Simulation or Reality?


Welcome back to the lost boy scouts podcast. Welcome. Here we are.


Another week.


Yeah. The last one was crazy, Yeah.




Yeah. The, the camper, the happy camper.


Happy camper. It


was kinda cool. I was I was, I I I watched it. I listened to it, and it was really kind of, like, unique for us to do that kind of a thing. Yeah. Yeah.


Me being at Cocoa Beach and you being here.


Right here in the studio.


Yeah. That was kinda cool. It was weird because, you know, you don't know what to expect because, I could hear all the noises in the background of, like, where I'm at. Right?


And I was


like, man, is this gonna, like, is is this gonna come through? And you're like, nope. Yeah. Not gonna even be a little bit because, I hear you fine. And I was like, oh, it's so weird.


Yeah. Technology. We're getting good at it.


We're getting good. We're being new professionals.


I know. Yeah. We're, we're right there with that whole with the with the with the Yeah. With the rest of The United States just plugging along. Yeah.


Hoping that hoping that, Trump doesn't fire me.


Yeah. Well, I mean, that's what's in that's such such an interesting topic you bring up. It's like they're they're breaking a lot of stuff right now. Oh, yeah. And there's a lot of a lot of misinformation.


There's a lot of unknown information. You kinda forget that, like, you sometimes you need to, like, just turn over the soil in order for something to grow.


Yeah. You don't know what I mean, truthfully, do we know the truth? We don't. No. Let me tell you something interesting.


Yeah. I literally almost retired last night. Oh, good. Great. Yeah.


This is


not a this is a like, this was crazy. At work, and I see this email, of course, that's going around. Right?


Yeah. Yeah.


And I kind of, like, just did a little bit of research. I went to the FAA website, and right about right on it, it says, you know, early retirement, here's the rules. And I just start reading it. Yeah. And I'm reading it, and I'm like, man, I fall in every one of these categories.


Yeah. Every one of these categories. And it made my heart start to pump like a hundred miles an hour. Yeah. Like, it's interesting.


Man, this is crazy. I literally could turn in this paperwork and be on some sort of early retirement tomorrow, today, in a week or two. I have a couple buddies that




Are currently going through it. And, as I read on more, I was like, oh, man. This literally covers me.




I'm I'm eligible for retirement in December. The rules were as long as you can, like, you know, as long as your retirement is this, such, and I fall oh, sorry. Fell into all those categories. And I'm sitting there, and I was like, you know what? Fuck it.


What's the worst thing that happens? Yeah. I retire. I don't want to retire, and I just come back. Maybe it you know?


I still have about nine years left to play with. So I could retire for two years, go back to work for the FAA, finish out, you know, another eight or nine years if it didn't work out for me. Right?


That's crazy.


And I had I had made the decision in my mind. Not I I hadn't even discussed it with Misty. Right. You know, she knows that I'm so like, I'm like, man, there's so many things I'd like to be doing other than this. Air traffic control is amazing.


Yeah. Yeah. And and and I and I love it. I love the air traffic part. I hate some of the other bullshit that I have to deal with.


The politics. But as far as, like, the job, man, it's amazing. There's great people. I have a great group of people that I've been working with for a while, like I talked about. And, yeah, I called my buddy over, and I was like, dude, read this.


And he's like, holy crap. Yeah. This literally you fall into these categories.




And then there's the small print. Air traffic control is exempt from this. Oh. And I was like, oh, shit.


Oh, you got all excited and you're like


Nothing. Oh. No, dude. I was like, man, I was so bummed out. But like we talked about, this thing is so growing.


This other thing's organic. Right?




In a couple weeks, man, two months, I it potentially could be like, no air traffic controllers. You know?


Yeah. You


know, you go and, it it sucks to be in the limelight right now Yeah. For air traffic control. It really sucks to be in the aviation limelight. Yeah. With everything that's going on the last couple of days have been wild.


You know? Yeah. And everything is is is at the forefront. So everybody that knows I'm an air traffic controller is like, what about this? What about this?


I wanna ask me questions, and it's like, man, if I told you everything that happened, like, one, you'd be bored as hell. Two, it would take me a lifetime to explain to you what it




What it does. Like, we've talked about before. I mean, you know, this is not something new to our relationship.


Yeah. And I would imagine too there, you're somewhat limited to what you can share.


Of course.


The thing that has me interested the most is, like, the outdated systems. Right? Like Yeah. The, you know, you've got mister SpaceX Yeah. You know, can land a rocket back on his thing.


Do you do you really think that, like, having some somebody like that that's so technology focused would help your job, would encourage the best and the brightest because you guys have an important job. Right. Like, controlling the airspace around and we've seen we've seen this year already, like, enough Yeah. Accidents that you're like, man, Scott, you questioning.


You know what's funny, man, is, like, that's when I think to myself. We live in a simulation. Right. Literally, we live in a simulation. This is a simulation.


How is it that all this craziness is bullshit with with with technology in itself and the fact of, like, Elon Musk and all that. Right? And all of these aviation things all of a sudden just start happening. Right. Like, come on.


Like Right. We live in a simulation.


Who's pulling the strings?


Who's pulling the strings? And, I always tell people that, like, bro, come on.


Not to mention, like, the the the pictures, like, the one yesterday in Toronto.


Dude, that's insane.


Right? And, like, the amount of footage we have of that is insane.


It's insane.


People getting off the plane rather than being concerned about their fellow man or themselves. They're recording the shit and putting it on social media, like, because they want Delta to pay out or they want they want some clout. They're they're few minutes of


shit. True. And and, like, you know, when when, you see that thing, it's like, bro, it's terrifying. Right? It's terrifying.


