Standing on Business: Loyalty, Rivalries, and When to Draw the Line
Welcome to the Lost Boy Scouts podcast. Do we have to do that anymore?
Tyler:I don't know. We we yeah. I mean, I don't know.
Danny:Yeah. We so we clap into, for just for, Yeah. To know where we are at with the Yeah. Maybe the recording systems.
Tyler:Maybe, yeah, maybe next year is the year that we, like, change up the intro and stuff
Danny:because we've
Tyler:been running the same intro for 2 years.
Danny:I love
Tyler:it. 2 years. I do too.
Danny:You got new digs.
Danny:New camera equipment.
Tyler:New camera equipment.
Danny:New new, recording devices, which is awesome.
Tyler:Yeah. Trying to level it up. Make it simpler. I did a whole I did yard sale, man. I sold all of my camera kit equipment, simplified it down to one camera.
Tyler:Used to be a Canon guy, made the leap to Sony, and I'm hoping Sony is I'm hoping we down. We had the whole GoPro. Remember the whole GoPro fiasco in the early days?
Danny:My gosh.
Tyler:So now we're shooting Sony. They are it's a hybrid hybrid mirrorless setup that, like, everybody I've talked to, like, says, this is the way to go. 100 and 20 minutes not needing to stop. We can record without having to pause and, like and that just makes it easier post post editing and those kind of things. And so
Danny:Well, it's crazy because when I came over here and I was like, hey. Can we see ourselves on the big TV? And you're like, well, the GoPro with and with that the cords.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. So I've gotta find another adapter. Like, it's weird what camera support, like, which output options, and I I didn't really think about it, but I tossed a I tossed a cable in my decluttering that I could have used in it with this camera setup. But, you know, you know, cables are the the the new plastic bags.
Tyler:Pretty soon, the they'll be outlined cables and you know, because they're just ending up in landfill. So I'll just buy the cable. Just buy the cable. Buy the cable.
Danny:There'll be a different way of doing things. Mhmm. We just, finished up our end of year business meeting. Yeah. It is a business model that was
Danny:We we ironed out some things. We figured out which direction to go with a couple things.
Tyler:It's insane how fast this year went. Yeah. Insane. It's it's unbelievable that it's like we just had Thanksgiving. How was your Thanksgiving?
Danny:It was amazing. Yeah. It
Tyler:was So
Danny:much to
Tyler:be grateful for this year.
Danny:Well and so, I've kinda talked about this before that, there was some contention in my family where, my mom and Misty had a falling out almost about 5 years ago. And we've seen each other. We'd go around each other, but, my mom and Misty have very strong personalities.
Danny:But they also have, this love for each other.
Danny:This insane love for each
Tyler:other. Yeah.
Danny:And I think that they both felt like the other had let them down, and they didn't know how to get past it without each other getting past it. Right? And so, I kinda talked about that my mom had a stroke
Danny:A while back, and my mom said, okay. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. I Yeah. We're gonna we're gonna figure this out.
Danny:Misty and I are gonna get back to normal, and I I didn't know how to fix it. I mean, I was like, you know, I'm team Misty. I love my mom.
Tyler:Yeah. But I'm team You have to. You have to be. Right?
Danny:And so we didn't know how to fix it. I I I tried a couple times. Yeah.
Tyler:When it's is is it's not really your your job. Right? The more you insert yourself, the more you get involved.
Danny:And I don't wanna get involved. Right.
Tyler:You wanna put yourself in the in between
Danny:2 caps. Idea.
Tyler:You might get scratched. You might get scratched.
Danny:But, you know, and my brothers and sisters and I got together, and and we we we hash some things out, and then my mom and Misty talked. And it's in it's crazy to me because, you know, we grew up together.
Danny:Misty and I have been together since we were 17. So Misty is in my sister's eyes, Misty is their sister. Yeah. They don't know any different without Misty. Yeah.
Danny:You know? So they were all, hurt by this whole thing. Yeah. And so, we had our first family party with everybody
Tyler:It's incredible.
Danny:That we could get there. You know, Braxton's not in town. Yeah. My older sister's daughter's not in town. But as many as we could get together, we had at our house a couple weeks ago or a couple weekends ago, and it was it was awesome.
Danny:It was so fun. We had such a good time, and and my mom was really happy. She was really, thankful for that whole thing. But it it also showed me that, how important, cleaning up some of that bullshit is. Right.
Danny:You know? Because if you leave that on the table and something happens, that's on the table. Yeah. You know? And I I would hate for that thing kind of thing to happen, and, Misty jumped on a plane today with my family to go to Disneyland, which is crazy.
Danny:Landmark. Landmark. It was good. The actual Thanksgiving day, I worked, and it was so boring at work. It was, like, 5, spikes of about 5 minutes where there was a lot of airplanes, but there would be times when there'd be more controllers in the room than, actual planes on the scope.
Tyler:That's interesting because I heard the fry like, the or the what? Wednesday before was supposed to be, like, record setting number of planes in the sky for the FAA. Some news source I heard.
Danny:Yeah. You know, I don't know the difference of what of of if it is good or if it is bad. We have I I can tell you that certain areas of my job has blown up, you know, as far as, piloting and and airplanes, but then there's other times when it's like we've been able to dumb things down where it's not really that bad. You know? Yeah.
Danny:But I went to Misty's dad after Misty's dad's afterwards, and it's always crazy to go up there because that's all another dynamic of family that like, I don't you know, I'm I'm close with Misty's dad and Misty's mom. I'm I'm close with him. I'm I'm really close with Misty's dad, and him and I, like, we have, like, so many fun conversations. I let him drive the Tesla, and you should've seen his face. Yeah.
Danny:He should've seen his entire, demeanor getting into that car and driving it. He was like, I'm driving a spaceship. Imagine, but a a 75 I don't know how old missus dad. I think he's 72, 70 3 ish.
Danny:You know? Cowboy, grew up riding horses, grew up riding horses. He he he used to, run cattle on the streets that we grew up on. His family ran cattle from the Great Salt Lake to the mountains every year from and then they would run him from Idaho down south and back up north. And he ran cattle from it was time he was a boy, like, little boy.
Danny:So to see now for him riding a horse as his first vehicle to a Tesla, his mind was like, what the world is going on here? So it was really fun. It was, it was it was a good day. And, yeah, we Braxton wasn't in town, but I talked to him twice, and he's he's doing good. I think his date to go back to North Carolina is January 22nd, so he's almost done with this deployment.
Danny:And then Nice. That should be it. That should be Yeah. You should be wrapping shit up in the army and stuff. So what'd you guys do?
Tyler:Man, went down to my dad's house. I think it was probably one of the first Thanksgivings I've had with him since, man, probably when I was a teenager.
