Resilience and Reflection: A Year in Review
Welcome to the Lost Boy Scouts podcast.
Tyler:Last one of the year.
Danny:Last one of the year. Crazy, Last one of the year, and I'm
Tyler:not even talking in the microphone. We're professionals here. We are professionals. Professionals here.
Danny:Crazy, I
Tyler:can't even believe it.
Danny:What episode so we're on at least It's 44. God.
Tyler:We should have been around 50, but, you know, this year, man, we gotta recap the year a little bit because the year was did not go as planned.
Danny:It did not go as planned.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:I'm interested to see what our letters say Yeah. And what we what we accomplished, what we didn't accomplish, where where we are in our lives. It's you know, when you look back at your life, I think one of those things, like, I'm not a I think we've talked about this before. I'm not a, New Year's resolution person.
Danny:Are you?
Tyler:I don't like I don't like the term resolutions. Right? Because resolutions seem so absolute. Yeah. I do like having goals.
Tyler:Right? And I think I like to keep my goals flexible. Sure. But I'll be honest. I'm I'm the I'm, like, the master of making a goal and then, like, being, like, so hard on myself right on.
Danny:Do it.
Tyler:If I don't achieve it or if I don't get close, or, like, I'll think too big, and I won't, like, I won't be able to to to and so I get really hard on myself. In fact, it's been a pretty hard couple of weeks since the last episode.
Danny:Yeah. Yeah. You've had some you've had some crazy stuff going on. Yeah. And mine has been, like, whirlwind.
Danny:Yeah. You know, we just thinking about what did we talk about last last podcast? And then you're like, gosh, was it that long ago that we sat down here talking about, what we had going on and and it was gonna be, things that we w that we were looking forward to. Yeah. Right?
Danny:And I can't even think, like, what was the last podcast about? And I think, like, okay. Is that that I'm not living in the moment? Is it that I'm not taking the time to appreciate what I have right now
Danny:Right now in this in this moment? And I think for men, sometimes the future you put, like, all these, like, bells and whistles on the future. Yeah. Like, this is gonna happen for me. Yeah.
Danny:I know it's gonna happen for me. And then what I think is if it doesn't happen, then you're like like you said, you're super hard
Tyler:on yourself. Yeah. I think I I mean, at least I'm I'm that way. I absolutely 100%. If I don't hit if I don't hit where I think I should be or if the what I'm I'm, I get super bummed.
Tyler:I get super bummed about it. I think more or less what I've noticed even this last week is just the the cyclical style of my life is not as fulfilling to me as I would want it to be. Right? Like, I've got a great job. I love doing this, but there's some things about the repetitive nature where I'm like, okay.
Tyler:I see that I'm stuck in this pattern, and I know I don't wanna be in this pattern. I know that I'm, like, in some stepping stones here. So, like, what do I do? What do I what decisions do I need to make to kind of break the cycle a little bit?
Tyler:And, that that for me is just kinda super bummed me out. I just had to, like to kinda sit in in some some pain and of some things and just kinda realize that, like, man, if I could teach one lesson to my son, if I could help inoculate him towards anything, it would be that of rejection. Yeah. Like, become so resilient against rejection that it does not matter
Danny:to you,
Tyler:and I think you will become a very powerful person.
Danny:I believe so too. Yeah. Yeah. I think, like, hearing the word no
Danny:Or or not accomplishing the task at hand
Danny:Right then. Right then. And having that idea of this is this is a this may be a failure. This is in my rejection. This is a a moment of, like, I'm not I'm not winning.
Danny:I'm not winning right now.
Danny:And can you be okay with that?
Danny:Can you sit in silence in that moment and be like, Yeah, I'm not winning right now. Yeah. It's okay. I'm not winning right now. Yeah.
Danny:But maybe you are. Yeah. Maybe the elasticity of your well-being or the elasticity of your of who you are as a man is growing.
Danny:And you're in that. You're getting pressure.
Tyler:Yeah. You're
Danny:getting cooked on the bottom. Yep. You can't find a frame. You can't find an out. You know, the clock is ticking and all you want to do is get to a position of breathable.
Danny:Yeah. Can I breathe? Yeah. Can I find a defendable spot
Danny:To where I can breathe for just a second? And I can think and I can get past this moment. Yeah. You know, because we're not in this fight alone. No.
Danny:And you think you are? Yeah. You think I'm the only person going through this? Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:No. Nobody else around me is going through this.
Tyler:Right. Well, you well, your your problems are unique to you, but you're right. You absolutely you'd if you over personalize it, right, you can, like, it really just becomes your problem.
Tyler:And I and as men, like, one of the things that we know like, we notice is that we don't we don't let other people help us shoulder that burden, or we don't see the parallels in each other's stories
Tyler:That kinda help us build. That kinda help us build together.
Danny:Yeah. And more importantly, like we've always talked about, we are not given the tools on how to ask for help and or see, like, what you're going through.
Danny:And and say, Yeah, me too. Right. Most of the time we're like fixers. We're like, Oh, Tyler tells me his problem. Okay.
Danny:Danny goes into fixing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:And Tyler tells me his problem. Okay. Danny goes into fixing mode. Yeah.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Instead of being like, yeah, man. Me too, Tyler. I'm feeling bad because I don't wanna get into this, where we're both telling each other how bad we feel, and then both of us going, like, well, toughen the fuck up.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And I do.
Tyler:I feel like a lot of times I I'll I'll bring things up or I'll talk things out with my dad or I'll, you know, I'll call somebody, and it is. It's like I'm am I am I having a bitch session here? Yeah, dude. And I think it's good to, like, get that stuff out because it helps you potentially reframe it, but at the same time, I also sometimes I just want you to listen to me. I don't necessarily want your fucking
Danny:don't need the feedback or tell me your
Tyler:parallel? Yeah. Yeah. Well, not necessarily your parallel. Like, I probably would love the parallel because then we can, like, commiserate together.
Tyler:Or the
Danny:one upmanships,
Tyler:maybe. Or is this the fixing? Like, I don't need you to fix it. Like, yeah. If if if I can have somebody just tell me what steps I need to take every step of the way, that'd be great.
