle. He's kicking it, you know, and he ends up buying it for, like, trading his bike for it. Sure. Like that.

ATC Jeremy:

But his bike has a mind of its own. Okay. Kirby, the car. Oh, yeah.


Yeah. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

So you know? And and I was always like, man. You know, as a kid, I really wish I could get a bike, you know, and finally, like, getting into high school, I was able to save up and got


a dirt bike. Okay.

ATC Jeremy:

I loved it. But fast forward into the military, that bike is still in California somewhere in a friend's garage.


That's sick.

ATC Jeremy:

I came home from Iraq, and my wife had a motorcycle in the garage for me.


Oh, no way. Oh,

ATC Jeremy:

wow. Yeah. She surprised me with the with the Harley Davidson.


With a Harley. Yeah. Because you're a Harley guy. Right? Like, that's that's your kind of, like, your thing.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. It's really all I ride, and bike was in the garage, and I didn't have I didn't even have a motorcycle license. Really?


Yeah. So So you actually have to have a motorcycle license when you're riding a bike. You have to have, like,


only if you get pulled over.

ATC Jeremy:

Yes. That's true.


Nice. Yeah. Really?

ATC Jeremy:

But I was in the Air Force too. Right? So Air Force is strict. They have a class you can take on in while you're in the Air Force. It's done by in California, anyway, by the CHP.

ATC Jeremy:

Sure. And once you do that class, you don't have to do any other tests. You pretty much just, you know, get your like, go to the DMV, take the test, you have your license. Wow. But from that's where it started from.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? And then when we came out here so I've always been a person that was never able to do anything by myself. Okay. K. I always had to have people to go with.



ATC Jeremy:

I could never be by myself. When I came out here and I was alone, and I realized the people here, like, they don't do things together after work. Agreed. So I was like, you know, and that's where me and Jordan kinda came together as well. But kinda before that, I was like, you know what?

ATC Jeremy:

I need to if I'm gonna, you know, survive out here, I need to get out and go do things on my own and learn how to enjoy myself by myself.



ATC Jeremy:

You know? And that's where I kinda fell in love with it. You know?


And you, like, put a lot of, time and money for sure Yeah. Into your bikes. Right?


Well, go through the hierarchy. What was the first bike? What was the first do you remember what it was? Like, make, model?



ATC Jeremy:

it was a


Harley, but, like yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. So it's the 1 my wife got me, and that 1, I'm constantly restoring and keeping together. Oh, so you still You


still have it?

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Still have it.


Oh, no.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. It's the 1 that's at the shop right now. Shit. Yeah. So that one's a 2016 Dyno Low Runner.

ATC Jeremy:

And Okay. Yeah. That's too many too many upgrades to to name, but I always just kinda refresh it.


You know? Okay.

ATC Jeremy:

Put new Chrome on it or, you know, just keeping the paint fresh by details.


That's I


mean, that's a pretty significant purchase. Like, that's pretty cool of her. Wow. Like, testament to your relationship. Yeah.


And Yeah.


You know, like, that she would show up with or, you know, have that for you, but, like, that's cool on you for, like, keeping it

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Keeping it around. I'm like Yeah. I mean,


that's cool. It's like this is something that's part of who you guys are, part of your history, and part of

ATC Jeremy:

your Yeah. I love it because I love story. You know? Yeah.


It's so cool. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Gonna take me coming in and everything because I was like, hey. I need to go get my weapons out of the car, you know, because I was supposed to take them straight to base. You know? And I I stopped telling first and and stayed there for a little bit.

ATC Jeremy:

And she's like, no. No. Go just go through the garage. I don't want the dog to go out the front. I was like, okay.

ATC Jeremy:

You know?


That's so cool.

ATC Jeremy:

And I have the video. I can send it to you. Yeah. We need to see it, dude. It's just I was like, what the heck?

ATC Jeremy:

Obviously, little me. Right?



ATC Jeremy:

They are super super amazing gift, man, and and it just definitely opened a lot of doors for me.



ATC Jeremy:

And then after that, we got this 1. And she said trade in that 1 the old 1, and I was like, there's no way. Yeah. I'm keeping that bike for him.



ATC Jeremy:

But I got this bike to go on long trips with her.



ATC Jeremy:

You know?


So you because it's more comfortable.

ATC Jeremy:

More comfortable for long for long, distance, cruise control, and the big old tour pack on the back to hold more stuff for, you know Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hair clothes and whatnot as well. Right. The balance of 2023 real glad.

ATC Jeremy:

Okay. Yeah.


And and this 1 is the 1 that, like, I know I've seen the other 1 a bunch, and I like the other 1. But this 1, this thing is, like, showcase. When he pulled up, he said, I should've gotten the other side, and I don't really know what that means. But on the other side, like, it is legit. It's all black.


The lit literally, all black. Everything except for a couple of bolts, it looks like, is all black on

ATC Jeremy:

my end. We'll we'll we'll remedy that.


Nice, dude. But you so did you have to do all the black stuff

ATC Jeremy:

to it? Did


you put a

ATC Jeremy:

lot of it? Did. Yeah. A lot of it, I did. I don't know if they can see from the camera, but, the rotors, the the shift linkage.


Dude. Bunch of stuff on the show.

ATC Jeremy:

Start to name it all. Yeah. Yeah. And then also so that big tour pack, you see that big old black thing on the back of it there? That's a tour pack.

ATC Jeremy:

And when I bought that from Harley Davidson, they were doing some type of giveaway. Right? So if you spent so many amount of dollars, they give you this many tickets to win


Okay. A

ATC Jeremy:



Win a motorcycle.

ATC Jeremy:

Then they called me, and I won another motorcycle. So this guy Love it.


This guy yeah. I remember, like, him telling me, bro, you're gonna shoot your pants. I want a motorcycle.

ATC Jeremy:

I'm like, what the fuck


are you talking about? And he's like, I want a motorcycle. And then he sends me the video of of them calling him, and sure shit. This joker wins a motorcycle. It's like a kid's size motorcycle, though.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. It's very small. Like, people are laughing, but it's so much fun to ride. Yeah. These big guys are, like, £700, £900, you know, for my for these 2.

ATC Jeremy:

But the other one's only, like, £450, so it feels like a bicycle.


Yeah. And it just it's so fun to ride. Yeah. That was that was my Ducati. My Ducati was


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Fully loaded was, like, 500.

ATC Jeremy:

Oh, yeah.


At at that's all gassed up. And it felt like a vise

ATC Jeremy:

flows in the Yeah.


Yeah. When you when, the there's a video of what Jeremy had posted, where a guy pulls up in a badass Bronco and, like, says, hey. What do you think about names the bike? And all of a sudden, I was like, that's insane. Like, a guy jumps out.