Danny:Oh, wow.
Tyler:Just different personality issues, different issues with with him and with us getting along and, really kind of highlights the dysfunction I had in my own relationship. Right? We kind of always followed my ex's family around.
Danny:Oh, okay.
Tyler:Right? There was a there was a level of of unrecognized codependency there that I think that, I didn't realize now until, you know, I kind of really separated, and I just took a step back and I said, it's like you get your head above water, and you're like, oh, what what was that
Danny:all about? Yeah.
Tyler:Yeah. So it was good. It was good. Cozy. Unfortunately, my youngest was not feeling super hot, but it was kind of a, nice nice little out.
Tyler:We, you know, we hung out and played games for a little bit, but then eventually, she was so miserable. I was just like, we gotta get her on. We get her
Danny:to bed. Did Brynn go down? Yeah. Everybody went down?
Tyler:We had everyone down. We're taking family pictures.
Danny:This is cool.
Tyler:And, like, I'm seeing Cozy's face. Everybody's smiling, and she's like, well
Danny:how was Doug?
Tyler:He's good. He's doing real good. I mean, I think he has good days and and and bad days. Right? Like, I think
Danny:Has he recovered from everything that happened?
Tyler:Yeah. His his he had obviously had the big he had the
Danny:Big fall.
Tyler:The big fall, the shoulder surgery. Like, he's he's definitely recovered. The the my brother, I think, has really it really aged him. It really it really did age him. I think he it's been awesome.
Tyler:He's been a lot more communicative and the fact that he's reached out. He's reaching out more often and and checking in and, you know, a lot of times I felt like that was on me. And so it's just it's inspired me to to reach out more and just kind of repair that relationship where necessary. And, yeah.
Danny:Who cooked the turkey?
Tyler:He did. He smoked it.
Danny:He did.
Tyler:Smoked it.
Danny:We smoked ours too. Yeah. It was good. Yeah. It was fun.
Tyler:It's it's it's a process. Right? Like, it takes a long ass time to
Danny:Yeah. It's it's yeah. Yeah. It's well, you know, like, for me, I had to spatchcock the thing, which was still to me one of the funniest words they used to be.
Danny:Oh, you know, spatchcock thing. But we, yeah, we smoked ours for, I wanna say, about 8 hours. Okay. Pretty low.
Danny:But, you know, you have to brine it. You have to do all this crazy. You know, you do that shit. I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning thinking I'm just gonna cut this thing and spatchcock it.
Danny:It took me an hour, Tyler, to cut this thing. And I was trying to be quiet because people are still sleeping, and I was so damn frustrated. I couldn't get the thing. I was my cabinets or my, my countertops are not that tall, but I'm short. So I couldn't get the leverage to break the breast bone.
Danny:Oh. Stand on top
Tyler:of that screen.
Danny:Oh my gosh, dude. I was like it was so flustering.
Tyler:I saw a social media clip. 1 of my friends one of my coworkers' husbands used his his big old tree trimming shears. Oh, you did? He washed them up and, like, just trimmed through
Danny:that Dude.
Tyler:That bone.
Danny:I should've had something like that. Yeah.
Tyler:You need, yeah, you need to
Danny:have something that will cut through the bone. I did not. I had to saw through the damn thing. Yeah. It was frustrating, but it actually turned out good.
Danny:You know, we ate too much. My boss, he brought bought some smoked turkeys on Thursday, and the they brought to work, and so that was kinda good. Yeah. Smoked turkeys are good. Yeah.
Danny:I've never had a deep fried turkey. You?
Tyler:Yes. That's the only way I've ever cooked it.
Danny:You did?
Tyler:I've I've people this
Danny:shit up, though, did you?
Tyler:No. Well, I mean, they tell you like, you watch the horror videos the first time you're gonna do it. If you don't if you do it cold, like, if you don't do your research, you're liable to to,
Danny:yeah, have a fireball.
Tyler:If you see
Danny:them with people that put it on their countertop and jump in.
Tyler:Yes. Yes.
Danny:The the the fires
Tyler:Or when they put it in frozen, and it's just like it's just an eruption. Yeah. Can you imagine cleaning peanut oil off of your ceiling?
Danny:Oh, by that point, you sell the house.
Tyler:Yeah. You know? Or just burn let it burn down. Down. One of those
Tyler:Thanksgiving burn down stories.
Danny:Yeah. What a crazy thing. Like, do you like turkey?
Tyler:I do. I'm a little sad. I don't I didn't get any leftovers. Last year, I didn't eat any I didn't even eat any Thanksgiving at all.
Danny:I remember.
Tyler:This year, I didn't have any I made pies, though, so we got some pumpkin pie.
Danny:I do not like turkey.
Tyler:And you don't like turkey?
Danny:Not really. Not not I mean, I like I'm a dark meat person.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:You know? But I'm not a big turkey fan. I'll eat it, you know, but I'm I'm pretty picky.
Danny:And so I pick at it. I I would prefer not to eat it. My wife always gets fat at me. My father-in-law made me a plate. He sent me aside food, and he's like, hey, Danny.
Danny:Don't forget your plate. And I got in my car pretending like I didn't hear him. My my wife is like, you're such an asshole. And then he's like, Danny, Danny. And I was like he's still like, Danny, like, I didn't hear.
Danny:He texted me, you're such an asshole. But, yeah, dude. I'm not a big turkey fan. I I like a lot of the things I'm, but, yeah, I'm not a big
Tyler:Not a big turkey fan.
Danny:At all. Yeah.
Tyler:It's, I will say that, like, I it smoking it is the driest I've ever had it. Yeah. I think it makes it really dry. When you fry it in peanut oil, it is, like, very moist, very
Danny:Is it?
Tyler:Yeah. It's a little bit better.
Tyler:But you're right. I I could see how, like plus you eat it, get all that tryptophan. You just wanna take a nap.
Danny:Take a nap? Yeah. Yeah. It's weird how that happens. Right?
Danny:We had that, everybody was over at my house, and after we all ate, you could see everybody was just like, oh, okay. Really and they all had an hour drive home, you know, and me and Misty just had to clean up, but it it was it was fun. I'm glad you got to spend the time with the dad.
Tyler:It was it was a lot like I said, lots to be thankful for. Opportunity to really kind of, you know, be with family and Good. Just, yeah, just great.
Danny:Will you get to see Casey and the boys anytime soon?
Tyler:Oh, yeah. Actually, my cousins, they did something spectacular. They
Danny:they bought
Tyler:a bench at at a park near his house. And so they're supposed to do a tree lighting and and may have already happened, but I'm thinking maybe depending on whether or not I have my kids, I may go out and surprise them.
Danny:Just before the holidays.
