Protect, Provide & Pick Your Battles


Welcome back. March.


Wow. Lost Boy Scouts podcast. Here we are.


Let's do it.


We are on a roll, buddy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The what a crazy couple weeks for myself.




It was fun.


When did you we gotta get the the download on Mexico. How was Mexico?


Mexico was the best trip that I've ever been on. Nice. The best trip that we've ever had.


And they let you back in the country?


They let me back in. Yeah. So, man, we left on Thursday, so I think it's Thursday. I mean, my days are so Yeah. My days are so when I tell you what I've been doing the last couple of days, Tyler, and what my plan is, you're gonna shit your pants.


But we left on Thursday morning. Misty and I packed everything that we could, and she brought a big freaking suitcase because she was planning planning to buy some souvenirs that she had planned that she'd wanted to get there anyways. You know? Yeah. So she had her idea of what she was gonna get, so she took an extra bag that she could pack up, which, by the way, we did pack full of stuff.


And we leave on Thursday, and we get into Mexico. And, man, it's like the smoothest transition. We get to the airport. We get onto our plane. We're there.


We're chilling. Misty has some business stuff that she's doing. It was so awesome. She's on her computer. She's looks like this businesswoman because she's, fully, invested in what she's doing in her job now.


And it was awesome. We landed, and there's no line. Literally, no line. We get to Mexico, get to customs, not a single person in line.




Misty and I go there, and the first thing that I should have recognized was my passport picture doesn't have myself with a big beard. So the lady looks at my passport, and she's like, you gotta go there because you don't look like your passport picture. So we stand in line there, quickly go through, and we're waiting. Get our bags. And when you, you know, when you go through Mexico, you have to go through a second set of security features that they scan your bag.


Mhmm. They scan my bag, and they go through the whole thing. They I mean, they open all of my stuff, and they're going through everything. And Misty, I love her so much, but she starts to get so anxious and so,


like, oh my


gosh, they're going to they're going to stop you. I told you not to bring that stuff. I told you you shouldn't bring that stuff. And she's yelling at me and I'm like, that's Same team? Yeah.


You know, same teamwork. It's okay. And we it was fine. I mean, it was because I had a, BCAA, container that wasn't opened. Mhmm.


So that's that's why they were looking at that stuff. You know, it's powder. Yeah. So they wanna make sure I'm not bringing drugs and stuff in there. I mean, that's not where I'd put it.


You know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'd put it in my god pocket if


I think,


you know, my human body.


Prison wallet.


My prison wallet. Yeah. You know? Like, that's not where I putting it, buddy. I know the rules.


I've watched movies. Yeah. You know? Like, I'm not I'm keestering that shit. Keestering.


Oh. So we go out, and, dude, it was insane. So I had forgotten you know, we had we had planned to have myself, Misty, my brother, his wife, my sister, and her husband. At the last second, my brother was not able to go, but we had but we were like, at that point, you should just get a limo because it's cheaper to go to the hotel. Well, we I forgot that.


So we get there, and there's a big sky. There's a guy holding a sign that says Okanya on there. We're like, what the heck, dude? And so we go there, and I'm like, oh, I forgot. We have a limo.


And they they pull up with this limo that's pimped. Yeah. And all the, guys there because they see my ears, they're like, UFC fighter, UFC fighter, UFC fighters. They want my Instagram, and they're getting all my Instagram stuff. It was insane.


We get in there on the limo, and the dude brings a cooler of beer. And




That started off the weekend or the week. We were there for eight days. It it was by far the coolest trip. My friend Arturo shout out to Arturo and his family, and the Solimar Resort. Bro, they they they treated us like kings.


I mean, like, he took us out three or four times with to go do things. We went to a soccer game, and it's like we're driving at, like, 09:00 at night through Cabo, and he takes us to this compound that's gated. Big, huge cement walls, and we're like, what in the world? What Christmas? Walk in there, and there we are literally the only Americans, and and and my brother-in-law and Misty, only white people in there.


Everybody speaks Spanish, and there's a bunch of people in there, and they're talking to us. They wanna know who we are, what we're doing. They were so happy that we were there watching the game for them. And Yeah. Arturo is playing, and he's the only one that really speaks




A little bit of English. His family doesn't speak English. Oh. And so they're I mean, people are talking to us, and we're, like, we're overwhelmed because it's, like, the second day. I'm not in Spanish speaking mode.


Yeah. Right? Yeah.


It takes me a couple days to warm up to Yeah. To get my mind to because, you know, I have to think, translate, speak. Yeah. I can't just speak. I don't I have to think about what I'm gonna say.


Yeah. In my mind, translate it sometimes use Google Translate to double check what I'm gonna say Yeah. To get the, phonics, you know,


sometimes Phonetically, like yeah.


And, it it was but, you know, dude, the game was cool. I mean, it was fun. It was there was there's some, shit talking amongst each other. Octaro got all like, he was, like, kinda got a little him and a good guy got into a little bit of a shoving match, and, the experience was insane, Tyler. So whale watching Yeah.


Oh, wow. Yeah. Is going on. Usually, you can see the wells pretty good far off the distance. They were five feet off the shore, swimming five feet off the shore.


These big gray whales, you know, like, thirty, forty, 50 feet. It's incredible. And they're swimming five feet off the shore, literally, like, it feels like you could touch them.


That's so incredible.


Then the humpbacks were still there, and they're jumping around, and they're doing their thing right off the beach of where we're staying. We went on a catamaran. Oh, that's cool. Seen sea turtles, seen whales, seen breaching manta rays. So manta rays Like a sea cow.


Manta rays are no. Man no. Manta rays are


like the ray. The ray.


The ray.


Okay. Yeah.


And, like, the weird fit with the weird face on the bottom.


Yeah. Yeah.


They're jumping out of the water. They were jumping, like, right in front of us. They're jumping out of the water. Dang. And we were like, and the guy, of course, he's like, this doesn't really happen.


This is usually over by now, but, yeah, it's happening. And, I mean, they're just jumping all over the place. That's crazy. Story after story after story of just amazing experiences, talking, deciding, like, okay. Is this a possibility to live down there six months or the year?


You know? I I still think it is. I do think it I do think it's in my and Misty's cards to be able to stay there. How? I don't know.