No. Doesn't even know you, but you guys have an instant relationship between the bikes. And he, like, he was stoked, and and then eventually, you found out that the guy had worked for Harley or something, shit like that. Right?

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. So that's what's really cool about the Harley community and just Harleys in general. When you pull up to the gas station on the Harley, people wanna talk to you. Sure. You know, they nice bike.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? Where are you coming from? Where are you going? Oh, yeah. You know?

ATC Jeremy:

And I think that's so cool. Yeah. You know, the motorcycle community itself is tight, but also, you know, there's people around that. They rode before. They wish they can ride or, you know, they wanna live vicariously kinda through your videos or whatever.

ATC Jeremy:

And I just I think it's amazing.


That which goes back to your point of the fact that when you when you first started it, you you and you moved to Utah, you said you needed to find, like, because we don't hang out outside of work. And so, like, you spend a lot of time at work with these people. Right? And then you don't hang out with them outside of work, so you have to find that community. Like, Tyler always says that word that he phrases the common unity.


What are we common? What do I have in common with you that will get past maybe some of the bullshit Yeah. That that that is there. Right? Or the superficial shit that that we, as men, like, tend to put up.


Right? And especially, like, a big dude like you, I would probably say that it's not like you're very approachable because you're a a really big dude with, like, intimidating, outlook, you know, like a forward like, it's like, holy shit. This guy? And, but but getting to know you, like, you have, like, genuine, genuine things that you're passionate about, genuine things that you can share with people. And then when you find that what like, we talk like like, we talk about that calm and unity, then it's like, okay.


I can see past all the other shit. Right? I I can get past all that stuff. And I think that's cool. Like, the the motorcycle community is probably it's gotta be, like, vast, because there's, like, Harley shops.


Yeah. And, like, it's Harley shops to me are, like, destination points. Right? Like, in my mind, like, you you the 1 in Park City is, like, crazy.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people, you know, that's kinda part of what they do, and they collect the chips from the dealerships or ride to them. And, actually, that's what I'm doing. And I'm either gonna leave Saturday or Sunday, but I'm riding to Kansas to go meet up with Adam Sandoval.

ATC Jeremy:

He's a a YouTube guy that does, a lot of, like, charity work for the Wounded Warrior pro, program. Oh, yeah. Wounded Warrior Project.


Let's put his we'll put his, information up just so people have it.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. So he ride so he's doing huge ride where he's going dealership to dealership across the country, headed up he's gonna end up in Sturgis, and he's trying to, earn a set amount to donate to wounded warrior warrior projects. Oh, cool.


Oh, wow. That's awesome. That's and you're gonna go drive out there.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. 1 thing for part of it, not the entire convoy, but just this little part.


1 thing that I know, like, is that is that is really crazy to me is that idea of jumping on your bike and, like, driving 1, 000 miles on your bike. Like, jumping on there and riding a 1000 miles or some of those, like, big long because speak to this. Like, you'd you've done some 1 day long ass

ATC Jeremy:

jump on bike. Miles in a day?


A 1000 miles in a day. Yeah. Sitting on that thing for a 1000 miles in 1 city.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. You have a lot to think about. A lot of time to think about things. You know?


Does yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

It started yeah. Those things for my friends and I just started off as a challenge. And then last year, I wanted to go to the 120th anniversary because I was part of this same convoy. Okay. Only went to a part of it here in Utah, but I wanted to go to the end where they're gonna meet up, and it was Milwaukee.

ATC Jeremy:

I had 2 days off. You know, Milwaukee is, like, 1400 miles away. So I just said, I can do it.


I think

ATC Jeremy:

I can do it. I think you called me because you said I'd take my shift, and then you called me back, hey, man. Can you take that shift back?


I was like,

ATC Jeremy:

dude, I'm in I don't remember where I was. Somewhere in Wyoming.


God. Dude, that's insane. And so when you're when you do that and you're like like you said, like, you're you're in your thoughts the whole time. Right? Like, it's like it would be like cons like like running a marathon or, like Yeah.


And and then there's gonna be points where you're like, you know what? Fuck this. I don't wanna do this anymore.

ATC Jeremy:

Dude, when you called me then, I I was thinking that because I had my face shield open, and I got hit in the face with a bee. And I I think I got, like, stung, like, on the tip of my nose. And I was like, is that, like, a sign? This is is this Yes. Stupid.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? I mean, what am I gonna do? Get there, turn around, and come back? Which that's pretty much what I did. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

I got there, spent a few hours, you know, said hi to the guys I met, and then saw the Harley Davidson Museum and came back. And good thing, 1 of our supervisors got a hold of me because I had a request in for the next day off because I was gonna have to ride through the night Mhmm. And just go straight to work without any sleep. And, he called me. He's like, hey, man.

ATC Jeremy:

You have the day off. So I pulled off somewhere in Nebraska, you know, and they had Con they had an Olympic badminton team, like, event going on. So every hotel's booked booked. I was like, are you serious? And they're like, yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

How do you not know this?


Yeah. I didn't know

ATC Jeremy:

that was a thing.



ATC Jeremy:

But, I mean, I guess there's, you know, there's different types of athletes everywhere. Right? For sure.


So I would consider that like an athletic feat, like, driving that kind of a distance on a motorcycle. Mentally, like, mentally, you're you're exhausted. Right? And now you're on this 2 wheels that you're trying to control the whole time.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. There's quite a bit of cognitive load. What are you what are


you thinking about? Like like, on a long ride like that, like, what is what's keeping you going?

ATC Jeremy:

I don't know, man. I'm just I'm always jamming to music or, you know, singing sometimes, saying stupid things, you know, thinking about, oh, I'm gonna call my bike this. And then by time I get done riding, like, I'm gonna


be talking about a full conversation.


Because you really do. Like, I mean, I have a relatively small experience riding. Right? I bought a bike last summer. Unfortunately, I had to unload it here.


My dad grew up with Harley's Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson. It was the shop we'd go to as kids, and he got really friendly with Vinnie who was the shop owner and, like, always had a bike. Did did Sturgis several times. But, like, you it's like you become 1. You have a connection with it because you can't you you have to be present.


You have to be present. 100%. Because if you disassociate, if you that's when that's when shit shit goes back.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Right? I could


see that. Yeah. That's insane. I really I guess I wouldn't even have thought like you said, Tyler. Like, I wouldn't even have put in the the the idea that you you can't wander too far.


Right? You can't drift too far.



ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. But you're also, like, on a motorcycle. What I love about it is, first of all, your mind is completely occupied because of just like you said. You have to be hyper focused. Right?

