Dangerous or Diminished
Alright. Welcome to the lost boy scouts podcast. Another episode.
Danny:In the in back in the vault, back in the the back in the lab? Back in the lab.
Tyler:Yeah. Episode 41.
Danny:That's insane.
Tyler:Let me just keep tracking along.
Danny:41. The other day, I was listening to a podcast, and it was interesting because the the host was talking about some of the things that you and I had covered before. And I thought to myself how, cool it was that there's other people talking, you know Yeah. About what we talk about. Yeah.
Danny:You know? I'm never a type of person to feel jealous about anybody. I always think, like, stoked for for the guys. You know? I'm I've always been a guy that's, like, push to to get more people to see the benefits of what you and I are talking about.
Tyler:I think, yeah, when it comes to our message specifically around men's mental health, right, you tend to find your your tribe. Right? Like, the way I say things, like, there's a couple guys that I know on Instagram that talk what we talk about. Yeah. And then, absolutely, I just wanna invite them to the gym and bump this to them.
Danny:Does he they this guy was even talking about how toxic male personalities have, damaged, certain male characteristics.
Danny:Toxic male personalities that I'm thinking, do some people think, like, you know, some of our characteristics could be toxic. Right?
Danny:I mean, you know, we we practice combat art. Yep. You know? And I, come come from a a world of fighting.
Danny:You know, I fought a lot when I was younger, and I've talked about that. And I wonder, like, if some of my traits are toxic because I'm thinking, you know, I I know who I consider toxic. You know? I know there's people out there that I'm like, I would never want to be like you
Danny:Ever. You know? Yeah. Like, I could you imagine me with, like, all these huge muscles and,
Tyler:like, pains everywhere?
Danny:Right. It's, like, just weird to me.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Abs absolutely. I I think so I think there's a there's purpose to hearing different verses. People different stories.
Tyler:You know, that I don't vibe with the way they say it. That doesn't mean I don't want them to say it.
Danny:Yeah. It seems like a lot has happened since our last episode. We kind of Yeah. Things have kind of, you know, full ramp for me in wrestling. Yes.
Danny:Do you know, they announced Tristan and I as Nice. Congratulations. Thank you. We are the, head coaches for Park City Wrestling. That's a huge thing for me.
Danny:Yeah. People always ask me, how do you feel about that? You know? Yeah. What what's your take on that?
Danny:And I love coaching wrestling.
Tyler:It's so rewarding. It's so rewarding. It's single handedly probably one of the most frustrating things you can
Danny:For sure.
Tyler:You can do as well as, like, the most rewarding. Because you're, like, you're just so responsible for the the molding of these young people. And, like, it's so easy to feel their hype and feel their stoke and congratulations to you and Tripp. Like, awesome. It's awesome to grow a program.
Tyler:Do you have any fun stories for us yet, or are you just getting ramped up?
Danny:Oh, dude. So yeah. So I was telling Tyler, my day today was kind of rough, but my the first time I went to practice during the spring, I was trying to think about these brand new kids and how I could show them some games. And I always remember, like, I've I've been on the receiving ends, and I've been at practice when a kid has been hurt during a game.
Tyler:Oh, geez. And you
Danny:hate that. You're like, during a game, we haven't even started wrestling yet. Yeah. Nope. We wanna get the bodies going.
Danny:We wanna warm up. So a lot of times in wrestling rooms, you you play games, and I was like, okay. I'm gonna put so many rules on these kids so they don't get hurt. 1st practice and kid breaks his ankle during the game. Oh.
Danny:Like, within the first two minutes of the game. I mean, he was being a knucklehead, and that sucks. Today, one of our girls who is a monster I've coached her in jiu jitsu. I've taught her in jiu jitsu. She is she is nice until she's not, and then she's not.
Danny:Yeah. She's not at all. And she has a jiu jitsu background, so she has combat combat mentality. Yeah. You give me energy that I do not like, I'm going to respond accordingly.
Danny:And she tossed this kid on his head, and he broke his collarbone today.
Tyler:And that's why you learn how to break fall.
Tyler:I mean, that's something you should teach the wrestlers. Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow, we're gonna do break falls.
Danny:Oh, dude. I was so flustered, Tyler. I was like, of all things, they just announced us as head coaches. It's my first practice Yeah. As the official head coach and get gets tossed on his head and breaks his collarbone with a person that I knew would had the ability, but she also has the ability to, like, be so kind to new people.
Danny:And I told her today, I talked to her, and I was like, hey. I'm sure he gave you some energy that you just did not like Right. And you acted accordingly. And I don't want her to I don't wanna stop that, with our with our topic today.
Tyler:Yeah. But did he sign the waiver is the question.
Danny:He did. And, you know, like, I mean, here's the other thing is, like, you know, young men today, you know, I mean, for the longest time, girls wrestled with boys. Yeah. You practice with boys. And so our program is small, so the girls practice with the boys.
Danny:And And I'll look over every once in a while, and those girls are giving those boys the business. They're giving them the business. Right. And I'll look over every once in a while, and those girls have ran into a boy that is not putting up with it. And I'm thinking, gosh.
Danny:What a crazy thing because in most, in a lot of rooms, girls only practice with girls. Yeah. Boys only practice with boys. Yeah. Because the girls' wrestling has grown so much.
Danny:And yeah, like, so much is so much has changed in my life in the last 2 weeks. Right? Yeah. And it's crazy how just 2 weeks time frame that since you and I sat here, it feels like so much has changed in my life. You know?
Danny:Yeah. Coaching again and
Danny:Going down the path of a new venture with a vehicle.
Tyler:Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Tyler:Out with the old and with the new. Out with
Danny:the old man. Our our, what did you think about the, what what was your thoughts on, the presidential election and then that week?
Tyler:It it was really strange. Like you could feel like a powder keg and it was, it was interesting. Right. I went and voted in person, which is the first time I've done it in a few years because we've been mailing ballots for so long up here. You know, I wasn't, I wasn't particularly impressed with either candidate.
Tyler:Right? It's, like, kinda more of the same. Mhmm. More of the same. I am not an affiliated voter.
Tyler:I typically like to listen to the issues. That way I can remain nimble, like, really pick and choose. I am pretty libertarian when it comes to, like, my my political views, which makes me a little bit more, physically conservative
Tyler:While while socially a little bit more liberal. I thought it would be a a a more, like, a a higher contention race. Like
Danny:I think blue got blown out of the
Tyler:water. What's interesting is I was I was betting on it. I was, I was betting on it, And I'm like, at the end there, like, I put my my vote down for my, you know, my $100 down for Trump, which didn't give me a lot of money, but at the time of pre election, it was like whatever. It was it was like 30% return on my money. And I thought for sure as they were calling out, they were gonna call more for Kamala.