Tyler:Just before the holidays. Or right after
Tyler:I haven't talked
Danny:to Casey in a in a minute.
Tyler:I've just kinda given her some space to
Danny:The boys.
Tyler:To be her. I talk to the boys weekly because they have their they have their phones. You know? So I can just text them. I texted Grayson on my nephew on on Thanksgiving, and, you know, I try to I try to reach out to them weekly or biweekly and just just talk to them.
Danny:We're kinda talking about how, like, the year the how the year blew flew by for you. Yeah. And how you know, you and I were talking the other day about, like, when the anniversary is coming up because I remember being at the wrestling gym Yeah. When you called, and then I remember the, you know, the the aftermath of everything Yeah. That was going on.
Danny:So, like, it's gotta be, bittersweet and and understanding that, like, how fast life moves on from things. Right?
Tyler:Yeah. It's it's strange because, like, it is coming we're coming up on a year anniversary. Right? It'll be in January. Right?
Tyler:Like, the end of January would be your anniversary, but it's like life has moved on, but at the same time, it it hasn't. Right? Like, it's it's it's definitely changed. There's been a a change to homeostasis in in the system. Yeah.
Tyler:Right? And we haven't quite completely adapted to that change, and I think that'll that'll take some time. And while, you know, it it won't be as tragic at the year anniversary, it'll be a time for, you know, kinda remembering and, you know, never forgetting. But
Tyler:Yeah. They they don't I don't know that we've all completely adapted to to to the change.
Danny:Nor nor is it expected to be that. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Like, it it's a it's a weird it's a weird dichotomy of things of, like, I'm I'm, I know this is coming up, but my life is so good right now.
Tyler:Yeah. I
Danny:know this is coming up, and I'm supposed to be sad. Yeah. And I have these things. I'm so sad, but but but my life is so good right now. Yeah.
Danny:You know, you have a lot of good things going for you. Absolutely. And you have you have a lot of people in your corner that are cheering for you Yeah. To to to be to to to see Yeah. Come through with some of the things that you've already committed to.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. And, I mean, I think that's it. I think that's what Nick would want. I don't think he would want sadness.
Tyler:You know? You know, there's definitely I know my mom was feeling it over Thanksgiving as well. She's like Yeah. Her her holiday tradition was to go over to his house and
Danny:Oh, yeah.
Tyler:With him being gone, I know she she felt it.
Danny:What does she end up doing?
Tyler:She went with her her her half brother, stepbrother, her half brother in in Colorado. She went with him and his family.
Tyler:He's a cool guy. He's a he's a he's a pilot.
Danny:Oh, really?
Tyler:Yeah. For American. He's a trainer. He does a lot of training for Yeah.
Danny:That's cool.
Danny:Good for him. Yeah.
Tyler:He's in the air force too, in air force as well. Yeah. Nice. Yeah.
Danny:We'll get him and I would get along for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. That's cool.
Tyler:Yeah. Uncle Christopher. He's a good dude.
Danny:Oh, good. Yeah. So, the topic tonight came about because first things first, we posted this all over Instagram with, you
Tyler:The review.
Danny:And you were there when he when that guy was there. Correct?
Tyler:I was not.
Danny:No. You were not.
Tyler:I saw the review first the first time I saw the review, it, like, popped up in my
Danny:Instagram feed.
Tyler:It well, it popped up my Google alerts after our little, after our little
Tyler:Reddit incident.
Tyler:I set up a Google alert anytime Park City jujitsu or boy scout lost boy scouts is mentioned just so I'm kind of aware of those things. And, when it posted, it popped up, and I just kinda chuckled.
Danny:I thought for some reason, I thought you were there. It was such a fun night. It was such a fun night. So we have drop ins. People drop in to the academy all the time.
Danny:Like, peep we go to, we go to other academies, and people drop into our academies. There's only 2 academies in Park City. There's the Gracie Barra and then our academy. Gracie Barra, I guess, is kind of like a, franchise of sorts for academies, and they they have we have a lot of guys that train there that said that they they tell us the stories from there. I've never been there.
Danny:I know some guys that train there, and they're cool. I'm I'm friends with them. That's just not the way that I mean, that's not the way that I do things. I'm kind of Right. You know, when you're in our academy, you're a loyalist.
Danny:You know, you're loyal to our academy for the most part. Yeah. I I have some friends that have gone to Gracie Barra and then in, Park City, and, I I often get a little frustrated that they left that because of the loyal stuff. Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Being loyal to professor, being loyal to Mona, then more importantly, being loyal to each other and our and our friends. Right? But you have drop ins. You have people come through all the time, and some people come back every year, and you start to become friends with John and, like, and some of these other guys that that eventually moved to Park City, and now they're part of the community. Right?
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:And and and I remember that gentleman being there and thinking, oh, he's a he's he's kind of a cool guy.
Tyler:He's but but you could tell
Danny:he was athletic, and I was thinking, oh, when the training gets going, I'm gonna make sure that I go with him probably first to make sure that, he's a good train. Yeah. Because we have white belts there, and you don't want the red belt to get hurt.
Danny:And and they don't know. You don't want the guy to get hurt with a white belt that that could potentially hurt somebody. You wanna make sure that it's okay. And, when we started the rounds, I went with him first, and I remember thinking, like, he was okay. He was good.
Danny:He had long legs, super athletic guy, but then he started grabbing my legs in this weird way that I was like, what do you do? Oh, yeah. Okay. And I was trying not to get grumpy because when guys grab my legs and I'm your 1st train of the day and and I'm thinking that's what you wanna do, you wanna play the leg game right away in a gi, and it's so dry already. We were not you know, it's like, oh, pictures of me.
Danny:He he was bigger than me, and I remember thinking, I need to make sure that I watch who he goes with next so he doesn't hurt the next guy. And don't hurt him, Danny. Don't hurt him because he's a drop, and you don't wanna, like Yeah. Be the guy that runs off somebody who who potentially would be in our academy. And then down the line, I remember seeing him going with people thinking like, oh, man.
Danny:He's having a rough go of things because some of the hammers he went with some of the hammers. Yeah. Yeah. He did. He went with Derson, and he, again, he grabbed Derson's leg weird, and Derson ended up tapping because of the way he grabbed it.
Danny:I think he kicked him in the nuts as well. Derson, he kicked Derson in the nuts, and then he went with Tripp. And I think Tripp threw him around a little bit and, tuned him up pretty good because of his energy. But after each round, he would try to he would walk off the mat, and professor would say, hey. We're still going.
Danny:You're still in. Because if you're not careful, then the then the the the rounds get messed up because we do a circular rotation. Yeah. And I never thought it was mean. Never.