You know? I mean, she's so invested in the business that she's working for right now. Yeah. And, it would be really hard because she's so she loves it so much right now. So it'd be really hard to leave for six months.


You know? Yeah. Yeah. But I I do think it's in our cards eventually. I do think that, Arturo and his family are gonna try to come to Utah


Oh, wow.


At some point. Cool. And, of course, we'll help them as much as we can to get them to come stay with us in Utah, and they're great. They're I mean, they're amazing. They're he was telling us story after story after story.


He gave me this, if you're on YouTube, you'll be able to see it, but he gave me this necklace that's braided. Oh, cool. Every time I see him and he has one on, I always tell Misty, like, man, I'm gonna ask him where he find where he gets it. Anyways, what happens is is they go on a trek in Jalisco, Mexico. Like, the, his family goes on a two day trek to a church.


And during that, they do praying, and they do that kind of stuff, and they pick up these these items, these these it's a it's a it's a it's a Mary, and then I'm not exactly sure what this is. I think this is their sign. He's from a little town in Jalisco, so I think this is their sign. Oh, okay. It's like their crest.


And I was talking to him about it, and I was like, man, I I want one day to grab one. He's like, I got some extras. He brought them out, and he brought out some other trinkets and stuff, and he was giving them to us. And he was, like, so excited to talk about his family's farm. He actually invited us to his family's Oh, cool.


Farm. But it's like I mean, it it it would be scary to me to do that kind of a thing because Yeah. You fly to Cabo and then take a little small plane to Jalisco, and then we would travel to his family's ranch. Oh, interesting. But, I mean, you know, you hear all these scary stories, that kind of thing.


We would be with his family, but, again, it's like, man, we're you know, you you're so far outside of your comfort zone at that point. So I I don't know. But the the trip overall, hands down, amazing. We had such a good time. Only one night, me and Matt got into trouble.


And not so much trouble. It's just that, you know, we started drinking tequila at, like, 10:00 in the morning time. Right?




And Misty's like, yeah. I don't remember too much because and I wake up, and I was like, oh my god. Am I in trouble? And she's like, no. Not with me, but, you know, your your your sister got a little mad at you.


And I was like, why? And she's like, I I mean, I just probably got a little lippy, and I just wasn't sounding like myself. And Yeah. Yeah. It was tequila Danny.


It wasn't


Yeah. Yeah.


And then she's like, you weren't being mean or anything. You were just kinda being a jerk that she you weren't seeing her sign, which usually I do. Right? Yeah. Yeah.


And so she's like, yeah. You took a shot, and then we came upstairs. It's 05:00 in the afternoon, and I had passed out. And I passed out at five, woke up at 07:00 in the morning. Morning the next day.


I didn't feel like crap because it was tequila. You know?


Yeah. Yeah.


Only one day one morning, we drank a little too much too late in the night. Yeah. So I woke up kinda crappy feeling in the morning.


It's nothing like, I don't know. I'm just at an age where being hungover just


It's not fun.


It's there's no there's nothing there's nothing good about it.


Yeah. No bad experiences. Good. Man, I can't tell you enough, like, how many story like, I've got so many stories. Every day was something new that was just, like, more exciting than the the day before.


You know? We'd love love that for you. And it was awesome. You know, Misty and I had a really good time. We we came back really rejuvenated.


I currently have trained every day since I got back.


That's awesome.


Every single day. Every day. The only today, I didn't do an open map, but I've had I've done every day. So I did Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Today's Tuesday.


And my plan is to do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and do, eight or nine days, maybe ten days in a row of Dang. And I've got it, and I've I've I've I'm, like, pretty excited about, like, training every day. Good. So,


Body feels good. Body feels like it.


Yeah. I mean, I'm I'm still banged up from the camp in a certain Yeah. I've got a groin pool a little bit that I've gotta be really careful with because, like, I was I'm supposed to be Chris Langle's partner for the blue belt test. Yeah. Yeah.


Today, we were doing the white to blue review, and, there's a couple of moves that I was like, oh, I gotta gotta be careful with that, or maybe I'll just have Tripp jump in and be his partner because he's not worried about that. Yeah. Yeah, man. You know, I I can't I can't I can't begin to tell you how lucky I am to have those kind of moments in my life. You know?


And, you know, I've been talking about this mantra that I've been believing lately of, like, this is not the best day of my life. Like Yeah. The best day of my life is to come yet. This is just a moment instead of people going, oh, what's the next bad thing that's gonna happen to me? What's the next bad thing?


Yeah. Yeah. My mantra has been, what's the next greatest thing that I'm gonna experience? And and, that's how that vacation was. It was like, what's the next best thing?


Oh my gosh. We're gonna experience this. And, I I I'm I'm really starting to believe that you can manifest things that Mhmm. Into your life. You know?


And and it's really hard in Utah sometimes to be stoked, like we've talked about when it's gray.


Oh, yeah. The weather, the week you were gone, you missed the perfect week




To be gone.


And then I got home, and it was, like, 50 degrees. And at the day, it was snowing. It was like, what the


heck of your mind. It's been kinda bipolar. But that week you were gone was definitely, like, we woke up a Monday. First Monday, you were gone because you left that Thursday. On Monday, I woke up, forgot it was a holiday.


Oh yeah.


And I started working. My boss calls me. He's like, you know, we have the day off. Right. And I was like, oh, we do dang.


And so I went back to bed and it was, it was like snowing and miserable, and I was like, maybe I'll get the snow shoes out. And then I was like, I don't even wanna leave the house.




I've been, I've been struggling with some just, like, overall gut health. Like, I've never really paid a lot of attention to my gut health, but I've been feeling, like, just just nauseous lately. Really? Like and I can't I haven't really been able to pinpoint. Like, I've been trying to do some intermittent fasting, trying to change up my diet, trying to, like, just get older and be more wise about what I'm what I'm eating, what I'm eating, how I eat.


And for whatever reason, I've just been kinda struggling with some just some, like, retrograde, like, nausea, like, just not feeling great.


Gut health is the worst for people, I think.


Like Yeah.


You know me, I struggle with it every day. Like, I have to watch what I eat every day. Yeah. I I tried myself, I tried intermittent fasting, and it was really, really bad for me because I think the doctor told me that I had built up so much acid that, like, I had to go through a couple months of trying to get it back under control. Oh, yeah.