Tyler:And, I so I hedged. I hedged a little bit thinking, hey. She's probably gonna get a late night bump. California hasn't come in.
Danny:Does that.
Tyler:You know what I mean?
Danny:Like, it always does that.
Tyler:She, and I bought in, I bought in at like 5%, the 5% return thinking like, you know, $25 would get me, you know, if it bumps a little bit, she gets 50% or even higher. I could, I could have made like, you know, another 10, $20 and it just stayed there. And I ended up pissing away $25 because, you know, so though but I got into the the community, and I'm like, there's a difference in the community. People were happier. Probably just that it was over.
Danny:Yeah. And I think that people were, being a little bit more okay with their decision knowing that the entire country had probably done the same thing as
Danny:You know, things the last couple of weeks with, Trump and his him and Vance going on to Joe Rogan.
Danny:Dude, that that that changed. Shocking, Changed everything. Shocking. It gave you the ability to be like, yes. I may not agree with who you are as a person, but that doesn't mean that you can't run the country the way that I would like to see it ran.
Tyler:And what's what's interesting is Vance is such a different character than Pence. Pence was so straight laced and religious
Danny:that I
Tyler:didn't feel like he was a very good pick.
Danny:He was so bad.
Tyler:And he they they won. Right? And I'm like, I didn't know much about Vance. I know he's a veteran. That like, anytime a veteran gets involved in politics, they generally will have my attention.
Tyler:I like to to listen to what they say. JFK Junior Yeah. Joining the ticket was definitely interesting to me. I mean,
Danny:I think you got Gabbard.
Tyler:Yeah. You got a
Danny:Gabbard was the I but she when I when I heard her talk on a couple podcasts, I was like, I am voting for her.
Tyler:It felt like a different it felt like a different Trump than than previous. And and and I and I I think that's what people liked about him is that he was he's still anti he's still the anti establishment candidate. Push. And I think people voted on the economy. I don't think I think there was a lot of social issues that that that Kamala and the the the left tried to push.
Tyler:They really ran on a like, we we always hear about the neoliberal or the excuse me, the neoconservative. But there is definitely a neoliberal party that is has influenced has influenced that ticket, and I don't I don't think it helped them.
Danny:And I don't think that the fact that, like, she was so quiet leading up to things, and he was so available Right. And and the way he conducted himself, yes. Yes. He's a, yes, there are things that you go, oh, that makes me cringe. But if you think in your world that you haven't said something that makes people cringe, you're crazy.
Danny:I I know for a fact that I've said things that I'm like, oh, that's not gonna that's gonna go over like a fart in church. You know?
Tyler:Yeah. And it was interesting. It probably took 2 or 3 days, I think, for those people that were in that camp to, like, really start. You started hearing the whining. Mhmm.
Tyler:Like, oh, I guess, you know you know, I the the big thing I heard on social media was I wanna talk to a Trump voter to understand why they would have voted for a convicted felon. And I'm like, in my book, we're all convicted felons because we're all rebels.
Danny:We we do things that we do things that we shouldn't do.
Danny:And, ultimately, like, they're what are we looking for? What are we looking for? You know? Right. Like I say, you know, I'm I am a pro America.
Danny:My family has all been in America. Yeah. Yes. I am a, yes. I am a person of color.
Danny:I am a person of color.
Danny:I am for sure. And I have concerns of for my for myself, but I also work my butt off, and I'm middle class.
Danny:I'm not I'm I'm not low end. I'm definitely not high end. I'm I'm middle class.
Danny:And I want my kids to have a good world. Yeah. If that means that I I do believe that we need to have some sort of, way to come into this country to pay Yeah. Your dues. Yes.
Danny:I do believe that. Yeah. But there has to be a process for that. Yeah. Not just anybody.
Danny:And I don't care what color you are. Yeah. Not just anybody can come into this country and start to change the whole dynamic of a of of certain issues or certain places just because we need to help everybody. No. We don't need to help everybody.
Tyler:We need
Danny:to help Americans.
Tyler:Yeah. You know?
Danny:And and I believe that, and I fight for that, and my boys fight for that, and I want my boys to to stand on business, to stand their ground. And, I I was so grateful for, you know, your your ideas of the topic tonight because Mike and I had such a good conversation about it. And I'm so excited to dive down this because not only that, we also had, you know, crazy UFC Yeah. Crazy Mike Tyson fights.
Tyler:Oh, yeah.
Danny:There's so much going on right now. And it was it was a crazy weekend of events. You know, the whole thing was insane.
Danny:You know, how you how how men and how people are being portrayed, and and is it a falsity? Is it, like, is it is it real?
Tyler:Yeah. What is what is what is real?
Danny:What is real?
Tyler:Yeah. Definitely. I I mean so the topic today, I definitely wanted to talk a little bit about, like, just feeling dangerous.
Danny:Yeah. Right? The dangerous man.
Tyler:The dangerous man. And I've I'm I instantly when I started thinking of this topic, I thought of the movie act of valor. Have you seen that movie?
Danny:A great movie.
Tyler:It's such a great movie.
Danny:It's one of the best.
Tyler:It's such, like, it's such an action oriented movie. It's one of those that I turn on, like, when I wanna test the surround sound. Story. Yeah. You're just like it's all the you know, it's
Danny:I love it.
Tyler:It hypes you up. But, the opening scene of that that movie, there's a a letter a father is writing to a son, and and I'm gonna butcher this a a little bit, but it's before he basically says before my father died, one thing he he said about growing older is that men stop seeing you as dangerous. And I always remember how how being dangerous was kind of like a sacred. Yeah. It's, like, sacred.
Tyler:Like, this feeling of dangerous.
Danny:For sure.
Tyler:And I think that's one thing that we we, as human beings, we've kind of disconnected from from danger a little bit.
Danny:It mean it being dangerous was was definitely a badge or sign of or badge of honor, a sign.
Tyler:You were the hunter. You were the the warrior. You were you would go out and you would protect.
Danny:For sure.
Tyler:Right? You would you would provide for your tribe. No. And now we've gotten this point where, you know, a a a majority of men, they've they don't have any association with with that danger.
Tyler:Like, we're not using power tools anymore. Like, we're sitting behind desks, and we can be keyboard warriors. And, you know, there are men out there that are working with power tools that are, you know, building skyscrapers. There's women out there that are doing this as well. So Sure.
Danny:Yeah. You live you like like it says, you live your life by a code by a certain code. Right? And and most of the men lived by that code. Most of the men lived by that code.
Danny:They were dangerous. You know? And they knew that they had that air of that when shit hit the fan, I was running at the fire, not away from it.
Tyler:Right. And I think that the the, like, a general concept I have is that, like, there the re like, there's one absolute in this than in this world. I think if we were to, like, distill down humanity into first principles, kind of the concept, like, the raw concepts of of first principles of humanity, it would be if I am bigger than you and you have something I want, I will take it.