Danny:I never thought that anybody was doing anything dirty to him. Right. I just think that people were matching his energy and Right. And especially you go with the 20 year old
Danny:Purple belt who has zero regards for your feelings. Right. You know, we love Tripp, but he has zero regards for your feelings. Yep. If you train with him, you know, be careful because Yep.
Danny:Man, if you make him mad and he gets grumpy, he's probably gonna rip your head off. Yep. He's an animal. Yeah. You know, he's he is a he is a tough role.
Danny:Yep. But you also know that with everybody.
Danny:And then he went with Anthony, and I remember thinking, oh, man. I hope he doesn't get hurt by Anthony. Because, man, you bring the wrong energy to Anthony, and that dude is going to hurt you. Yeah. He's a monster.
Danny:Yeah. But I remember looking down there and being like, oh, oh, it's good. He's he's having a good time. Yeah. Anthony's he's he's doing good.
Danny:He's not he's not upsetting anybody. He's he's just there's some hard trains, and there's some not hard trains. That's what I go through.
Danny:You know, I I I know that there's some hard trains and some not hard trains, and then he left. He was gone. He just walked off
Tyler:after Anthony.
Danny:Walked off Anthony, and I was like, man, I wonder what happened. But I never worry about it because sometimes not every gym and this I just heard this. Not every gym does 20 rounds. We do 20 rounds every every night, open mat, 20 rounds. And and
Tyler:I and I I'll be I'll be honest. Right? Like, we're what? How many what's our elevation? A little over 7,000 feet in Park City.
Tyler:Right? Unless you were some from some place, like, in Denver or, you know, at elevation, the elevation in and itself is going to impact how you roll more so than I'm not I'm not saying we're not killers, but, like, the elevation is going to be a big contributing factor. Whatever however good you are at jujitsu, take 10 to 20% off for elevation. I agree. Maybe 30.
Danny:And we don't understand it on the first side because we live at elevation.
Tyler:Oh, when we go to Florida?
Danny:Yeah. I noticed when we go
Tyler:to Florida because I'm like, you totally should have. I could do it if
Danny:it was okay. Yeah. Yeah. And so this is what it's like to have oxygen. You wake up the next day
Danny:To a review that's that's just not a good a a one star review from a guy who has no context to things, but he's saying some crazy shit. Yeah. You know, like the dog comment where professor says that all the time. It's a line from a song.
Tyler:Right. I love that in professor like, in the in the post that he actually played this song. Yeah. That section of this song.
Danny:It's a it's a long it's a we all know Zeta. It's just Yeah. She's the nicest dog in the world, but this guy leaves a negative view. And I'm like, I'm so mad at that point because I'm like, man, I what at what point in your world do you think that leaving a negative review on something that you have that that no basis on, like, that really does not you're not giving the full context story. Right?
Danny:And it's to me, it's like everybody can see that, but it's not like you can leave a review every day about your lifetime your your your experience at Park City jiu jitsu. You've been with us for almost two and a half years, 3 years?
Tyler:3 years in February.
Danny:I've been there for almost 9 years, almost 8 years. Should I leave a review every day about how great my experience is?
Danny:You know, and and what kind of context is this dude? Where does he live his life where that he thinks about that he can leave a review like that? And then people say, oh, yeah. Have you looked at his, his review history? It's like 35 to 40 reviews, almost all of them negative.
Tyler:Right. I think some people live in that life hap like, he to me, that look that sounds like a person that's a to me person. Life is happening to
Danny:him Yeah.
Tyler:Right, rather than a for me. Right? He didn't he didn't see that he came out to Park City, got his ass kicked, and it happened to him for a good reason. Right? Like, right?
Tyler:Like, he he walked he his ego got in the way, and life happened to him. He he he he wherever he trained, wherever he came from, he expected to probably come in here and and exert some dominance, and you don't that's not how you train cross gym.
Tyler:That's not how you train cross gym. I would never wanna go into some somebody else's gym in a sport I rep like, I represent and love
Tyler:And humiliate their black belt or their purple belt or you know what I mean? Like, I'll roll. I'll give them my best shot. If I catch the tap, great. If I don't catch the tap and I get tapped more, like, that's most likely what's going to happen, but
Tyler:I'm not I'm not worried about it. I'm I'm there to learn. And and to be honest, the exposure to people outside of our academy is really beneficial Agree. To roll with somebody that's new and different. It just changes your game.
Danny:It does. Have you ever left a negative review anywhere?
Tyler:I think in the early days of Twitter, I had an old Twitter handle, and I thought that by maybe tweeting something at the at the company's Twitter, It would it would get me something. But to be honest, like, I don't have a lot of time exactly the negative review. I take that back. When my house flooded, I left a negative review of the real estate company, but that was at the request of the home owner Yeah. I understand.
Tyler:Who was like, hey. It would really help us out if you left a negative review. And they were so nice to me getting out that I was like, sure. I'll do it. You know?
Tyler:But I I I don't typically have the time to like, I don't care to leave a negative Well,
Danny:yeah, you've had bad experiences at places.
Tyler:Oh, sure.
Danny:Right? I mean, I've had bad experiences at places. The the first thing I don't think the first thing I think about is, like, it's probably just a bad experience at the end of that day. Not once did I thought, I'm gonna leave a review
Danny:So people can read this shit. Because what are they gonna think about me?
Danny:I'm so self conscious about that shit. Like, I'll defend. Now now now there's things that I will defend. I'll defend the academy.
Tyler:Yeah. I'll
Danny:if if I wear a Park City patch when I go and compete, I defend it. I'm like, yeah. I'm going to war.
Tyler:Yeah. You know what I mean? The the I
Danny:may lose, but I'm going to war.
Tyler:Yeah. And and and there are some there are some things that are worth that are worth I'm just thinking about my sorry. I just got completely distracted. My experience at the old goat. I got food poisoning there twice.
Danny:I I
Tyler:don't know that I don't know that I have the same I have the same exact thing, and I got sick again. Yeah.
Danny:Oh my gosh. Just a double check-in. Yeah. That's right. Yeah.
Tyler:I don't know. I I may certainly find myself back there again. Who knows? Just a double check. It is a genuinely has been a good spot for me.
Tyler:I've never really had anything, but then have 2. I don't
Danny:know when you told me that I went back to the old goat, and it happened again. I'm thinking, oh my gosh.
Tyler:But you gotta really pick your battles. And I think that there's something about having a Nash nationalistic bonds. Like, the the video, of the football game, the college football game. Yeah. Michigan versus Ohio State.
Tyler:Today. Just today. I mean, there are some big rivalries.
Danny:What was your thoughts about the dude posting the flag in the middle of I I would have done the same thing if I was Ohio State.