Intermittent passing didn't work for me.


Yeah. I was intermittent passing. I had, like, horrible heartburn. Like, all of a sudden, I'm like, I don't know. So getting older sucks.


Yeah. That


sucks. Getting older sucks. You know? But I did did quite a bit of training.




And school has been, you know, just full bore. Yeah. Work has been full bore.


Did I already ask you if you were to if you were to put in a timeline of when you'll be when you'll have your masters, when would when will you event will if you put it in a timeline, when could you potentially have your masters?


I am hoping that my masters will be complete this time next year.


Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, wow.


This time next year.


Yeah. That's


pretty That doesn't necessarily mean I'll be done with, like, the clinical, you know


If you publish and all that. Right?


Yeah. Yeah. You gotta do you gotta do three thousand hours of clinical hand holding. And so my hope is is that I can start that near the end of the summer


Oh, okay.


And start getting those hours where I'm because the goal the ultimate goal is, right, to become independently focused. Right? You have to have a supervising therapist that you work under for


those Can you do that as you're in class, like, as on the job training side stuff?


Yeah. Yeah. You can.


You can.


Yeah. That's And as soon as I finish the certain if there's a few certain classes I need to finish in order to to get that to get that to be able to be prepared to do that because you also have to start you start the licensure process with the state at that time. I've been reading some crazy stories too. Just some crazy stories. Like, Utah has, like, some crazy, you know, true crime stuff that's that's gone on lately.


Bro, this shit with this lady that was the podcaster YouTube lady that


she Did I sent you did I send you that? Yeah. Or the Ruby Franke and then the


the That one.


Ruby Franke is Bro,


that is insane.


It is really insane.


I read a little bit of a news thing today that I was like, this bitch is crazy.




I mean, I watched, like, a little clip where she's talking to her kid, and she's like, you will be happy when I tell you to be happy. And on the kid's face is like


Yeah. My


gosh. And you could just see that this kid is beat up. Oh, yeah. And she had so many followers that were so Dude. Into what she was saying, and it was such a fault.


It was so false.


It was weird. So there's a new Netflix documentary about Ruby Franke




On Hulu. Yep. And and Jody Hildebrandt.


Hildebrandt. Yeah.


Jody Hildebrandt is a therapist who has had lost her license.


She's the people that put she would put you in the bag and stuff and, like, rebirth type shit.


Yeah. She was also, like, in the Hulu thing, she is like there's pictures of her possessed where she's like, And it's funny because, like, I'm telling my children, like, actually, the LDS church has a long history of speaking in tongues.




Like, from its early foundations, the LDS church is was really into that. But this is, like, the demonic possession is is biblical. Right? There's, so it like, it threw me down this this path because on the other end of that, I sent you that podcast, the last podcast on the left. If you're not if you don't listen to it, it's one of my favorites.


Funny issue.


They're covering the they're covering the Chad Daybell and Oh, that's the one you said. Vallow, which is another Mormon true crime issue up in Rexburg, Idaho




From a couple years ago.


And they were day she was she lived in Daybreak in Utah, that lady Yeah. When she left her husband, I guess, the one that Yeah.


And it's messed up. I'm and in very in very, very, unfortunately, the the the day Bell Vallow, it ended in the the the tragic death of of Two children. Two children and and some some spouses and, obviously, not not ideal, but I it it just kinda threw me down this this wormhole. Like, what is what connects these two? And it it turns out that it's a book.


There's a book, that that was written by a notable therapist here in in Utah.




That is the common it's the common denominator between Tim Ballard K. Between Jody Hildebrandt and between, Chad and Lori Daybell. And it's called visions of glory. Okay. Written by Tommy Tom Harrison.




I didn't know this when I first when I first came to town. I actually know Tom Harrison's son.




And they've, like, disavowed him, but what's interesting is that they have not the the church itself has not stepped out and disavowed this book. Yeah. And and and the book is not doctrinal, but there is a from what I'm reading, like, from what I studied on Mormon stories, from what I listened to, and and and just kinda my own research that, like, there is there is this theme of demonic possession of visions after like, I didn't realize that, like, what's his name? Underground Railroad dude was doing ketamine and having, like he's he thought he was talking to to different prophets and


Oh, really?


And different angels and stuff like that. This this dude. And we like, meanwhile, we we're all watching this movie on this guy, this Tim Ballard guy.


Yeah. The guy that was the the guy that got into trouble because he was, like, swinging parties


at the Yeah.


For the sexual Yeah. Trafficking type




Yeah. Yeah. That dude's a kook


too. Yeah. He I mean, look at this.


He's awake, wake Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Those guys are kooky. So all three all three of those major crime, true crime, Mormon true crime, they all have they all have the, this kind of underlying this underlying, book that they've all read. It's actually what Don't


read it, Tyler.


I don't need


to read it because I


I don't wanna read it. I just do I don't wanna I don't wanna read it. Honestly, I I listened to John doctor John DeLynn and his crew at Mormon Stories. They did a really good job. They did about a seven hour breakdown of the book and these three cases.


And I listened to that, and I'm like like, that's where that's where I'm gonna put it.


I've been to a church. I think I've told you this before. I've been to a church where they started speaking in tongues and people passing out and, like, I remember, like, two churches, and I think I've talked about these. Maybe I haven't. Maybe, I don't know.


I've told so many people these stories, but I think I think I've told you these stories, Tyler. I my mom's sisters Mhmm. They they they both were very, Christian. Right? My we grew up Catholic, and my mom was having some, some questions about the church.


And so my sisters wanted to my her sisters wanted to take my mom and her kids to their church. They wanted to show her the churches, and they wanted to, like, get, you know, show them show my mom. And my mom was like, okay. Cool. Well, my mom was you know, my dad had left, and my mom was


open minded and Yeah.


Yeah. So we go to Vegas, and we go to this church with my aunt. We get there, and church starts out singing, singing, singing, and next thing you know, they start bringing some snakes out. Oh. And they're walking the halls, like, the the the the the walkways with these snakes, and they're, like, doing this this crazy shit.


Right? And I'm like, what? I'm old enough that that I'm like, this is I'm laughing. Yeah. My mom is furious Yeah.


Bro. Yeah. Because my brothers and sisters are little, and they are crying, and they're, like, scared.