Right. But, like, the way that it happened makes sense to me of, like, why it flipped. You know? If you don't have a wing and you don't have stability, guess what? Yeah.


It doesn't it goes somewhere.




Like, that energy goes somewhere. Right? One wing has lift, one doesn't. Guess what? Yeah.


It goes over. Yeah. And, it's it's terrifying.




Right. But sorry. Excuse me.


I Yeah.


I drank a Red Bull and a little bit of a Sprite, and I'm drinking beer. The carbonation's getting through. And, how crazy is it that we're watching these things? And like you said, that's the whole thing I thought is, like, get out of the goddamn plane. Right?


Get out fuck out


of there.


What is wrong with you? Yes. Yeah.


No. I'm gonna be record. I'm gonna record as I get off. I'm gonna make sure this makes this gets on social media.


I'm gonna text it to my friends so they that I could be the first person so Sprint could interview me about how crazy this world was. That box is a box on my face is crazy to me.


Yeah. It's the, it's tracking. It's focused on your eye.


Yeah. Well, sorry. With the with the new systems that we have Yeah.


The new new technology.


The red it's like the red light.


It literally got AI in the camera that's tracking your your retina to make sure that your we are in focus.


Yeah. When when when you see that stuff, it's it it terrifies it terrifies you. Right?




And then I think, okay. But one airplane out of thousands of airplanes Yeah. Had an incident. Yeah. It's safe.


Yeah. There's, like, still, like, a six sigma delta. Right? Like, point zero zero zero zero zero zero, like, 1%. You know what I mean?


Like, I see today shark attacks down for this year, and I'm thinking that one shark attack one shark attack is terrifying to me.




Right? One shark attack goes so if one shark attack happens, it's like, that's kinda scary. Oh, it's down. What the fuck is that? Oh, if it's


up. You


know? Like Yeah. That that kind of stuff is intrigue. You know, numbers like that kind of stuff is funny.


It's funny what we choose to focus on Agree. Where we choose to put our attention.


And if it matters to you




Then you are, like, all in. Right. If it doesn't matter to you, like, if we disagree on something, we're on different sides of something, but you're really, really, really passionate about this, and you're fighting tooth and bone for every little inch of of tidbits that you can. You have all this information, and I have shit information. Yeah.


And you're like, I showed you.




But then I'm like, well, I don't really care about that. You know? It's so funny.


That's kinda how I feel like our current political situation is is is. Like, we are so stuck in this two party system that that is just broken. And


it's archaic. Yeah. We we don't get along, but guess what? If you're on that side, then I hate you.




If I'm on the side of, like, man, I see some good in everything that one of our political party does or both political party does. I see




good, and I'm like, hey. I don't really actually mind that. Yes. It kinda sucks. Yes.


Yes. I'm Hispanic. Yes. Yes. I have Hispanic bloodlines.


And so if you wanna deport me, it's like, where are you gonna deport me to? I'm I'm American. Right? But but if you man, I mean, there there there is some scariness about that kind of a thing.


Oh, absolutely.


End of the day, we want our borders protected, though. We do want our borders protected. We want Americans to be safe. Like, I want America to be safe. I want America to be feared.


Right? But we're not.




That's the truth of the matter is we're not. We're not feared. Yeah. But I don't want just anybody to influx and to come around here and be able to take over our what we have, which is really, really good. We live a really, really good life.


Yeah. I think fundamentally, right, we may not all agree, but this is a a system where new ideas can can thrive and can grow. And, I think, unfortunately, we've gotten so stuck in one way or the other way, and we villainize one way or the other way. I I guess that's why I've kind of never really been political. Like, I I tend to stay pretty apolitical.




I like to listen. Like, that doesn't mean I don't form opinions. I don't necessarily express opinions. I just like to kinda like to sit back and say, okay. Where am I really going to throw in?


What what ideals do I really wanna throw in with? And I think that's kind of where I'm at with all of this. Like, there is some there is some there's a lot of overgrowth. Right? There's a lot of, there's a lot in this tree that is our government if it were if you were to equate it to a tree.


And sometimes you need to prune it all off, and I can understand how scary that is for people. The unknown. Our brains thrive on safety and, like, predictability. And because we don't know how it's going to end, there's a lot of people that feel really unsafe. And I think that's not unfortunately because I think that's really what America should stand for.


Safety. It should stand for safety. It should stand for growth. It should potential opportunity. Right?


Like, we want the brightest and best minds running things. We want to welcome in we we are a melting pot, right, since since we were founded as a country. We were founded as a, a melting pot of ideas. I think you're right. I think we do need to focus on ourselves a little bit more.


And I think going through some of those line items, like, the whole thing with Ukraine. And you you find out all this money that's going to these certain places, and you're just, like, you're kinda shocked as John q Public to just be like, what has been going on?


Yeah. Where where do we have that faucet of money just to open Right. Only for certain things. Right.




I think you and I talked about this, like, the you know, like, people get mad about the education system. It's like, wait a minute. The education system is broken. Yeah. Like, it is broken.


Yeah. It it really is broken. There's some things that are that are that I don't I'm not comfortable with.




Right? The fact that they forced a vaccination on certain people and then threatened your job if you didn't get it. Yeah. And now they and then they go, oh, no. We didn't do that.


Yeah. No. It was a choice. It's like, what? Yeah.


It was not a choice. Yeah. They really did force some of that stuff. And so, you know, if if if you if I get focused on that, then I get angry. But if I just say no, I don't agree with it.


I don't agree with that. Yeah. I can just have that disagreement. I just don't agree with it. Yeah.


Right? I I think that there's some things that we need to look at. Yeah. I do. But that's in my own house.


Right? Yeah. If I'm like, fuck it. I'm just gonna spend money on whatever the hell I want to, and I don't look at my own house and be like, hey, man. Maybe I need to, like, come back on a couple things Yeah.