Tyler:I I I don't I don't I don't fault Ohio State at all at at all. 1, if I win, I'm walking off the I'm walking off the field, especially if I win away. Like, I'm walking off with my head held high. I don't need to, like, I don't need to rub it in. That's a big rivalry.
Danny:Huge rivalry.
Tyler:That's a big rivalry.
Danny:I have no problem taunting. Matter of fact, in my mind, I'm like, I kinda like the fact that he tried to, like, put the flag in the middle of the field. I'm like, I I kinda like that. Right? But then you go, alright.
Danny:Let's say this toxic we like, we talked about last week. We had this toxic male personality
Danny:Where some young kid sees that, and he's like, I'm gonna go and post the, you know, post my flag in the middle of the field. It's like, yeah. That's that's gonna happen. But what are the ramifications? Because some, I guess, some of those guys got sprayed with peppermint.
Danny:Pepper spray?
Tyler:Oh, yeah. You saw the you saw the police splitting it up. Right? And I think the guy that, like, grabbed the flag and then cut back around That was awesome. Like, he probably deserved to get jumped.
Tyler:Yeah. He he
Danny:got the kicked. Yeah.
Tyler:He got the flag ripped out of his hands. He pushed down. Yeah. Like That's right. Ohio State has that flag now in their locker room.
Tyler:I'm pretty sure.
Tyler:You know what I mean?
Danny:On it and dancing on it.
Tyler:Right? And who knows what what'll come out. As far as bad sportsmanship, like, I think I don't know. I don't know. Like, football is an inherently dangerous game.
Danny:And lots of lots of lots of lots of lots of aggression.
Tyler:Lots of aggression. Right? And, you know, I don't know. I don't know I don't know in the realm of sportsmanship. Like, perhaps on a national level, maybe that's not not the best way to represent your school outside.
Danny:Jumping over the fence at UFC and attacking Connor's entourage.
Danny:You know? Is that is that too much?
Tyler:Yeah. Where where what is the what is the line?
Danny:What is the Memphis BYU game where the dude's swinging his helmet around? Yeah. Is that too much?
Tyler:That's assault. Yeah. The I I think I mean, I think it's yeah.
Danny:What are we defending there? Are you defending are you defending the your last name?
Danny:You know? I'll defend my last name.
Tyler:I'm sure.
Danny:I'll defend your honor. I'll I mean, we've had moments where, you know, I've had to tell somebody, no. Tyler's my friend. You're Yeah. We're acquaintances.
Danny:Tyler is my friend.
Danny:And I'm team Tyler.
Danny:Right? I've had moments of that situation with with people.
Tyler:Yeah. I I'm I'm reminded of the line in in in Hamilton where he's like, if you stand for not if you if you don't stand for anything, you stand for nothing. Like, you have to have as a man, you have to have somewhere where you draw your line in the sand. And and and where is it? And I and I guess I think for these young men that are playing this big aggressive sport, like, that's maybe not enough.
Tyler:You know what I mean? They're they're jacked. Their testosterone is through the roof. Right? It's it's 25 to 30 trip type people who are in their peak performance, right, who who probably needed to run a few more laps to get that extra energy out.
Tyler:I don't know. I don't know.
Danny:And it looks bad. Right? It looks bad from the outside world, but have you ever been involved with a bench clearing or a
Tyler:Absolutely. You have? Absolutely. Right here in in Heber. We had we had a bench clearing fight on the lacrosse field, our senior night.
Tyler:Right? And we we we tuned up a team that 4 years ago embarrassed us because we were all freshmen. Now we're all seniors, and we were we were good. We we we tuned them up. And they decided to try to jump one of our players, and it the bench cleared.
Tyler:The bench cleared, and then and then it got really ugly after. Like, people saying this did that. You know, some people said the n word or and
Danny:I remember that.
Tyler:And and, you know, I think there is a certain level of aggression that's to be expected. And I think even the commentators were like, hey. Can you blame Michigan State because of the the the rivalry? Sure. I don't I don't I don't I don't.
Tyler:I mean, they are trying to hype themselves up. They're gonna carry that energy through their next few games. You know what I mean? They got a lot
Danny:of state was, I think, second. They're ranked 2nd.
Tyler:Oh, really?
Danny:Michigan was have Michigan had a horrible year, and they won the national championship last year. Yeah. Yeah. And so there was a lot going into it. But like you said, it's a rivalry.
Tyler:Huge rivalry.
Danny:At wrestling, you know, I've seen some crazy some crazy shit. I've I've gotten into it with a couple coaches. I usually conduct myself pretty Yeah. Pretty carefully, but, I've definitely my wife has my wife at one point was the talk of the wrestling community because her and another high profile mom my wife was a high profile mom
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Who was known to lose her head, and my and and another mom was known to lose her head. And they're on the middle of the mat screaming at each other and ended up having to get pulled apart from each other because they were both defending their children.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:You know, they're defending. Their mama bears defending, and it was like, woah. And I remember people, like, coming up to me and, like, that was awesome. That was awesome.
Danny:And I and and I thought during that moment, like, oh my gosh. I cannot believe that my wife is a part of that.
Tyler:So so where's the gray area between the loyalty and the the, you know, the obstinence? Right? Like, where is it?
Danny:Where is it? I think judgment comes unfortunately, people judge. You're right. And and, unfortunately, people who have never played football, have never done a combat sport, have never done something where you have this, like, aggressive, and you you have all this aggression going into it. And so, yeah, you are standing on business.
Danny:You are standing on your name. You are defending something. Right. And at what point do you defend it to? To the death.
Danny:Right. I'll defend my name to the death.
Tyler:Right. Right. Right.
Danny:I will defend my character and who I am to the death. Now, you're playing a game of phase 10, and it gets heated. Yeah. And next thing you know, you're throwing cards and you're fighting and shit like that. Is that the same thing?
Danny:I mean, I don't know.
Tyler:I mean, I don't think I I think you're I think you're absolutely you're you're right. You're right. But I I don't think it's the same thing. Right? Because you're you're talking about inside of your your family.
Tyler:Right? Like, you know what I mean? Like, you know, you have to choose your battles wisely. Right? What are you what are what are your battles, and and when does the stubbornness really when does it become when it when it becomes contentious.
Tyler:Right? Like, you can't you can't I don't think you should always turn away, but you should be able to know when you need to.
Tyler:I think at the end of the day, yes, the Michigan, Ohio state, it's nice for us to be able to kinda look back and say, And in in a way, it is. It's Right? Like, it sucks that a couple of guys got pepper sprayed, but nobody really got hurt.
Tyler:You know what I mean? There was a lot of posturing. There was a lot and that that that is what's to be expected in those in those sports.
Danny:I think when it gets contentious have you have you seen the mouse in the palace? Do you remember that? The mouse in the palace?