And they a couple people go up to the to the pulpit where the where the guy is at, and he's, like, touching their head, and they fall. And they're shaking on the ground and all this shit, dude. And my mom is like she names her she yells at her sister, and I'm not gonna say her sister's name. And she is like, what in the world? Who why don't you take us to this?


And she's like, why just thought you would like it? Linda and my mom's like, no. So we leave. We leave, and my mom is like, oh my gosh. I'm gonna have to put my kids in therapy.


And the other time is around Easter. We go to this church with my mom's other sister in Arizona, and she's like, yeah. They're gonna replay they're gonna do a replay of when, Jesus carries the cross. Mhmm. And they're gonna replay that kind of thing.


It's gonna be nice. It's a kids' program. My my my mom says it's a kid program. It's gonna be nice. The kids will sit up at the front, and they'll replay it, and they'll talk about it.


It will be good. Dude, they strap this dude to a cross, and he walks it. He's got a, he's got a, a a thorn crown on his head. He's bleeding, and they start whipping the shit out of him. Whipping the shit out of him, bro.


Actions of the crest


action. Action. We we go my mom is like we go running out of there, and she's like, I cannot the these things are so vivid in my mind, but I was old enough that I thought, oh, that shit was so funny. That day when they were whooping his ass, I was like, get him. Get him.


Get him. Get him again. Get him again.


That's insane. I used to love so, obviously, you know, if you've listened to podcast for a while, you know that I grew up in the LDS church. I served a mission, did the whole temple thing, and, like, like, I've as I've been going through, obviously, my own therapeutic journey and, you know, kind of researching the backstory and history on the church, like, I just realized that, like, for me, doctrinally, God and the church was never the attachment figure that I needed.




What I was drawn to was the community of the people. Sure. And and because the community was a safe space, and so that is really what I hold sacred in in my LDS heritage is the community that kinda helped raise me up when things at home weren't necessarily all that all that.


Always find it somewhere. Right? Yeah. I mean, you can always go somewhere and find I've told you this before. Like, in the military, you on Sunday, you know, you you're one one day up to yourself.


Yep. You've the first thing you hear is go to church because you get away from Yep. And it always brings you back to the fact that, like, it's a community.


Right into it. Right into a community. And so I I I won't fault it for that. But, you know, there are some there's just so much interesting when you go back to, like, early religions and the time that the LDS church was founded. Like, can you imagine, like, the holy rollers?


Like, the holy rollers, you saw that. Like Yeah. I'd love to go to like, that was my favorite thing to do. I would always get companions that were like they wanted to just go to our services, and I'm like, we're not going to our services. We're going to, like, the Catholic service, or we're going to, like, this denominational.


We're just, like, we're just worshiping with these people. Like, we're just getting in the community. To me, that was, like, that was how I like to to actually proselyte and and was just by going. And, I never got I never got those cool,


like, those cool experiences of snakes. When I tell you that my mom was mad. Yeah. You know, yeah, yeah, it was just seeing that dude get his ass whooped, I was like, oh my goodness.


Have you watched the righteous gemstones? No. Oh, it's on HBO. It is four seasons. They're just about to start season four.


It is one of the funniest TV shows you can watch on HBO.


Oh, wow.


Right. It is it's hilarious. Thirty minute episodes. It's got, Walter Goggins. It's got he's one of the writers.


It's got, god. What is that guy from eastbound and down?


Oh, Kenny Powers guy.


Kenny Powers guy. Name. Yeah. John Goodman's in it.


Oh, yeah.


It is just it's just it's a hilarious take on kind of evangelical religions.


That's awesome.


And, like, they they own this, like, megachurch. Right? They own this megachurch, and it's just kinda like


Yeah. It's, you know, like, I have a I have a good relationship with, with my spiritual my spirituality. Right? I I know what I believe in. I know how I feel about it.


Yeah. I know that, I pray. I know that I I make the sign of the cross when I'm driving because I want I want some sort of guidance. My boys, both of them, are working on their how they feel about things, you know, and I always tell them, yeah, just be, you know, just be open minded and not close minded about it. Like because it because it doesn't matter to, like, have something else that's higher than you, more powerful than you.


Mhmm. But I was listening to Elon Musk today on Joe Rogan, and he was talking about going to Mars. And I was like, that's how religion start, man. He's gonna go over to Mars, and he's gonna be some billionaire, and he's gonna start some religion. Next thing you know, you're gonna you and I are gonna have to go to Mars in thirty years, and we're gonna get there.


We're gonna be like, oh, man. First thing you have to do is get baptized or some weird shit. You know? Yeah. And, that's it'll be, it'll be interesting time.


And he said thirty years. Thirty years that they figure that we'll be transporting the community to Mars. Isn't that crazy?


That's crazy. You hardly


need six months to get there. Really? Yeah. It's a little bit more. Six months to get to Mars because of the travel time.


Dang. Not weird.


That is so weird.


That dude is a that dude is a monster. Like, that dude is a weird dude. But sometimes he says some things that I'm like, oh, you can't say that. You can't you can't if


you got a touch of the tizzy.


Yeah. It's true. Gotta touch of


the tizzling.


Yeah. And then other times, it's like, oh, these guys are just kooks. Yeah. And our time right now is just insane. Right?


Like, you know, like, to be, to be who we are in this moment Right. Right. To have to to have the opinions that we have. Because yours and I's opinions and and the way we think is not very far off from each other. Sometimes we have some, like, tiny bit of disagreements with each, but for the most part, we believe in each other.


We believe in, what we say. Right? But you have disagreements with people. Yeah. Right?


And you have these things that you're like, I don't agree with you. And if you're not careful, some of your friends could really, really critique some of the things that you say if you're if you do not align with what they say. Right?


It's gotten so crazy out there. It's gotten, like I don't know if anybody spent any time on social media. I just left a bunch of of groups that I was in on social media because it got so polarized. So to them. So toxic.


Right? And I think we talked about this a little bit on the last episode, but, you know, I actually had a a female listener reach out to me and say, like like, we were having a bit of a disagreement, and she said, you want to be met on the map. I think she listens to the podcast. I'm like, yes. That is a that is a common trope we issue to the other men in our community.


That is an that is a challenge to the men in our community that disagree that disagree with us.