Danny:I will take it.
Tyler:It does not matter. Yeah. And and that can be it could be positive depending on which camp you're in. If you're, you know, part of the camp or the guy's bigger or your tribe is bigger, that works out into your benefit. Yeah.
Tyler:But if you are smaller, I mean, you kind of have to adapt. Right? You have to adapt or you die.
Tyler:This you know, hate to say it, the concept of survival of the fittest.
Danny:For sure. Yeah. And and when you have those those guidelines or you have those, and you have that you have that basis and you live by that creed, you know which camp you lie in.
Danny:Right? We've talked about this. I don't have a big group of people. Right. I don't.
Danny:Right. I don't have a lot of friends. I I I I have family. I don't I have people that I trust, people that I surround myself Yeah. And all of them are gangsters.
Danny:Yeah. Every single one of them. The people that I hang out with, I know are gangsters.
Danny:Like gangsters. Yeah. Tough, mean, kind.
Danny:They they are dangerous men who have lived dangerous lives, who do dangerous professions, and they are the nicest guys in the world. And tell they're not.
Tyler:It it's it's so true. So, like, this concept of being dangerous, I was rolling yesterday, and we had, you know, we had 20 guys on the mat. We were there's no out rounds. Right? Big rounds.
Tyler:And when I was rolling with 1 of the newer white belts, and he's good. He's good. He's athletic. He's strong. He took my back.
Tyler:He had the rear naked choke. And at this point I'm just defending the rear naked choke. I'm not doing anything but defend the rear naked choke. And I'm like, why isn't he finishing it? Why isn't he finishing it?
Tyler:I'm like, it's gotta be because he's, he's worried that he's going to hurt me, but I'm like, I'm defending myself and I'll tap if I, I need to tap and ended up losing the position because he just like, he it's like, he wouldn't put it on. And I, I, the thing that popped in my head is that the Nick Hallett, like, man, you're just not being mean enough. You're just not being mean enough because I'll let you play. I'll let you play. You know?
Tyler:But you know what I mean? Like, you gotta you gotta have it. You gotta want it. You gotta you gotta light that fire. You gotta not be afraid that that your training partner isn't going to protect themselves.
Danny:And in on the mat, definitely, it's a learned trait. There are people that, like, don't learn it because, like, am I supposed to hurt you because you didn't tap? There are times when I've been like, you get a couple opportunities to tap. You don't tap. I will make sure that you tap.
Danny:Yes. Now I'm not trying to hurt you because I need you as a training partner. Yeah. But if I put it on you and you don't tap and you get hurt, you get hurt, you personally get hurt. That's not your fault.
Tyler:Absolutely. And I'm I'm definitely guilty of that too. Like, I will especially with upper belts, you know, there'll be times when I'm wrong with professor Nick, and they're like, they're holding me in a position. And I can tell that, like, yes, perhaps my arm is in a in a precarious situation. But what is my role at that point?
Tyler:Do I tap and reset, or do are are they, like
Danny:Are they allowing you to
Tyler:Are they allowing me to, like, solve the problem until I figure out that the problem can't be solved?
Danny:Right. Right?
Tyler:And so I'm I'm, like, I'm I do get stuck in that kind of, like, what do I do? And
Danny:It is a weird it is a weird environment because I can see that, like, maybe they're allowing you to Right. Work through the problem Right. Knowing that they're not gonna hurt you, or maybe they're just, like, go ahead. Yeah. Go go ahead.
Danny:Don't move. Don't tap. Right. Soon as you move one way, you're either gonna tap the screen. Right?
Danny:Yep. There are times when and and professor talks about this a lot. There are times when there is no play. Yeah. Anything where life or death is at is a risk.
Danny:So what does that mean? Weapons. Mhmm. Anytime a weapon is involved, it is not there's no play. Yeah.
Danny:Anytime a police officer, a military service member, somebody that carries a weapon
Tyler:How about our boy, Chris?
Danny:Dude, what a crazy thing. Yeah. Dude, it's insane.
Tyler:It's just like he was he was there last night. He didn't he didn't stay to train.
Danny:Yeah. So one of our one of our white belts, who is a smaller man Mhmm. Is a nurse. He had a real life situation where he had to use jiu jitsu. I talked to him, and he said there were so many mistakes that he made, but he was so proud, so glad that he had jiu jitsu because as soon as instinct kicked in, he did not fight or flight.
Danny:He completely ran, solved the problem. Yeah. Took the dude down, put him on his back. He did make some mistakes, he said, and he's he's excited to talk about him, but, he, for sure, used jiu jitsu in a real life situation. And what a great thing.
Danny:I mean, like that dude like I said, we are around people that you know have the ability to be dangerous.
Danny:You could live in a world of pretend danger. You know?
Danny:Where you're where it's perceived.
Tyler:Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Danny:Age plays a huge fact in that. And this is kind of like Mike and I talked about this because I have been being getting banged up a lot. Yeah. Part of it is is because there's times when I'm training, I'm a smaller person. Mhmm.
Danny:And I don't want to be what I would consider a quotation or, yeah, quotations, boring round where I just defend myself, but I don't move. So I'll, like, move around and maybe I get my arm extended like you were just talking about. But because of my size and because of the size I'm training with, it's to the full extension, boom, and I get hurt. And I'm like, I I wasn't even try there was nothing even going on, but I got hurt.
Danny:Right? I get into a weird scramble. I end up on top maybe, but what did I what did I sacrifice? My knees, my wrist.
Danny:Something's hurting now, and I'm like, gosh. What is it? Is it age? Is it age? Is it the fact that, like, some of these guys are getting better?
Danny:Is it my ego? Yeah. Is it the fact that, like, I wasn't doing my job? And and professor was like, no. It it's all the above, but also there are times when you have to be opportunistic.
Danny:Yeah. And that may be just defending.
Tyler:Man, speaking of opportunities, I don't we we do wanna go into that that Tyson Jake Paul fight. Will.
Danny:I think we do. Yeah. We kinda have to.
Tyler:We kinda have to.
Tyler:I mean, I was so hyped for this fight. Like, I've been a Tyson fan forever. Everybody wants to see Jake Paul get punched, but, like, I walked away from it thinking, like, this is this is WWE.
Danny:Do you think it was staged?
Tyler:I, 100%, think it's staged.
Danny:Do you think that they came up with rules to keep them both in the fight for 8 minute or 8 rounds?
Tyler:8 rounds? I don't know. I don't yes. I I think I think it was staged to the point where Tyson was never going to win that fight unless he truly personified his bad boy self. And and I could tell his you know, you saw the pre fight stuff.
Tyler:Boy looked quick. He looked fast.
Danny:For, like, 5 seconds.
Tyler:Right. Right. So he looked he looked like, okay. I haven't lost a step. I'm 57.