ATC Jeremy:

Because you're watching out for things on their own, vehicles on their own, the weather, you know, but also outside of the things that you're worried about, you're also taking in the smells, the sights, the wind that's blowing you. It's raining. You know? Am I gonna get through this storm? Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? So it's just, like, complete you're completely immersed in your environment.


Yeah. That's insane. That's a cool that is it's a cool. It's gotta be, like, a very euphoric and a very, like, I, high. And, like, a natural high of of what you're going through because your emotions are probably firing.


Every single emotion firing at, like It's exciting. Yeah, bro.


Yeah. Just like a very heavy cognitive load. A lot of problem solving. Yeah. You know, probably not too dissimilar from what you guys do on station.



ATC Jeremy:

Like Sure.


Having to solve problems. But yeah. What's the craziest weather you've you've ridden in?


Bro, before we go on, this guy this guy rode all winter. Right. He rode all winter. Do you do you remember that video of him, like, them sliding on the on the road? Like, this guy, like, rides everywhere, bro.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. I need to stop doing that too, man. We don't care if this keep going on. And I think it's because the self on the road.


Oh, yeah. It's gotta be terrible

ATC Jeremy:

for the bike, so I might just start driving during the wintertime. It's probably a smart thing. It's not very safe.


Or you just get a winter bike. That's just a bike for wintertime.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. There you go. Exactly. So that way, all your other bikes are good. You know?


What is the word the craziest?

ATC Jeremy:

I think definitely the probably the nastiest storm I was in was coming back from Milwaukee.


Oh, yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. I when I was coming back from Milwaukee, I saw the clouds up ahead. I saw the signs, severe weather. And so I pulled out underneath the bridge, put on my rain gear, and I think I had boot covers too, so they go over your stuff. You know?

ATC Jeremy:

And I think the water was, like, halfway up my wheel. Mhmm. You couldn't see out of my visor. I was following, Like, people are going super slow. I was just following lights blinking.



ATC Jeremy:

I couldn't see anything. And there was lightning, and it was probably stupid to be on the road. But I all I kept thinking of myself is, like, there's a 1 of my OG homies from Sturgis. Mhmm. He always he's saying kind of his because we rode through a hailstorm going to Sturgis.



ATC Jeremy:

And this dude didn't have a helmet on. I'm like, what are you doing? Right? And his saying was, what am I gonna do? Stop.

ATC Jeremy:

And then what if the weather's moving the way I'm going? Then I'm gonna have to be in it again. So I'm thinking about what he said. You know? I'm like, if I stop, I'm a have to do this again.



ATC Jeremy:

So I just keep pushing, you know, and come out the other side and sunshine and rain.


Yeah. Yeah. That's funny. That's like buffalo mentality. Like, have you ever, like, studied buffalo?


Yeah. Run at

ATC Jeremy:



They run into the storm

ATC Jeremy:

Go on.


Because they know the best food is on the other end of that storm. So they'll run into it.

ATC Jeremy:



And, you know, while most other other creatures will run away from it, they'll run right through it. Yeah.


And so, like, when that happens, do you say to yourself, like, alright. I'm I'm gonna make it to this this point. Or do you, like, fuck it. I'm, like, I'm charging.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. I mean, a lot of times a lot of times, I'm like, you do kinda talk to yourself back and forth. Right? You're like, is this stupid? Right.

ATC Jeremy:

Is I mean, should I pull off at the next gas station? Okay. I'm going to. And then you start get there's a next gas station. Looks like it's kinda lighting up up there, though.



ATC Jeremy:

You know?


Yeah. Yeah. You definitely

ATC Jeremy:

have that self battle, you know, and I always do try I try to be safe. I mean, it's weird to say that after we just said I ride in the wintertime and everything like that, but I do try to be as safe as possible. I'm very connected to my bike. Things that have gone wrong with my bike, I can tell. When I take it to the shop, they're like, are you sure?

ATC Jeremy:

And they check it out, and it's always on their own.



ATC Jeremy:

But you just have to really feel and know, you know, your machine because it's very, very easy to lose your life on 1 of those things. Yeah. You don't need to have a mechanical feel. No. No.

ATC Jeremy:

Snow, whatever. You know, dirt roads almost flushed down the way up. Yeah. It was the scariest ride I've ever been on.


We were setting up, and all of a sudden, it was just and Tyler's like, well, I think I hear Jeremy coming down the lane and all that. And, like, we see the lights coming down, and I was thinking, what a cool, like, what a cool thing to be able to do, like, be, in that moment. So so now, Sturgis, I've only heard stories. Right? Sturgis.


Is it as crazy as they say?

ATC Jeremy:

So this isn't what I tell people because people have all these different theories. They're on sport bikes. They're I'm not allowed to go. You know? Everybody's gonna hate me.

ATC Jeremy:

There's all these gangs, whatever. You know what I mean?


That's what I would think.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. And then then on the women's side of thing, they don't want you to go. Right? Because they think there's basically women throwing their self at everybody.


That's what I would think as well.

ATC Jeremy:

It's it Sturges is whatever you want it to be.


Oh, okay.

ATC Jeremy:

Right? You can have the most peaceful time in Sturgis, and you can camp away from all the chaos, and you will not see anything. Yeah. You know? There are clubs that have businesses in Sturgis.

ATC Jeremy:




ATC Jeremy:

There are women that, you know


Kill themselves.

ATC Jeremy:

No. I I honestly, I haven't seen that. You know what I mean?


You haven't been to the right clubs, maybe. Get the shit out of you. Jen, I'm just joking. Like, he's a bit don't kick the shit out of him. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

I think it's fun. Like, I I thought when I first went there, I was like I mean, my first time riding there, that was when I hadn't really gone anywhere by myself.


Okay. I think

ATC Jeremy:

that was my farthest trip.



ATC Jeremy:

I go to Sturgis because I felt like it was like a rite of passage having a Harley. Right? Yeah. So I pull up and I'm, like,


super nervous. First of all,

ATC Jeremy:

I'm riding through the campground. I don't know where to park, you know. I'm like, I'm just gonna park right here because you gotta put your tent down next to all these people. I don't know. So I pull up, you know, and I got my head down.

ATC Jeremy:

I get off my bike, and I swear as soon as I got off my bike, there are people that are, hey, man. Where'd you ride from? Wow. You know, like, talking to me.



ATC Jeremy:

And it was, I mean, it was that fast that you start building, like, making friends, like, Sturgis friends. Like, every time I go there, we have, like, a group of 10 people just always adding to that bunch of people each time we go.


God. But

ATC Jeremy:

it was 0 drama. It was awful. Yeah. Everybody was super respectful. You know, everybody liked everybody's bikes.