Tyler:It's been a it's
Danny:been a Detroit Pistons Yeah. And the Warriors, I want.
Tyler:Is that where you what's his MetaWorld MetaWorld, whatever goes up in the
Danny:the crowd? The Detroit Pistons, and I can't remember the other team, but, yeah, I mean, that's when, like, they're punching fans. Yeah. They're fighting in the stands with the fans. They're they are going and and I think that's when it becomes contentious because
Danny:The fans are the ones that provoked that because they threw
Tyler:the drink at
Danny:They do. They drew the the drink at that meta world peace guy.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. And he can't swim.
Tyler:He thought he was drowning.
Danny:Oh, man. He was And
Tyler:so he was just trying to get to higher ground.
Danny:He was.
Tyler:No. He was he was furious. He was he was punching his way through people.
Danny:And the fans, like, that got ugly with the fans. And I think, like, when when that happens and, you know, teams against teams, you know, we can split that up. But when you have fans going on to the playing field or, you know, people throwing water bottles. Right? Could you see that water bottle be thrown at the BYU cheerleader?
Danny:Yeah. Yeah. And hit
Tyler:him in
Danny:the head, knocked him out. I mean, batteries and shit. That's when it becomes bad because what are you defending? Right. You're not playing the game.
Danny:Right. Yeah. Yeah. Go out and fight and I go out and, compete and a fan wants to fight me, we're not you're not fighting.
Danny:Right? You're not fighting. There's been UFC tie UFC walkouts where fans have done something. UFC fan the UFC guy punches the fan. Don't put your hands on me.
Danny:I'm in a moment. Yeah.
Tyler:Powder keg at that point. Yeah. You probably you probably deserve whatever's coming
Danny:to you. Whatever's coming becomes contentious, I think.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. You have to realize what is what is your what is your horse in the in the fight. You know? I could never see myself fighting to defend.
Tyler:I'm a I'm a been a Broncos fan
Danny:my whole
Tyler:life. Yes. I will tease, and I will I'll gloat when we win. You know, I also have to eat humble pie when they they lose. Right?
Tyler:But I could never see myself getting into a physical confrontation for that team.
Danny:Yeah. Same.
Tyler:You know? I mean, it to me, it just does not it there's nothing I love about about them. And and maybe it's you know, because it comes down to, like, the it's it's it's a nationalistic bond or it's a it's we we bond around these things that kinda keep us, that keep us connected.
Tyler:Right? And so I have to ask myself, like, what is that bond? Like, a family bond, you're right. It makes absolute sense that you defend it to whatever degree it needs to be defended, whatever that whatever that is. And to be honest, it's like I I I I'm the thing that comes to my mind is the the line from, untouchables with
Danny:with what, wow.
Tyler:What is that guy's name? He's talking to Kevin Costner and he's like, he's like, this is Chicago way. He brings a knife. I bring a gun. They put one of others in the hospital.
Tyler:We send one of theirs to the morgue. That's the Chicago way. Right? Like in that, you kind of have to have that, But where are you going to draw that line? Have you written it down?
Tyler:Have you do you understand? I mean, honestly, it is your ego if it is over a sports team.
Tyler:Unless you were on the sports team and that sports team is your family Yeah. That's where I'm going to say, okay. Like, I will give the players a little bit of leeway.
Danny:I agree.
Tyler:I won't give fans.
Danny:And it's a bummer that, like, it's national TV and whatever. I mean, it's whatever. I I don't get bummed out by the fact that they fought. I don't get bummed out
Tyler:by it.
Danny:I don't care. Have you so when I was younger, we've talked about this a little bit more. Like, I was around a lot of gang members,
Danny:know, when I was a lot younger. And looking back on that time, it's crazy to me, you know, what you fought over, what I fought over, what what I was fought over. And and subsequently, like, you know, you look back at it and some of these people, what they're willing to die for in this gang culture, you know, and and that in itself is scary. Yeah. You know, you talk about the Hatfields and the McCoys back in the day.
Tyler:Jeez. I read a book.
Danny:I think it's, I think it's Malcolm Gladwell that said that they're that part of that whole thing was that they're Scottish and Highland culture that they come from Scottish and Highland areas where they defend the turf. They defend the turf. They Mhmm. That's what you defend your your sheep. You defend your flock.
Danny:So that's why they fought the way that they did is because it was this it was ingrained in them to fight like that over over what?
Tyler:It's so and it's so interesting that you you say that because, like, my buddy, was in the marine corps, and he was in in Iraq. And he said when they started posting, like, rewards for information on certain people, all the time, they were getting these little insights. Like, you know, I'd come complain about my neighbor who, you know, who who offended me in this way. And then, you know, it was a way that they would they would use the US military to kind of settle some of these
Danny:some of that shit.
Tyler:These family feuds, essentially. Right? And then so yeah, I think you have to understand, like, when is it going to be beneficial? Right. Like when is it going to be beneficial?
Tyler:Maybe, maybe you can't, like, maybe, maybe. Your, you know, maybe your line just needs to die out because if you you don't you don't have the strength. Right? Like, that is unfortunate. Like, when you talk about, like, tribal warfare, right, the biggest and strongest are always gonna kinda survive unless you can be the most creative.
Danny:The most yeah. Yeah. Figure shit out.
Tyler:Right? You know what I mean? Like, we are like, I think as as species, we are we are meant to kind of have a tribe and to protect our tribe and to war with other tribes, right, when they're when resources are scarce. And then it takes it takes a lot of evolution to get to a place of abundance in the sense that there really is enough for all of us. True.
Tyler:It doesn't feel like it from time to time when we look at when we look and we prioritize wealth because I think that's the warfare that's being fought now. We are seeing wealth being amassed on an in kind of untold levels. And there's a lot of people that don't have that. Right? And then we're prioritizing that.
Tyler:Everything you see on social media is look at this flex. Look at that flex. Look at the money I have. Look at how how wealthy I am, this watch, this car, these women, this this lifestyle that I'm living. Some of it's true.
Tyler:Some of it's not true. But we're seeing kind of that same that same war play out with wealth.
Danny:Oh, gosh. It's crazy how, like, the division can happen in certain areas. And like I said, I I I get I get so lost in some of these things and thinking about them because, you know, when when you think about just that whole tribal mentality, what you're willing to defend and what you're willing to fight over Yeah. Could be simply like a a cow. Right?
Danny:A horse. Right? You know? Something that matters to me. Something that matters to me, I'm willing to fight for it.
Danny:I'm willing to fight for it. And if I'm let's say, like, you have what you're willing to fight for. I have what I'm willing to fight for, and we can't come to a common ground. Now we're fighting. Now we're in a feud.