Tyler:You know, I know certain there's, you know, there's gotta be guys in the in the gym that are older, that, that age that we roll with that are like, you know, that they can bang, they can roll. Right. They can do 3 rounds. They can do the 20, they can do the hour of, of 3 minutes with us. Yeah.
Tyler:Right? So I'm like, I I get it. I have a little bit of faith. The guy has some muscle memory. One thing I loved is that he seemed to punch through his partner.
Tyler:Like, when the the guy working the gloves, and I'm not a boxer by any means, but, like, he looked at like, he was punching through, like, anytime he was training.
Danny:You know how you you've ever seen, I can't remember his name. I think his name is Michael. He's a he's a black guy that's a karate. He used to do karate moves, and he was he would do prison movies. I can't remember his name.
Danny:Michael John Mike Michael something. Anyways, he would show tech karate techniques. Yeah. Professor always talks about this. It's a choreographed dance.
Danny:When Mike's hitting the pads, it's a choreographed dance.
Danny:Right? So it's meant to look
Tyler:Like he's
Danny:like he like, it's beautiful.
Danny:Because boxing is beautiful.
Danny:When Floyd Mayweather is hitting the bag and he's and he's looking at you and he's and he's punching as fast as he can, It's it's a choreographed dance, so I'm holding the pads knowing that your hand is going to be there. So it's Very
Tyler:interesting. Okay.
Danny:So it's staged. It's 100% staged. Does that mean that it's that it doesn't matter in the fight? No. It does it matters.
Tyler:Like Yeah.
Danny:Hand eye coordination and boxing, cutting off the ring, doing things with your feet to make sure you can't step a certain direction because if you step that direction, I'm gonna punch you. That's real. Mike Tyson was the epitome of I will take 2 hits to give you 15. Yeah. Because my 15 are gonna make you squeal.
Danny:Right. Right? Athletic. He's very young. Yes.
Danny:On no in no world does he not kill Mike Tyson. You know what
Tyler:I mean?
Danny:No world. No world.
Tyler:Because there was a couple times that Tyson slipped punches, and it's clear. Jake Paul did not have his gloves up. And if Tyson would have countered like, you you saw the first few punches that Tyson got. It it was a wake up call to to Jake Paul.
Danny:Mike Tyson is is a is a dangerous man. He is a dangerous man. If he was to fight another when if he was to fight another 50 or 8 year old man, and they both were boxers Mhmm. Mike Tyson has a puncher's chance of knocking that person. Yeah.
Danny:All things equal. This is not all things equal. This is a choreographed
Tyler:I hear.
Danny:For Jake Paul to broadcast himself as this person that he's played his entire life.
Tyler:Yeah. Yes.
Danny:He's played. He's an act he's acted his entire life.
Tyler:He's the heel. He is the undertaker. He is he is yeah.
Danny:And Mike Tyson is what we all wanted. Right. What we all wanted, we got. We got this this idea that we can still be dangerous. I am 46 years old.
Danny:I have a 20 year old monster Yeah. That I that that I that Mike always reminds me, yes. It sucks that your son kicks the crap out of you.
Danny:But you have to be proud about it. Yeah. Because it's me that has taught him that.
Danny:I have tried before. I've thought to myself, I'm going to go at him today.
Danny:And I last maybe about a minute and a half before he kicks it up, and I don't have that ability to kick it up.
Tyler:And that was the other thing we saw
Danny:equal. Right? All things equal. Now maybe, like, Anthony and Nick and those guys can because they're a little bit bigger than Tripp, and plus they have more experience in it. But that that dude I mean, he's killing me.
Danny:All things equal in which we are, we're about the same weight. He's, you know, maybe about 5 inches taller than me. I've got grit and meanness on my side. He's got youth on his side. Yeah.
Danny:That's what we've seen. Yeah. So my my my idea was to take it for what it was worth. And then I got bummed because you realized we're not dangerous. Well, there is somebody out there that is going to make you look like it's okay.
Danny:Right? Like, I Yeah. Jake Paul did a great job of making Tyson look okay. But at any point in time
Tyler:I just wonder, though.
Danny:They could've knocked the shit out of him.
Tyler:I mean, he stayed he stayed to the outside. He did exactly what I thought he was gonna do. He stayed to the outside, and he would drop in and you know?
Danny:I think there was a contract that said, let's keep going each round because I've heard the contract went. Every round, they got more money.
Danny:Every round that they lasted to the 8 rounds, you got more money. Plus, it was on Netflix, so nobody gave a shit about Netflix. Yeah. It wasn't a pay per view. It was on Netflix for free.
Danny:How about the beginning of it when Mike Tyson is locked, turns around, and there's his butt. Butt. And you're like, that's a 57 year old man's ass.
Danny:That's what my ass look like. Yeah.
Tyler:Yeah. I mean, that was where I started I started to, like, have no faith that he would he would win. Right? Like, his demeanor changed. Oh, yeah.
Tyler:His demeanor would change. And when he walked out there alone and he's just kinda stumbling, I saw in a man, a guy who was like, he was selling his he was selling his legacy. He was selling his legacy. I think he wanted to get in there and at least do do more.
Danny:I think we got what we wanted out of Tyson. Like, you you knew that he has the ability, like, when you seen the buildup and you see him doing the choreographed, pad inning. It was cool to see, like, him back out there. What you don't wanna see is the Mike Tyson where he's, he when you know? And excuse our audience.
Danny:Please excuse me when I say this. But when he told that guy, I'll fuck you till you love me, that is one of the most iconic lines
Danny:Of all things when he is standing at the thing, and he's screaming at the guy, and he's sweating, and he's screaming, and you're like, this is a dangerous man.
Tyler:That's and that's what you know, you the post fight interview was was probably one of the more interesting things where he says he's like, I just don't have I
Danny:don't have it.
Tyler:I don't have I've got the training. I can do the training, but he's like, I just don't have that same Yeah. That same fire. I I wonder where does that where because, I mean, he was. So you were talking about a dude that was arrested 100 of times before he was 13.
Tyler:I don't know about 100 of times. So he's arrested.
Danny:He lived the he lived the he's that guy, like, came from nothing
Danny:To be, I think, 20 I think he was 20 or 21 when he won his first title. And I remember watching him being like, oh my he's going to kill somebody. Yeah. Because when he would get in there in the pocket and swing and his and his and his everything was so beautiful. When I was fighting MMA, my one of my trainers was a boxer, and he trained with Mike Tyson in Hawaii 1 1 year.
Danny:And Mike Tyson came out there, and he would he'd show me some some of Mike Tyson's combos. And I remember thinking, gosh, I just wanna look like Mike Tyson with
Danny:When I'm doing this. And, yeah, a very dangerous man. But did he have does do do those guys have this fear of becoming irrelevant?