ATC Jeremy:

Nobody's causing any drama.


Something at

ATC Jeremy:

1 time Really? Ever. Wasn't it a good 1? Misunderstanding.


Yeah. Always is.

ATC Jeremy:

There was a guy on top of this humongous thing, I don't know, some huge bridge, and he cracked a beer while he's hanging over. Okay. You know sometimes they splatter a little bit. Yeah. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Some, shorter kind of buff guy was walking underneath, and he was like, what the heck? And the guy was like, sorry. The guy down below can't hear him, so he thinks he said, oh, well. Yeah. He came up.

ATC Jeremy:

And all of a sudden, I remember standing up there, and this guy's kinda walking. And I looked over, and I was like, that's a nice change he got on. Oh. And he just took flight. Beat the heck out of the wrong guy.


Oh, no.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. The guy that didn't was standing next to him. Oh, geez.


That's bad luck.

ATC Jeremy:

Bad luck. No. And that guy was out so fast security didn't even know, like, get there by the time it happened. Right. I mean, that was the only thing I've ever seen happen.

ATC Jeremy:

Really? Yeah. If you if people are trying to show body parts, you're gonna get kicked out.


Oh, really?

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. You know, there has to be pasties at least covering stuff. But, yeah, it's not it's not as crazy as you think it is, but it it is as crazy as you want it to be.


Sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's probably like a lot of things where, like, you just said, like, you could whatever experience you wanna have is the experience you're going to have for sure.

ATC Jeremy:

And if you're in if you're just in a crappy mood the whole time, you're not gonna have a good time. You have to you have to put yourself out there, and you have to be willing to have fun.


Right. And so is that your funnest place to go to? Is Sturgis the funnest place to go to? Is there is there a better 1?

ATC Jeremy:

What I learned from the Milwaukee trip is that I don't really like the destination. I like the ride.



ATC Jeremy:

And it took me a long time


to get

ATC Jeremy:

drunk. Dude. Yeah. Because going to Milwaukee too so I would rather take the 2 lane and the scenic route and be in, like, stuff like this, right, than to be on the interstate going straight. Right.

ATC Jeremy:

Right? I'd rather take my time, have more time, and experience, stop often, meet the people in the small towns, then just get to a place and sit at a destination and get drunk all day.


Oh, that's good. That's cool.

ATC Jeremy:

I love the ride, and I love the people you share it with. So BlackLine Speech Shop is not only a bike shop, but they're a community. Right?



ATC Jeremy:

So we do a lot of things together, a lot of camping together, and stuff like that. And every time we go somewhere, we always take the too late, and we always have a blast.


That is so cool. When you talk about Milwaukee, Milwaukee is the first, Harley Davidson dealership or no?

ATC Jeremy:

So Milwaukee is they have at the museum, they have, like, an old replica of, like, the, little garage or shack that the Harley Davidson Brothers used to, build the bikes and everything. But, also, it's the Harley Davidson Museum itself, and they have, like, all the old tanks on the wall. They have all the old bikes. Sure. Even they have what they think to be, model number 1 there.


Oh, wow. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

But they don't really know, like, for sure. And, also, like, in the basement or whatever, they have supposedly every Harley Davidson that's ever been made. Like, 1 of each model kind


of thing.

ATC Jeremy:

1 of each. But I don't know that 100% for sure. I wasn't able to go down there.


That's insane.

ATC Jeremy:

You gotta do that. Yeah.


That'd be great.

ATC Jeremy:

Racks of bikes. That's crazy.


That's crazy.


And then Milwaukee is where the company was founded, where they started. Like, that's that's the history with And the old factories there? Okay. And they're still they're still manufacture out of

ATC Jeremy:

Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Wow.


So moving forward with, like, what you're doing now and and how we've, like what, like, this whole idea of content creation and and developing content. And and I remember our first conversation of you saying, like, you were gonna start a YouTube channel and, like, the nerves and, like, the

ATC Jeremy:

Asking you all the questions. How do


you do this? Because Tyler and I, like, we talked about that, like, a bunch. Like Yeah. We're putting ourselves out there. Like, people are gonna critique.


People are gonna, like, judge. People are gonna say bullshit about what we're doing, but we thought and we believe, like, we have this idea that as long as 1 person is stoked, 1 person, 1 person's life has changed, That's all that matters. Doesn't matter after that. Doesn't matter. You've reached 1 single person, and you actually, like, video your shit.


You video. You talk. You, like, do these rides that I'm like Yeah. Holy shit. What what what what did you decide?


Like, what caused you what caused you to want to do some content? So Be famous this year?

ATC Jeremy:

It was honestly, it started from Instagram. So, like, I'm always doing all these rides like you see, and it was just Instagram before that I was posting it. You know? And I'd had just have people, just random followers and stuff reach out, and and I don't have a lot of followers. People just, like, wanted to see more.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? That's that place is so cool. You know? I kinda wanna see more. And and to do a long form video, I would have to use, you know, a platform like YouTube.

ATC Jeremy:

Sure. Never done any video editing before. The most I've ever done is, like, an Instagram reel. So I was yeah. I had my iPhone.



ATC Jeremy:

And that's kinda where I where I started. I barely just started using the computer Wow. In these, like, last few videos.


Do do you do you have the idea in your mind? And then do you, do you put the idea out to other people, or is it just your ideas, just your vision on these videos? Is it just you?

ATC Jeremy:

It's just me. Wow. Yeah. It's just me. I did have a subscriber ask for a review video, on some handlebars, and I if you watch that 1, I was just so out of place on it just because I don't know.

ATC Jeremy:

It just didn't feel didn't feel like me. Didn't feel authentic, I guess. I don't know. Like, when I get something in the mail for my bike, I get super excited.


Yeah. I remember when you had the brake pads.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. That video


was so sick.

ATC Jeremy:

You know, when I go on these rides, I really love it, but I also wanna make sure and and what it's been hard it's hard too because, like, whenever you make a video, you have to make it watchable. Right? So it can't be the just you sitting on a satellite. Right? It it can't be an hour long, you know, for what I'm doing anyway.



ATC Jeremy:

And there has to be kind of a story to it, I feel like. And so since I started doing it, but I don't wanna take away from the fun I'm having. This is secondary to to motorcycling and the fun I'm having. Right. So I don't want it to get in the way of myself having fun or people that I'm with having fun.

ATC Jeremy:

Sure. You know, sticking cameras in their faces or whatever. Yeah.