Tyler:But, like, at some point, I just need to, like, I need to figure it out on my own. I've gotta just speak through it. I've gotta talk through it. And
Danny:Unless I'm short Yeah. A couple $1,000 and you put that in my bank account Yeah. Then I'm happy as fuck.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
Danny:And and so, yeah, the last couple of weeks have been kind of crazy. Right? Yeah. You've had some things going on. And and and personally, like, my my life has been crazy with wrestling.
Danny:Yeah. I'm trying to settle in, trying to become, trying to find the balance of work, life, happiness. Yeah. And and and sometimes it means, like, not being available to a lot of things besides wrestling and Misty Yeah. And my my personal life.
Danny:Yeah. Because I work a full time job.
Tyler:You gotta you gotta take care like, that is the measure of a man. Right? When you can start taking care of your own shit. Yeah. Like, that is that is the progression in the manhood.
Tyler:Right? You have to be able to take care of your own shit.
Danny:And putting priority on things. Right? Order of operations on, like, what's what's important right now.
Danny:You know? Yeah. I, you know, the year started off with us fully, fully engaged, having lots of successes in our business venture. Yep. We were having, like, a lot of meetings.
Danny:We were having a lot of things going on December. I remember, like, going right about this time was when we went to our first business meeting with Mark and Jr. Yeah. You know, we sat down with them at the brewery. Yeah.
Danny:Right about this time because then we went to close to that, we went to a duel at Park City, you and I.
Tyler:That's right.
Danny:Then we went to training.
Tyler:That's right.
Danny:Which is about a year ago. Yeah. Because I think it was about, the first home duel of Park City. And we went.
Tyler:I do.
Danny:I remember that. Did that business meeting. We were fully, fully invested in that in. Yeah. In our business venture.
Danny:Yeah. And we were deep in it, you know, trying to find, sponsorships. We're trying to find fundraising, trying to figure this out, trying to figure out how you and I can Building building the business. Building the business plan.
Tyler:Talking to banks and
Danny:Man, we were fully invested. That first quarter of the year, we were, like, yeah, 100% invested, you know? Yeah. And I remember thinking back about that and thinking, like, what a learning experience we went through. Yeah.
Danny:You know? Yeah. We had so many meetings. Yeah. So many FaceTime meetings, so many, we were talking to, SOAR.
Danny:Is that right?
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. The score score score. Mentors. Yeah.
Tyler:Mentors. Yeah. I
Danny:remember she was like, she she was she had the green screen.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:You know, and I remember thinking, like, I can see, like, her background every once in a while. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that and thinking, like, god, that's a it it feels like a lifetime ago.
Tyler:Yeah. It does.
Danny:You know, that was December, January.
Tyler:I know.
Danny:Right up until, you know, right up until life changed.
Tyler:Yeah. Right up until
Danny:life changed. What do you remember about December and January?
Tyler:Man, I mean, January is obviously just flooded with Nick. Right? Like, Nick losing Nick at the end of January. It's hard to believe that it's almost been a year.
Tyler:It's hard to believe that it's almost been a year. Yeah.
Danny:It changed our entire
Tyler:It past. Literally, it it it did. It did.
Danny:How fast life can change in a year?
Tyler:Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. I mean, it's it's impossible not to think about. Definitely.
Tyler:Yeah. Definitely one of those things. And it's not like it's like, hey, I'm pissed at Nick because he what happened happened. Like, it just it you just have to adapt. You just have to adapt.
Tyler:Yeah. And as as, you know, as lonely and as as sad as it is, you know, I've I've built really great relationships with my nephews. I'd like to think that I have a pretty good relationship with my sister-in-law. My kids have built better relationships with their cousins. I've reconnected with family that that I had kinda lost touch with, due to other reasons.
Tyler:And so, like, there's there's trade offs. There's benefits. There's benefits. And I know that, like, as badly as I want Vessi to take off, like, it's still there. It's not it's not a lost cause.
Tyler:It may not have gotten the traction that I wanted to in that in the year. But we accomplished some pretty incredible things with with the project. And what I learned is I just need to open my mouth about it more. I need to I need to you know, you need to evangelize those things that you that you want to do. And and it's about telling I think it's about telling the right story so that you're not, like, giving away your idea, but that you're actually able to kinda champion your idea in a way that that draws people into into your vision so that they'll ultimately cut you a check.
Danny:I remember, you know, the fact that that we that we had talked to so many people with about about our business venture
Danny:And what our ideas were Mhmm. Without NDAs. Right. You know, and I don't know what that is. Yeah.
Tyler:Yeah. I
Danny:didn't know what an NDA was. And I know there were people that took our idea and Yep. And moved on with it. Yeah. They were able to move on with it.
Danny:They took our idea, and they moved on with it. And they they said they said, I know that this is I know this was your idea. I appreciate it, but I'm I'm going to do the same thing. Yeah. And I was like, wow.
Danny:You ballsy motherfucker.
Tyler:Yeah. You see Nomadsauna on Instagram today announced that they're doing a floating sauna on one of the reservoirs. I did
Danny:see that.
Tyler:I was like, dude, great. It's a
Danny:great idea. It out.
Tyler:It's a great idea. Admittedly, it's a great idea. It's a
Danny:great idea. And you know what? For me, like, I'm always the kind of guy that's like
Tyler:I hope they do well. I hope they do well. Good for
Danny:you because, like, what what what it also taught us in in December, January, and February was it solidified our friendship, but it also solidified the fact that you and I are family. Yeah. So nothing gets in the way of anything. Yeah. That that I'll drop anything and everything for you.
Danny:Yeah. And vice versa. Yeah. Anything and everything at that moment. Anything and everything.
Danny:Drop everything. Yeah. Drop everything. Rally regroup. And you got my full undivided attention, vice versa.
Danny:Whenever I need you full undivided attention. Yep. No, no questions asked.
Tyler:Questions. Yeah.
Danny:Nothing. No, no. And I don't know if I have, you know, very many male relationships where that is the reality of it.
Danny:That it's like, cool. I'm good.
Tyler:We're just gonna do this.
Danny:We're doing this. We're in this moment. I remember going to your house with beers.
Tyler:Oh, yeah.
Danny:With the idea that, okay, tonight we're gonna get drunk. Yeah. We're going to to to to to meditate on alcohol if we had to. Yeah. And getting there and being, like, yep.