Danny:You know, like Yeah. What if what if you don't, Tyler, think that Danny is a monster on the mat, and then you come and try to take my title? Because you're you're not scared of me anymore.
Tyler:I mean,
Danny:I Do we get there any do we ever get there?
Tyler:I'd rather be knocked out by Jake Paul than than sell it for 20,000,000 personally. Personally, I'll take hey. He knocked me out. He He knocked me out. Like, okay.
Tyler:I'm old. I don't know that I could I don't know. I don't know that I could solve. I I don't know that I could go in there and play the role. You know?
Tyler:Yeah. There was a lot to it. Like, him biting the gloves. Like, so weird. Right?
Tyler:Which like, the clinch. Right? So there's this whole story that, like, you know, Jake Paul was getting close until until, like, the first couple of land you know, punches landed by Tyson, and then he started clenching. And they're they're they're saying that, like, at that point, it would Jake was like, hey. Slow down.
Tyler:Like, let's let's give them a show. And
Danny:Yeah. Don't gas out.
Tyler:Don't gas out. Like, he was gonna go for a 1st round knockout. Like, that's what he wanted to to he wanted to do. Right. And if he didn't, I I kinda figured if he didn't get it in the 1st 2 or 3 rounds, he's not gonna get it.
Tyler:And then then I'm just like, when I saw him walking out, I'm just like, this thing is is staged. He's not gonna win. And so those people who want Jake Paul to go away, here's what you gotta do. Turn it off.
Danny:Turn it off.
Tyler:Don't watch it anymore.
Danny:I know.
Tyler:That's the second one. Like, I I don't have Netflix. I paid 6.99 just to watch that one fight. You did. Yeah.
Tyler:Because I had to sign up for a 1 month, and I just I canceled it immediately. The streak quality was terrible.
Danny:So bad. This is about round 7 when it finally all of a sudden cleared up.
Danny:Because everybody turned
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. It was it was it was garbage, and I I think that is interesting. Right? Like, do you you there's a there's a point where you don't want that anymore.
Tyler:Like, he he didn't want he doesn't want that anymore. Yeah.
Danny:Do you see it do you see do you see masculinity going away with age? Do you see yourself like, oh, I'm getting older, so I'm not so masculine, and I need to chase that? That's, like, one of those, like, where they call that, where a guy goes through a midlife crisis, you know, because he feels like this. He's not living up to what he's supposed to be, and all of a sudden he goes by this, this fast car. Yeah.
Danny:It's a younger girlfriend, you know, midlife crisis area, and age plays a part of that.
Tyler:Yeah. Right? I think age definitely does play a part, but I think you also gotta understand your purpose. I think you gotta deeply connect with your purpose. And I think it at at a certain point, right, like, I will probably I will train until until I can't.
Tyler:That that'd be my goal. My I really I I envision myself with a black belt.
Danny:That's funny you say that.
Tyler:You know what I mean? Like, I don't know how long I'm gonna have to do it. I don't know how long I'm gonna have to get there, but I really enjoy the the my time. I enjoy the community. Like, training for me has been a lot of fun.
Danny:It reminds you that you are dangerous,
Danny:you are that you are masculine, that you that you go around with other guys who you know. Yeah. It's funny because Mike when when after everything was said and done, and Mike and I had our conversation, and he kind of explained to me what, you know, where I was making some mistakes. And and he took about, 15 minutes just to just to have a conversation with me, which I was so grateful for because I needed it. Yeah.
Danny:And at the end, as we were walking off the mat, he said, I want to see, you know, you and I on the mat, like, at 80, 85, 90 years old together like we're doing now, looking back and thinking about what we've just went through in this life. And what it what it meant to me was is that is, like, I'm not gonna change who I am. Yeah. You know, I'm still gonna be dangerous, but I'm going to make adjustments so I don't get hurt. And maybe that is, like, protecting myself against certain monsters in the mat that, like that oh, sure.
Danny:I I can't do anything with them. You know? Sure. And it's okay, like, as long as they don't do anything to me.
Tyler:Right. Right.
Danny:You know? Like, if a guy gets your back. Yes. And you're like, I can defend this. Yeah.
Danny:It's okay. Like, if if you get it, I'll tap. We're gonna be friends.
Danny:You know?
Tyler:Yeah. It's okay. Yeah. It's it's totally okay. And I think there's a there's a there's a paradigm shift too.
Tyler:You get to an age where your skill becomes now this becomes a knowledge I have to pass down. I have to help Agreed. I have to help the next generation. I have to help my son. I have to help his sons.
Tyler:So you become the teacher. And I think, you you know, it that's your evolving purpose as a man. Our purpose you know, when we're younger, our purpose is to, you know, go out there and make money or or go out and serve our community or we find our purpose as men in many different ways. And I think that there's no there's no there's no intrinsic birthright anymore or no rite of passage where we go out and we become the hunter. We go out and we become the warrior.
Tyler:We have to kinda find those now, on our own, and and that's why so many young men are getting lost. So many are turning to video games or taking the path of least resistance is because we're not in a culture anymore where we have to to work to feed ourselves.
Danny:Well, and how often is the dad busting his ass working so he can't actually spend the time with his son
Danny:To teach him the things that he needs to do because the dad the dad is in his grind stage. Yeah. And there's so many guys out there telling you to work, you know, work work work, grind grind grind.
Tyler:Get that hustle. Get that hustle.
Danny:Hustle. Hustle. And now your kid who is yearning and and and wanting to go and learn to become a young man, and he watches you do this. So he's like, oh, cool. My dad is grinding on the computer.
Danny:I'm gonna play this video game. It's kinda the same thing.
Tyler:Right. Right.
Danny:I'm gonna get this, yeah,
Tyler:this No. You're absolutely right. They're they mirror they mirror the behavior because you're, you're absolutely right. We are my dad was a a farmer. I'd go out and I'd I'd see him farm because the farm was right out front.
Tyler:He was a cobbler. He was making shoes. You know, typically, we'd see that in our neighborhood. He was a you know, whatever he did prior to kind of the the new intellectual movement of of work. Yeah.
Tyler:Right? Our our children our our children used to see see it. Now we actually leave, and they don't see us
Danny:see us working.
Tyler:They don't see us working.
Danny:Yeah. And they they they develop skills on their own, and they may not be the skills that you want. Yeah. You know, they they may, struggle, and you don't see it because you're not home. You don't get home till late because you're working.
Danny:You're grinding. You're hustling. You're you're on social media going, hey. Don't get on social media too much. Yeah.
Danny:But you're on social media, and you're like, well, this is how I make my money. And so I kinda have to be on there doing, you know, reels, and I've gotta be doing Yeah. I've gotta be grinding. I've gotta be hustling. I've gotta
Danny:And I'm gonna go to the gym, but I'm not gonna take you with me. I'm gonna go to the gym by myself, and I'm not gonna take you with me. I'm just gonna go by myself because, you know, I'm working on myself, and your your young son is like, cool. I'm just gonna work on myself too, and he has no idea how to do it. Right?