And it's slightly different than Tyler and I because Tyler and I are, like, talking about, just thoughts that we have or that we've processed or that we've, helped men go through. And 1

ATC Jeremy:

of the


things, like, I remember, like, talking to you about was, like, who cares what, like, who cares? Like, who just put yourself do do what you think is cool. Whatever you think is cool, you'll be excited about. If you maybe the handlebars thing is, like, you're just not stoked on, like, you're not stoked on

ATC Jeremy:

it. Yeah.


Yeah. Or maybe they were shitty handlebars.

ATC Jeremy:

Great. They're great, but they're not what I what I wanted.


Yeah. So you don't I don't wanna hurt this dude's feelings, so you don't wanna say, no. These things are a piece of

ATC Jeremy:

shit. But, I mean, even I, like, tagged it or whatever, and he was like, oh, thanks for doing that. He's like because I I put I was like, you know, I kinda was in the video saying that was back and forth between these, and he's like, that's exactly where I was. You know? So it felt good to reach out to, you know, a subscriber.

ATC Jeremy:

So it it felt good to have that kinda, you know, that kinda connection there too. Yeah. That was cool. Connection. But like you said, dude, there is a lot of people out there, and just random people, who wanna be negative.

ATC Jeremy:

The good thing about platforms is the more people comment, the more visibility it gives.


Ad team.

ATC Jeremy:

And it gives a chance to other people who actually, you know, genuinely wanna see mountains.



ATC Jeremy:

How should people reach out to me that have never seen mountains? So I'm in there chopping up a video that has this cool scenery Sure.



ATC Jeremy:

I think it's boring to watch because I live here. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. These

ATC Jeremy:

people are like, wow. That's amazing. Look how big those mountains are.


Yeah. Yeah. Tyler and I talk about that a lot, like, that we see this every day. So sometimes we get jaded in the fact that, like, we live here, you know, and so, like, we see this every day, so we're not Right. Sometimes we're not, like, stoked, but then other times we come out and we're like, dude, look what we live in.


Right? And so there was a comment, what the guy didn't like what you do in something. Like, what the comment that was on the last video that that was the negative 1 that was just a couple videos ago, do you remember that? He was not happy about oh, what the heck did you do? I can't remember exactly what

ATC Jeremy:

it was. Having a beer.


Oh, that's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. And drinking and driving. And and and then, like, all these people jumped on there and

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. And they kinda stood up for me.


And they start doing these things. Yeah. But in as a man, like, you could be like, hey, dude. We could figure this out together if you want to, and you could take offense to, like, all those things. But you are creating content for them to judge you anyways.

ATC Jeremy:




ATC Jeremy:

So you have to if you're gonna do this, you have to be willing to take the good with the bad. And I think for me, the the best approach has been a positive approach. Sure. And for instance, there's 1 guy. I remember posting a video.

ATC Jeremy:

I was really excited my my diner that I always have rebuilt. That's my when the my wife got me the motorcycle my wife got me. He said, that's a really ugly bike. And I said I said, hey, man. Everybody has their opinion.

ATC Jeremy:

What do you ride? You know? And he said, the bike he rode. And I was like, oh, that's a beautiful bike, man. What do you like to do?

ATC Jeremy:

Like, where do you like to ride? You know? And then it became this conversation. He's like, I took back that comment. I said, sorry about that.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? Right. And it was I didn't need to take that. Yeah. I didn't need it need to do that.

ATC Jeremy:

You know what I mean? But just because he doesn't like that bike, I don't need to take offense to it. Yeah. Not everybody's gonna like everything. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

That's fine.


Well and, like, being stoked for another man is not normal.

ATC Jeremy:



It's you're not built, like, to be like, man, you look good today. Man, I love a haircut.


Like, you say that kind of a


thing, and you some dude is all like, what? I gave me no compliment.


Yeah. That goes back to our tribal our tribal roots. Right? Like, we we do we do have a tribe. Right?


And you just you just brought him into your fold. Maybe he's at arm's length.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. But And maybe that's them trying to find their tribe. Find as you


Right? Yeah. Yeah. Like, they they they've gotta push against it a little bit to be invited. It's because they're not they're not comfortable

ATC Jeremy:



Being in touch with that side of themselves. Or Do you

ATC Jeremy:

guys think that do you guys think that sometimes people put that negativity out there first just to see, like


To test the waters? Yeah. I think a lot of people respond from ego. Right? I think when you respond, it it goes to what I would consider emotional maturity.


Right. Right? Like, how emotionally mature are you? If they're if they're a comment like that is somebody that, like, that to me seems like a child. Right?


Like, why cut somebody else down? You really have to grow up. I I think you're absolutely right. I think those people are just kind of big big children that that have never really grown up grown up.


And and, also, it's so easy to see me behind a computer and say some shit.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah.


He's some keyboard warrior. I think for sure. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

I think Eat your foot inside your




Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just munching on there. Yeah.


They're pork rinds or whatever.

ATC Jeremy:

I I mean and I


and I say that because that's that was that's my experience. Right? Well, I know when I'm like, if I'm cutting somebody else down, that's really coming from ego. Yeah. Even if I really don't like that person.


Yeah. Even if I really don't like that person, it's 99% coming from ego. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

And I just try to take this positive approach, man, and negativity really brings me down. When people are negative, I I actually had somebody out. I was friends with it, but they were just always so negative. And I had to, like, just space myself away from them because that just being around that, it just brings me down.


Yeah. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? And I just I hate that, though.


Well, and we we can also be our own worst enemies. Like like, we could already be, like, feeling those uncomfortable feelings about ourselves. Yeah. And they could be reinforcing those things. Right?


And, you know, we personally, like, try to encourage men to to, like, be stoked for each other, like, to be, like, encouraging. Like, man, you're doing this sick. I wanna be a part of it. Like, how can I be a part of it? How can how can Tyler and I be a part of

ATC Jeremy:

your your dream?


This is so cool.

ATC Jeremy:

He's He's


Yeah. And so, like, we want that kinda stoke, and and, I I just don't know if, like, it's if it's normal or, like, people see it as healthy, like because because we have a lot of personalities at work and

ATC Jeremy:



And and people, like, see you doing your thing. And are they encouraging? Are they discouraging? Is it this it doesn't matter to you.

ATC Jeremy:

I don't. Honestly, I I'm having so much fun. Yeah. I do. I don't even care.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. You know? They sometimes they'll say my YouTube name, like, in a way that maybe is they're trying to be funny about it. And I'm just like, yeah. I I Yeah.


Yeah, dude.

ATC Jeremy:

You know, I'm I'm having fun. I'm learning a new skill. I never knew how to video edit. I'm learning a new skill, which is super fun to me, man. I I felt like, you know, I kinda got to a place where, you know, especially at work, where I'm just, like, you know, just in the same spot.