Danny:Not tonight. And hiding all the alcohol.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Yeah. Hiding it all and being, like, nope. Not tonight.
Tyler:We we we maybe we medicated prematurely. Yeah. I think You know,
Danny:it was think about it. It was insane.
Tyler:It it's just a wild rush of emotions. Right? Like, I'm sure there are those that can relate. I think you're absolutely right. You need a minute where, like, it's so intense.
Tyler:You just need to dull it for a second so you can you can get through it. It's when you get to a point where you're dulling it too much. You have to eventually you have to eventually feel through it. You have to.
Danny:We were gonna do a year of sober.
Tyler:Yeah. I'm planning on starting again. I'm planning on starting again.
Tyler:I'm planning on starting again this year.
Danny:We were gonna do a year sober. I mean, like, that was our Q1 was where we were gonna do a year sober.
Danny:You know? And then and then once that l started to fade off, you start to see spring happening.
Danny:You know, we, we were training we were training a pretty good amount.
Danny:We were we were making a lot of, a lot of a lot of open mats and a lot of I went to Florida and you didn't.
Danny:And that was, you know, that was, like, dang. We were all, like, man, Tyler should be here.
Tyler:Yeah. It's just it was it was unfortunate because it sucks to have a trip that's paid for that you just have to have to leave. Like, hindsight, I probably should have just wrapped Florida into the bereavement leave that I already took.
Tyler:Because I don't think at the end of the year You
Danny:had just started that job.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I started the job in January. I, like, started the job the week before.
Tyler:Gosh. You know?
Danny:It's funny to look back on the year.
Tyler:It is. It is. It's it's almost funny how how much you forget
Danny:It is.
Tyler:In that year too. It's like, it's easy to forget. And like I said, my goal for this year was strength, ambition, and persistence. I think at the end of the at the end of the year, I could I can put a check mark by that by that. I still think it's one of those things that I'd love for it to be more of a motto for me, strength, ambition, and persistence.
Danny:Spring. What do we do in the spring?
Tyler:What do we do in the spring, man? It what did we do in the spring? We got out in the, we got out in the, we were out in the woods. We got out in the van.
Danny:Spring was one of those things where you're like, spring is one of those times of year here.
Danny:Where thaw is happening. Yeah. You know, you're you're breaking out of your slumber.
Danny:We didn't have a crazy winter, if I remember right.
Tyler:Wasn't terrible.
Danny:There wasn't there wasn't. I remember thinking, I still think in the in the spring we were still a lot of focus on our business, a lot of focus. Yeah. On how we can revamp it because coming out of the slumber of and coming out of the whole thing with Nick required a lot of, like, refreshing, regrouping, re reinvigorating. Yeah.
Danny:Trying to put some trying to put some fire into what we were doing.
Tyler:And I had my move as well. That was the other big thing for me that that I
Danny:had to I had
Tyler:to move out because the flood.
Danny:The flood.
Danny:when I walked over there, I remember you showed the videos of your, drywall cut up almost 3 feet above the wall.
Tyler:They're now listing that house. It's for sale.
Danny:It is for sale.
Tyler:If anyone's got an extra 8 k, 800 k that they wanna throw down. It was a beautiful house, beautiful old home. But that was a huge, a huge, huge change for me and my my crew.
Danny:I went, that was one of the first times I thought that I might be interested in coaching wrestling again. Yeah. Because I went to Vegas. We watched the US Open. And I thought, man, maybe maybe getting back into it would be a good a good thing for me.
Danny:Maybe, being involved with Tristan and them would be a good would be a good idea for me. And I went back and forth, you know, because I love jiu jitsu so much, and I love being there so much.
Tyler:Well, there's a lot of crossover, and and I would hope that as you find some stability, you'll be able to find your passion in both and how to bring both and how to blend the two worlds. I mean, who was one of your buddies that is down at, teaches a wrestling class down at,
Danny:Yeah, Jared.
Tyler:At, at, at, at Unified. Yeah. I mean, I could see total use for that. Like Yeah. Some little bit more stand up, a little bit more, like, hand fighting, how to do that kind of stuff.
Danny:I'll tell you, it opens up my eyes with things today. I was doing, like, practicing some things with people, and I was, like, thinking about blending of how this would work in both environments. And, it it definitely helps me in in my journey, being, like, looking at it from a growing period. Right? Yeah.
Danny:Which is really hard in the winter here, you know, because it's like there's no I don't know the last time I sat in the sun.
Tyler:I know. That's the worst part about this particular part of the the the country. Colorado Growing up in Colorado, we'd get the snow. We'd have the sunny days. Yeah.
Tyler:I feel like I just get I get mired I get mired in the gray.
Tyler:And that is the worst. So you you you stack the gray upon the fact that I work from home primarily. If I don't leave for training, I don't leave the house.
Danny:I know. And that's go outside?
Tyler:No. It's so weird. No.
Danny:You know, when you when in the spring, going back to that, the spring, you start to sit outside a little bit more and you start to, like, let the vitamin d hit you a little bit more. Yeah. And, like, you start to see, changing in the colors of things.
Tyler:Yep. New life. New life. The the the buds. The I always that's my, like I know spring is coming when you kinda see the trees, that little that little a little spurt of growth.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A little green that that pops into the the the trees, and, you know, it's just around the corner.
Danny:Yeah. It's it's so close. The the the the heat is right around the corner. Yeah. I don't really remember too much about the spring.
Danny:I don't remember, like, anything standing out to me of, anything that stands out to me that I thought, oh, that was a big that was a big life moment besides the move for you. Yeah. And then summer starts to come around. Yep. We had, summer camp to look forward to.
Tyler:Oh, yeah. Summer camp was epic.
Danny:Summer camp to look forward to.
Danny:And the summer fights. Right? We had the super fights. Yeah. We had that to look forward to.
Danny:Mhmm. Once May hits for me
Danny:That's like you're like, okay. Here we go. Here comes summer. And I started to work on my bus a lot. Yeah.
Danny:I started to rip things out because I knew that we were leaving in July. Yeah. So I was trying to blend summer camp and, leaving on our road trip, and I was working my ass off. Yeah. I don't feel like I've settled since.
Danny:Right. You know? Yeah. Yeah. That's true.