Danny:So then the danger and that idea of, like, run at the firefight, run at the firefight, run at the firefight, but, man, don't forget your job. Your job is to come home. It gets left. Right? And so I hope we don't lose fact that Mike Tyson is an idol.
Danny:You know? But also Jake Paul could be an idol in certain people's eyes as well because the dude has made it. He fought my I mean, this guy has fought some of the craziest, toughest guys, albeit in their later later years, but the dude is making a name for himself.
Tyler:Yeah. You have to you have to question, though, if if the whole thing is manufactured. Right? Like, why if he is the, quote, unquote, the new face of boxing, and this is my question, is he is he really dangerous? Right?
Tyler:Because there's that whole quote that, like, Tyson says, I'm I'm dangerous. Jake Paul is manufactured dangerous. Right? Like, what is like, why isn't he boxing in a particular circuit with their rules rather than making the rules himself?
Danny:Right? Because he's found a way to make money.
Tyler:Exactly. And so so is it real? No. Right? They said his they said his outfit was something like $1,000,000, his little boxing outfit.
Danny:The dude came out in a cult.
Tyler:Right. It was like Rocky. Yeah.
Danny:Remember when Rocky came out?
Danny:And, they lifted up, Glover? Yes. You know, and lifted it up, and he's Yeah. Yeah. And it that's exactly what it looked like to me.
Danny:It was just a fake. But boxing itself has lost a little bit of that, about a little of that luster. I think there's some really good boxers out there. We also the UFC was this weekend, which is kinda crazy. You know?
Danny:And Trump and his whole cabinet being there was just like, what? And what? Yeah. What world are we living in?
Danny:Right? Jon Jones, 37 years old, is the greatest fighter I've ever been able to witness. Yeah. And when you talk about, like, what we've seen on Friday compared to what we've seen on Saturday, that to me is, like, those dudes, very athletic to talented, probably juiced a little bit.
Danny:But, man, like, that's a that's a fun thing. And and you and I, because we train jiu jitsu, we can actually put ourself in that Yeah. In that environment. Right? We can kind of put ourself there, so we're we kind of feel like we're part of that community
Danny:With the UFC. But when you watch Jon Jones and you watch him dismantle Stipe the way that he did, you tell yourself there are some dangerous dudes.
Danny:And that guy is as dangerous as
Tyler:As it comes. Yeah.
Danny:Because he was able to cut off the ring and then spinning back, he'll kick that dude. And could you imagine getting kicked by him like that?
Tyler:Yeah. No.
Danny:Oh my goodness, dude.
Tyler:They're getting kicked by a horse.
Danny:And he set it up. Every time Stipe moved right, he'd whack him with a kick. Every time Stipe moved to his right, he'd punch him. Every time he moved to his right, whack him with a kick. Yeah.
Danny:So what did Stipe have to do? Turn go left. And he knew he was gonna go left, so all he had to do was whack him with a kick and then spin. Boom. And Stevie was gonna be there.
Danny:Yeah. It was so it was beautiful. It was beautiful, and that's what, to me, fighting is about. Yeah. You've been on the mat where you've set something up.
Danny:You've set a trap for somebody that you're like, man, this trap is about to work.
Danny:And when it works, you have this, like, giddy inside your Yes. Yes. Yeah. You know what's funny with you is, when we're training and and when Jeff showed to go out the other side as opposed to and when you get it, I can feel how excited you are that you've got your arm to the other side of the body because he said that would be the other hard part. And I can feel how you're like, oh my goodness.
Danny:I set the trap, and the trap worked. Yeah. And I have to now go on the defense because I know it's about, you know, it's about to happen. Yeah. That's what you're looking for.
Danny:Yeah. And so you so, like, how exciting is that?
Tyler:Oh, it's so fun. I hit a Baron Bolo last night, and we taught the and then Nick taught Baron Bolos. And it was like it was like the most beautiful thing. It was. It's it it it's like that golf shot for those people that golf that maybe don't get this.
Tyler:Like you hit that one golf shot and it's like, that's what keeps you coming back. Right? Like that's what keeps you going. You're hitting the batting cage and you, you know, you hit, you know, you hit the ball, the baseball, whatever, whatever it is that like you find that that flow. Yeah.
Tyler:You find that flow. And it is. It's it's it's a fantastic feeling.
Danny:And you've you've you've accomplished what you were setting out to accomplish on this journey. Right? Yeah. Same thing, getting a girl's number.
Danny:Same thing, getting a video. Yes. You know? Yeah. And you're like, man, that worked out.
Danny:That's the way I wanted
Tyler:it. Just how I wanted it to know.
Danny:Yeah. And so, when you when you think about those things and you as you age and you have to find happiness in in your age and and the little tiny victories that we have in our life, you know, you don't want to forget about pulling the younger generation up. No. Yeah. But then holding accountable the people that you have in your inner circle too.
Danny:Right? Like, if that person is not if it if you have a Jake Paul in your life, you know, who Yeah. Who you're like, that dude is so fake. Yeah. He's so fake.
Danny:Yeah. But, I mean, he has he's got his own entourage
Danny:Shit. You know? And it's cool. Like, they're doing their thing. I don't relate with them, but I definitely relate with Tyson.
Danny:Yeah. You know? I'm getting up there in age and Yeah. I still wouldn't mind walking on national TV with my butt cheeks hanging.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was, that was definitely the power move of the evening.
Danny:That was so awesome. How do you, how do you develop resilience knowing that you're getting up there in age?
Tyler:I think it's you you pick your battles. Right? You pick your battles. Right? You you understand, like, that that there is a pecking order, that you understand that that you're right.
Tyler:You're not going to be you may not need to be as overtly dangerous as you think you need to. Sure. And I think there's something to that even when you are in your most dangerous. Right? I think I think truly dangerous men some of the most truly dangerous men I know you wouldn't know.
Danny:I know.
Tyler:You wouldn't know.
Danny:Isn't that crazy?
Tyler:And I think that's it. That's that is that is how you know you know what I mean? Like, you you get to know them, and you get to know their past. You get to know the kind of work they've done, and they are they're just humble. They're kind.
Tyler:They've seen some dark things, and so they know they don't need to go there, but they are ready to turn it on if need be.
Tyler:And they won't fight fair.
Danny:It was funny because, I was having a conversation with, one of with somebody the other day, and they were talking about how they were training jiu jitsu, and the person that they were training with is a is a higher belt.
Danny:And they were saying how they knew just enough jiu jitsu to understand and to respect how much more jiu jitsu this person knew, and they were will they they they it kinda, like, light light bulb went on about, like, how they knew just enough jujitsu to know that this person was just so much more jujitsu Yeah. Knowledge, and and you could understand and kinda speak the language a little bit. So it was it made it fun
Danny:For them to know how much more that person had
Tyler:Had. Had.