ATC Jeremy:

And I wanna learn something new. I wanna do more or experience.


Get out of that comfort zone.

ATC Jeremy:

Exactly. And it's hard. You know? When you guys see these really good videos that people are putting out online, your guys' videos look amazing. That's not just play the camera and send it out.

ATC Jeremy:

That takes a lot of time and a lot of skill, a lot of effort, and dedication.


Yeah. You wish it was easier.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. We're just gonna find it. Yeah. I thought I was gonna turn on a GoPro and put it on YouTube.


Yeah. No. We're lucky we had Tyler, dude. Tyler, like, is And we've we've


had help from we've had help. We've had help from Stevie j. We've had help from, you know, from our community that we've we've asked. We asked about lighting. We've asked about rec I mean, I've met with people that other podcast host, and we're we're primarily a podcast first platform.


Like, the ViewTube is, like, that's just kinda secondary to everything else we're doing.


Because we want people to see our beautiful faces.

ATC Jeremy:

We do. I like that. Right?


But, yeah, I mean, I I think that's that's incredibly bold to be able

ATC Jeremy:

to just,


you know, charge out there. And and I I encourage more people to do it. Like Agree. What an incredible world we live in where you can get micratized content of something that you're into.


Yeah. That's so stoked on.


Back in the day, it was like magazines.




Right? Like, magazines, and you got the web the web. And and, you know, websites are cool because they can be updated quicker, but then now you're getting, like, actual content.




Like, you can get actual content from from people you like.




You you you sign up. And I watch the stuff that my kids watch, and I'm, like, sometimes so irritated by it. But at the same time, I'm, like, these people have really figured it out.




Right? Like, they figured it out. And some of it's gimmicky. Right? Like, there's content creators out there that are that are not creating from a place of authenticity.


They're creating content for for for money, and I'm like, whatever. That's their that's their gig.


Like Yeah.


You know, someday, maybe we'll be the mister beast.

ATC Jeremy:

So, he's Yeah. Yeah.


He's the goal. Right?


40 plus community. Yeah.


Yeah. But well and and, honestly, like, that's that's kind of why, like, I was stoked to have you on here. And, like, Tyler and I had talked about, like, insh like, really making sure that we, like, always, like, collaborate with you because, 1, encouraging people to step out of their comfort zone. 2, it really doesn't matter. Like, Tyler said, like, it does not matter.


If you are excited about it, it's going to make me excited about it. I'm going to be excited about it. Right?




And because we all put ourselves out there and because, like, somebody could make a shit comment, it's like, whatever, man. Like, it's cool. I I like all of it.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Don't yeah. You can't let that stuff get you down, man. And, hey, you know what? Thank you for the view.

ATC Jeremy:

Because him watching that video or her watching that video, it gives somebody else a chance because it'll show it on somebody else that watches similar stuff that that person does. You know, it'll show somebody else and give somebody else the opportunity to see something that might be helpful, and especially what you guys do. And what you guys do is saying the hard things. Right?



ATC Jeremy:

Us, men, we deal with a lot, and we feel a lot, but we don't ever talk about it. Right. You know? And you guys are definitely saying the hard things. And I've shared a lot of you guys' stuff, and, you know, I've had people reach out to me, who are these guys?

ATC Jeremy:

Who are these lost?


Appreciate that.

ATC Jeremy:

You know? Yeah. So


Yeah. We're we're, Tyler and I always just saying, like, we're always just getting started, like, and we'll always have that mentality of, like, just learning, never, like, forever a white belt forever white belts, which in our just our lingo means, like, we're never gonna be, like, experts at anything, but we'll always learn and we'll always grow and we'll always, like, find, ability to move forward and find progress. Right? And as men, that's where men get stuck.

ATC Jeremy:



That forward progress is where a man gets into his own head, gets into his own self. He starts to look at porn, starts to look at other women, look at other things that are make gonna give him that dopamine dump of quick fix followed by shit. I feel like shit still. I still feel like shit. Why do I feel like shit still?


Yeah. And and I think that's what, like

ATC Jeremy:

There's no clarity. Yeah. Yeah, dude. For sure.


Yeah. For sure.

ATC Jeremy:

I'm basically. Yeah.


I think you can. I mean, we we've we've we've covered we've covered boys and sex twice.

ATC Jeremy:

We've covered, Yeah.


I mean, yeah, I think that's it's it's true. Like right? You need like, in in today's corporate world, right, it's so much more difficult to climb the ladder. There's Sure. There's so many different, you you know, people vying for so many fewer positions.


Right? Like, I always used to get really frustrated when my ex would be like, well, just manifest more money. And I'm like, you're just, like, make more money. Like, oh, 0, that's all I've gotta do is just It's


just that simple.


Just just make more money. Right? Just make more money. Okay. Thanks.

ATC Jeremy:

You know what I mean? Yeah.


But, like, you know, you get you get creative with it, and you can, you know, eventually, like, this for me now, this is not about money. This isn't about monetarily, you know, making money. It's about it's about sharing a message and and what that message actually means. Like, getting men to, like, consider who they are, what they're doing to man in, to, have the hard questions, to to raise the next generation of sons. Sure.


Or we can get rid and and we can get past this this me too bullshit. Like Oh, so You know? And, like, not all men are are toxic masculine. Not all men are are are, like, raging testosterone driven, like, monsters. Right?

ATC Jeremy:



I I've yet to meet somebody that I would say is on a toxic masculinity, like, scale. It's it's definitely a scale. And and to me, when I see it, I see toxic masculinity the same as I see feminism. Right? It's just 2 sides of the same coin.


It's really just toxic individualism, which comes ultimately comes from your ego.

ATC Jeremy:



Right? I need to protect myself. Whatever I identify as, I have to protect that. And when I can let go of that ego, then I can recognize the opposite and embrace the opposite and enjoy the opposite, whatever it is.


Oh, man. That's that's that's deep, Tyler. Deep. That's deep. It is it really, really is.


It really is, you know, something inside of you that's that's causing those feelings that's getting in the way of, like, finding the beauty. I'll I'll I'll go back to last episode and the the peanut butter falcon reference

ATC Jeremy:

of Right.


Are we gonna die? Yeah. Are we gonna die?


Of course, we are.

ATC Jeremy:

The folks we are.


Of course, we are.


But are they gonna tell killer fucking


stories? Great stories.

ATC Jeremy:

Stories. Yeah.


You know? Yeah.


That's what you want. Yeah. Right? You want them to have stories, and you want to leave a legacy, and you you, you know, you want to give that to your children, your sons.


Right? Agreed. And to other men.


Right? Other men.