Tyler:Cause you did you, what you took off the Sunday after
Danny:camp on? Sunday after camp and once camp hit like, man, that was insane because if you remember training leading up to summer camp got super intense.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Anthony Howlett. Yeah. Jack's all those dudes trip. Yeah. All those guys that all those people that were fighting got really, really intense.
Danny:And we were you and I, especially, were traveling a lot. Being training partners, you were doing a lot of stand up with Anthony.
Tyler:Yeah. God, the the man still scares me. Well, I don't think he ever will not. I it's it is my that is yeah. I love it.
Tyler:I love it. I love that he's patient with me. Super grateful that he's patient with me. And I, you know, I've actually gotten to a point where I do feel safe. I mean, I know he could be it could not be safe real quick, but, like, for the most part Yeah.
Tyler:It is it's it's safe. Right? Yeah. He gets him a workout.
Danny:So New members of the academy, that's about the time that Grant
Tyler:Oh, yeah.
Danny:And Marcus.
Tyler:Yeah. Well, they because they were both at summer camp. They had started they probably started in the spring.
Danny:We did the, beach.
Tyler:Oh, yeah. The paddle boarding?
Danny:The paddle board party.
Tyler:Yeah. That was my nephew's first time camping.
Danny:That's right.
Tyler:First time camping for them.
Danny:We pulled the bus right down on the beach. Mhmm. I had a I had a gas leak going to the beach that day.
Tyler:Oh, yeah.
Danny:And I was like, what in the world? We got there. And that was, like, one of those times where those new members of the academy started to become family members
Danny:Of the academy. Yeah. Right?
Tyler:Yeah. Professor's band playing out there.
Danny:Professor's band playing.
Tyler:They've just gotten they've just gotten they just continue to get better.
Danny:When did we go to tribal seats?
Tyler:When was that? Was that early fall or was that in the spring? When was that?
Danny:I think it was I think it because we met Jeremy. That was when you met Jeremy.
Tyler:It was before the Jeremy episode. Yeah. It
Danny:wasn't before the Jeremy episode. I think
Tyler:it was before his episode where he came up.
Danny:Yeah. We went to Park City, met Yeah. Went to Tribal Seeds Yeah. At the in Park City. Yep.
Danny:You start to remember, like, all these memories start to flood in, and you think, like, you just Oh, yeah. When was that? Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Danny:When was that? There was snow. There there might have been snow.
Tyler:I still remember it was a bit chilly. I I wanna say it was a still a bit chilly up in Park City.
Danny:But it was April or May?
Tyler:Had to have been.
Danny:Because then we did then we started to take the bus out to the river.
Danny:And hang out by the river with a couple with with Jeremy.
Tyler:Yep. We did, what, 3 episodes?
Danny:Three episodes.
Tyler:Four episodes, maybe? Yep. By the bus?
Danny:Montana. I went to Montana.
Tyler:You did the Montana trip?
Danny:It was amazing. I cut my foot.
Tyler:And stabbed your foot.
Danny:Right with a knife. You let's see. You went to did you went to Nick's wake?
Tyler:Lots of lots of trips back and forth to Colorado. I think I did 3 trips to Colorado 4 trips to Colorado last year.
Tyler:I might have time I may do one more.
Tyler:Since I don't have the kids for Christmas, There is, maybe a an opportunity where I spontaneously show up and surprise the nephews. Nice. So,
Danny:And your mom?
Tyler:My mom my mom and I are talking about how to how to surprise them, so Nice. It wouldn't be too big of a surprise for her, but she's like, can I fly you out? And I'm like, okay. I'm working a ton at the rink. Just I gotta keep busy in order to Yeah.
Tyler:To, you know, not not go insane.
Danny:Yeah. You you these memories start to flood in and, like, when did it happen? Yeah. Right? And, then let's see.
Danny:Then you go in, then you start to fall.
Danny:Right? When was your first trip down to Saint George for a company?
Tyler:Oh, that would have
Danny:been in January. That would have been in January?
Tyler:That would have been in January. Yeah. That was the week before Nick.
Tyler:Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So it was the week before Nick. Then I had Nick.
Tyler:Then I had the flood. Then I moved, you know? And so it was, it was like
Danny:That's insane.
Tyler:Q1 was pretty intense. And so I think for me, you know, quarter 2, quarter 3 were all about, okay, how do I, how do I regain some homeostasis here? How do I, you know, retool what it is I want to accomplish? What do I wanna do? I had my daughter living with me all summer.
Tyler:That's right.
Danny:Bren was home. I forgot about that. Driving down to to Orem
Tyler:Orem for work.
Danny:That's right.
Tyler:And so I felt like a full time father.
Tyler:I and and so and not that I'll ever complain about that, but I did kind of I did I did put a little
Danny:bit more effort into being, like,
Tyler:you know, the father and not really, you know, didn't really date, didn't really travel on myself. That'll probably start shifting, I think. This year, I've I've gotta I've gotta change some things in that in that realm. Let them let them be an experience and yeah.
Danny:Did, so I I got me and Tripp both got promoted.
Tyler:You got promoted to purple belt. That was.
Danny:I got promoted to Brown and Brown. I'm sorry. Purple.
Tyler:That's right. And that was in the spring. The spring.
Danny:That was in March.
Danny:Or I think I think that's about March timeframe.
Tyler:Yeah. Because we do what? We usually do them in the spring and then Yep. The the the fall.
Danny:It was it was right leading up to, the super fights.
Tyler:There was.
Danny:I've heard some crazy things about some people in, the jujitsu. We've lost some members of our academy that you think, man, did that did that happen? You know, the, like, Yeah. Are those people not a part of our academy anymore? And I always think, like, it's like a death in the family almost sometimes.
Danny:Like, if you're not, you know, you like, man, where did that guy? Where did that person go? Right. When who's the redhead blue belt that quit in Park City? The tall kid.
Danny:What's his name?
Danny:Parker. Yeah. He's gone. Yeah. He got his blue belt and he's gone.
Danny:Yeah. You know, those kind of things when you think about, like, when you go through the the, the the Rolodex of academy members
Danny:It's like, where did that person go?
Danny:You know? And it does feel like a little bit of, man, why did they go? What what happened? What changed in their life that they didn't need us?