And it's not like a call of, like, you disagree with me? Come let's go fight.




But but but people and especially listeners could take that as you being a toxic male personality




Who thinks that that's the way to handle things is to fight on the mat. That's not what we're doing. Right. Literally, when we say come see us on the mat, it's probably just to get more people on the mat. Yeah.


Right. And, like but but we have this agreement that we can do. We can both smack hands, bump fists, and now we can go. And maybe that we've figured it out. Maybe I figured out.


Yeah. Oh, yeah. Right.


I have relationships at work, you know, sometimes, and I'm like, you would never talk to me like that




In any other environment, but because we're at work Right. And you have this safety net.


It's interesting. It's such a false sense of safety.


Yeah. It


is. It really is. Like, I I I love women. Don't get me wrong. But, like, there seems to be a lot of projection on men these days that, like, we're these dangerous like, we need to villainize you villainize one, you villainize them all.


You villainize one. Like, f fuck the patriarchy. And I'm like, well, you know that, like, there is, like, this natural law. Right? Like, that there if there is somebody bigger than you, if there's somebody that that that is more capable than you and you have something that they want, strip off all of the the facade of the modern laws and and protections that we have.


That person's taking that shit. Right? He's taking For sure.


They're taking


It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it's me or or, you know, somebody else. Like, if there's somebody bigger or a bigger group and that you have something


that they want, they will take it. They'll take it. Yeah. They will take it. I agree with you.


And you you get this I mean, for somebody to say to for somebody to I mean, like like I said, we say it. Where it's it's it's a funny thing to say at the end of the map because or the end of the podcast because we enjoy it.




But, at the end of the day, like, you will stand on business. Right? And you will defend yourself if you have to. Right? But that's not, like, really what we mean until we mean it.


And if you give negative feedback and you give negative energy, if I walk into somewhere and I'm all I'm doing is staring at Tyler and I'm staring at you, but I have nothing to say. Right. Nothing to say, but I'm just staring at you and you're like, what? Right? If you take that tone with somebody and they're like, oh, Tyler, why are you so why are you so mean?


Why are you so it's like, no. That's not that's it's just a reaction. Right? I I sent Misty this funny thing. It's this, it's a it's a group of guys talking with one girl.


And some caller calls in, and he's talking about how when, Adam and Eve were made. Have you seen this? And he says, where Adam and Eve is there, and he's like, oh, we we have this life. We can do these great things. And and, look, all we have to do is just spend time with each other.


We just have to, like, look. Look. We can just enjoy this. Just you and I. Yeah.


Eve, just you and I. And Eve goes, yeah. That's not enough. Right? Yeah.


Because because women have that idea of, like, well, there's more. What what? There's more. Yeah. And these guys start laughing, and the girl's sitting there, and she's like they're like she's just sitting there, and they're like, you didn't find that funny?


She goes, no. I was waiting for something else to say. It was, like, literally just showed what they were talking about. Like, you know, I mean, I'm not saying that our our we love all of our listeners.




But if you take wrong what we say Right. It's not toxic.




It just may be a disagreement. It may be.




We don't agree. Like, we don't see eye to eye. You can't, you know, you can't project your own feelings on me because as a man, I can't understand what you're going through. Like, I don't know what you're Yeah. I don't know what you're talking about.




I don't know what you're feeling.




And if you're not my wife, I probably don't really care, honestly.




You know? If if you're not my companion or somebody like, your daughter's a Yeah. If it's not somebody that you care about, you're probably like, I don't know what you want me to do. Like, I I can't help you in this situation.


Well, I think that's the that's the the the clear distinction, right, with the with the feminine. I'm and and really with with most men, I'm seeking to understand. I want to understand, right, before I make an assumption. Unless you cross a line, I and I was watching or reading something, and it's like, if you have a gun and I have a gun, we have we have the truth. Right?


If I we I have a knife and you have a knife, then we have, you know, a negotiation. If I have my fist and you have your fist, then we, you know, we we can have a conversation. But if I have a gun and you have a knife, then we've got a a a whole different dynamic.


That's unequal.


An unequal dynamic that we have to we have to negotiate through. Right. And and and we're almost always at that that that that level. And so when this person told me that, like, hey. You wanna meet on the mat?


That doesn't mean that I'm, like, revved up for confrontation


all the time. Yeah.


No. I'm not geared up for confrontation. I am I my definitely, my my boundaries are in place. Sure. And you can you can attempt to cross my boundaries.


But personally, for me, boundaries are bridges that that that build connection. And so what I want to do is I want to seek to understand. I want to see what is different, but I'm at a point in my life where your words don't mean shit to me. Right. Your words mean jack shit to me.


I don't care if you've got a billion followers on on Instagram and millions of followers on Substack. If you aren't acting what you are preaching, if you are not acting the way that you are speaking, I could give to Fox.




True. Your words mean nothing. Show me.




Show me.


Yeah. And I think sometimes, like myself for myself, like, I I I see the environment I'm in. Mhmm. And maybe I'm not as, like let's say I'm with my friends who are all jujitsu players. Right?


We're all, like, happy go lucky golden retrievers Yeah. For the most part until you're not, and then you're all hanging out. But let's say I'm around people who don't train, who don't have that mentality of, like, keeping aware of your surroundings, like professor talks about, like Yeah. Know your surroundings. Do you walk into a room and and see where the exits are at?


Do you see who the crazy looking person is? Do you see where the person talking loud is? Do you notice those things? You know, I I don't as much as some people that I've been with that I'm like, this dude is 100% viewing the room as which person am I taking out first.




Right? I don't do that. But in certain circles, I may not be as willing to, like, actively, aggressively be, like, posture in my chest. Right? Yeah.


Because it may not be who they are. They may would be like, man, made me start barking, and they're like, Danny, what the hell are you doing? Right. Why are you causing this trouble? And I'm like, I'm not causing this trouble.


I'm just I'm not I'm making sure there's no trouble happening.


Well, and see, that's where our our our, like, being in tune with our emotions. Right? Like, our emotions are going to tell us. And so that's why I I I've not I've always been very reactive. I've always been very reactive.


It's taken a lot of self discipline to become, nonreactive, more more responsive.




And so you have but you have to you have to listen to what is your what it what are these emotions telling you? What are these feelings telling you? Right? They are no different. Right?