To enjoy my life. Right. But guess what? Tyler and Danny work our asses off.




I mean, I bust my ass.


Yeah. Right? Yeah.


And and my family bust their ass. Your family bust their ass. We bust our ass. Yeah. So I better have some fruits of my labor.




Right? And I don't wanna be spending $10 for eggs.




What the fuck, man?


I don't wanna spend that much. Yeah. You know? It it it really is. And and that's not, you know, that's not to say that, like, those farmers don't work hard.


Our our our agriculture system, which is also, you know, kind of broken. Yeah.


And the $10 is going to the farmer? Cool.


I'm good. Yeah. Yeah.


If it's going to the grocery store because they wanna up my price Yeah. Screw you.


Yeah. Yeah. We've got Buy


it straight from the farmer.


Yeah. Yeah.


Put my own chickens.


Right? I have been so tempted to just, like I think that is the next step for me to have Yeah.


Get a little shovel. Spot. How old is the


spot? Yeah.


Yeah. For sure. And not not to get on that rant. I mean, I I get Yeah. You know, I know this is a platform that we we're able to say whatever we wanna say and and act however we wanna act, but there are things that just need to change.


You know? Yeah. And if the change is, like, drastic and we're like, shit, okay. Like, okay. Well, at least at least the water got or at least the door got opened, and we can address it.


You know? We can all look at it and say, okay. What is good? Yeah. What what what is good?


What is bad?


Yeah. We we we we we get we don't get so caught up in the unsafety that you forget to think that, like, yeah. There was a lot that those programs that we're doing that was probably good. That doesn't mean that that stuff is gone.


Yeah. We're good. Yeah. It


means that, you know, perhaps we're going to reevaluate how it gets done. Sure. Right? And I think that the same thing as you look at it, they're tearing apart the the the Department of Education. Right?


Yeah. I didn't realize the Department of Education was started in this, like, '75. Seventies. I'm like, oh, okay.


Yeah. They I mean, like, taxes literally taxes, taxes itself




Aren't that long. Right. You you know, like, maybe, like, less than a hundred years ago. I don't know. I'm I'm Right.


Right. I'm I'm guessing, but it's not that long that we've been paying taxes. But guess what? You and I, we have to pay taxes.




It's not like I can just be like, nah. I'm not paying taxes today.




Hey, IRS. This year, I'm keeping my money.




I'm keeping everything that I made. You you No. I pay. Plus, I pay taxes on food. Plus, I pay tax plus, I pay taxes on my taxes.


Yep. Like, what? Yeah. Let's fix something. I I don't know.


Let's change it.


Yeah. I don't I don't know what the right answer is. I don't know what the right answer


for that. Yeah. Somebody pay us for that.


Yeah. I think I think the reality is, though, is just to not you know, to to to relax, to breathe, to realize that, like, there is this is nothing is permanent. Right? Nothing is permanent. And if you're you are afraid, like, you have every right to be afraid, but, like, let's see.


Let's just see what happens.


Yeah. Let's see.


I I I think I have a very privileged obviously, I have a very privileged opinion because a lot of this stuff does hasn't touched me yet. Right? Like, it this. It yeah.


It Even, like, for me, it does doesn't affect me. I mean, like, March, thirtieth, you know, the government shutdown, and he's like, yeah. We're shutting down. No. No.


We're shutting down.




That's going to suck for me.




It really is because it means no paycheck for me.




Does it mean that I'm gonna have to move out of my house and stop living? No. It just means that guess what? It it sucks for me. I may have to go I may have to dip really hard into my savings.


Yeah. And not everybody has that ability, Tyler. Yeah. You know? Yeah.


Yeah. Like, a lot of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, unfortunately. So let's fix that. Yeah. Like, why are I don't think that we should all have the same, you know, income availability, but we should all have the same thing.


We should be able to all have the same ability. Right. Right. And and Well, it's equal equal opportunity, not equal outcome. Agreed.


Right? Like, I think that's the that's the real the real people think people lose sight on




They think equal opportunity equates to equal outcome.


I agree.


But that's that's not that's not true. That's not how life works.


Yeah. And and output equals, you know, what you put out is gonna you're gonna get a little bit more put get coming in. Right? Right. And luckily for me, I have other avenues of of income.


Right? But there are people that aren't, and I and I worry about that. You know, I worry about people at my work that, are terrified. They are terrified. They're terrified of losing their jobs.


Like, they're terrified.


Still would have to go to work. You guys are still Yeah.


You still go. But but, like, if he starts to really lay off I mean, if things start to get move on and people start to lose their job, there's Mhmm. People that are scared of that. They're really scared of losing their job, and it's probably because they're the sole provider of their family. Right.


And and this is what they invested their life in is air traffic control. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And so I worry about those guys.


You know, I do. I worry about, like, man, what's what's it gonna look like for them Yeah. You know, in a little while? But I also think and the to turn the pillow over, it's a little colder on the other side. Yeah.


Yeah. It's okay.


It is. It it it'll it it will I think in the at the end of the day, it will be okay. Always. It will be okay.


It'll be okay.


It'll be okay. Just because we're under we're discovering all this money doesn't mean that money is necessarily going away right now.




Right? If anything, maybe that means we got a little bit more to invest in ourselves. Yep. And if we can't invest in ourselves, who can we invest in?


I agree. Yeah. I agree. Right? Yeah.


And and


It sure isn't a Sesame Street parody for Iraq. I


mean, it's


our Iraq.


Yeah. Well, and and Just


overdub the one we already do. Like, come on.


Exactly. But and and how do you teach your, you know, your kids to not be not panic in situations like this? That's what I think about is, like, I tell my kids, like, don't panic. Mhmm. Go to work.