Tyler:Yeah. They decided they didn't need they didn't need this anymore. Yeah. It's hard to say. I don't know.
Tyler:I don't know. I've never been not motivated not to quit.
Danny:Right. Jackson. God, this is black belt.
Tyler:Black belt. Super fight. Yep. That was pretty incredible. Preston getting his black belt.
Danny:And got his black belt. Nick got a stripe.
Tyler:Nick got a stripe. Chris Parker. He he made a promotion, right? He made the jump from from blue to purple.
Danny:Yeah. There's a lot of color down in Lehigh.
Tyler:A lot of color down in Lehigh.
Danny:They need to figure out how to keep their people. Yeah. They do. Suckers.
Tyler:Be nice to each other.
Danny:Be nice to each other.
Danny:Don't lose each other.
Danny:I was talking to Corey yesterday, and he did not make it a full year of sobriety.
Tyler:He didn't.
Danny:He did not.
Tyler:He made it a damn long time.
Danny:He made it to November. But, you know, my experience after my year of sobriety, my life with alcohol completely changed. Yeah. Completely changed. There are moments where I, you know, I've looked back and I was like, man, did I get that drunk?
Danny:Yeah. Us at the bar. Yeah. A couple of weekends ago. Yeah.
Danny:Yeah. I, like, got was I did did we drink that much? I don't remember. But Right. But we we went to the bar with Stevie j.
Danny:We met all those people. We were talking. And next thing I know, I was like, man, am I that? Man? I am lit.
Danny:Yeah. You know? Yes. My relationship with alcohol has changed, though, since my years. Right.
Danny:He said that it was once the first taste of alcohol, he was like, Yep. That's what I'm missing. Yeah. I love it.
Tyler:I there will be some moments where it'll be really hard not to indulge. I there is nothing greater than in the summertime after a train.
Tyler:A cold Pacifica.
Danny:A cold Pacifica.
Tyler:You just there's nothing. Nothing greater. Yeah. I will never like, there was a couple nights where I was so smashed during Nick's thing.
Danny:Oh, yeah.
Tyler:There was the there was a poker game, a poker ch poker charity that
Danny:Oh, yeah,
Tyler:yeah, yeah. It's one of the only times I've ever, I think I've ever vomited. For like, d, during a session of like, we, we were drinking. They were just, it was just pouring. It was like, get Tyler drunk.
Tyler:And, I puked so hard. That I'm like, I will never be like, yeah, that was a good idea. It definitely made me want to change my relationship with alcohol. Right? Like, I don't, I don't feel the need to ever be that drunk.
Tyler:Even even the the even being drunk the other weekend was, like, that crept up on us. I don't even know how.
Danny:It well, it did yeah. I don't I remember thinking, like, oh, I'm good, and then I'm, like, I'm not that good.
Tyler:I'm not that good.
Danny:Yeah. But we were with each other, so we were probably, like, mellow.
Danny:And the fact that, like, not wild. Right. Not tequila rage.
Tyler:No. No. And we had, like, we had drivers and we had
Danny:We did.
Tyler:You know what I mean? Like, that it just kind of crept up on me. I think it was just the. Yeah. I don't know if I didn't eat that well or.
Danny:Yeah, we probably didn't.
Tyler:Whatever. Because it was we didn't drink anything harder than than than beer.
Danny:Did we podcast that night and then go drink it?
Tyler:Yeah. We did.
Danny:I think we did. Right?
Tyler:Yeah. We did. This is the last episode.
Danny:That's right.
Tyler:Last episode. Gosh. We had 2 2 during the the podcast, maybe 2 after, and then it's it's it's it is. It's like it just crept up on us. It just creeps up on you.
Danny:And we you know, partying is fun.
Tyler:You gotta you gotta
Danny:you Let Liz is fun.
Tyler:You gotta celebrate. Like I said, you gotta numb. You gotta, like, it's it is a relationship.
Danny:Yeah. I
Tyler:think you gotta be aware. You gotta have a a a tremendous amount amount of self awareness. Right? I think my desire to be sober at the beginning of the year is not because I I have an inappropriate relationship with alcohol. It's because I have specific fitness goals that I have yet to achieve.
Tyler:And I know that like taking, you know, this taking soda, taking sugar out of my diet is what I need to do to achieve those.
Tyler:Those, those fitness goals. And I just have to do it. Yeah. I have to be disciplined enough to do it this year. Yeah.
Tyler:And there's no there's you know, I've been telling myself that for years, but at the same time, like, I'm not gonna get mad at myself of of, you know, for doing it.
Danny:Yeah. I'll tell you this last quarter has been wild for me because I started coaching wrestling.
Tyler:You did wrestling?
Danny:But I was able to see Zach Bryan in concert.
Tyler:That's right. Well, we we gotta go back before even you talk about Zach Bryan. You at the beginning of the year, you had the whole Hawaii thing.
Danny:Oh, yeah.
Tyler:You had the whole I forgot about that.
Danny:Yeah. That's right. I put in for the job in Hawaii. Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:I forgot about that. Yeah. And it's still open.
Tyler:It's still open.
Danny:It's still open, and it still shows me in the queue potentially hired there.
Tyler:You might you might just wake up one day and and he's off to hold.
Danny:I'll tell you this. My my days of air traffic are numbered. Yeah. I'm in I'm less than 12 months away from retirement
Danny:From air traffic. When I want if I want, I could be done in less than 12 months. So I don't know if that's in my life anymore. I don't I don't believe that God I believe that God has a path for you.
Danny:And I believe that God puts what he wants in front of you that he wants you to the tasks the tasks at hand. Yeah. And I believe that God will give you really, really hard tasks and things that, like, are tasks, but do you take them? Yeah. Right?
Danny:That Hawaii thing after talking to people and and and realizing that probably not for me Yeah. Is how it went.
Tyler:Yeah. It
Danny:wasn't for me. Right. You know, so that's insane to me to think that that was on the table. Yeah. You know, when I go back and listen to the episodes, I'll have, like, moments where I'll remember.
Danny:Oh, yeah. I was really excited about that. Yeah. And then we also were going to sell our house. Yeah.
Danny:And move into a trailer. Yeah. We had that going on. Mhmm. We thought we almost put our house up for sale again.