Danny:Where you can go? Respect. You're like, man. Yeah. That person had so much more, and so when you're around those people and you want to stay in that, you know, air quotes, dangerous, dangerous area dangerous era or or, you know, you're you wanna stay dangerous.
Danny:Don't just don't pass on being grateful for the people around you and
Danny:they've given to you. You know? Right. And when you need to pass it on to a younger man or to a to to your people, remind them that it's a code. Yes.
Danny:It's a code that you live by. Right. It's not it's not today. It's not tomorrow. It's, like, every day, this is what I live.
Danny:This is what I want to do, and this is the path that I wanna forge.
Tyler:Yeah. I think that's like it's if you think of ding danger as, like, a currency, right, it it it's converted from physical to mental. Sure. Right? And so perhaps the the mental game is what you can what you are learning about yourself and what you can what you can pass down.
Tyler:And while they can accomplish the physical because of youth, because of age, you know, perhaps they don't always have the the skill set to rein it in. Right? And that's where you
Danny:Oh, yeah. Yeah. For sure. You know
Tyler:what I mean? You you you change the game. And so I'm still I'm maybe I'm 50, 60 years old. I'm not as physically dangerous, but am I
Danny:I agree.
Tyler:Am I crafty? Am I mentally sharp? Am I
Danny:Can I set traps?
Tyler:Can am I more yeah. Can I set those traps? Yeah. I think that's exactly it. It it the the currency changes from a physical to a mental.
Danny:You probably get a little bit more patient setting traps as well. Like, you don't have to rush it.
Danny:You probably don't have to force things. Right. As we get older, your just just your alone. Like, how many times have you rolled with professor where you're, like, just his just his presence, you know that he has a lot more patience
Tyler:Yes. A
Danny:lot more traps for you. Yeah. And so you have to be very careful. So that's a dangerous man
Danny:That you're giving respect. And because you're around it, you're you're honoring his danger.
Tyler:Right. Oh, absolutely. And the way those traps are sprung. Right? Yeah.
Tyler:Like, he's conserved his energy. So
Tyler:Right? He hasn't gone out in the 1st round and, you know Yeah. Expended it all. He has played his game. He's he's pulled you into deep I love the concept of pulling them in I know.
Tyler:In a deep water.
Danny:A good concept.
Tyler:And then and the next thing you know, you're you're you're broken or you're trapped or you're capped or whatever.
Danny:Yeah. And he's treading water, just spinning
Tyler:them. Yeah. Yeah. Right? And he's just got you he's just playing his game, so he's played that mental game a little bit better.
Danny:Yeah. And we are gonna get older. Our physical health is gonna go down. Our fitness is gonna go down. We can we can, we can help that by breathing
Danny:By stretching, by staying in our routines, by avoiding, you know, the pitfalls of of things that can cause mental tiredness, fatigue, and and physical fatigue and keeping our gas tanks. I like to whenever I'm talking to our youth, our young our young wrestlers, I'm always I always remind them they have a mental gas tank, an emotional gas tank, a physical gas tank, and they keep those things full as they possibly can. And as a coach or a mentor or a dad, your job is to constantly check your kids' gas tank. Hey. How is your how are your gas tanks?
Danny:Can I help fill those gas tanks? Because you would do that with a car.
Danny:You know? But so you're you're you were we're an engine. So I always, like, remind, like, hey. How's your gas tanks? You know?
Danny:Yeah. How are you feeling about things? And maybe you can help, fill
Tyler:some of those
Danny:gas tanks and and Yeah. Help them.
Tyler:And especially with young men, don't stifle the danger. Don't stifle it. You know?
Danny:Help help, like, help mold that danger so that they can feel danger so they can go and go through those tribal rituals, those tribal
Tyler:I I smothered tapped all the white belts yesterday.
Tyler:Right? They deserve They're to all of them.
Danny:Nice. Yeah. Yeah.
Tyler:You know, and I think, yeah, I think that's exactly it. You you you play the game. We pass it down. Yeah. We are you you you find your tribe.
Tyler:You build your code. You find your tribe. You find you find your tribe that helps, where your code aligns. Right? Like, I I I've I've seen myself go from a one group of friends to another group of friends, and, again, I'm similar like you.
Tyler:I keep my I keep my friend group tight because they represent who I want to be, and there there'll be times where I need to level up. Right? And if they're not helping me level up, then I'm gonna go out and find those people that'll help me level up. Yeah. Don't stagnate.
Danny:Yeah. Don't focus on it. Keep your internal, self worth, self discipline, and confidence. Keep it keep it high and and keep the people around you. Keep them keep have them have the same values, and so be careful of your stereotypes and your your attitudes and
Danny:Stereotypical, you know, toxic male personality bullshit. Like, it's it's a stereotype.
Tyler:Yeah. When I saw when I served on my mission, we were out on a lot of Indian reservations. A lot of Rez Dogs. Lot of Rez Dogs. And the Rez Dogs that you knew you you know, there's always the loud Rez Dog, the one that's barking at you and snarling at you.
Tyler:You didn't really need to be that scared about it. It was the one that, like, is kinda slinking slinking around to your back. That's the one you had to kinda keep your eye on because that was the one that was gonna bite you.
Tyler:The the quiet one, the the one that was calculated and meticulous. And I think that that the same is true. I think that's what we've we were trying to drive home here is that, you know, there are ways to maintain kind of your, quote, unquote dangerous persona For sure. Well into the later later parts of your life. Yep.
Danny:And it could be just the fact that people, you know, visualize you or see you
Danny:As dangerous. Right. Like you said like you said, we we surround ourself with some men that you would honestly have no idea the things that they've done, the things that they've seen, the level of danger that they've pursued.
Danny:You would have 0 zero knowledge that they did that Yeah. Or that they were that that they were capable of that kind of Yeah. Run to the firefight danger.
Danny:You know? And, that's how you should mimic yourself.
Tyler:I I think so. I I think so. And and
Danny:You don't need to be £400 of steroid muscles to be dangerous. Mm-mm. You don't need to call another man out to be dangerous. You don't have to pick on another man to be dangerous. Nope.
Danny:You don't have to pick at on people to be dangerous. Mm-mm. You just have to carry yourself in a way that at any point in time, you know, you'll stand on business. You'll hold your ground.
Danny:And if if things get escalated Oh, yeah. You're okay to get there. Yep. You know?
Danny:And I believe that about you. I I think that you have those qualities. I know that, you work hard on on those things. You know? And when you struggle, you're completely fine accepting defeat and asking for help.
Danny:Yeah. You know? I think that's good.