Because other men are gonna struggle with those things and, like, because of, like, the confidence and the ability that we all have as men, like, do we see ourselves who we really are, and we're comfortable with who we are. Right. We know we're working on things. We know that we're struggling on things, and and we're pushing each other to be better. Right?


So we're we're building these things. But other men may not have that same quorum or forum where you can be like, dude, I'm so excited for you. And genuinely mean that to another man. Genuinely, dude, you look good today. Yeah.


And genuinely mean that to another dude and not be, like, taken as weird for saying that kinda shit.

ATC Jeremy:



So kudos, man. I'm honestly like, we're really stoked for you and and, Appreciate it. What, what you got. So so right now, like, we were talking about this during the break, but, man, Tyler is going through a fast right now. Yeah.


And I am so stoked for him about it because we were talking about it because I fasted and I've cut weight. Tyler's fasted and cut weight for fighting. Yeah. And have you ever done any of that fasting stuff? Like, have you ever done anything like that?

ATC Jeremy:

I did with the chicken broth.


Okay. Bone broth. Okay.

ATC Jeremy:

Anyway, not he's doing the water.


Yeah. This dude is insane.

ATC Jeremy:

I mean, you III


don't think there's anything wrong with the chicken broth. Like, I to be honest, if I don't break my fast tomorrow and I decide, hey. I made it 3 days, let's do 4 or 5.


What hour are you on right now?


I'm on 43 hour I'm 44 hours.


So sick. Yeah. What a what a testament to your mental fortitude. Right?

ATC Jeremy:



Which I think is what what what pushes you. Right?


III to me, I needed to like, I just kind of have felt in the funk lately. Like Take control. Yeah. Not, like, 1 kind of working from home. Like, working from home is, like, terrible for me.


I feel so isolated. I mean, III basically wait to go to jujitsu or I wait to, like, get like, I have something to do. Right? And so I'm like, my I noticed my relationship with food, like, changing. Like, I'm eating to, like, get a dopamine hit or something.


And so I was just like, I need to I need to get back to me and, like, change my relationship with food.


Sure. When you were lifting heavy, Jeremy, did you, did you have to like, did you have some of that yo yo stuff of eating a lot, not eating a lot, eating a lot, not eating a lot?

ATC Jeremy:

Definitely. Always trying to find, like, what balance of macronutrients worked for my body. Wow. You know? Especially when I was getting really big.

ATC Jeremy:

But then it whenever you start lifting weights, there's a saying, it's like you become forever small.


Because you see yourself, like, not big enough.

ATC Jeremy:

You never see the size you are. Right? Unless, obviously, you're next to somebody else, but you're always lonely looking at yourself.



ATC Jeremy:

So you just see the same person.


We see the same thing in jiu jitsu. You can't see your own progress.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. Yeah. You know? So you're always you know, you start trying to get more size. You're too fat.

ATC Jeremy:

Start trying to lean up. Too skinny. You know? And you just it's like this cons constant cycle. That's how I felt anyway when I was when I was in until I got injured.


Yeah. And then not so much lifting anymore.

ATC Jeremy:

Not so much. Or if I do, I just don't I don't push myself.


Yeah. Yeah. But you

ATC Jeremy:

That was, like, a realization for myself, like, alright, man. You're over 30. You need to kick back. That's Yeah. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Back's hurting. Knees are hurting. Real muscles.


Well, honestly, like, I I was stoked on Tyler. Like, Tyler told us that a little bit while we were on break. And and big shout out to to what you're doing, Tyler, because, it encourages me and it encourages men to, like, always to push yourself to those limits to find what is the next limit. Because there's always gonna be a limit that you're gonna have to push yourself past

ATC Jeremy:



And find, things that will motivate you to to do those hard things. Because doing a hard thing is doing that stuff is going to only make you better in the long run. Right?


Yeah. And and to me, this, like, this connection back to myself as I'm, you know, kind of going through food, not without food and meditating a lot and, like, just kind of sitting sitting you know, at at the same time, I've, like, tried to turn off my device. I've tried to, like, not watch TV. It's it's it's shown me some other things. Like, it's illuminated some other things where I'm like, okay.


Cool. As soon as I conclude this fast, I now have direct insight onto what I want to do, where I want to go next, what I want to be doing next. It's just it's just been interesting.


Yeah. Fasting and cutting weight is, is is is such a mind mind monster.

ATC Jeremy:

Hey. Your body's just telling you. Yeah.



ATC Jeremy:

What are you doing? Yeah.


Yeah. It's it's a it is it is really, really hard, and it and it definitely teaches you a lot about yourself. So, man, stoked for you for doing that, honestly.


Problem is we don't have we haven't been in the sauna lately. I know, dude. It's been weeks. Weeks. Weeks since we've had a good sauna session.


For sure. And we lost our we we lost our our our sauna spot Yeah. And haven't found the quite recovery of it. But, yeah, is, is definitely needs to be back on our Yeah. On our side.

ATC Jeremy:

Well, that


was a huge part of huge part of my routine and definitely, like, helped with my my mental health just sitting that hot like, pushing yourself in that hot and that heat.

ATC Jeremy:

For sure. Do you guys when you guys go in there, do you guys go in there together?



ATC Jeremy:

And Do you guys have good conversations, like, strong?


Woah. Do you

ATC Jeremy:

feel like the conversations are deeper when you guys are both


going to test? This development, this whole thing developed in Asana.


And started in Asana.


In Asana.

ATC Jeremy:

There you go.


And and, like, the our friendship and our and our and and the need for our friendship developed in the sauna for sure.


We've we've had some we've had some serious conversations in the sauna, though. Like, I think the sauna is a bit of a sacred spot.


So I'm in currently in talks with a person to do a sweat lodge ceremony for men and to bring people into a sweat lodge. And, I've only heard stories of sweat lodge, but it's sauna times a million. Sauna times a million because you will break, you will falter, you will need each other, you will depend on each other, you will need people there to get you through what you go through. Jesus. Because a sweat lodge is, like, cooking yourself.


And it's it's and and you start to hallucinate. You start to have some some things that happen, and you need people to get you through it. So there's people in there that will get you through what you're going through. And that's, like, it's legit, and I've heard about it. And there's a guy in Heber that I've heard about, and I know somebody that knows him.


And today, we talked to him.

ATC Jeremy:

I said,


hey. Let's do it. Get with them.


I wanna do it.


And I wanna get some guys that that I think would be, like, stoked on it, and and you're 1 of those guys, Jeremy.

ATC Jeremy:

I'm 1


of you to come.


They do that at Heroes and Horses, a big portion of the and I sat next to the guy when I went to that event last October. They do that at part of the Heroes and Horses, specifically sweat lodge. Right?

