Happy Camper
Welcome to the last Boy Scouts podcast. This is a rare a rare addition we got going on.
Danny:Yeah. What a crazy thing. I sorry, man. I closed my eyes for, like, five seconds. Can you hear me okay?
Tyler:Yeah. I can hear you great.
Danny:I, I closed my eyes for, like, five minutes. Preston talked talked me into it.
Tyler:A nap together?
Danny:What's that?
Tyler:A nap together?
Danny:We should've. Yeah. We should've. Dude, I'm gonna, I'm gonna show you where I'm what I'm at right now, Tyler. Alright.
Danny:Hang on for a second here. Let me see if I can figure this out because it's kinda hard for me to, see if I can swap it.
Tyler:Oh, yeah. There you are.
Danny:There we go. There we are. We're at Cocoa Beach. Tyler wasn't able to come. Big Frog retreat starts today, here in just about, twenty minutes.
Danny:Check-in is about ten minutes away from that. But Nice. Yeah. So it's pretty crazy. I'm gonna, kinda walk around.
Danny:Just Yeah. No. Is that gonna can you hear the can you hear the wind, or do you No.
Tyler:No. I can't hear the wind at all. Your your headphones are doing great. Like, this is a a completely new and unique experience for us. So stoked to try to to to try something new.
Danny:I love your baggage on too.
Tyler:I know. This is me wishing I was there with you.
Danny:Yeah. I'm gonna kinda walk in and find a quiet spot.
Danny:What's new, dude?
Tyler:Dude, not not a whole lot. Just working. Everybody in my house has had the the flu, so I finally kicked them all out to their respective spots. And, yeah.
Danny:Yeah. That's what you said. You know what? Being sick is the worst. Right?
Tyler:It it is absolutely the worst.
Danny:It it does there's you never can find balance when you're sick. It's almost always like you're, like, doing some playing catch up all the time and never really, like it's the weirdest thing it's the weirdest thing that your body goes through. That's what I always think about. It's the weirdest thing that your body goes through. Yeah.
Danny:It could be sick. You know? So but, this is probably the best weather that I've ever experienced in Florida during February.
Tyler:Yeah. So this is this is what your how many times have you been?
Danny:So right now, I think, this is my third Big Frog, retreat. It's about 80 degrees right now. It's Tyler. Dude, it is so nice right now.
Tyler:So jealous.
Danny:It's hard to be like, want to go into the room because it's really hot
Danny:And roll around with a bunch of sweaty guys. Yeah. I went in there, Tyler. Just we had a open mat at noon, and it was the most grinshed I've ever been.
Tyler:Oh, jeez. Just like humidity times.
Danny:You know? Oh, dude. And Corey Brian, poor guy, he hates, no ghee. Oh, yeah. But he was like, I'm gonna come enroll with you guys, and I could tell that he was just like, this is so gross.
Danny:Because it was, like, sweaty, dude.
Tyler:Oh, yeah.
Danny:Like, super sweaty. Yeah. So, what's well, let's see. So what what's what's been going on? What's, I mean I had a crazy I had a crazy with, with the whole I forgot I forget sometimes that, what we say on our podcast is, like Yeah.
Danny:Everybody can hear. Everybody can see it. Right?
Tyler:It's a public forum.
Danny:And and we've talked about, like, is it is it a good thing? Yeah. Yeah. I know you've had some things where people have taken what you said the wrong way. You know?
Danny:Yeah. Yeah. And and that's always crazy.
Tyler:It it it's interesting. People get stuck in their subjective reality. Right? Their version of reality. And they fail to see that there is there's more at play than than just kind of the way they construct things in their own mind.
Tyler:Yep. And so, yeah, I've had instances where I've said things on the podcast. They've been misconstrued as threats. They've been rather than me just kind of, like, me me projecting my own, you know, my own reality. Right?
Tyler:Like, these are this is a narrative podcast. Right? We are sharing our story from our perspective with the hope that other men will will attach to it and and find some common unity within our within our shared our shared experience. Right? Like, your and I shared experience.
Danny:Certainly. Yeah, dude. Yeah. And, you know, like, what like, my experience I haven't had anything crazy like that, but my experience was just to like, what I said was taken out of context for just a moment. And I felt so bad because, like, I would never want somebody to get their feelings hurt Yeah.
Danny:By something that I've said taken out of context. You know?
Tyler:Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Danny:And and when when those when when everything, like, settled and and everybody realized that I was what I was saying, like, it the the context was taken, incorrectly, and then everything turned out okay, which is what you hope for. Right?
Danny:Like, you just hope that people don't. Like he said, like, man, could you imagine? Like, Tyler's not threatening anybody. No. You know?
Danny:But you've said, like, hey, man. Like, if if if I have to stand up for myself, I will stand up for myself. Yeah. 100%. Yeah.
Tyler:Yeah. Abs I mean, now is now now more than ever. I've spent a lot of years where I haven't.
Danny:I know. Do you think that, like, this version of Tyler is so different that you wouldn't get along with past version of Tyler. Probably. Yeah. About that a lot.
Danny:This is
Tyler:the best version of Tyler. Right? But I don't think this this version of of me wouldn't exist without those past versions. So I have to give them a little bit of grace and say, yeah. There are some definite aspects of things that I would I I kind of cringe at.
Tyler:Right? Like, I I kind of cringe at things I said or things that I did, but, really, those were just opportunities for me to gain wisdom about who I am. Right? They all have all of those experiences I have had have given me perspective into who I am. What it who who who, you know, what is the reality of me?
Tyler:And and as long as I I I build on them, right, I learn from them. Right? Like, that's that's good. Where where it becomes a problem is when I personalize them and I turn them into something that could be construed as as depressive. And I start feeling like did you hear that?
Tyler:I've been waiting to use these buttons for such a long time.
Danny:What are they?
Tyler:So, like, you like, we we don't very rarely get into this, scenario where we have, like, the ability to, like, have, like, like, I can beep stuff. Right? Like, we have this a powerful studio. Right? We're not beeping stuff out.
Tyler:So, like, right now, I could be saying and I'm not really cussing at you, but I'm just having fun with it since we've never got to use these buttons.
Danny:That's so cool.
Tyler:Oh, I remember that walk.
Danny:I wanted our viewers to, check this out. This is probably one of the coolest things, like, for me when you walk here at Cocoa Beach. Not to cut you off, but I wanted you to know why this time to be there with me.
Tyler:This is why this is why I thought this was a unique opportunity. Like, we've talked about recording. Last year, we talked about recording doing a a, you know, a remote recording of of our time down there. Unfortunately, you know, we just it didn't happen, but that looks so amazing. Oh, no.
Danny:What happened?
Tyler:We just lost your video.
Danny:What? How do I go back? I don't
Tyler:know if you're not sharing video or if you don't have not enough bandwidth.