Go to work. Go have fun. Go play. Go live your life like like as if there's no tomorrow because there is no it's not guaranteed. It's guaranteed.


Right? It's it's really not. So the reality of our life is that it's we're living to die. Like, we're actually dying. Right?


Yeah. But we can live in between the dashes. Right. And but the dash is where we you know?


Yeah. You're you're absolutely right. Yeah. I think for me, it's it I've been reading this incredible novel, and it's just really opened my eyes to like, as a man, we really have two paths. We have a path that, like, kinda brings us down the road of discipline, like picking a purpose in life and living out that purpose and striving for that purpose and dedicating and disciplining yourself for that purpose or, you know, many, many purposes, like, as it as it evolves.


And then there's kind of this this path of pleasure. And I think we are we are so often, we are presented this path of pleasure. Right. Like, we should just be coasting. We should just things should just be handed to us.


We are entitled to to to these things. So if you, if you've never picked up the book Musashi


Is it?


It was written in the thirties. I'd have to pick up the the book to see the the title of the cover, who who wrote it. But it was written in the thirties, and it's written about two friends who in feudal Japan, basically, they go off to war at 17. It starts, like, right after they finish this great battle, and they're both kind of injured. And then they they get to a point where they go down these two different paths.


One goes down this path of discipline, and the other goes down this path of of pleasure. And and, like, the the, like, there is it's the playbook feels so similar. Right? Like, this the path of pleasure. The gentleman hooks up with an older woman.


He's hanging out with this older woman who's kinda providing for him, and then he like, he's not happy. He's not satisfied. He wants more, but he's not really willing to put in the work. So he'll he'll take shortcuts, like, he'll pretend to be somebody, and that blows up in his face. And then the the other the other friend, Musashi, you know, he's he's dedicated to the way of the sword.


He wants to become the greatest, the greatest swordsman in in Japan, and so he dedicates himself to that almost to his detriment, you know, to the fact that he he doesn't have very many close relationships that he's he's close with. But his path of dis discipline offers him so much more opportunity, natural opportunity as he as he becomes dedicated to his purpose. And I think that's, I was just thinking about my son and my my children and, like, how do you teach that discipline? How do you teach that discipline to them? Or at least show them, like, when we live in this world of comfort, right, when they can watch YouTube and it just autoplay's episode after episode of of brain rot, like, how do we show them that, like, yeah, why don't you find something to focus on?


Yeah. Give yourself some attention. Yeah. Well, I think that's the biggest I think that's where everybody's really struggling right now in my opinion because quick quick fulfillment is at your fingertips. Right.


Right? Quick fulfillment, quick, like, quick pleasures, quick quick things.


Thank you marketing. Yeah. Right? Like, but that's how we market things. If you don't have this, your life is incomplete.


The new iPhone. Yeah. All this new stuff. Yeah. And I wonder, like, if it's just, like, even, like, leading by example anymore is not really working because even ourselves, like, even ourselves, like, tend to, like, look down on our phone Mhmm.


A little too much. Right? And so, you know, the the answer is I don't know what the answer is. Right. It's just a matter of, like, can you find direction on your own Right.


Without, you know, me having to force you to do it. Yeah. Because at some point, somebody's going to force you to do it Right. As a as a young adult. And do you have the the wherewithal to fall back on the things that I've given you?


And the path and, you know, the the the instillment of values and core values and Right. And foundation, did it did it work? Yeah. You know, because somebody's gonna come calling. Yeah.


You know? And I you're right. Especially, like, I wish I I wish I could remember that quote where it says, like, easy times or hard times make hard men. Yeah. You know, that whole quote, that whole


thing that it ends


up eating income easy time, make easy men because you're right. Like, if there's if if I don't have to struggle Right. It makes me soft. Yeah. And if my kids don't have to struggle, guess what?


They become soft.


They become soft.


And, if you you do have two paths, you really do have two paths in life. And whichever path you pick is gonna be the one that, you know, you you have to be careful with. Yeah. For sure.


I think too, I look back at, like, I wish I would have learned to study just a little bit better.


And I


think part of that is, like, I did not I did not fit into how the public school system worked. My whatever called neurodivergence, my lack of attention span, my ADD, whatever you wanna call it. Like, I didn't mesh with how things were being taught.




I didn't have I didn't understand how what I was learning was applicable to me at that particular time. When you give somebody a math problem and and it you know, they aren't disciplined into just doing the math problem because that's what they have to do, they you you kinda need to show them why is this of value, you know, so apply it to real life. Like, okay. Take that math problem, and now let's apply it to you. How you balance your checking book Sure.


Or your you know, how you will make money in in calculating, you know, whatever your yearly earnings or whatever like that. And and and because I I didn't have that discipline, I'm finding now, oh, as I go through college, as I progress down this road of education in my master's degree that I'm like, I'm having to pick up how do I better discipline myself to, you know, to stay focused, to turn in my assignments, make sure and that's something I wish I would have learned much younger. Sure. Right? And and what hindsight is always Always.


Twenty twenty or whatever. Yeah.


And and I think also, just your demographics of, like, where you were at in your life.


You know?


Like, we both come from, for all intents and purposes, broken homes. Right? Where for a lot of times, we were probably just happy to be alive and not struggling. You know, not you already went through so many struggles. Like, for myself, I I know that, my life was not perfect when I was younger.


Yeah. But I'm not winning the award of the worst childhood.




You know? I'm not because there there could it could have been worse for me. You know? And and and you too, but there are skill sets that I just didn't pick up when I was a kid that I think, man, I didn't pass those on to my kids either. Yeah.


Because I didn't have them as a kid. So now as an adult, it's hard for me to teach those skill sets to my kids because I didn't have them. Right. I don't have the skill set. Right?