ATC Jeremy:

So sick.


And it's that that tradition of sauna has been around For a while. It's and it's it's regardless of kind of what community you've come from, like, finish its sauna in, you know, Russia.



ATC Jeremy:

It it


it sweat lodge. Like, in Greece, it's a Roman bath, a Russian bath. Like, it's pretty, like like, it's around. It's, like, not like, it's universal. It's not like a onetime thing.



ATC Jeremy:

to me, that's, like, that symbolizes something. There's Yeah.


Being symbolic behind that. Yeah.


We gotta So what what's coming up in the next what so in the next couple of weeks, what you got? You got Kansas City.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. So Kansas City and then maybe Milwaukee again. I don't know. I have tickets for it, and I might try to find a way to give those away. Oh.

ATC Jeremy:

You know, but I don't know if I'm gonna go that anyways. After that, my wife and I arrived in Canada. No.


Yeah. So we doing Banff? Yeah.


Oh, nice. On the bike?

ATC Jeremy:

On the bike.


No way. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:



What's the mileage from here to to to that you guys will do?

ATC Jeremy:

I don't even remember, honestly.


Over a 1000.

ATC Jeremy:

Oh, total. Yeah. It'll be over a 1000. Not in 1 spot, especially because I have her on the bike. Okay.

ATC Jeremy:

So we'll do a lot shorter. I think the longest thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go from here to Whitefish. Oh. So that'll be the 1st day just to get the big part out of the way. And then after that, it's just gonna be short days.

ATC Jeremy:

You know?


Dude, that's a solid 12 of 14 hour day. Yeah.


So so Whitefish? To


Whitefish? Yeah.


To Whitefish? Yeah. Whitefish is a legit ride. Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Yeah. And I've even thought I might leave the day before and just get a few hours down the road.



ATC Jeremy:

You know, because I just don't wanna put her through it.



ATC Jeremy:

But I I want her to enjoy the experience. Sure. If we're just muscled through Miles, she's she's not gonna enjoy the experience.


And you told

ATC Jeremy:

She's gonna be you know, she's not gonna be having fun.


And you told me today, no no Sturgis because then you guys are going to Banff and

ATC Jeremy:

all that? Yeah. So, no Sturgis this year. It's like the first year I haven't gone since Harlow died, my dog. So, yeah, not doing surges because this trip is during the time that surges will be happening.

ATC Jeremy:

So there's Canada, and then after Canada is 4 Corners Motorcycle Rally, and I love that place, man. The $1, 000, 000 highway Mhmm. Is on the map.


For the greatest. Sick.

ATC Jeremy:

You don't do so many times. Talked about that 1.


Yeah. This guy.


My grandparents lived down in Durango. Really? Yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

It's an amazing I love that mainstream. Yeah, dude. The Durango Diner.


Oh, yeah.

ATC Jeremy:

Oh, yeah. I mean,


we used to grow up down there. We used to grow up going down there for


Durango. Durango is on my list of places where we may end up. Yeah. For sure. For sure.


Durango is on our list of places where we may end up. Cool, man. Well, we have man, we are 1 week away from, summer camp.

ATC Jeremy:

Summer camp?


Just over 10 days. Sorry. 10 days from summer camp, and, it is coming together. It it's it's coming together. It's gonna be a fun time.


We have fights on Friday. Lots of instruction on Saturday. Lots of instruction on Sunday. And then I leave to Montana for 10 days. Misty and I are doing the same thing.


We're riding in this. We're taking our bus to Montana for 10 days. Yeah. We're we're excited. We're nervous.


We're, like, Misty was, like, are you sure this is a good idea? And I was like, no. I'm not. But it's it's gonna it's gonna put some, like, fear into me, and and I think that I need that. I think I need the fear, the risk, the the challenge of driving in this thing.


Like you said, we only can go for 50 miles an hour, so we're taking back roads.

ATC Jeremy:

So you're gonna be going up Beartooth Pass?


Yeah. So, on the way back, we are gonna try to hit the that Beartooth Pass. We're gonna go up the Gallatin on the 1st day. But, yeah, it's gonna be a good time. We're stoked.


What do you got going on, Tyler?


Man, summer camp, few more weeks of summer with the kids. I think I'm gonna take my kids out to, Reno, Tahoe in the the Nice. Least, basically. Yeah. In the Bronco, we got the rooftop tent on.


So yeah. I mean, we're just gonna kinda play it by ear, and I got a hotel room for for camp. So You did? Yeah.


Sick. From v?


I didn't get v's because I didn't want the suite. I plus, we're only doing it Friday night.


Oh, you're taking the kids?


I'm taking the kids so they can come hang at the pool. They wanna see the super fights. Yeah. So I'll get them into the super fights and, yeah, let them kinda just run run run feral feral kids summer up in Park City.


We're staying up there as well, so we'll be out there on Friday Saturday. But cool, man. Well, Jeremy, honestly, grateful for your friendship. We're grateful. Tyler and I, we're grateful for what you've done for us and how you've encouraged Tyler and I and been there for us.


You you've we've been there along your journey, and so I feel like you've been there along our journey, and we're excited that, we were able to finally get you up here and and on the podcast.

ATC Jeremy:

No. I appreciate it, buddy. And thank you guys keep doing what you're doing. Keep saying the thing the hard things to say. Thank you.

ATC Jeremy:

And and being vulnerable. Foreigner okay. You know what I'm trying to say. We know what you're doing. We gotcha.

ATC Jeremy:

You know, the episode with the that you talked about your brother? Dang. Well, look at that. Yeah. Just talking about that right now.

ATC Jeremy:

I just got the chills. Yeah.


Yeah. You

ATC Jeremy:

know, it's it's really hard to talk about these things. And you guys, you know, when you guys put it out there, I think it makes it easier Sure. For everybody else that's watching. So thank you.


Yeah. We appreciate that. Cool, man. Well, cheers everybody. We'll see you guys on the flip side.


And, Sundays, Park City, open mat. You guys wanna come and see what they're all about. Check out Jeremy at,

ATC Jeremy:

ATC Jeremy Rides on YouTube.


Anybody else you wanna give a shout out to?

ATC Jeremy:

BlackLine Speed Shop.


Yeah, dude. I was gonna say.

ATC Jeremy:

What's your


BlackLine Speed Shop, we like the we're stoked on those guys too. Hopefully, we'll, do some collaboration with those guys eventually. And, Yeah. Cheers. We're excited.



ATC Jeremy:

We're good. Take care, guys. See you.

Navigating the Skies and Roads with ATC Jeremy
Broadcast by