They're just more intricate. They're more detailed. They're more nuanced pieces of information. Right? And they they don't define us.


They shouldn't define us, but they should at least they should be informing us on how to on how to react. Sure. Right? Like, we are our brains are wired for safety. And so if we are feeling a particular emotion or a particular feeling, what is that what is that really tying back to in in in in the root of, you know, fight, flight, fawn, or freeze?


Right. Yeah. For sure. And we are not going to respond the same as everybody else or every other man, but we're for sure not gonna respond. Like, we can't put ourself in that other Yeah.


Or the other genders role either. Like, you can't do that. I can't personally do that. Like, you know, our our the the person who was listening, like, I can never understand what what they're going through. No.


Never. I could never understand. Misty and I have a relationship that we both know that when each other starts to get uncomfortable, we both know that it's time to, like, help each other either one exit or, like, calm each other down and get get those little those little imbalances that you're starting to feel off. When we're in Mexico, I get very protective.




You know, we're driving around, and, man, I am on high alert. Right. And I've got this smoking hot little Yeah. American who sometimes has zero clue of her environment because she's around all these crazy guys who will defend her to the death on a moment's notice. Yeah.


So what does that give her? It gives the ability sometimes to just be, like, oblivious


To shut off.


To things. Right? But then there's other times when I noticed that she's very aware Yeah. Of her surroundings, and she knows that she doesn't wanna, like, put me in a position where I may have to defend her. Yeah.


You know?


That trust. Like, you what I was gonna say, you you two have built a trust.


For sure.


And that that trust has not just been, oh, hey. We're married, and we automatically have that. Right? No. That trust has been a incremental, consistent process that you've built over years.


Right? It's eroded in some places, but then it's been rebuilt stronger. Like, for me, the measure of a good relationship is the ability to repair and build that trust. Yeah. Right?


And so when you jump into a new relationship for me, and I think that's where I've been hesitant to really jump into relationships, is that it's been I've I've without understanding, I've given people trust when perhaps they haven't


Oh. Earned it Sure. Sure.


When they haven't earned it. And and when that trust has been destroyed, like the golden retriever that I am, I just kinda come back and I'm like, okay. He's all good.




But then, eventually, you know, you hit that golden retriever enough, and he kinda becomes the snarling dog that


wanna do it.


He doesn't want I don't wanna do it


anymore. Sure.


Right? And so once that trust has been betrayed or has eroded completely, and it's if it's nonexistent, right, it is going to be it's going to be difficult to to to kind of build on that Sure. You know, to build that relationship. Sure.


You know what's funny is, like, to go back to that whole idea of trusting and, like, relationship. I think we've talked about this before that when there was a time, like, when you and I went to that concert where we both started to get a little uncomfortable with the guys that were, like, bouncing into us when we were at the reggae festival. We was like, supposed to be having fun here, but I'm kind of on edge here.


Yeah. Yeah.


Because these guys are like, we weren't drinking as much as everybody else, and these dudes are bumping into us. These guys kept, like, walking past us, and I barked at that kid. Hey. Next time, say excuse me.




And he kinda looked back at first, and then he realizes, oh, sorry. Excuse me. And and then I'm thinking, maybe it's time to go. Yeah. Both of us at the same time were like, yeah.


Probably time to go. And we just have that trust with each other. Yeah. Like, no. Let's let's just remove ourselves from the situation.


And like you said, if you've if you've betrayed that trust so many times and then still expect me to respond as I did when we had the trust, guess what? It's not there anymore. Yeah. It's gone. Mhmm.


It's gone. And at some point, like, yeah. Guess what? You When we say meet me on the mat, it may not be me like, let's go out and fight, but it may be like, no. This is a different negotiation.


We may need to, like, discuss it a different way. Yeah. You can't talk about it like this, and I don't get I don't I'm not giving you permission to talk


about this.


And when we set boundaries like that, it's just a boundary. Like, I have my boundaries. You have your boundaries, and we know that, like, okay. That's where I live. You know, you're not gonna push my boundaries.


I'm not gonna push yours. But when we smack hands and bump fists, maybe we we negotiate a different way. Yeah. You know? And especially you and I and the men that we train with in our academy, you know when a dude comes in grumpy.


Yep. And you go, k. Today, I'm gonna have to kind of, like, be a little tougher. I'm gonna have to be a little bit more durable. Yeah.


I'm gonna have to be a little bit more like, if I smack hands, bump this, and this dude goes after me, I cannot lose my cool. Yeah. Yeah. And that is a true thing. Like, we have that ability.


Yeah. We had that last Monday. Pearson came up to me. He's like, are you okay? Are you okay?


Because I just got I got the absolute Throttle. I just got throttled by by, you know, an upper belt.




And and I don't know necessarily. I'm not in in tune enough for, like, what what am I doing to cause this this behavior? And, actually, I pulled him aside after, He said, like, you know, have a plan. He actually just said, have a plan. I think he was more frustrated that, like, I'm trying to make the round entertaining for this person because I don't really know how to handle the situation with this upper belt.


Yeah. Like, I also don't wanna be easy. I don't wanna be like, I wanna make it it's his turn to train like, his time to train too. Right? Like, I could be timid or I could be and so I don't really know how to carry myself with this person.


He actually gave me some great advice. He's like, you don't have to win. It is going to make you tough as fuck, but, like, have a plan. Like, you know, just try to do a couple things. Stick to a couple things.


But it's always it's always the same. It's it it it


yeah. Especially, like, in certain certain training environments at the academy. Right? Yeah. Like, you're not saying to somebody, let's go fight on the mat.


Right. No. And I wanna make that clear.


Like Right.


We are not saying let's go on the mat. Come to the mat Sunday. You disagree with me, and let's let's knuckle up. No. It's it's kind of a facetious thing.


Like Right. We're joking. We're teasing a little bit.


Yes. There's hyperbole.


When we go on the mat and you smack hands and you see across from you a monster who's grumpy, you better have a plan. Yep. And and also you better have some durability inside of you to be like, hey, man. This is just gonna make me tougher. I do believe in that environment, it has benefited me in the fact that, like, I don't go look looking for trouble.


No. I don't. No. I don't go looking for trouble. I don't go looking for, conflict.