Yeah. To sit down and learn something new, to learn something new, to fail, do six years of failure. I mean, man, I don't have that ability. Yeah. I I do, you know, but I tell my kids it's okay to fail.


Yeah. It's okay to fail. But inside, I'm like, fuck. I hate


failing. You know?


I hate failing. So how do I teach that? I don't know. I don't know how to do that. But I definitely can teach you how to be hard.


Yeah. You know? I could teach you that, yeah, life is tough. Shut up. Who cares?


Yeah. Everybody's gonna have a sob story.


Everybody has a sob story. Everybody has the toughest life. Everybody has the toughest time that they're going through right now.


Yeah. And that the concept of, like, nobody's gonna come save you.


Nobody is.


Yeah. You know, they'll offer you the next, the next piece of anesthesia. Right? Whether it's the next new app, the new new social media Yeah.




Whatever. Like, you you need to determine what's right for you. Yeah. And,


What's that, like, what's that story where, the guy's drowning and a boat comes and


Oh, yeah.


Boat comes and he's like, hey. Do do you need some help? No. I'm okay.


I'm praying.


I'm I'm praying, you know, I'm praying for God and, somebody comes by. Hey. You want this life wrap? No. No.


I'm praying and then gets to heaven. He's like, what the hell? God, I Yeah. I can't. And he's like, I sent you both.


Yeah. You see, you know?


Yeah. You know, you just don't see it Yeah. In the moment, and I think that's part of what we're going through with our with, like, what you're talking about is, like, we just may not see how to how in the moment, how to help our kids. Right. But if we live our life with with purpose, then maybe they'll catch it on.




Or if you just kids see you studying, you know, eventually, they learn. Right? Eventually, they learn. I know when I know when Tristan was a couple years ago, we struggled so hard about him being follow through.




And I was like, dude, what in the world can I do to ensure that you have follow through, that you wake up to your alarm? Mhmm.




you, like, get your ass up and go to work, that you don't, like, call out every day. And then all of a sudden, like, I hear these stories of, like, no. He's doing a lot better. And I'm thinking, holy shit. Is he?


You know? Is he doing a lot better? But his friends his friends say, yeah. He's doing a lot better. Like, he's doing a lot better, and and his work ethic is a lot.


Like, I don't have to wake him up. Yeah. He gets off at 01:00 in the morning sometimes. He makes it home, and I know. I hear him downstairs playing his video games or talking to his friends, and I'm like, this dude has to be up at 05:30.


Five thirty, I hear him leave, and I'm like, he must have learned something.




You know? And maybe it's just consistency.


So I guess it comes back to to passion. Right? Like, had I, in high school, had things that I was passionate about that really truly interested me, would I have gained those skills?


Yeah. Probably.


And and and I think, yes, I think I would. As I as I got to the point from moving on from high school to slowly getting through college, right, like, as I got more focused into this is what interests me, this is where I'm going to put my effort and focus and to build a career for myself, I found that I was




Anxious like, I'm excited. Like, I'm excited to go read my assignment. Yeah. I wanna know what, like, what kind of skills I can learn about poking around in somebody's head. Right?


Yeah. And so, you you know, helping them find this is why having activities that that they like, and like sports or or wrestling or lacrosse or playing the guitar, playing an instrument. Or if you allow them these opportunities to do something that they enjoy, then they will they will see what it's like to put in a repetitive effort.


Yeah. I agree.


They'll build those habits of of, you know, resilience and doing things that are hard and doing things when they don't want to because that's where discipline comes in. You start, you know, when you are doing something that you don't wanna do, but you know you have to do it or you you you, you know, because you enjoy doing it. Like, I'm sure you guys had early wrestling practices or late wrestling practices. Yeah. For sure.


You love to wrestle, but do you really love to wrestle enough to get up at at 05:00 in the morning?


Yeah. You're right.


You know? And you you hate those days, but those days are really what mold you.


Yeah. You're right.


Those days are what really what what shape you and and and teach you that that that slowly overthink you're right.


Yeah. I think you're right. I think it's, like, that you you may, like, just having a passion for it may get you past some of those really hard moments. Right?




And, I I think that's I think that's such a good insight for myself included. Like, I I do get excited about certain things, and my kids see me excited about certain things. So we had state wrestling Mhmm. Over the last week. And, it was five days of state wrestling.


It was really unfortunate what they did to the kids. I hope they change it next year because the girls got the the the shit end of the stick because, all of the officials had by the time the girls started on Friday, that's four days of intense officiating from 08:00 in the morning till sometimes 11:00 at night that was going that late. Right? And by the time


paid, like, what, a dollar per match or whatever.


Right? Yeah. I can't believe they're pay I can't imagine they're getting paid very well. I mean, maybe. They do it because they love it.


Right? Right. And by the time the girls got there, they had four classifications. Yeah. Four classifications in one one arena, one tournament.


It was and they you know, the tournament directors ran it very well, but by the end of the of the fifth of that Saturday no. That's six days. Six days of wrestling. On Saturday was the last day. Tyler, the officiating was horrendous.


They're just done. Horrendous.


And you can't approach the desk like, you know, yeah, you can't approach the official like you used to because that they said they'll kick you out of the tournament. And you're like Yeah. You can't kick me out of the tournament. But I was listening to Tristan coach a couple times, and it it it made me so happy what he was saying and how he was doing it because he was so passionate. And he had been there.


He had gone there Tuesday, Wednesday to no. Two Tuesday, Wednesday. Didn't go Thursday. Didn't go Friday, but then was back Saturday. So he had been there a lot as well, getting up early, and he was working in between those things.