Danny:Yeah. Right? And would you put it when you when you're teaching your children and you're teaching these young men, you know, when I'm talking to Tripp, I always remind him, like, to protect the people around him.
Danny:And sometimes he thinks about that. If you if a person comes into the academy and they hurt one of his friends, you know, he's like, okay. Yep. I know my job. Yeah.
Danny:I know what my dad has told me. Yeah. My boys don't fight at all until they have to. And both of my boys, I know the fights that they've been in. All the fights that they've been into was defend something, to protect something.
Danny:And, I have a video of 1 of my nephews who's young, and a kid was talking about his my nephew my sister and and my and and her daughter. So my sister and my niece, and my nephew got into a fight over what this kid was saying. And I and I remember seeing that video and the fact that it got out to social media, I was kinda bummed out about it anyways. But, my nephew was was he was standing on business, and he was kicking the shit out of this kid because of what he said about my sister.
Tyler:And that's a problem. Right? Social media just has such such negative effects. Like, the the the speed at which we can disperse information is incredible. Right?
Tyler:It's been it's been a way as a civilization. We've been able to just rapidly increase our own knowledge.
Danny:Yeah. And I
Tyler:think that's what AI is is ushering in. But, like, the damage that it does, had to have a hard conversation with Ben. Dude dude logged 6 hours a day on social media. And I'm like, what kind of what kind of guitarist would you be if you logged 6 hours a day in playing the practicing the playing the piano, you know, speaking a learning a foreign language? Right.
Tyler:And, damn, it's just like, well, all my friends are there. That's what I do socially. Right. It's so damaging. In the case that, like, something like that could get out, it doesn't it never helps the situation.
Tyler:And it only it only villainizes people that, you know, were were standing up for something. True. And the same thing happened in our the cross fight. Right? Like, the no.
Tyler:We didn't we didn't post the videos we had. We had videos of the other team literally attempting to stomp on one of our players' heads.
Tyler:But what got out was some social media lie that we we did something else.
Danny:Right. I remember that. I remember, like, the whole fallout of that too. Because there because there is a fallout, and that's why I told my nephew is like, hey, man. Be careful.
Danny:Like, don't let this shit be posted on social media. You see phones out. Stop fighting. Yeah. There's no point.
Danny:Right. Because if it was me and I noticed if if I'm watching the video, there's no context to the video. It's just my nephew kicking the shit out of this kid. Yeah. I know the backstory, but that's his that's his Right.
Danny:What does this kid say? No. No. He beat the shit out of me for no reason, and that's what it looked like. Yeah.
Danny:You know, there's no context to it.
Tyler:Yeah. The court of public opinion is is not just. Yeah. It will just make a judgment based on what is seen.
Danny:Yeah. And I'd that's the thing about the Michigan and the Ohio State. Yeah. You have all these people that will make comments about bullshit. Here's here's one that, like, has really been bothering me lately is this whole Zach Bryan and his girlfriend.
Danny:I think Yeah. There's no context to it, but this No. This this person is, like, on social media Right. Dragging this dude through the mud, and maybe he did do some things. Maybe he did.
Danny:Maybe. Maybe. Right. Right? But my opinion is is, like, I don't want no part of that.
Tyler:Right. Yeah. I think I think it is interesting. Right? Like, we the I wanted to spend that money.
Tyler:It's interesting. Yeah. Because my oldest daughter has been sending me a lot of this stuff. And, like, Dave Portnoy, love him or hate him, the dude has made a bajillion dollars just being a level 10 yapper. Yeah.
Tyler:He's just a yapper. He's he's a yapper. It's he talks, and he's he's he's Howard Stern of of the 21st century. Right? Like, the shock jock.
Tyler:Like, I'm gonna say shocking things. I'm gonna do shocking things. I have
Danny:no idea who he is.
Tyler:He started Barstool Sports. Right? He's he's he's your typical, I think he's from he's I don't know where I don't know if he's from he's back from back east, which, you know, people from back east, they they they tend to already be pretty abrasive to anyone. Yeah. Mid mid mid mid central west of of, you know, the United States.
Tyler:But, like, the same with this chicken fry chick. Her whole job is to yap, to talk Yeah. To talk. And so to them, their narrative, like, benefits them.
Danny:I know.
Tyler:And and and I get it. Like, he may he may. Who knows? Dude was in the navy. Dude didn't his mom passed away.
Tyler:Like, dude, we don't know what type how what his relationship status is. That's not why I like him. That's not why I care about him.
Danny:Well, he's not saying nothing.
Danny:That doesn't mean that he's owning what he did. It's just that he's not getting dragged into this bullshit, but but who defends the guy?
Danny:Like, if if somebody was doing that to you, Tyler, I would be on their social media. I'd be on everything saying Tyler is a good dude.
Danny:Anytime that I've had to, have a conversation about where I stand, it's team Tyler.
Tyler:Well and and the the the reality is domestic abuse is no joke. Right? And the fact that what they're accusing him of, it has it has it's it's, like, it's it's wrapped in a lot of, you know, kind of emotional abuse, you know, could be considered. But there like you said, there's no there's no real evidence. And if he was really that bad of a guy, like, if he was really that terrible, why did she stay with him so long?
Tyler:She seems pretty healthy and normal. Right?
Danny:I'm gonna tell you, Tyler. If any of my ex girlfriends came out of the woodwork from what I did when I was a young man, I would be I'd be vilified.
Danny:Dude, I was I was wild. We all were. I was wild, and I did stupid shit. I said stupid shit, and I was a stupid person. Right.
Danny:Right? Yes. I've done stupid shit.
Danny:But I don't want you going out and telling the whole entire world about the shit that we did in a relationship that people are people.
Tyler:The problem is the problem is because of social media, how much do these 2 make by yapping about it for the last 2 months.
Danny:I know. It gets me so frustrated. I don't wanna see any of that shit. I don't wanna see any of that business because I'm thinking, well, who defends
Danny:Who defends the guy? Right. Who's defending him? And and I'm a dude. Right.
Danny:You know? And I know that I've gotten into a lot of fights. I know that I've stood on business. I know that I stand. If you say something about Park City jiu jitsu, I want to fight you.
Danny:If you say something about me, I want to fight you. Now now maybe I don't because I'm a little bit more refined.
Danny:But back in the day, I was not refined.
Tyler:Well, I think the ability to slow down is is something that's that's unique to to people. Right? It's hard it's hard to slow down. And, I mean, look look at politics, for example. Right?
Tyler:I I a lot of people won't even broach the the topic. But politics as of late, it tends to be that you are either CNN
Danny:I agree.
Tyler:You're either Fox.
Danny:Oh, yeah. So true.