Tyler:Yeah. No. Thank you. I and I think I definitely surrounded my myself with with dangerous men like you who've caught my arm in an arm bar and told me that you're gonna fucking break my arm off.
Danny:And so,
Tyler:yeah, the the feeling is mutual, and I think that's what I love about our our little community, and the way we push each other. Yeah. So if you're looking for ways to to sharpen your sword, man, come join us. Park City jiu jitsu. Man, what else you got going on besides wrestling?
Tyler:Resting. Rosslyn.
Danny:Right? Wrestling.
Tyler:Keeps you out of the snow, though. Right?
Danny:It does keep me out of the snow, and it keeps me where I wanna be, which is in the gym and with on the mats. Yeah. So, man, just we we have about about 16 days till our first contact.
Danny:We have an inner squad duel, which is just, our team against each other, where we kinda showcase our kids and showcase our talent, showcase the coaches, showcase what Park City Wrestling's about. Oh. So we're building our staff right now. We've got some good moms and some good parents and some good guys around, Tripp and I. We're we're, like I said, about 16 days from 1st contact, which is 1st dual meet, and then 1st tournament is the 5th 6th, and 7th December.
Danny:That's our first, contact, and then we're after that, it goes till about the middle of February. It's kinda weird this year because, we have divisionals, which is where you qualify for state. Then I go to Florida, come home, and then we have state the next couple of days.
Tyler:Oh, yeah. So that's
Danny:gonna be a little weird. Gonna be a little weird. Misty and I are thriving. Gosh. We man, she set up Christmas already, and we're our house is Christmas.
Danny:It's kinda nice. Like, you know, I enjoy when she's excited about that kind of stuff because she loves it, but we got a Christmas village. We inherited it, and we put it up, and we and we keep adding to it. And it's a Dickens Christmas village. It's just a small village with lights, and they're ceramic, and it is awesome.
Danny:I love it.
Tyler:That's cool.
Danny:And we we we set we set that up in our house, and so it's our it's our our shining our shining decoration that we Yeah.
Tyler:That's cool.
Danny:Gone. So it's cool. What do you got going on?
Tyler:Man, I just training, just work, just school.
Danny:How was your trip?
Tyler:Oh, it was awesome, man. I,
Danny:Where'd you go?
Tyler:I I snuck out last week. I just needed to get out of town. I had ended up in Durango.
Danny:Those pictures you sent in Moab were sick.
Tyler:So I drove wind down Wednesday night to Moab. It's Salt Flats. If you've never been there, that's where, like, the infamous Hell's Revenge. That's where Slickrock is. That's where all the mountain biking trails.
Tyler:But if you drive through there all the way to the top, there's a open space campground like a it's a campground. It's free, but it's it's pretty primal.
Danny:The pictures were insane.
Tyler:Yeah. And it's basically, it's called Porcupine Rim.
Tyler:Right? So you basically look out over what they call Castle Valley, and it's just like I don't know how high you are up there, but, like, you're high.
Tyler:And you look off the edge, and it's just like you get vertigo. I was like, woah. I got dizzy. I I was dizzy looking down.
Danny:It was cool to see the Bronco out there in the blue skies. Yeah. The whole thing was like, dang.
Tyler:Yeah. It was awesome. So I spent Wednesday night getting down there. I mean, I left around 1 and got pulled into pulled into to Moab about 4.
Danny:Were you by yourself?
Tyler:Yeah. Wow. Just gassed up.
Danny:Was there anybody around you? Did you have any campers near you? Mm-mm.
Danny:Yeah. Just you and the stars?
Tyler:It's me and the stars.
Danny:How primal was that?
Tyler:It was pretty cool, mostly because it was cold. There was snow on the ground. It's about 26 degrees snow on the ground.
Danny:Left. You were you were saying that the only thing I'm worried about is how cold I might get.
Tyler:Yeah. 10 held up well, and I actually wasn't too cold, like, once I got all my sleeping bag and stuff on. I didn't want you know, next time I'm gonna drug myself because I did not sleep well. I was warm. It was just kinda like the tossing and turning.
Tyler:Like, you know, I've got a they got a rooftop tent, a 0 you know, 23 0, and it's like they're great tents, just just not enough padding. Woke up a little soft stiff. And so then I made my way down to Mesa Verde.
Tyler:I spent Thursday in Mesa Verde
Danny:That area.
Tyler:Just kinda poking around Cortez, drove into Durango to kinda hang out, meet up with my mom, but then ended up back out in Mesa Verde at a kind of a dispersed campground. And there was a a they call it boondocking. Right? So it was like a group of people boondocking, and this was a boondocking location. So there's people that built a big campfire and, you know, just kinda pull up your
Danny:your go hang out with them at all?
Tyler:Or I wouldn't I wouldn't walked around. I would kind of introduce myself and yeah. But, you know, I didn't really hang out too late because I got I stayed in Durango till later, and so I I was pretty pretty beat. I think it was, like, 9 or 10 by the time I
Danny:I was stoked on your pictures. I thought that that was cool that you went out there and
Danny:I know you you were taught you were you had you were tossing around the idea of trying to get out of there, and then all of a sudden you were like, hey, dude. I'm leaving.
Danny:I'm heading out, and I was like, oh, this is so cool. But, you know, I was glad. I was proud of you for making that decision because it's one of those things where you, like, kind of want Yeah. To see you go, but you're like you could tell you were like, I got so much shit I gotta do. Yeah.
Danny:Yeah. And then you bombed out of here, and you're like, yeah, dude.
Tyler:It was awesome. I loved Durango. I loved Durango. Oh, yeah. Such a cool area.
Tyler:Had some had an amazing green chile bur burger. Oh. We just don't have good green chile here. It's, like, not a thing. Yeah.
Tyler:Did you get in Arizona at all growing up much like the southwestern region?
Danny:Green chile. I mean, like, my my the way my grandparents made green chile is a little different than my wife. Oh, really? I have a friend that makes an amazing green chile. Yeah.
Danny:He's from New his parents are from New Mexico. Yeah. He has good green chile. And so yeah. So great, man.
Danny:I'm stoked. Great topic. Great.
Tyler:Yeah. Thank
Danny:you. Good job. Hope that, hopefully, we covered a couple things that we
Tyler:I think so. Yeah. I think I I I think I think we we left it all out there, man. We left it all out there. And if, you don't think we're dangerous, come check us out.
Tyler:Park City Jujitsu.
Danny:Park City Jujitsu.
Tyler:Happy Thanksgiving. This will be coming out Black Friday. Yeah. This episode comes out Black Friday. So hopefully, you all have had a a great Thanksgiving with your family and spent some time resting, eating a little pumpkin pie.
Tyler:And, 1st and foremost, I'm grateful for you.
Danny:Grateful for you. Yeah. Yeah.
Tyler:Cheers, everybody.
Danny:Cheers. Take care.