So he was like you know, he felt that that pinch of, like, shit, man. I am Yeah. Getting my ass kicked. But he was saying some really, really cool things, and we had some really cool moments with our girls on the mat. Nothing to take away from the boys.


The boys just need to be tougher. They just need to get tougher. You know? They really need to get tougher. And we need to hold some more accountability with our boys, you know, and be a little bit more direct with them because how I talked to those girls, you know, some of those boys would break.


Yeah. But I was like I mean, I would get after those girls, and they were they performed. They ended up finishing sixteenth out of 24 teams with two girls. Wow. Two girls, sixteenth out of 24 teams.


That's great.


They didn't hit the bottom of the barrel. They took they took sixteenth out of 24 teams. Both of them had moments that literally, I had tears in my eyes because of the way that they wrestled and the way that they did things. They conducted themselves. They're so tough.


They are willing to rip their head off. They're willing to rip their arm off. They're willing to do whatever it takes in order to succeed in the goals that they had. Our one twenty five pounder pinned the number one girl in the bracket on the backside for the medals. If one person medals, one person goes home, she pinned that girl in there.


She she did not think she was going to, but she did. It was amazing. And then our one thirty pounder, she was down nine to one in the quarterfinals and ended up coming back and pinning that girl to go to the semifinals, which guarantees her a medal. Right?


Oh, wow.


The storyline was amazing, and we had so many people coming up to us and, like, man, your girls are tough. Man, your girls are tough. Your girls are so tough. And it was like there are there is that ability to find passion, to find something that you really, really care about, and see through all the bullshit and come out on top. Right?


And I think that we have that ability as humans. It just takes the discipline and the wherewithal to be like, I'm gonna surround myself around Tyler because Tyler's struggling just like me. He he's a man who has to wake up every day and get go to a job that he may not care about. But, man, when we get together like this, we're passionate as shit. Yeah.


And we have such a good time, and I look so forward to, seeing you in these moments because we don't get to see each other as much as we did before because of job schedule and, like, wrestling and all the other bullshit that comes along. Yeah. And you have it, and you're like, dude, this is amazing. Yeah. Right?


I'll put all my efforts into this, and I'll I'll do whatever it takes to Yeah. To come in, to come in in this environment and talk and chat and treat the shit and and hear about your stories and hear about mine. And the our kids will benefit from that because in twenty, thirty years, our grandkids are gonna be able to hear these podcasts of their people and be like, man, men, our our grandpas are fucking badasses. You know? Yeah.


We'll still be on the mats kicking ass on the jiu jitsu mats.


Right? I wanna go back to, like, what is those what are those young women? What is their why?


That both of those girls, their passion to prove how tough they are Mhmm. Overcomes everything. Yeah. Overcomes everything. Abby is the one twenty five pounder.


She's a senior. And her and I relationship because, she just doesn't trust people quickly, like, it did not start off good. Yeah. But it has developed into such a good relationship where I tell her if it's gonna be a tough match, I'm like, hey. No matter what.


No matter what. No emotions at whether you win or lose, doesn't matter. No emotions till we go into the bag, and then we'll have whatever emotions we need to have, but you we do not and she loves that. She's like, yeah. I'm not showing anybody my I'm not showing any emotion.


She gets up. She stands up. If it's a loss, we go on the back, and I know there's gonna be big crocodile tears. If it's a win, I know it's gonna be, like, excited crocodile tears because she's because she's but but she holds it together. Yeah.


And she literally literally will will not get pinned. Yeah. She will do whatever it takes. She will do whatever it takes to not get pinned. Whatever it takes.


It it doesn't matter. She was on her back one time for two minutes and just did not she did whatever it took to get pinned, just to not get pinned.




And she's so mentally tough, but her drive is to prove how tough she is. Wow. And it's it's an inner thing that, like, she struggles with




To prove how tough she is. Because if she loses, she's super hot on herself. Yeah. And my job is to always, like, direct them kids towards, like, positive energy because there's always another match. Yeah.


You have to gather your shit right away. You have to gather yourself right away. If you win, cool. Doesn't matter. Let's move on.


If you lose, you better get your shit together because if you lose again, that's it. Right? Mhmm. And then Noah is just she's the one thirty pounder. She's she's also a senior, and she's her and I have been, coach athlete for nine years through jiu jitsu and wrestling.


And her drive is also just to prove, like, that she's the toughest. Wow. That she's super, super tough. And, she's a little arrogant. She's a little mean and so driven.


I mean, she's the most driven person I've ever been around. Driven. Everything matters. Like, if you were there and you asked her a question, she would she would analyze it as if you were interviewing her. So she would not just answer right away.


She would she would analyze the question and then formulate a response in a way that she thought that when you were you were, like, interviewing her or or gauging her through a really weird it's a really weird personality. Super, super smart. Yeah. Cares to be have the the highest ACT score in the school. Cares that she got, all of her extra curricular activity and her weighted GPA is high.


She's number 30 in her class.




And and that stuff matters to her. So when you're on the mat, she's competitive like that. Yeah. Super competitive.


I think that's good. That that competitive spirit is really something that, like, I I I would want that for my children.


Yeah. I You could see it. Right? You could see it sometimes. Like, both my boys are super competitive.




Like, uber competitive. I mean, you could see Tristan, like, if you get it over on Tristan, if you do something on Tristan and you get one over on him, he's probably coming a hundred miles out an hour at you to to to right the Right the right the right the level playing field. Were you competitive like that?


I think I was in maybe not the always the right the right way. I remember there were a few incidents on the lacrosse field where I thought I was better than I was. And it took me it took me a lot of time and a lot of self reflection to, like, understand that. A lot of times when I was probably a touch more violent than I needed to be. Sure.