Danny:And then Misty, like, was like, I don't think I can do it. Yeah. I'm good. I don't think I can do it. So I paused it.
Danny:We paused it. We paused it for a moment.
Danny:Then I started coaching wrestling. And being around those kids has been amazing. Yeah. You know, it's it's been so fulfilling for me.
Tyler:It definitely makes you younger. Yes. Makes you know I'm younger.
Danny:And it's awesome. And you
Tyler:finally got to see Zach Brown.
Danny:Oh my gosh, dude. But you know Life changing.
Tyler:It really is. When did you go Friday or Saturday?
Danny:We went Saturday night. Okay. So we knew a little bit about what was gonna happen.
Danny:We got there and I I was so mad at Misty for the seats that we had because we were so high. I coached wrestling for most of the day on Saturday.
Danny:And then Tripp and I left. We hauled us to Heber, got there and all day long. Happy Zach Brian Day. Happy Zach Brian
Tyler:Day to Misty. Happy Zach
Danny:Brian Day. We got home. She was a little sick because she had just got home from Disneyland. Then she got home from Disney on Thursday. She had Friday to just relax.
Danny:Saturday, Zach Brian Day. And we were like, Happy Zach Brian Day from 6 in the morning till, like, we were going to.
Danny:And then we, I started to, like, have a couple beers, get my mind right. You know, we were listening to Zach Brian all day, and then we drove down, parked, found parking, and, me, trip, Cole, Misty, we were, like, just excited. Yeah. Get to our seats and it's like, oh my God. We are in the nosebleeds.
Tyler:The there's a buzz. The Delta Center's pretty, pretty good. It's easy to get in and out of.
Danny:In and out. It was it was packed with people. Yeah. But our seats were so high. I was so mad at Misty because we had such better seats Yeah.
Danny:In the queue. But, opening band comes on, and he he can't understand a single thing, and we're like
Tyler:Oh, no.
Danny:And and people texted us and said, hey. Just get past the opening band.
Danny:Opening band. Really, really good band. You could tell they were really good, but they only played to one side of the stadium on the other side of what we were on. So we could only watch them on the big screen. Mhmm.
Danny:They were playing to the other side.
Tyler:Their stage setup just wasn't prepared.
Danny:And so then the next band comes on, and he's really good, Really good. And I've heard some of his songs, and he's playing to us. They're not moving around. I'm like, how is this gonna even go on? How is this gonna work?
Danny:And then they said, just wait. Because when he comes on, he'll play for 2 and a half hours. Yep. No questions asked. And then you hear that?
Danny:And, dude, the crowd went
Tyler:nuts. Yeah.
Danny:And we sang for 2 and a half hours. Yep. Every song, every song hung on to every word. Yep. Every little thing that he did, everything was what you thought it would be.
Danny:That dude is amazing.
Tyler:Yep. Real troubadour. Wow.
Danny:And, and saying his heart out and
Tyler:pulled some kid up on stage.
Danny:This was on for that was on Friday.
Tyler:Was that on Friday? That was
Danny:on Friday. Okay. Santa came out for us. Okay. He played, every song that I wanted to hear except for a couple.
Danny:He played, so many songs that we sang, but, you you look on it and you're like, is this a once in a lifetime experience?
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. You know? Yeah.
Danny:He is he, is he a generational act?
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. The the does he have staying power?
Danny:You know the dude likes to get down? Yeah. He likes to party. Yep. Is this a generally generational act?
Danny:Where it's like, man, I I don't know if I'll see that again. I've seen some really cool concerts. I've been around a really a lot of really fun events. Yeah. But that was insane.
Danny:Such a great show.
Tyler:I know I had 4 or 5 people that went to the concert that sent me clips. So he played 68 Fastback, which is absolutely my favorite song.
Danny:He did he did on Saturday for us.
Tyler:Yeah. Gosh. That sent me the they sent me clips and videos of that song, and it was just
Danny:yeah. It was fun. It was it was life changing for us because we love well, you know, I love his music so much.
Danny:And I've missed 2 really good shows. Like I said, I had I had tickets to Red Rock.
Tyler:Oh, yeah.
Danny:I had tickets to San Diego. And seeing him at the Delta Center, I was a little like, goddamn. I would have liked to see him some other places. Yeah. I hope he goes on some smaller tours, like, go back to Red Rocks.
Tyler:It would it it it won't. It's hard once you've done that to go back. Right? Like, he sold out everywhere he went. Right?
Tyler:He sold out Mile High. You know who else sold out Mile High? Taylor Swift. Right? Like, so he's kind of in that genre.
Tyler:Like, does it stay? Does it stay? Right? Like, his does does his next album hit? Does he take some time off given all the heat that that he's got and just produce some studio albums?
Danny:No. Because I don't care what they say. That dude is the man.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. No. I think I think they were I think they were barking just because they make money for barking. They, like
Danny:They're talking for no reason. Yeah. And she's fighting with her best friend anyways now.
Danny:So she's the problem.
Tyler:I I mean, yeah. Yeah. Nobody's perfect. Right? I think the best thing he's done for himself is keep his mouth shut.
Tyler:Right? Just do his do his thing, make his make his music. It it it it will be do the albums continue to come out? Do they continue to have the same
Tyler:The same firepower, the same but people love him because they relate with his lyrics on on on every album.
Danny:On every album.
Tyler:I agree. And he he pulled in some great people in this last album, you know, John Mayer, Bruce Springsteen, like, will he continue to do that? And I think, yeah, I think he I think he will. I think he has I mean, he has.
Danny:As you do a year recap, things pop in your head. Yeah. Guess what I just remembered.
Tyler:What did you just remember?
Danny:CGI. Oh, yeah. CGI.
Tyler:Yeah. Craig Jones.
Danny:Craig Jones.
Tyler:He's looking for some places to to hang out for Christmas.
Danny:He could hang out in Hebrew. Yeah.
Tyler:I hate jiu jitsu. He he's got a lot of people offering him
Danny:places to stay. But that was a that changed jujitsu.
Tyler:I think it changed jujitsu. Yeah.
Danny:I was talking to professor Quran and talk we were talking the other day and and how hard it is now to to for young up and comers, a guy like Tripp
Danny:To to find a path in jujitsu. Because do you become do you become the heel? Right. Do you become a personality?