Mm-mm. I do want to sometimes, like, take jabs at people, take shots at people. I do sometimes want to make eye ton eye contact with somebody, and and ensure that they see that I'm making eye contact with them, that they know that, like, this is not joking anymore. You know? But, for the most part, I think I've gotten a little bit better about that, Tyler.


And, during this turmoil and especially in the next couple of months of things where, like, my my opinion and the way that I align may not agree with certain people. Yeah. I just have to give them grace, and I have to be kind.




And I have to, like, remember that, like, if it's a good relationship, then we'll get past this. Right. The ideas that we that we may not agree on. Right. And if it's not, then it's okay.


Yeah. The the relationship can maybe the relationship has reached its pinnacle and we'll move on.


Yeah. I loved I I used to say I had a PhD in talking shit. I love it. I I really do. It's like one of my it's I love chirping.


Yeah. I love I love chirping. I got in a lot of trouble chirping on the lacrosse field, and, it's a different world these days. Right? Like, it's in a controlled environment like the lacrosse, you know, pitch or, like, the the you know, in wrestling or or even jujitsu.


Like, you know, when you chirp your friends, when you chirp your buddies, like, typically, you have built a rapport with them, and you're playing the same game. Right? You both are carrying cons. Right? But anymore now, you are not sure when you start chirping that person


I agree.


If you're playing the same game.


And what they're going through in that moment either.


And and and maybe that is oh, maybe that's what you are going for. Maybe you don't care. Maybe they've crossed a boundary, and now you need to, you know, stand on business. But I think right now more than ever, it's okay to just live and let live a little bit. Like, just take a step back.


Take a breather.


I do peep I do believe that people use, manipulation in order to get things that they want. Right? And if you're not careful and you don't see the manipulation of what they're doing, you could end up into something that you're not comfortable in or an environment that you're not comfortable in. And now you've you've compromised your boundaries through their manipulation. And and that happens a lot with especially with guys.


Like, man, like, you can see you see it a lot where, like, a guy gets manipulated into a situation, and you're like, oh, man. I could have seen that a mile or Yeah. A mile away. But if I was in the moment, I may not have seen that. I may have been in the same situation as you.


Right. And and what's really scary is that in in in today's world, we are such creatures of of learning. Manipulation can can be a learned habit. Sure. Not only can it be a learned habit, but, like, when you start disassociating from dysfunctional behavior, it becomes normal behavior.


We normalize that behavior, And that's why people end up in therapy, and that's why people end up with with, you know, anger management issues. And so, yeah, I think I think it's a wildly fascinating world in which we live in in, you know, that we that we can adapt and evolve to all these different these different things.


Today was the today is the state of the union. Oh, yeah. The state of the union address. So the next couple of days at work for me are gonna be pretty pretty crazy with everything that's going on. You know, for for all of our listeners and all of our friends, like, we're not making challenges.


Yeah. We're not making challenges that we're, like, gonna go and, like, invite some non training individuals to the mat just so that we can keep the shit out of them. We're not going around town looking for fights, driving with each other, looking for people to fight. Right. No.


That's not what we're doing. We're just it's it's just some it was it was we thought it would be really awesome to say at the end of the at the end of the podcast, like, hey. If you disagree with what we say, come shake hands, bump this. Let's go and have Let's go. But more importantly, like, we just wanna get more people on the jujitsu.


We wanna get we we wanna get and the the thing of it is is that, like, the people that are that are I I've always told people, like, I don't need to fight. If I wanna go fight, I'll go I'll go roll jujitsu. I get that out of my system. Time. Like, if I'm yeah.


It's just out. It's out.


Well, and could you I mean, like, seriously, could you imagine if somebody knew that you train jiu jitsu and they don't and you you went to go tune them up, their first instinct would be to to defend themselves as as much as they as much as they had to. Right. Especially guy with crazy ears, crazy look in his eyes.


Like Right.


I can't tell you how many times, like, I'm talking to somebody, and their eyes are looking at my ears like this. Yeah. And I'm like, okay. This person is 100% sizing the fact that I have that I look the way that I look. And and so I usually, I'm, like, make sure that I'm, like, super calm, super mellow, super easygoing.


I I notice right away if a dude has ears, it's like, man, ain't talking crazy to that guy. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I have no idea.


No. I know. It's it's it's it's fun.


Don't know if they have, like, a weapon on them. Right. And, man, I don't want to deal with that. I would much rather go home at night, and so, we do try to live in a a moment of kindness. Yeah.


You know, we talk about it all the time. Right? Before we got on this podcast, we were like you know, we had our little our little moment of, like, where we get together and we talk and we we help each other out of our of what we're going through, and we always, like, end with, like, hey, man. We were like, we're not very far off from each other just because we're compassionate. We are compassionate men.


Yeah. We are. We have feelings. You can get to my feelings if you want to try. You can you can find where I tie my goat with my feelings.


And Yeah. And if I and if I care about you, cool. If I don't, then I'm probably a little upset at myself that I let you inside of my boundary. Yep. And you maybe, tugged at my heartstrings or my anger strings, and I don't like those emotions.


Yeah. But it happens. It it it it's it's okay. Like, you know, we we are who we are. We are strong men Mhmm.


Who who who are who are cheering for strong men. Yeah. We're we're not cheering for, like, guys that are just douchebags to to people or




Really, really weak men who prey on people. Like, I'm not cheering for them. No. I understand that's how that is.




I'm not also trying to put myself in the position of a of a of a female.




But I will protect them as much as I can. Like, as much as I need to, I will protect them. I will do whatever it takes to make their life easier. Yeah. You know?


And I know you're the same way.


Like, the


same way.


I I I take a I take really bad offense when when specifically, when when I've been accused by women of even even indicating violence. Like, I've had I've had an experience with domestic violence where I've I've intervened in a domestic violence situation, and that person credit me credited me with with saving her life. And and so, like, I I it it it to me, I know that when you if you are if you are if you are using that against me, you are absolutely 100% trying to manipulate me.


Agreed. I agree with you.


Yeah. And


I've watched you stick up for people and stick up for your values and things, and and you're still working on them.




And especially, like, as a as a as a divorced man. Yeah. You know, you have to, like, redraw who you are as a in society. Right? Yep.


And society doesn't give you a playbook of how you should live your life now.


The scariest thing to be right now is a white man with an opinion.