You know, lacrosse, hockey, wrestling, they're like they're contact sports. Right? There's, like, a lot of bravado. There's a lot of ego. And it I didn't realize how much I needed to separate from my ego.


Oh. How much my ego is actually getting in the way from me really. Like, ego versus humility. Right? Like, if my ego is too big, then there's always gonna be somebody that's bigger.


And, you know, I remember my senior year, my, we we were playing, you know, Cherry Creek High School in the, you know, semifinal. And Cherry Creek's a much bigger school, much longer storied, program. And I was playing against a d one recruit defenseman for football. And, like, he knocked he knocked me out cold. I thought I was getting run over on him, and I literally woke up on the sideline.


Like, just knocked out knocked out cold. Dang. And that's that's it. Like, had I been a little bit more humble, had I been a little bit more field vision, like, I probably wouldn't I would've had you know, I would've it I wouldn't have gotten knocked out. I don't think I would've taken the hit that I took because I was trying to prove sure.


Yeah. You


know what I mean?


What was your take on the US hockey versus Canada? Did you see this? Yeah. Yeah. I've been I've been following up and asking.


Dude, they're like, the whistle blows, drop the puck, throw their gloves down, and start fighting.


Right. Well, so you know that stems from They booed the national anthem.


No. Yeah. I see I I literally was watching this. Like, what the crap are these guys?


Yeah. So, like, hockey, you know, hockey is Canada's sport. Interestingly enough, it's not their national sport. Let that'd be lacrosse. Mhmm.


But hockey, they care about. They feel like they dominate that in sport. It's been sixteen years since these two teams have have played each other. And so there is a pretty big rivalry between these two teams, and it's gonna be very interesting because one, this is an NHL thing. This is all put on by the NHL.


This is called the four nations tournament.


This that


instead of doing like a, quote, unquote, Pro Bowl or a, all star game, this is what they're doing. They've taken these four teams.


Who who is it?


It's USA? USA, Canada, Finland, and Sweden Oh. This year. Those are the four teams they they brought in. And so the we have not beat Canada.


I mean, we lot we lost them in the Olympics, you know, in sixteen years ago when we fought when we played, we we lost. Right? But we get out there. And and speaking of all this emotion, they have, a man from the Canadian Air Force seeing the national anthem, and the crowd in Canada starts booing the national


anthem. Way.


Yeah. So it's booing the national anthem. So they open the game


tariffs to get like, there's tariffs and shit going on. Right?


Pot potentially. Right? Except for Trump announced, I guess, just recently that he's only gonna tariff countries that tariff us.




So they're only gonna be reciprocal tariffs. And I don't know Good. If that means Canada or not. Yeah. But, yeah, they boo us in three fights in nine seconds.


Yeah. That's insane.


We we The United States I mean, they've we've worked really hard. We've got a guy from Arizona Arizona on this this this this team. Right? Like, that's where hockey has has has grown from in the state. We are becoming much better than we used to be.


Three to one? Like Three


to one.


United States won three to one. Right? Yeah. Did they lose yesterday?


No. They play Thursday.




This is where I really this is where I'm I'm gonna be fascinated. I'm gonna watch this game. So they're they're changing locations. So they they we were in Canada for that game round one. We punched our ticket straight to the final.


We have to play Canada again in the final.


Oh, we do? Yeah. Oh, sick.


They're playing at the TD Center in Boston, Massachusetts.


Oh, shit.




Oh, man. That's as America as you can get.


Right? Like, I am I'm thinking Boston is already known as some of the worst Yeah. Sports fans in history. Yeah. Like, yes.


These are all pros. Yes. They've all played in this on this ice before. But have they played on this ice post their country booing us?




Right? So it's going to be a bit of a war.


What a crazy time. Like, that was a yeah. It was a it was fun to watch, like, just to watch those dudes throw their gloves down and, like Yep. Why so my question is is, they let them, like, throw punches, but then when they fall to the ground, they stop it.


Yeah. That's Why? That's kinda just the the unwritten rule of of hockey.


Okay. It's enough.


Once it's on the ground, it's it's sharp.


Sharp stuff around there.


They don't


want it.


Yeah. They don't want anybody getting slammed, I guess. I don't know. I I have not I'm not I'm learning more about hockey being at the rink.




And so I I asked these questions in the team chat. Yeah. In our you know, because we got a couple guys that play hockey. Dearsons, you know, pretty big hockey guy. Hallet's a pretty big hockey guy.


So I've been asking these questions, but I think there's, like, there is


Apparently, the hockey moms love you.


Oh my gosh. We can talk about that. Do you?


The hockey moms love you?


So frustrated with that.


The hockey moms love Tyler. They love him.


It, it's it's it's becoming a problem.


Dude, you're good looking. I I


was gonna tell


you No. I don't doubt it. I really like your haircut. I really enjoy it.


I ditched the mullet because my head felt so fat.


What the crap, dude?


I was like, my head just felt too fat.


I'm like it. I like the I like the I liked it. I've seen it on set Sunday. I was gonna tell you. I'm like, dude, I was looking good.


Yeah. Thank you.


She's got a good smile.


I know.


Good eyes, good hair. Those hockey moms went they


went on a little slow. A real problem. So there's a rumor that I'm apparently sleeping with a few of them.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


I'm not sleeping with any of them.


Yeah. Because You're


The problem is I


podcaster, good looking. Yeah. Guys got a sheet together.


I hope they all listen to this. None of them are attractive enough for me to


Don't listen to him. He's available.


None of them meet the standard. None of them meet the standard. I'm not that desperate yet.


Tyler. I'm


not that desperate yet. Funny. But, yeah, I I been trying to be a little bit more social at the rink, and I've started talking to Oh. Talking to some of the because they're always there. Right?