Danny:Can you let can you let your jujitsu speak for itself?
Danny:And in this moment, you may not be able to. You may have to, like, become a personality and trip it. Triple stand on his business. Right. He's a good train.
Danny:He's tough. Yeah. But, you know, he's not gonna go out there and, like, become this crazy personality that that jujitsu is kind of promoting at this point.
Tyler:I don't think jujitsu has a chance in hell until there's a governing body that regulates what goes into your body, drug wise. I mean, because you have what what's his name?
Danny:Pat down. Oh, no. I mean, Jordan. Right.
Tyler:Oh, well, you have Gordon you have Gordon Gordon, but then you have the other guy, Mike Mikey.
Danny:Mikey Matsumachi.
Tyler:Yeah. Matsumachi. Like, he's, like, he's bagging on the people that that take steroids.
Tyler:Right? You have Craig who kind of is in the middle of it. He's kinda created his own his own thing. You got, you know, Gordon who's, you know is he the heel or is he the
Danny:You and I and you and I can't relate to any of them. No. We're doing jujitsu for a whole other reason.
Tyler:We got Rotolo out there, like, destroying fools as well. Right? Like, there's so many names, so many different personalities. It needs, it needs a governing body that, like, takes it seriously. And I think that's what Craig is trying to do, getting them paid.
Tyler:Right? Getting paid is one thing. Once you get people paid, it it becomes easier to say, okay. How do we even the playing field? Right?
Tyler:When when, you know, it's a legitimate sport and there's money to be made, people will invest their time and effort to do it.
Danny:And they get on to Kurt's sorry. To get on to Craig's, eyesight. Yeah. You have to have a personality.
Danny:You know? Yeah. And that's gonna be hard for people. Yeah. You know, you have to have a storyline.
Danny:It becomes the American Idol of jujitsu or the ultimate fighter of jujitsu. You know? And and so jujitsu changes. Life changes. How as a man do you keep up?
Danny:How do you how do you keep pressing forward? How does Tyler, knowing the year that you had, be this person that's smiling, laughing, like, stomped on life still?
Tyler:It's the persistence. Right? It is the persistence. Right? There are going to be days.
Tyler:You have to understand there's going to be days where you're on the bottom. You're getting smashed. Right?
Danny:It's it's your job today.
Tyler:But yeah. And you just you you have to realize that, you know, better days are on on on the rest. The round
Danny:will end.
Tyler:Yeah. They're on the horizon. And and it's it can't just be the same. And I again, there's all these there's all these quips. There's all of this, you know, comparison is the thief of joy.
Tyler:There's all of these different things you can tell yourself, but it really just comes down to being resilient.
Danny:I agree. That's such a good word.
Tyler:Being resilient and being persistent.
Danny:Are you resilient? Yeah. Can you withstand the storms? Can you be the buffalo? Yeah.
Danny:Yeah. Can you be the buffalo? Yeah. We talked about that. Yeah.
Danny:Can you run at the storm?
Tyler:Can you run at the storm so you're through the storm?
Danny:The better weather's on the other side.
Tyler:And the better food and the better the better times. Yeah. Yeah. And it may not always feel like it's possible. It may feel like the world is not stacked in, in your favor.
Tyler:You may have, you may have gone through a terrible divorce and you may see the system at work, you know, taking your children, taking your money, and and it may seem unfair. You may go through, horrible illness, or job loss, or don't get caught in that moment. Don't get caught in it.
Danny:Yeah. Don't stay there.
Tyler:Don't stay there.
Danny:It's not gonna it it you can weather it.
Tyler:You're right.
Danny:You can get past it, and you can look back like we just did and have fun memories Yeah. And have sad memories. Yeah. And you don't have to, like, be, like, oh, that was that was life changing.
Danny:Because we have life changing moments.
Tyler:Yes, we did.
Danny:Good and bad last year.
Tyler:Yes, we did. And,
Danny:it's fun. It's fun. Life is fun. Yeah. Don't ever think that it's the end.
Danny:Like, you have to be like, this is it, man. This is my life, and I'm stuck here and nobody else is going through it. Yeah. And I don't want to go through it anymore and take that next step of of removing yourself from this situation. Yeah.
Danny:You know, we we always tell say that we we, you know, we don't want to lose another man.
Danny:I don't want to lose another man. Yeah. I'm tired of losing men
Danny:the battle, to the fight. Yep. To the fight of life. And those men had their own reasons, you know, their own their own demons that they struggled with. But when we look back on it, you know, we want to be like, this was an amazing run.
Danny:I had an amazing run. Yeah. I did everything that I could to have an amazing run.
Danny:You know, and so a year in review and a year looking back on things positive or negative, how do you feel about your life right now?
Tyler:Positive. Positive. It I mean, again, it it just comes back to programming that portion of your brain. What about you? Positive or negative?
Danny:Trajecting up. Yeah. I'm not trying to win every day anymore. Yeah. I'm not trying to win every day.
Danny:I'm trying to win moments. Yeah. To win over people. Yeah. To win over positions.
Tyler:Yeah. Right. I think one of the most freeing things for me will be when there's there's certain people that I keep trying to prove stuff to. And I know it's a process for me to let go of that needing to prove it to him. When I can truly be, like, no flatlined.
Tyler:When I can truly be, like, whatever you, whatever you're projecting on me doesn't affect me. Like, that is, that will be, that will be when I know that I'm, I'm truly in a healed position. Right? Like that I'm in a healed position. I don't, I don't need to be right.
Tyler:I don't need to be right. I don't need to be validated because I'm already validating myself because I'm getting better this much every day.
Danny:1% every day.
Tyler:1%. Maybe it's even half a percent. Yeah. You know, sometimes it's just dragging your ass out of bed.
Danny:Trajecting up.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Yeah. My life is my life is great. Right. Even the battles, even the the the things that suck build me to be a better man.
Danny:Right. And I know that too. Like, you know, we we did make amends with my family.
Danny:know, my Misty and my family made amends. She went with my family. Yeah. To Disneyland. And that in itself tells you that, like, life life will get better.
Danny:It's gonna get worse. Right. You know, we're at our age. We're at an age where we're going to lose our grandparents. We're going to lose our parents.