I know.


A man with an opinion, but then I'm gonna add the white man with an opinion.


Blue light. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Don't shave your head. Yeah. Not happening. Yeah, dude. This was fun, man.


Yeah. No pressure. Coming up.


Oh, man. Spring break. We're heading heading Durango, Telluride, Ouray. Yeah. Ouray.


Ouray. Ouray. Ouray. Ouray. Ouray.


Ouray. Yep.


I lived in Colorado. I can barely pronounce it.


Yeah. We're gonna try.


I'm hoping I might need to bring some bolt cutters. Okay. Because if it's closed,


We're going. I'm going. Yeah. I remember, like, going to the base of the Mesa Verde stuff, and you you read all the, like, you know, little, like, creek runs through there. Yeah.


You're walking on the path, and it's talking about, like, all the fish and how they caught the fish and I how they got back up there to the to the top. You know? Because the it's because their dwellings were so far up in the cliffs. Yeah. I remember, like, being so, like, intrigued by that when I was a kid.


Like, I thought that was the coolest thing. Well, yeah, it's gonna be a fun time for you guys.


You probably went when they'd actually let you, like, crawl down in them. I remember, like, being able to go in them, but I've guessed they don't do that anymore.


Going people go in there and start marking the Marketing spots because it doesn't stop. Yeah.


Dude, we're just the worst. Yeah. Yeah. What about you? What do you got going on?


Braxton comes home Friday.


That's right. I saw that. So I'm I'm switching for trips so he can he can


Oh my gosh. Dude, so Have a


day. Yeah.


So we have not seen him in just about two years. We're gonna meet Sheena and Braden, which is his, girlfriend and her son. Their little small family that they're that they're, currently doing or currently working on, you know, see where they're going with their lives. And it'll be the first time that we meet them. They've never been, he he he keeps reminding us that that that what we live how we live is going to surprise her, so don't be, like, caught off guard if she needs a moment to because on so he comes on Friday.


On Saturday, every one of my family member is coming up to our house to do a party with some other people coming that we're that that he invited. And, we're gonna have 30 plus people in my house. My house is good sized, but it's not like that good sized day. Yeah. And it's wintertime.


It's supposed to


be Weather's not quite yet.


It's not quite. Yeah. We can't go outside. Can't send the kids outside. But he's excited.


He's they're coming home for eight days. Yeah. I think he's just excited to show her the opportunity that that they can have Yeah. When he gets out. Yeah.


She's she's she's never been over here. I'm really excited to go. So I'm gonna pick him up from the airport. I'm really excited to see what they see, like, how they look at what we see every day. We've talked about this.


Like, we see this every day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, we get jaded by the fact that, like, we see temp every day.


Yeah. You you get people to come here. You're like, look at that. People go look at that fucking mountain. You're like, oh, yeah.


Look at that mountain. Yeah. You know? And they're like, we see it every day where it's like we live in this beautiful valley that we bitch and moan about of all the Californians and Arizonans and all these people that come in and ruin it.


Freaking Oregon.


Yeah. They just ruin it, but we're like you know, I'm I'm excited to see what they, how they see it. I think that, Sheena and Misty are gonna get along really well, and Sheena's gonna attach herself to Misty like most people do. Yeah. And, I already told Braxton, I don't think they're gonna wanna leave.


Yeah. I think that Sheena and Braden are gonna be like, cool. We'll see you when you come back.


When you come back.


We're here. Gonna send our shit.


Yeah. Yeah.


You know, we're here.


You know the address.


Yeah. You know where it is. Yeah. See you when we see you. You go back whenever you want.


We'll hang out here. I think that, their relationship is moving along cool good. Braden's fourteen, I think. He's a baseball player, so I'm hoping to get with Nick Jackson


Oh, cool.


Get him to the baseball academy.


Get some new batting cages that open up here too.


Yeah. So cool.


Sounds like a good, a good time.


It'd be fun, man. Yeah. I'm excited for you. I'm excited. I'm, yeah, we have a lot of good stuff going on.


Summer camp is coming up. July, I think it's eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth. Don't mark me on those dates. There's gonna be super fights on Friday. Should be a big announcement coming out this week.


In the next couple of days, the main event should come out in the next couple of days.


Dang. Okay.


If you are yeah. If you wanna come see, come hang out with us, look on to my Instagram. You can just can usually find your way to Park City Jiu Jitsu. Anthony, big shout out to Anthony. He's opening up his academy this week.


I heard an open mat on Saturday. That's what he said.


That's what his that is what the j j. What is it?


It's Tim Jiu Jitsu Club. TJJ. TJJC. See?


TJJ. I'm I'm special.


So this will come out Friday. We're recording on Tuesday. This will come out Friday. It'll be the next day. So on Yeah.


That's Saturday.


Eighth, I think, is what they said, open mat. And I think I read on the Internet that classes start on Monday for them, so stoked for Anthony.


Yeah. Yeah. We got our belt test coming up


this month. Our belt test coming up on March 15. Good luck to those guys. Grant and Chris. Yeah.


Those guys are those great great additions.


Grant has gotten so good.


Well, that dude is yeah. Yeah. That dude has bought in a %.


He's gotten really good.


He told me this week, he's trying to decide how to convince himself to go mountain biking knowing that he could be at jiu jitsu the way that it is. Like, his life is, like, kind of revolving around jiu jitsu, like, how you do like, how it happens. Yeah. And so excited for them. And, yeah, we we, you know, just trying to trying to grow the community, trying to build the community as much as we can.


Both of us still just plugging away at the park. Yeah. Lehigh. I went down to Lehigh yes no. Monday.


Train with those guys. They're all getting really, really good. I know we're gonna have some visitors in the next couple of days. Thursday night to this week Thursday.


Pass by that time, Matt?


Yeah. By then. But we're gonna supposed to have some visitors come in this weekend that I've trained with that that are gonna be really fun. So, hopefully, we get a good turnout for Thursday night. And then, yeah, man.


Life is just plugging along. I'm happy and stoked. Alright. Yeah, dude.


Well, let's get back to it, man.




So these guys go. Appreciate you checking checking in. Thanks for another episode. Episode. Appreciate you so much, buddy.


Glad it's back.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cheers, everybody.

Protect, Provide & Pick Your Battles
Broadcast by