Tyler:You are either you're either a Democrat or you're Republican. True. And and the reality is when you look at you look at the Republican, you look at the Democrat, Democrat will watch CNN. Republican will watch Fox News. They're catering just to their demographic.
Tyler:They don't care about like, Fox doesn't care about winning over, you know, Lady Liberal over on the left, and and and CNN doesn't care about, you know, recruiting right wing Tom on the right. No. They pump vitriol into the system in order to keep it in conflicts because it makes them fucking money.
Danny:Yeah. It's not true. It's so true, and and and whose side you stand on is what you'll fight for.
Tyler:Right. And and then you're then you're vilified if you don't pick a side.
Danny:I know. I know. I know. Just this last episode, you know, we were, you know, we were it's insane that that that it's insane to me that there's one side or the other.
Danny:Right? One side or the other. And I think to myself, like, I'm just in the middle sometimes.
Danny:I'm I'm not one side or the other, but I like to poke and I like to tease and I like to joke. What you know, and if if you tease the wrong person Yeah. Man, they could, I've seen a couple of Instagram reels where it said, a politic one politics, sentence was started, and next thing you know, people are fighting over the Right. And I don't wanna be that kind of a person either about certain things about certain things, you
Danny:like certain situations. And I don't want people to think that that I'm saying that, again, like you said, the domestic violence is wrong or that that I don't understand that it's out there. I do I, a 100% do. Right. I just don't see the benefit of attacking somebody Oh.
Danny:If they're not defending themselves, and how how could this per how can I defend myself? If if if if I if you don't agree with me politically, how can I defend myself?
Tyler:My question is, what is the over under? And let's put this on Dave Portnoy's betting website. Dave Portnoy owns a betting website. We should put this on there. What is the over under that they made more than 12,000,000 yapping about it for 2 months
Danny:I agree.
Tyler:Than the NDA cost. Right? Like, that was the whole thing. Why would why would why would he want an NDA? Why would he want an NDA?
Tyler:Like, you know, I I mean, I could see a lot of reasons why he wouldn't want it. He'd wanna keep it quiet. He's pretty high fucking pro profile. Do you think if Taylor Swift and, what's his name broke up, and it was, like, really contentious that they would want it everywhere.
Danny:Yeah. No.
Tyler:No. Of course, they would hire attorneys and be lawyering and, like Yeah. Doing all this kind of bullshit.
Danny:We're gonna see Zach Bryan on Saturday. Oh, you guys are in for it? I'm so excited.
Tyler:He's he's I'm
Danny:a little bummed because I would've, I I had 2 opportunities to see him prior to this huge blow up. I could have went to Red Rocks for the infamous snow show.
Tyler:Snow show. That would have been
Danny:I had I was in the queue to buy tickets, and I only decided not to because I think I had I I don't remember what got in the way. Something got in the way, so we didn't go. And last year, we had tickets to San Diego.
Danny:Yeah. And the pit The pictures I've seen, we would have been front row Yeah. Seeing him. And I had the tickets in my hand, but Braxton was supposed to come out here. And, I'm a big fan of, like, I'm a I'm a big fan of that kind of stuff.
Danny:I'm I'm a big fan of of of fighting for for fighting for shit, fighting for your name. I'm also a big fan of fighting for stupid shit. You know? Like Yeah. Just to just to be like, oh, no.
Danny:I'm I'm on this team.
Tyler:Yeah. But you know where to draw the line.
Danny:Oh, yeah.
Tyler:That's the difference. Like, do you know where to draw the line?
Danny:I also tease a lot, you know, and I like to have a good time, but I don't wanna be, seen as negative because I do I mean, I am, to this day, a Notre Dame Irish fan to my blood. My cousins are Notre Dame Irish fans to their blood. That's funny. You know? And I think about that sometimes about, like, man, if somebody was to say something negative about the Irish, I'd be a little bit hot.
Danny:You know? And, I I think it's a good I think it's a good thing. Yeah. I think it's a good thing to have that. I don't want you to it, you know, and make it seem like it's gross and ugly just because it's you're not playing that sport.
Tyler:Have have a passion.
Danny:Have a passion.
Tyler:Have passion. Stand up for things.
Danny:Yeah. Stand up for people.
Tyler:Stand up for people. But, like, also know where to draw the line. Right? And then know know when to pick your battles. Know what battles are worth fighting.
Tyler:No no battle has ever been won or lost over, you know, changing traffic. You you know what I mean? Yeah. We talk about road rage all the time.
Danny:I agree.
Tyler:You know? No no no battle of of of wits has ever been won.
Danny:I agree with you. Man, fun.
Tyler:Yeah. Great episode.
Danny:I'm gonna make a shout out, and I apologize because I'm gonna get on my phone for a second.
Tyler:But We've been we we we're we're gonna start normalizing using notes on our phones. So, like, I'm not gonna vilify you using your phone because I definitely don't have my notes.
Danny:But, we lost a member of the motorcycle community, and I'd like to give him a shout out. So I think it was last weekend. One of ATC Jeremy, who's been on our podcast, Jeremy Ayala, he's been on our podcast a couple of times. We like to be friends with him. 1 of his brothers in arms, passed away.
Danny:And I know that they are struggling. I know that they're trying to put together his wake. And, I appreciate Jeremy shared with me the video that he's doing for for that young man, and I, I think it's cool. His name was Kyle or I'm sorry. His name was Kevin.
Danny:And to all of Kevin's friends and family at BlackLine and all those guys, we're thinking about you. We know that the what you guys do, the riding that motorcycle, it's it's it could be any moment. And so your family and friends, and and we're thinking about you guys, and and I hope that you guys know that man, I I remember seeing him on some of, Jeremy's feeds, the the young man that passed away, and he looked like he was a good dude. And, he had a young family, a young wife, young kid. And so, if you go to Jeremy Ayala's Instagram page, a t c Jeremy, the his has the information for, Kevin's wake and then also how you can help donate to, the family.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Do it if you've got something to spare. It's the season of giving.
Danny:Season of giving.
Tyler:Yep. I'm so sorry to hear that, Jeremy, and and that that crew. Like, that's that's tragic. If you don't ride, check twice, man. You don't wanna I don't know the circumstances of of what happened, but I've I've had a lot of people I know not not survive accidents because of cars.
Tyler:So Yeah. I know that's, yeah. Yeah. It's unfortunate.
Danny:So cheers to you guys at, BlackLine and Kevin's family, ATC Jeremy. We're thinking about you, and, yeah. We'll say a special prayer for you guys.
Tyler:Alright. Cool. Well, cheers to the next episode.
Danny:Cheers to the
Tyler:next episode. More that left to the year.
Danny:One more in the year.
Tyler:One more in the year.
Tyler:Alright. Cheers, everybody. K.
Danny:Appreciate it. Bye. Bye.