So the and there's a couple team managers that that I've I've just started talking to more because the team manager is always coming up and asking questions. And


Are you single? My friend wants to know.


My friend wants to know. Yeah. So it's become the the they they're bored house moms, some of whom are single and go. Don't have a whole lot going on. So you're


like, you're gonna be b sides is Tyler telling some stories about hockey moms.


Hockey. These hockey moms.


Uh-oh, dude.


It's it's become a problem.


What do you got coming up?


Oh, man. Nothing. I'm just begging for spring, summer just to show up.


Dude, those snowstorms are crazy, though. I know. Couple of days. It's been from shit. Nothing to holy crap.




I we went from, like, everybody being afraid of the water to be in, like, almost damn 95 of our




Of our average, which is crazy.


Yeah. I'm just training, prepping for spring break at the March. Yeah. We're gonna head out of town. I'm gonna take take the kids back down to Durango, show them where we used to hang out.


Sick. Little road trip. I'm I'm just training right now. Training in school, that's that's all I've got going on. Those are my focuses.




A little bit of work. What about you? What's what's going on in your


Mexico. I leave Mexico on Thursday. We're there for almost ten days, I think. Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah.


We're excited. We're we're ready.


You're going back to the same resort. You


always go


to we


always go to. Yeah. I go somewhere. Macomba, Arturo, Alfredo, couple of the other guys that we hang out with.


Italian names for


I know. That's alright, man. They're as Mexican as you can come. I'm sorry. Southern Mexicans.


Yeah. Well, I guess Arturo. Arturo We start, let's see here. We started to plan summer camp. So summer camp is gonna happen.


I think the dates are the same about the same time, July, I think is the dates around there. Nice. Super Fights will be on Friday. Starting to put that together, so I'll have that. Gonna get the bus out, start working.


I got an some guy was on Facebook saying, hey. I'm looking to take pictures of some some vehicles, and if you have anything vintage or you think. I sent him a picture of the bus, and he was, like instantly blew me up of, like, yeah. I want to I want to record. I want to film.


I want to take pictures of that. Yeah. I'll do whatever it takes to get pictures of that bus. So that's kinda cool.


That's neat.


And then spring or post or, yeah, which is considered postseason wrestling starts, the twenty sixth for Park City and, all of the other clubs around here will start going on. So we'll hit wrestling art again and training. And I had a such a cool conversate with Mike, and he taught some self defense stuff today. And he had such cool concepts and such cool, insight to self defense and why we why, like, self defense matters so much and why you can and how you can, formulate your game with self defense moves and and have, like, a self defense mindset while you're training sport jiu jitsu, which is what we consider ourselves training. Mhmm.


And, it was such a fun training. And from camp, I took a lot of, like, slow things down, slow down, be a little be a little bit more open to, like, letting you play your game and help you navigate some waters of, like if you tap me, like, it's cool. Like, for for a long time, like, I I know I know for a fact that I can if if I don't want you to tap me for three minutes, you ain't tapping me for three minutes. Yeah. If I wanna get on top and beat you up for three minutes, I can beat you up on top on most everybody.


But there's also that idea of, like, let's be good practice partners and let you work. And if you catch me, cool. Like, let's move just move on. It's funny because I think that I have the the the personality or the the mindset of people that if they tap me, then I'm then they better be prepared because I'm probably coming a hundred miles at you, and I wanna change that a little bit. Yeah.


Yeah. Like, today, I just kinda played around. We we've played around some things, and and I just was I think it's catching everybody off guard, like, how cool, how mellow I'm being. But Yeah. You know, if I need to get on top, if I need to teach you a lesson, I will.


Yeah. I just don't need to right now. You know?


Yeah. Yeah.


My my game is I I'm so confident in my game right now and so confident in how I train that it's okay to, like, open up with other areas. Yeah. Mike, like, Mike talked a lot about that today, and it was really a a full fun fun group group. I trained with Tripp, and he I I I don't know, man. That kid is insane, like, how fast he levels up.


Just from the camp, he was doing things from the camp that I was like, how did you remember that?




And he just puts it into his game, and he did a couple things to me today that I was like, I just got to be 20 again, you know, have that ability to just see things and be able to do them, like, instantly, you know,


and 20 again. Yeah.


You you love it. You know? You love that kind of a thing. So Yeah. Yeah.


I mean, that those kind of things, I appreciate today. Like, I was looking so forward to, like I I had, like I feel like I have vomited down the mouth because I hadn't Yeah. Podcasted for a while, and I have so many thoughts today


Yeah. Yeah.


You know, about things. So So I


appreciate you today. No. Appreciate you today. Yeah. Yeah.


Well, you know, we'll always be at Park City Jiu Jitsu. Jiu Jitsu is growing in the Wasatch Valley. Yeah. Exciting announcements if you follow our crew that that they're we're expanding and Yep. You know, congrats to everybody involved with that.


Thank you.


Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, the guys that those guys that are moving on or or, you know, that that that idea, like, I support everything that's happening. You know, nothing changes for me. Nothing changes for me at all.


I'm I, I'm I'm I'm excited for what's happening. I'm excited for I'm excited for, to be a part of the Pedro Sour Association. I'm I'm excited to be, you know, lineage of of Mike Diaz Mhmm. And have that ability to be, like, you know, I'm like when Mike Mike says, oh, this is my guy, Danny. It's like, oh, dude.


You feel, like, so proud, but your chest is, like, popping up. You know? Yeah. And so, yeah, it's it's it's amazing time that we're going in right now, and I think that, like, it's only gonna, help Yeah. Help everything, help help our ideas and help, grow grow the sport and grow Yeah.


Grow this passion that we have for each other. Absolutely. So yeah.


Well, until, until next time. Yeah. Cheers, everybody. Thanks for tuning in.



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