Danny:We're going to lose friends and family members. We're going to lose things. And you're crazy to think that you're not. Right.
Danny:Right. But when you can always see the spring, the summer, the fall, and the winter, those 4 seasons, you can always see that things will change.
Danny:Things are gonna change. Something's gonna get better. Something may get worse. But for all of our listeners, for all of our friends, remember that this world is better with you in it. Absolutely.
Danny:It's better, and we are better. We're better men by the fact that we're never going to give up on each other.
Danny:We're never going to give up on our dreams. We're never going to give up on seeing to fruition what we have in in in laid out for each other.
Danny:Right. And if you have a battle buddy, if you have a friend like that. Right? Yeah. If you find somebody and you find that resilience in each other, then you're going to be fine.
Tyler:It's gonna be yeah. And you don't have to fake it. You don't have to be fake.
Tyler:You can't make you can't make real friends with fake people anyway. Agreed. So, yeah, find your battle buddy. Find the person that that you can you can talk to. You know, I had a I had a coaching session.
Tyler:I haven't had one in a in a minute. I've it's not a part of my business that I've really focused on. I had a coaching session in last week and I was just like, dude, this brought me so much, like so much joy to just connect with this young man and like, just catch up on where we had been and what he'd been doing. And like, it was just like, there was so much clarity that was gained and just, and just meeting with each other. You don't have to pay a coach.
Tyler:I mean, yes, it, it, if you can't find anyone, maybe go find on hire a coach for like, just find somebody.
Danny:Find somebody.
Tyler:Find a therapist. Find a find anybody. There's somebody willing to listen.
Danny:Yeah. I had a friend ask me today if I've always been, you know, this insightful or this, like, this person,
Tyler:you know?
Danny:And I told her I was like, nope.
Tyler:Yeah. No.
Danny:No. Yeah. No. No. It's a lot of work.
Danny:Yeah. What we have, what we've created, this platform, this this idea that we have to allow men to open up and talk to each other. And just like, yeah, who cares what you say? You don't have to be tough every day. Are we tough?
Danny:Yes. Do we stand on business? Yes. If we have to fight, will we? Yes.
Danny:Yes. For sure. For sure. But you don't have to be that person every day. You can let your guard down, and not every man has been told that.
Danny:If we can reach 1, 2, 3, 4. If we can reach our sons and tell them, let your guard down. You don't have to sit in this trauma. You don't have to be embarrassed. Yeah.
Danny:You can talk about what you're going through safely.
Danny:I may tease the shit out of you.
Danny:But it's a safe moment.
Tyler:Yeah. Absolutely. Right? Like, I'm I'm here to teach you the lessons that the world will teach you much harsher
Tyler:In in a kind in a kind way. Right? And if I can teach you to be resilient, like, if you get nothing more than just be resilient, to just learn to stare rejection in the face and say good.
Tyler:You are gonna be a powerful young man, and I've done my job.
Danny:Yep. And and we'll we'll get past any moment. We'll always be able to to look back on a year Mhmm. And find happiness, sadness, mediocre, and, like, nothing nothing even nothing even changed. Yep.
Danny:But did we traject up? Did we get better? Did we improve our lives?
Tyler:Yeah. For sure.
Danny:Yeah. For sure. Did we make our relationships that we wanted to stronger? Yeah. Yes.
Danny:Did we get rid of those relationships that don't mean shit to us anymore? Yeah. Did we get rid of those relationships? Yes. Yeah.
Danny:Yeah. Did we did we clean the house every once in a while and be like, yep. Not today. Yeah. You know, did we still get smashed?
Tyler:I've every once in a while.
Danny:You know, you still get tapped. Yeah. Hell, yeah.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah.
Danny:Wake up and smile again. Right?
Danny:What you get? So you so you may go to Denver, hopefully.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm looking at going to Denver. What do I have? Christmas.
Tyler:The kids will be here. New Year's. So I'll be I'll be back in town for that. Yeah. I don't know.
Tyler:It works Saturday. I don't have any other days, like, I I don't know what I'll end up doing. I got a full tank of gas, and I might just point the car somewhere and
Danny:Train a little bit.
Tyler:Oh, definitely. Definitely.
Danny:Get some training.
Tyler:Get some training in. What about you?
Danny:Yeah. We have a couple of wrestling meets coming up. Yeah. Couple of family things going on. We will spend Christmas with just Misty, myself, and Tripp.
Danny:Braxton is not gonna be able to make it home
Danny:Christmas, but he'll be home 1st part of next year.
Tyler:Because he's he's he's wrapping up soon. Right?
Danny:Dude, this guy is so close. Yeah. I talked to him the other day, and he's so close. But he's so close that, you know, you're like he can hear in his voice. He's just like, man, I'm close, man.
Danny:I'm close. Yeah. And, yeah, we're gonna we're gonna enjoy. I've got a crazy Q1. Crazy Q1.
Danny:We're wrestling. And then February is insane for me.
Tyler:Yeah. Yeah, I'll bet.
Danny:I did book a trip to Mexico, so we are going back to Mexico 8 days and we're excited. We're going to go back there. We're going to that'll be like our decompress time. And then, yeah, it'll be fun. So I believe that what we have moving forward is going to be is going to grow exponentially next year.
Danny:Yeah, I believe that. I believe that we're gonna hit a mark with people and the fact that we're around them Yeah. Exponentially next year. Nice. And that's what I look forward to.
Tyler:I I mean, that's a possibility. Hang on to the possibility of of of Don't
Danny:let it go.
Tyler:Don't. Don't. And and do what you can to to to fan the flame. Right? Yeah.
Tyler:Because it is going to be a great year. Well, Danny, great episode. Cheers. I'm I'm I gotta crack my other one down here.
Danny:I I appreciate you. Yeah. Here is to more times and more good times and remembering who we have
Danny:Who we've lost Yep. And what we have in front of us.
Tyler:Yes, sir.
Danny:You know, and I appreciate all of our everybody that's listened to us. Yeah. Everybody that takes time for us, everybody that, gives Tyler and I space, I appreciate it. This, to Nick, we appreciate you. We love you.
Danny:We miss you. And all of our friends and family that we may not see, we appreciate you all.
Tyler:Yeah. Cheers.
Tyler:Happy New Year, and, thanks for another great season.